Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 969: : Everyone dares to dare

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng's hand was ready to turn on the light, and he didn't turn on the light.

Instead of calming down after the fear, she walked slowly over to the figure.

"Are you here for Xiaobai?"

The man's voice is very indifferent, "You really don't look at the underworld, whether it is a human or a cat, you have to intervene."

Hua Sheng knew that Pluto would not come arbitrarily, since there must be something to come.

Xiaobai is a cat. In fact, the cat is blunt. He is also a member of the Three Realms and Six Reincarnations. He died this time, maybe what is in the next life.

But Huasheng used Xiaoqi to save Xiaobai's life. That Xiaobai had already exhausted all his energy. Now it is like this.

Isn't this a broken rule?

There is no difference between the twelve and the underworld. When I heard that Hua Sheng did it, I didn't dare to come. After all, I was terrified after the last war.

Lord Pluto simply came in person. He also wanted to ask the woman what he wanted to do?

Hua Sheng's attitude is fairly modest, respectful.

"Master Pluto, I really did not deliberately enemies with you, and I dare not despise you as enemies. Xiaobai is a cat, but also our little black lover, the mother of two children. I really can't bear to look at it Just leave..."

"Who do you think you are? In this world, everything has its own life. Do you really help others by intervening in the fate of others like this?"

Hua Sheng didn't speak...

Pluto's black sleeves flicked, and a golden scroll fell to the ground and spread out...

"Look for yourself...If this cat died today, after the extradition of the was sent to the human world for reincarnation. That is to say, she is already full of practice in the animal world and can be reincarnated as a human, just Because of your own selfishness, she missed the opportunity to be reborn. Do you think she would be a cat forever?"

Hua Sheng said nothing...

Indeed, she was too decisive in this matter, and it was her fault that Xiaobai missed the opportunity to be reborn.

"You arrogant woman, relying on herself a little skill, is not afraid of the sky, you will suffer sooner or later."

Pluto looked at the woman in front of her. Although he was to blame, he did not want her to suffer.

First of all, Heaven Emperor asked about it, but he didn't say it, and Bai Ran wouldn't say it.

Once it is known that there are already people who will be able to fire in nine days in these three realms and six Dao, then... she will surely be chased and killed by many gods, Buddhas and demons in the three realms and six Dao.

Pluto is in charge of life and death, but he is not bad, nor as ruthless as the legend.

"This thing...I'm really reckless, if I now..."

"No, it's too late to regret it." Pluto was not angry.

"I haven't finished, how do you know what I'm going to say?" Hua Sheng raised his head and confronted the man.

"What you have to say, this seat is clear."

"What do you know, you still say that I am arrogant and arrogant, I think you are even more arrogant than me. Next time you talk about others, think about what you are like? I mean... if I tell you now, I don’t want to Let Xiaobai go into reincarnation, and want her to be with Xiaohei forever?"

"Are you crazy?" Pluto stared.

"I have the ability to protect them. In fact, being a person is not necessarily happier than being a cat. I am a fisherman and I know the joy of fish." Hua Sheng said calmly.

Pluto's face was black and black, "White dye is right, you are a woman who dares to dare to die home."

"If you want to think about it like this, I can't help it, or else... just fight." Hua Sheng's voice wasn't very loud, but he was a liver tremor.

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