Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 884: : Who is Qiuxiang

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiangliu went to the company after breakfast, and Ginkgo drove Huasheng to the antique shop.

Yu Ping is very diligent and is cleaning up inside and outside, and the store's things are getting more and more.

The terrible thing is that those deserted shops around have also opened one after another and started a business.

Yu Ping, wearing a blue cheongsam, pointed to Huasheng, "Look at Asheng, there is a newly opened tea house. Their boss is very strange, they only sell fruit tea, nothing else, but surprisingly delicious, I I bought some for you, it's kiwi."

Hua Sheng nodded with a smile.

"There is also a noodle shop. The boss is a couple. The ancestral craftsmanship, I don’t know what noodles to use. The noodles are very strong. The main thing is that it is cheap, only 12 yuan a large bowl, very affordable, Every day at the meal, the business is very good, I have eaten almost every day these days."

"There is also a tailor shop, made of clothes, many fabrics, good quality, tailored, and the price is OK. The only drawback is that it takes a long time, because it is handmade, so a piece of clothing It takes seven days to get out."

Ginkgo is also relishing.

Yu Ping obviously has a much brighter personality. If she hadn't, she would never be so familiar with her neighbor so quickly.

Hua Sheng was also very happy when he heard it, and he was busy in the store for the next morning.

"How are you and that suitor?" Hua Sheng accidentally gossip.

"No progress, not my food."

While Yu Ping rubbed the antique ceramics, he returned casually.

At this time, Huasheng's mobile phone rang.

She glanced at an unfamiliar number and answered it.


"Hua Sheng?" There was a man's voice over there, somewhat familiar.


"Hello, I am Ling Xiao, do you remember? We asked you for WeChat before?"

There was joy in Ling Xiao's voice.

He got the Huasheng number through the channel, and he also struggled for three days before calling.

Especially watching Huasheng received it and listening to Huasheng's voice, so I was very excited.

"Oh, remember, is there something?"

Huasheng always treats unfamiliar people with a very low tone.

Unfortunately, Ling Xiao didn't notice it, and kept saying, "You still remember me, haha, can that show that I am also handsome, so impress you?"

In fact, he was really just kidding, but Hua Sheng felt that unfamiliar people joked abruptly, so he didn't like it.

"Mr. Ling, do you have anything?"

"Oh, nothing, just want to be your friend, are you free? Have dinner at noon?"

Ling Xiao took the initiative to invite lunch.

Hua Sheng felt a little angry and asked deliberately, "Mr. Ling, since you can get my phone number, I believe you should know that I am married."


"Well, since I know it, I understand my attitude too? I won’t do anything that makes my husband unhappy, so, Mr. Ling, you should be careful and you should take it. I don’t like and except You have to understand that boys other than husbands are friends."

Hua Sheng said very firmly, but also wanted to let the other party give up.

Unexpectedly, Ling Xiao was very indifferent and asked directly, "What about Xie Dongyang? What is he to you?"

Even Xie Dongyang knows that it seems that there is really no investigation of Huasheng, is this? Hua Sheng was more angry after listening.

"Xie Dongyang and I have had a life-long friendship, do you have it?"

Ling Xiao was silent...

"Leave a line on everything and meet each other in the future. I respect Ling's family, but Mr. Ling, I hope you can respect yourself."

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