Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 981: : I saw him

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Xi thought he had just died in the hands of several monsters, so he had no hope.

But after a scream, she was safe.

Opening her eyes, she narrowed her eyes, and after seeing clearly, she was dumbfounded.

In front of him stood a three- or four-year-old child, a little boy.

He wore a red apron and looked like a cute baby.

His head was smooth, like a little monk, and his face was clean.

The most important thing is that there is a white aperture around him, and it is right for the luminous children.


The wind was confused, and I didn't know what happened.

Several goblins are also dumbfounded. You look at me and I look at you. You don’t know what happened, just when the raccoon cat died under the wind.

A white light appeared, ejecting the raccoon cat's body a dozen meters away. That was a very powerful force.

"Where is the devil, get away." The bat demon leaned over in the air to warn.

The child was also unreasonable, turned around and stretched a finger against the wind, slowly using a mysterious force to lift the wind from the ground.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm okay, you..." Feng Xi is also in a state of dumb expression.

"I'm the one in your belly." The child pointed to the windy belly.

Feng Xi was surprised, his mouth open, he couldn't believe it.

"Unborn children are protected by a fetal god, and I also have... Because of your relationship, my fetal **** is very powerful, and he can let me show up at a critical moment." The child explained.

The wind took a deep breath, but this was really the first time I heard about it.

"Ghost, do you think you can protect this woman? Both of you are going to die today."

After that, the snake demon spurted a blaze of flame against the wind, and the child responded quickly, and dodged immediately after dragging the wind.

"You don't care about me, you go, this thing is not your business, I can't make you tired... This is Fengjia you, and you... haven't been born yet, not Feng family, you go quickly and find A good family reincarnated."

Feng Xi knows that this child has limited abilities and can't be the opponent of those monsters, especially the raccoon cat, which is a thousand-year-old monster.

Not so easy to deal with, so let the kids run fast.

Unexpectedly, the child shook his head, "I chose it myself, let you be my mother, I will not leave you alone, even if there is no voice, I have drunk your blood for two months, so you Carefully feed me, I shouldn't care about you. Reincarnation is small, but you and I have a fate, how can I see you end like this?"

After listening to the wind, she almost shed tears. This two-month-old baby spirit in her stomach actually said so.

And a mother with a mouthful, it makes the windy heart become cute.

For this child, Feng Xi endured severe pain together with big and small wounds on his body.

She stood up unsteadily, "Stand behind me without you."

The child bounced behind the wind, and she gasped slightly, "Damn, bully me, bully my son will never work, tigers don't show any power, do you really treat me as a sick cat? Let me show you today Lao Niang's unique skills, not relying on the Fengjia, invented their own unique skills."

In fact, the wind doesn't know whether it will work or not. This skill has never been used. If it wasn't for the child to appear, she didn't plan to try it. She was ready to die.

But... things often turn around in an instant.

The wind bit his thumb, wiped the blood on his eyebrows, and wrote a charm on his eyebrows... Then he said some incomprehensible spells in his mouth.

Then the blood began to spread around the charm of the charm like a circle, the town demon rune circle by circle, after the blood stained with red light.

The monsters were suddenly stung by the red light, covering their eyes, and the **** cat monster stepped back step by step... it was very frightening to see.

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