Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4254: : Instantly swallowed

No matter what choice you make at the end, you will not have both!

This is Jiang Xinrui's most straightforward thought.

"So what? You are about to die, you are really nosy!"

"If you can really nosy, you might as well save all your energy to deal with the lord mythical beast! It's very strong! You are not enough for it to stuff your teeth!"

He Zhengguo roared endlessly at Jiang Xinrui and others, and was mocked by a little girl like Jiang Xinrui who didn't know anything. He Zhengguo only felt that he was particularly shameless, thinking that He Zhengguo could be regarded as a half-length figure of a military horse, and made a fortune from scratch.

The family finally had a good life. What happened? He has cancer! A few days before enjoying the good days, he is about to die. He sees his wife is still young and beautiful, and when his son and daughter are in the sunshine of youth, everyone is getting better and better, only he...

He Zhengguo was really not reconciled, praying everywhere, but no one could help him. In the end, by chance, a yellow-green breath appeared around him, and then a pair of eyes appeared from the strange breath, followed by the body, He Zhengguo thought Who would it be, it turned out to be something like a mushroom, crawling in front of him fleshy.

There was nothing else in the body except the eyes, but it was able to speak. At that moment, when it said it could save him, He Zhengguo forgot to be afraid and only felt it was natural.

From that day on, their family fell into hell.

It's just that He Zhengguo doesn't regret it.

"Miss Ruier! What do you think it is?"

After He Zhengguo's words fell, Ling Shujun suddenly pointed to the four corners of the ceiling of He Sizhe's room and exclaimed.

Following Ling Shujun's words, everyone looked over and saw that He Sizhe's room seemed to be wrapped, with yellow infiltrating the corners and corners. Looking at the fleshy things, the texture was somewhat like mushrooms.

He Zhengguo's expression became even more excited when he saw this, and the loneliness and sadness just now disappeared, because he knew that it was the sacred beast that had come.

"That thing is surrounding us! If he surrounds us, we may not be able to run away."

"Uncle De, what should I do?"

Ling Shuyang kowtowed and asked Ling Shide what to do.

In fact, he didn’t understand why he didn’t run with him. It’s not because Ling Shide kept pulling him. He wanted to run but didn’t run out, but it’s different now. Ling Shuyang could see that if he didn’t run at this time, it might really be. Can't run out.

But the employer was in front, and they Ling's family took the order, so how could they ignore it?

"Then what are you waiting for? You open the door, we don't care! Let's find someone!"

Ling Shide's eyes moved slightly, and he pushed Ling Shuyang to open the door. He thought Jiang Xinrui would be able to do a little bit of work, but he was really disappointed!

In that case, what else can you wait? The balance must also be collected!

But when he turned his head and saw that an unknown yellow-green thing had grown on the door of the He family at this moment, Ling Shide retracted his body and pushed Ling Shuyang over.

Just when Ling Shuyang's hands touched the door, those yellow-green things covered Ling Shuyang's body with lightning speed.

" hurts!"

"Uncle De, save me..."

Ling Shuyang exclaimed, desperately reaching out to slap those things.

Those things sucked his flesh and blood like they had mouths. The harder Ling Shuyang was, the harder they bite, and the speed was extremely fast. After a while, Ling Shuyang's entire body was buried by yellow-green things.

The last sentence that poor Ling Shuyang said before he died was Uncle De, just me...

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