Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 982: : Killing

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Boss, what is this woman doing?" the demon mouse asked.

"She's crazy, she uses her own tools, draws spells, and extradites her blood... to deal with us, don't be afraid, as long as you hold on, the woman's blood will drain in a short time. The same will die."

In the end it is the demon of the millennium Daoxing, who can understand the wind routine at a glance.

Now the other four demon also understand that this woman wants to die together.

Use oneself as a magic weapon, spread the town demon rune around, the town rune rune with blood is naturally powerful, because it is the blood of the wind family.

This also makes up for the short board where the wind has no spiritual power, and it must be said that the mind is indeed very bright.

"Mom, if you go on like this, you will bleed and die," the child said behind him.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of death. It's just a life. I have to put a few backs on it. You go quickly... Don't be here, I will detonate here in a while, and I will die with them."

The wind has been thought about, and when the demon are turned by the power of the town demon rune, they detonate the demon in their body.

That is the one Huasheng gave her before, when the demon burst, the natural power is huge.

Even the one with a thousand years' life is hard to escape, so she made up her mind and started a vigorous battle.

I didn't do this originally, it was because Feng Xi wanted to keep a whole body for himself.

Not wanting to be blown into pieces, when the child came out, she completely inspired her mother's love and wanted to do something great.

The **** cat demon would definitely be unwilling to do so when he saw the wind. After changing back to human form, he used the magic to produce countless palm-sized beetles.

"Go, haunt this woman."

The army of beetles rushed to the wind and the children.

The wind freed one hand and turned it into a golden shield to protect the child inside.

But one of his arms was unable to be drained by the beetle's breath, and suddenly came a tingling pain of heart rot.

"Look how long you can persist..." The civet cat's eyes showed a fascinating light, and it looked like a good show.

At this moment, a white light flashed, the beetle army suddenly fell into a sea of ​​fire, and instantly turned to ashes.

The windy arm also recovered its original smoothness, and she almost cried when she saw clearly.

"Fuck, you came so late, I was almost hanging..."

Hua Sheng glanced at her and said nothing.

Turning around directly, the palms of both hands ignited a blue flame, illuminating the entire dark garage as bright as the day.

"Here comes another to die, ha ha." The **** demon does not know the identity of Hua Sheng, so he thought it was an unknown junior, and he did not put it in his eyes.

Hua Sheng said nothing, a blue fire surrounded all five monsters.

The other four, in an instant, suddenly turned to ashes... not even slag.

At that moment, the **** demon was surprised, "How is it possible? Even the true fire of the prince's sage is not so powerful, and can be turned into ashes so quickly, who are you?"

The **** cat demon uses his life's demon power to cover himself in the enchantment and resist this blue flame.

But it was useless. It took only five seconds for the shield to be broken open, and the blue flame instantly engulfed the **** demon, burning him beyond recognition.

"Ahhhhhhh..." The scream of the cat monster came from the garage, making people shivering when they heard it.

Feng Xi sat tired on the ground and looked at Hua Sheng with a smile, "I have known you for so long, the first time I watched you slay the killing ring, it's really addictive."

Hua Sheng swept the windy face lightly, "Are you still smiling?"

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