Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 970: : The Wonder of Blood Moon

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"You must fight if you don't move. Do you really think you are invincible?" Pluto is going to be mad.

As the master of the underworld, he is respectful everywhere he goes, and no one is not afraid of him.

Even the gods in Jiutian are courteous to him, no one dares to offend the master who controls life and death.

But the woman in front of her, a woman with a mortal breath, always talked about making a fight.

Isn't it just a nine-day black fire?

But don't you really say that this nine-day mysterious fire is enough for the gods of the Three Realms and Six Dao to talk and change color.

"I'm not invincible in the world, but I think dealing with problem."

Pluto: ...

In fact, Hua Sheng rarely talks and talks about bragging, but she is confident to deal with the person in front of her, although she has never fought.

Pluto really wanted to hang up this woman for a fight.


"You are waiting for this seat." He pointed at her.

"I'm not leaving, waiting for you at any time."

"Good, very good." Pluto is really going to be blown up. Three realms and six lives have lived for tens of thousands of years. I have never seen such an arrogant woman. It is almost indignant.

In fact, Huasheng is very popular. No one does not like her. Of course, Pluto is also talking about it.

Even Bai Ran saw that he had never thought of embarrassing Hua Sheng in his heart.

I wanted to say something, but the sound of a roaring engine came out of the window, and the river was back.

The dark shadow in front of him disappeared instantly, and the lights in the living room lit up by himself, so letting go of the illusion of the Buddha just now.

Jiang Liu came in with the car key and saw Hua Sheng standing in the living room.

"Are you just back?"

"Well, I have just returned."

"No wonder, no clothes changed..."

Jiang Liu smiled, walked over, hugged his wife directly, and then shattered his thoughts, "I'm so tired today. I ran through several construction sites. Dad had to make his own real estate. You know I don't like to contact real estate. But the old man's mind is decided, I can only watch it with him."

"How? Is there a suitable one?"

"Well, I'm still watching. I'm so tired. Is there anything to eat at home?"

Jiang Liu recently liked to play with Hua Sheng, so she glued her, deliberately put her chin on her shoulder, and then smelled the natural fragrance on her body.

At every moment beside Huasheng, Jiang Liu felt that it was a good year and a good life.


"Then your husband will starve to death?"

"There is only one me in the family, otherwise you will eat me." Hua Sheng said quipped.

Jiang Liu smiled brilliantly, burying her head at her neck and rubbing it.

"This is what you said, you can't regret it."

Knowing that he had misunderstood, Hua Sheng quickly explained, "Don't think too much, I don't mean anything... Gingko should come back later, don't be fooled."

"Ginkgo will come back when she comes back. We haven't shown love in front of her?"

"Haha." Hua Sheng feels that Mr. Jiang has increasingly been offline recently.

The two couples didn't change clothes, so they were greasy in the living room.


Outside the dark window, weird light began to radiate.

Hua Sheng gently pushed away the river and walked to the window, then his face changed greatly.

The moon on that day did not know when it became red, and the red was scary, and the red was about to bleed.

"what happened?"

Jiang Liu was surprised when she looked at Hua Sheng. She walked behind her.

"Her husband, look there." Hua Sheng's voice was very soft, and her eyes looked into the air.

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