Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 883: : Terrible scum

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Wu Nan laughed out loud after listening to Chun Tao.

Then glanced at Chuntao, "Do you think you can do whatever you want when you look good? Tell you... I'm really not that scary, Huasheng's face. No matter how good-looking it is, it's also a kind of Chinese family, For me, the Hua family is a thorn in the eye. Will I like her? That bitch."

"Have you... what did the Hua family do to you, do you hate so much?"

"You don't need to know these."

"Wu Nan, can you watch when we were young..."

Chun Tao cried in a low voice, and when she was a child, she was sad.

She always thought that Wu Nan was the purest green bamboo and horse. How can you know that this man has become a demon now?

"Don't tell him when I was little, it was a bad day for pigs and dogs."

Wu Nan was a little excited, stood up, and without a burnt cigarette butt, directly pestered Chun Tao's calf.

"Ah..." Chun Tao screamed in pain from the sudden burn.

"This is a lesson for you. In the future...don't say what you shouldn't say, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, will feel better."

After finishing talking, Wu Nan threw the extinguished cigarette butts directly into the trash can and turned away.

Chuntao wanted to struggle, but that kind of medicine made her spirit sometimes good and sometimes bad, and she was not under control at all.

Chun Tao’s cell phone was also monitored by Wu Nan and was not used by her.

What WeChat likes is what Wu Nan is doing. Of course, Ginkgo doesn’t know, and Huasheng didn’t take it too seriously.

She didn't like to predict the blessings of those around her, but knew that it would be uncomfortable.

But this night, Hua Sheng still had a bad dream.

In the dream, she and Chuntao Ginkgo went to a stream that they often played with when they were young.

Then suddenly Chuntao drowned. She and Ginkgo couldn't pull it any more, watching Chuntao's body sink a little.

She shouted in pain-Miss save me, save me...

Hua Sheng woke up crying, and the river was terrified.

Embrace her directly and tightly.

"What's wrong? A Sheng, why are you crying?"

"Ah... I had a very uncomfortable dream." When Hua Sheng woke up, he found it was a dream, clutching the corner of the river tightly, and was helpless.

Jiang Liu gently patted her back to appease, "It's okay, my husband is here."

Hua Sheng buried his head in the heart of Jiangliu without saying a word.

"Did you dream about grandma?"

He thought that she was dreaming about the grandmother who passed away.

Hua Sheng shook his head, "No."

Jiang Liu didn't ask deeply. After being together for so long, she also understood Huasheng's temperament. If she wanted to say it, she would say it herself.

Wu Nanzha's terrible, Chun Tao is in trouble.

But Huasheng is not a fairy after all, she can't know everything, she just has a bad feeling in her heart.

But I didn't expect that Chun Tao would be scourge into that state by Wu Nan so quickly.

While eating breakfast, Ginkgo also told the two masters, "I just saw a sentence and laughed, do you want to listen?"

Jiang Liu was in a good mood, and put a piece of black fish meat on Huasheng. "Tell me."

Ginkgo laughed heartlessly. "No matter whether it is love or marriage, the right person will be warm and romantic for the whole life, and the wrong person will be Huashan forever."

Hua Sheng snorted after listening.

Jiangliu gave a thumbs-up, "incisive."

"I just sent it to Gao He. That guy didn't understand my stem, and he was mad at me." Ginkgo vomited.

"It's estimated that he hasn't been awake yet in a state of ignorance." Jiang Liu guessed.

"A Sheng, are you going to the company with me today?" Jiang Liu deliberately asked her.

"No, I asked Xiaoping to have dinner, and then went to the fourth sister's house in the afternoon to see Bai Kangning." Hua Sheng replied.

"Bai Kangning, this name is good, my wife is talented."

"Mr. Jiang, can you not sell melons like this?" Hua Sheng chuckled.

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