Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 933: : Can't get rid of

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When Yu Ping went downstairs, he found that he was carrying a hot supper.

It is her favorite pineapple bun and Hong Kong-style milk tea.

"What are you doing? Big night?" Yu Ping was very moved.

"I think you worked hard in the past, and your heart must be very cold. I want to buy you something warm to you will be warm."

Yu Ping's eyes are sour...

As soon as the eyelashes blinked, the tears fell down.

She is actually a very fragile woman...very sensitive and cautious.

"No need to move, eat while it's hot, go back upstairs."

"Aren't you going upstairs?"

Yu Ping was stunned to see the meaning of Jing Sa.

"Not going, it's late, next time, you take a break early after eating."

"it is good."



"you are excellent."

"Thank you."

"Really, you are really excellent. You have surpassed the harm brought to you by the native family. You have been working hard to live and have always maintained your desire for life. I like your attitude to life very much."

Jing Sa said this sincerely, and it was also highly praised.

Both sides are highly educated, domineering, and are a little literary, naturally resonating.

Yu Ping carried a midnight snack and smiled slightly, "I was actually not confident, very useless, and very ugly...I was a good friend. Her appearance changed my life, and I still thank her so much for changing me. Thank you for your approval, I will... will work harder in the future."

"Well, can I like you?"

Jing Sa's words made Yu Ping stunned again.

She thought he would at least think about it. Unexpectedly, knowing her family, he still confessed.

"Miss Yu Ping, can you interact with me? I think I can protect you from anyone."

"I...I don't think I deserve it..." Yu Ping felt guilty.

"You deserve it, you are fine."

"Then I...then I am willing to give it a try."

Under the encouragement and guidance of Jing Sa, Yu Ping finally took the courage to take another step.

At this time, it had been more than half a year since she broke up with Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao already had a girlfriend. The past things should be relieved.

Hua Sheng is right, not every relationship will have its beginning and end, nor every relationship will end without a stagnation.

As long as we treat each relationship well, everyone we like will be fine.

The past is not to blame, but the future is expected.

That night, Yu Ping specially thanked Huasheng and sent a 200 yuan red envelope.

"A Sheng, I'm out of order."

"Wow, congratulations."

Hua Sheng was the WeChat news I saw the next day. After knowing that it was Jing Sa, I was very happy and felt that the man's character was not bad.

I just didn't expect that doom will come so soon.

After Yu Ping heard the address in the mouth of her relatives, she was not satisfied with the money.

Bringing my younger brother and the seven elder aunts and eight elder aunts of the village to find their daughter again.

And this time it was 11 people, obviously it came to ask for money, not to see her daughter at all.

Yu Ping was stuck at the door of the door community, and he was crazy.

She didn't dare to call Jing Sa, she didn't want her boyfriend to see such an unbearable scene just after falling in love.

"Don't I give you the money?" Yu Ping looked at his mother, very tired.

"What about your money to send the dog? Look at you now... What's wrong with the dog model? What's wrong? Don't recognize your parents when you get rich? Are you still a human being? You grow up, or can you live to the present? You drive hundreds of thousands of cars, you have to get me 300,000, or I won’t go today."

"I don't have 300,000, I don't have money." Yu Ping bit his teeth with red eyes, I don't know if it's hatred or blame.

She also knew at this moment that as long as they did not die, she seemed unable to get rid of her life.

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