Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 934: : Man-made disaster

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Then sell the car." Yu Ping's mother was extremely unreasonable.

The community security guards and residents came out to see the excitement, and Yu Ping suddenly lost his hope.

She also finally knows that no matter how bright and beautiful you are, as long as these **** sticks come out and slap fans, they will always remind you of your humble origins.

Then, in a minute, it became a laughing stock, Yu Ping really had even a dead heart.

Fortunately, when she was desperate, she called Huasheng, "Asheng, save me."

When Hua Sheng received the call, He Fengxi was shopping, and the two immediately came by car.

Huasheng is light blue wide-leg pants, discreet black short-sleeved, always white canvas bag.

The wind is pretty, it is a lotus suit, very cool.

Feng Xi got out of the car with the car key, turned away the crowd, and gathered up, "What's the situation?"

Seeing them, Yu Ping knew that the savior was coming, and the desperate eyes immediately rekindled the flames.

She whispered, "My mom brought someone to make trouble."

Quietly, but both Feng Xi and Hua Sheng could hear clearly. Although Feng Xi was not familiar with Yu Ping, she knew some things about her.

So I immediately understood what was going on. Hua Sheng also knew that the woman with the wind would naturally not have to shoot herself.

Sure enough, the windy hippie smiled up, "Auntie, are you Xiaoping's mother?"

"Who are you?" Yu Ma looked at the wind defensively.

"Ah, I'm Xiaoping's friend. Since you are coming from afar, you can say anything slowly. The hot weather can keep you at the door? Go, I will pay you to stay at the hotel."

As soon as Yu heard it, she was very happy. "It's still a sensible person, it really kills me."

"Feng Xi......" Yu Ping didn't understand Feng Xi's routine, thinking that he wanted to use money to send his family.

Yu Ping means, you can't give money, you can't give a penny.

Because she sent a lot of people before, the mother was clearly a lion's mouth, and she was really a cash machine.

Hua Sheng held Yu Ping, shook her head at her, and motioned her not to ask more.

Waiting for Fengxi to take those relatives away, Hua Sheng said, "Relax, Fengxi is not a soft persimmon, and some can deal with them."

"Xiao Sheng, I'm making you tired again..." Yu Ping was guilty.

"My friends don't say such things, it's not your fault, let's go, let's go upstairs first."

Hua Sheng followed Yu Ping upstairs, and Yu Ping naturally talked about the things before and after.

Hua Sheng's peace of mind was calm. Because Yu Ping's family was so good, she had known for a long time, so it is not surprising that they can do such a thing.

"My mother is very disgusting. She has been shouting just now that I did bad things outside, and the money is not clean... Say I betray hue, Xiaosheng, you said, how can anyone in the world treat themselves like this What about my daughter? What am I doing wrong?" Yu Pingman was wronged.

Hua Sheng handed tissue paper, "You're right, they asked for unlimited, you just said your dad was injured?"

Yu Ping nodded...

Hua Sheng asked, "Do you know your father's birthday?"


Then Yu Ping reported a series of dates of birth. Huasheng looked down and pondered, and didn't even bother to move his fingers.

Ten seconds later, he raised his head and glanced at Yu Ping, "Xiao Ping, your dad is not a big deal, and he is expected to die within six months.

"What?" Yu Ping stunned.

"He has run out of yangshou, to put it bluntly, that is, he has done a lot of bad things, and could have lived to 71, but..." Hua Sheng didn't say anything later, but Yu Ping could understand it.

"And... there is a man outside of your mother, your dad seems to be man-made in this accident."

After Huasheng finished this sentence, Yu Ping's eyes widened again and he took a breath.

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