Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 983: : That kid

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The civet cat was still unwilling to die, and kept shouting, "I don't accept, I don't accept... Woman, you tell me, what kind of fire you are, why can't you extinguish... you tell me."

Hua Sheng didn't tell him, because it didn't matter whether he told or not.

Of course, if the goblin knew that he died in the fire of the second-height sea soul of Jiu Tianxuan, it might be relieved.

After all, this is a divine skill that has disappeared for thousands of years. No one in the Three Realms and Six Dao will know this kind of flame.

The twelve ghosts of the two Hades were beaten, and it was even said that he was a thousand-year-old demon.

It was precisely because they almost killed the wind that Hua Sheng directly skipped the first weight and directly used the sea soul.

The fire of the sea soul, like the blue flame of the sea, once burned, it will endlessly.

Until the target turns into ashes, it automatically extinguishes, which is why, as long as the twelve inferiors hear Hua Sheng's name, they dare not say anything.

Only those who have been burned by the fire have learned what it means to be really ecstatic.

The flame is a hundred times more painful than the normal flame. Both physical attacks and spell attacks have exceeded the limit of bearing.

That's why it's a discoloration...

Of course, it was precisely because of this flame that Huasheng dared to make repeated remarks and even threatened Lord Pluto.

Bairan often used this incident to make fun of Ming Yan, which was indeed the black spot of his life.

The Fire of the Sea Soul, not to mention a demon of one thousand years, that of five thousand years, will also be strongly attacked.

So, it was really only a moment, all five monsters disappeared.

The five demon pill, held by Hua Sheng, are in five colors.

The shining silver light is the raccoon demon demon pill of the millennium.

Hua Sheng condensed aura and used the flames to condense the five demon pill into a white pill.

Not talking about the wind, Hua Sheng pinched her chin directly, opened her mouth, and stuffed the pill into it.

"Why are you poisoning me?" The wind laughed.

"Yes, Hedinghong." Hua Sheng was not angry.

Only then did Hua Sheng see a child standing beside Feng Xi.


"My son, come here, called Aunt Shengsheng."

The child really cleverly said, "Aunt Shengsheng is good."

Hua Sheng was suddenly thundered out of focus.

"Don't be surprised, if it weren't for him, I might have just died...he used the power of the fetal **** to protect me..."

"So you're crazy, use your own skills, to die together?" Hua Sheng was very angry when he thought of this.

If you come a little late, it is estimated that this woman will be broken into pieces?

"Hey, it's okay... isn't it not dead yet? Say... how do you know I'm okay?"

Because he was enchanted by the monster, the outside world could not get the news. The wind thought that Huasheng would not come. After all, there was no way to know her situation.

Hua Sheng pointed to the wind and a very thin red rope on his wrist, "That's my thing, and it's a safe rope. Naturally, it's useful. I will do it for each of you, as long as you are in life and death, I have induction."

"That is to say, it did touch life and death just now, so the red rope helped me spread the letter." The wind was a little jumpy.

"Yes." Hua Sheng nodded.

"My mother, this is my destiny... Ha... These five things almost took my old life." Feng Xi patted his chest, a little bit afraid.

"The other monsters have average mana. If you are not pregnant, you are not your opponent. Only the raccoon cat is a bit troublesome. It has 1200 years of moral behavior and is evil repair. It has eaten many children's primitive spirits, and its magic power is very strong. If you are not pregnant, you are not necessarily an opponent." Hua Sheng reported accurate data.

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