Fortunate Wife

Chapter 109 Watching a Movie (Please Subscribe, Ask for a Monthly Pass)

"Li Shu, don't be impulsive." Li Man chased all the way to the backyard, saw that Li Shu was about to hit Xingniang with a shovel, and hurriedly stopped him and hugged him.

"Stinky bitch." Li Shu didn't break free from Li Man, but just pointed at Xingniang and scolded angrily, "You miss men every day, don't you? Are you going to peek at someone's wall, are you ashamed?"

"Shameless?" Xingniang lay on the wall with her hands on her hips, her expression was very disdainful, "No matter how shameless my old lady is, I wouldn't do this with men in broad daylight."

Knowing that Li Shu was being stopped by Li Man, she was not afraid anymore. She stared at Li Shu provocatively. Seeing his injured face, she gloated at his misfortune at first, and then her eyes were attracted by his strong chest muscles. Moving down slowly, he was only wearing a pair of shorts and a pair of strong and long legs.

Xingniang bit her lip slightly, feeling her eyes were stabbed by something, fixed on his swollen crotch, unable to move even if she moved.

Xingniang didn't expect that the thing under Li Shu's body was so majestic even if it didn't harden? If she reacts to this, she will not let the woman die happily. She can't help but her heart is rippling, her body becomes hot, and her winking eyes become more and more silky. Looking at Li Shu, her voice was so hot and delicate that she could squeeze out water .

"Hey, Sanlang, what's wrong with you? Your face is hurt like this? Sister-in-law's heart aches when she sees it."

Li Man was stunned for a moment, this woman's attitude changed too quickly.

"None of your business? Get out of here, don't lie on the wall of our house in the future, or I'll kill you with a shovel." Li Shu raised the shovel very rudely, and said viciously, "It's for my wife's sake today , don’t care about you bitch, next time, I want you to look good.”

Saying that, Li Shu lazily looked at Xingniang's coquettish appearance, and dragged Li Man back to the house, "Let's go, daughter-in-law, let's go home."

"Oh." Li Man also saw that Xingniang was about to make a fuss about Li Shu, and felt a little suffocated in her heart.

"Hey, Sanlang, don't go, my sister-in-law still has something to say, my sister-in-law has medicine at home, do you want it?" Seeing that he was going to leave, Xingniang felt a little reluctant, stretched her neck and shouted towards him.

Li Shu spat on the ground fiercely, and cursed, "Shameless." He even seduced and seduced him in front of his wife, which is not to be dealt with.

Li Man saw that Li Shu was very angry, so she didn't dare to speak anymore, fearing that if she said something bad, she would provoke him to beat someone, even though the woman really deserved it.

Seeing Li Shu enter the front yard from the corner of the house, and there was no shadow to be seen, Xingniang looked away, turned her face to look at the foolish man looking out from the gate of her house, couldn't help being jealous, and angrily scolded Li Shu Man, "Shameless trampling, has been fucked by men, pretends to be like a saint every day, I bah... bah bah."

Spit into the wall of Li's courtyard a few times, Xingniang was still puzzled, Li Shu's swollen crotch kept appearing in her mind, the emptiness under her body was unbearable, and when her legs were pinched, a gust of heat gushed out, which annoyed her Panting, but unable to relieve it, he had no choice but to yell at home, "Da Shun, hurry up and get Er Shun's dead bastard back to my old lady."

As soon as Li Shu returned to the room, he heard Xingniang's sharp roar, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Sisters, I can't hold it back anymore."

Li Man took the shovel from his hand, carefully put it in the corner of the room, and said, "Li Shu, next time you want to beat someone, you have to pick something good, like the woman just now, you take this shovel and go over there, If you accidentally shot someone to death, you still have to pay for his life, is it a loss?"

"Then what should I use?" Li Shu looked at her amusedly.

Li Man looked around, and seemed to have nothing to take advantage of, so she pointed to the broom and said, "It's enough to hit that woman, use this to slap her mouth, spank her ass, it's fine. Just teach me a lesson. Can't kill anyone."

Li Shu chuckled twice, a wife is cruel enough to slap someone's mouth with a broom? Interesting, but spanking a woman? This is debatable, not any woman's ass, he wants to spank.

"What do you see me doing?" Li Man was stared at by his dark eyes, panicked inexplicably, remembering what happened to Xingniang, she hurriedly took two steps back, "Li Shu, I asked Xiao Wu to come back and write. "

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu strode up and grabbed her arm.

Li Man struggled anxiously, "Li Shu, don't mess around, I, I'm not ready yet, you—"

"What are you afraid of?" Li Shu stretched out his hand and poked her on the forehead in a funny way, and then said mysteriously, "Daughter-in-law, let's go, I'll take you to the theater, if you see a good show."

"Good show?" Is there any theater troupe in this poor valley? Li Man was curious, and was dragged out of the door by him excitedly.

However, Li Shu took her to squat down by the outer wall of Xingniang's kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Li Man's eyes widened curiously, and then she heard a woman's unbearable humming from the room, "What's going on?"

"Hush." ​​Li Shu immediately covered her mouth, then gently opened the small wooden window with one hand, and pointed at Li Man.

Li Man was curious, and looked in through the gap, and was stunned by the scene inside, blushing.

A white woman, her hands were bound by the rope hanging from the beam, and there was a thick black man in front of her and behind her, who held her in the middle and bumped her fiercely.

"Well...Er Shun, hurry up, use more force, oh, that's it...Okay, ah...Da Shun, you stupid ass, slipped out, come in quickly, I am so uncomfortable, ah. ... A useless guy, so soft so quickly? Get that thing quickly."

The silly-looking man withdrew from her in fear, hurried to the bottom of the cupboard, took out a huge phallic model from a box, and then quickly and even rudely stuffed it into Xingniang's body, like a piston Push hard and pull hard.

The woman screamed happily, the man roared roughly, and the room was filled with obscenity.

Li Man quickly squatted down, not daring to listen to Xingniang's more unrestrained words, grabbed Li Shu by the corner of his clothes, and wanted to drag him home.

Brat, do you dare to peek at this for the good show he said? Did he often watch it before?

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu also squatted down against the wall, his beautiful and deep phoenix eyes were also stained with lust, staring at Li Man, wishing to throw her down immediately and tear her apart.

Li Man glared at him fiercely, and wanted to leave against the wall, but was grabbed by him.

"Why are you two squatting here?" At this moment, Li Yan's voice came, and both of them jumped in fright.

Li Man's feet softened, and she half-kneeled on the ground, and was pulled up by Li Shu with one hand.

"Shhh, second brother, that bitch is making sandwich cakes again. She thinks Dashun is useless, so she pokes it with that wooden prong." Li Shu pulled Li Yan and whispered in his ear.

Li Yan giggled and looked at Li Man meaningfully. He didn't say a word, but the people who looked at her were guilty and flustered.

"I..." Li Man muttered, not daring to look him in the eyes, "Li Shu dragged me here, I, I didn't see anything." The last sentence was obviously guilty.

"Then what else do you want to see?" Li Yan asked quietly.

"Ah, Er Shun, that's it, a little more force, oh, Da Shun, suck me, rub it hard, um, it's so comfortable..."

At this time, Xingniang's excited and grinding voice came from inside the room again, and Li Yan's questioning eyes were in front of her eyes again, Li Man was so embarrassed that she couldn't explain it, she turned around, and ran away as if to escape.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu instinctively stretched out his hand, wanting to pull her, but was slapped by Li Yan, "Are you taking her to see these things?"

As he said that, he glanced from the corner of his eye through the crack of the window, and disgust immediately filled his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Li Shu looked at the blood spurting.

Li Yan grabbed his arm with one hand, dragged him back, and scolded him angrily, "What's the matter? You are also a bit promising? Take your own wife to watch other people's affairs? Big brother should know, see if he doesn't fight you."

"Me." Back in his own courtyard, Li Shu calmed down slowly, looked at the dissatisfied expression of the second brother, and begged, "Second brother, you are not allowed to tell the eldest brother about today's matter."

Li Yan glanced at him, "Okay, I won't say anything, and don't do this in the future, do you hear me?"

"Oh." Li Shu lowered his head and rolled his eyes secretly. He just wanted to show his wife to see the excitement.

"Okay, you are still injured, go back to the house and rest, don't run around." After Li Yan taught his younger brother, he put the hoe away, went to the oshi well to wash his face and hands, and then took his time. Go to the east room.

It's enough for the third brother to teach her a lesson, but as for the daughter-in-law, he doesn't want to let it go so easily, peeking at this kind of thing is really a big loss, and I don't know if the third brother's brain has been kicked by a donkey?

Standing by the door, Li Yan curled up two fingers in a gentlemanly manner. It is necessary to knock on the door. He always thought that he was a polite and elegant man. As for knocking on the door, the people inside should not answer it, or if they do not intend to open the door. , then he also has a set of other methods.

Breaking through a window is the most straightforward.

Li Man looked at Li Yan who jumped in from the front window in surprise, "You, how did you get in?" She fastened the doors and windows vigilantly.

Li Yan raised a thin piece of bamboo in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Don't worry, a peg won't be able to stop me."

"You?" He is also good at picking locks? Li Man's heart skipped a beat. Like him, wouldn't he be able to enter her room at any time?

"What's wrong with me?" Li Yan walked slowly towards the kang, "Are you feeling better?"

Did he have such a good heart to jump in through the window to care about her body? Li Man didn't answer, just looked at him warily.

Li Yan frowned helplessly, "Damn girl, if you look at me like this again, I..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek angrily and helplessly, "Am I so annoying to you? You stare at me like an enemy every day."

"Of course, which girl would like a man who comes in through the window." Li Man said angrily.

Li Yan smiled lightly and said innocently, "I've knocked on the door."

"Not opening means that I'm not in the mood right now. You should leave wisely." Li Man still had a grim expression. She was used to making trouble like this. In the future, she would have no security at all. The doors and windows are useless. What else would she have? Guard against him.

Thinking about it makes me panic!

"Not in the mood?" Li Yan couldn't help squinting his eyes, staring at her closely with such a dangerous taste, "What can you do to not be in the mood?"

Li Man said angrily, "Why should I tell you?"

"Aren't you still thinking about what you saw just now?" Li Yan raised his eyebrows at her maliciously, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Li Man's cheeks turned red, she closed her eyes and said, "I didn't think about it."

"Yo, I still saw it." Li Yan snorted.

Li Man was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered what she had lied to him just now and said that she didn't see it.


"Just look at it, why don't you dare admit it?" Li Yan suddenly sat on the kang, raised the corners of his lips, and looked at her with a smile, "Angry? Is it because I spoiled your interest and didn't let you enjoy watching it? If that's the case, you can go again, the family probably hasn't finished yet, so go. I won't say anything. "

Li Man blushed, gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't want to see it."

"I know, that bastard third brother tricked you." Li Yan said lightly.

Li Man was so aggrieved, "It's because he didn't make it clear. He said he would take me to the theater. I thought——it was a theater, but I didn't know——"

"Okay, don't explain yourself."

"I didn't explain it. It's the truth. I don't want to read it."

"But I just saw that you looked very energetic."


"Then why are you blushing? Do you want to..."

"Li Yan, you bastard." Being forced by him, Li Man stretched out her hand to punch him.

Li Yan smiled lowly, grabbed her by the hand, and brought her into his arms, "Fool, what are you kidding, what are you in a hurry for?"

Does he seem to be teasing her? It was like the police caught a client and interrogated her. Li Man pushed him, "Let go of me."

"Not loose." Li Yan circled his arms tighter.

Li Man struggled, but she didn't move. She found helplessly that, except for Xiao Wu, none of the men in this family could be moved by her anymore.

"In the end what you want?"

"Look at you." Li Yan straightened her body and shook his head helplessly, "I'm really just teasing you, do you really take it seriously? Be good, don't cry."

"Who's crying?" Seeing that he was about to rub her cheek with his fingers, she quickly turned her head to avoid it.

Li Yan didn't believe it, "Don't you cry, your eyes are so red?"

"I like red, what does it have to do with you?" Li Man was so depressed that she almost cried, and she was caught by him for peeping.

Li Yan kissed her hair distressedly, "You are my daughter-in-law, idiot, I will feel bad if you cry."

"You—" Li Man raised his eyes, and bumped into his deep eyes head-on, where there was no longer joking and teasing, but deep affection and seriousness.

She didn't understand, "Li Yan, what exactly do you want? Is it true that there are no women who like you? Could it be that you have to take me because you made an oath?"

"Who told you that? Even if I didn't swear, I still want you. You are the daughter-in-law of my Li family, and also my Li Yan's daughter-in-law. If I don't want you, who would want you?" Li Yan said it was a matter of course.

Li Man shook her head, "Li Yan, tell me the truth, have you really never liked other women?"

Li Yan didn't answer directly, but stared at her carefully, and after a long time, Fang asked, "Man'er, are you jealous?"

jealous? Li Man's eyes widened, "You think too much, I just think, since you have had a woman, don't come to provoke me, okay?"

"No." Li Yan replied decisively.


Li Yan raised his right hand, "I, Li Yan, swear, there was absolutely no other woman before you."

"You? Do you think I will believe it?" Li Man snorted.

Li Yan didn't take it seriously, "You don't believe me, there's nothing you can do, anyway, I'm just you as a woman, why don't you test it?"

"Why..." Li Man just wanted to ask how to do the test, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly changed her words, "I'm not interested."

"Heh, up to you." Li Yan gently pinched her little earlobe, which was still red and dripping with blood, with his fingers.

Li Man hurriedly broke away, "Don't touch me."

"Okay, don't touch it, let me see how your injuries are doing?" Li Yan said and wanted to take off her clothes again.

"It's okay." Li Man yelled and avoided him.

Seeing her leaning against the corner and staring at him vigilantly, Li Yan suddenly smiled, "Fool, can you hide from me like this for the rest of your life? I'm your man."

Li Man clenched her teeth, wanting not to admit it.

"Are you afraid of me?" Li Yan suddenly frowned deeply, his eyes were surprised, and he seemed to realize this.

Li Man didn't say a word, she couldn't tell if she was afraid of him, but out of the men in this family, he was the only one that she couldn't figure out or control.

Like when he came into her house.

Without her permission, other people would definitely not come in casually, but he is different, as long as he wants to do, he never cares what she thinks, just do it directly.

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and already had the answer in his heart, "I never thought you were really afraid of me?" He said, he stretched his hand forward, wanting to touch her comfortingly, but she avoided it.

"Fool, what do I have to be afraid of? Besides, have I beaten you, beaten you, scolded you?"

She has never been afraid of the elder brother's ice-like face, or the third brother's fiery temperament that is always ready to beat people.

He is such a gentle and considerate man, how could she be afraid?

He couldn't figure it out, so he looked at her carefully, "What are you afraid of me? I didn't eat you either."

On the contrary, the eldest brother ate her so that there was not even scum left.

Thinking about it makes me feel angry again.

Li Man didn't speak, but in fact she also felt annoyed, why should she be afraid of him?

The two stared at each other for a while, Li Yan suddenly became depressed again, "Since you are afraid of me, why do you always disobey me? You are not obedient at all."

Li Man felt nauseous in her heart, obviously he made things difficult for her, okay? I really admire his ability to reverse black and white.

"You—" Li Yan raised his eyes and glanced at her somewhat unfathomably.

Li Man's heart tightened, "What do you want?"

"What are you afraid of?" Li Yan didn't like the feeling of being scared by her, so he slowly approached her, "Girl, I'm actually pretty good, if you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Li Yan—" He slowly pressed down, and Li Man could only shrink back to the corner.

"Really, don't be nervous." Li Yan propped up the wall with one hand, raised her chin with the other, raised her face, and a gentle kiss fell on her lips.

Li Man instinctively wanted to struggle, but he supported her back with a big palm, slowly stroking her back gently upwards.

His lips were warm and soft, gently stroking her lips, the tip of his tongue traced the shape of her lips, and slowly entered her slightly opened mouth, looking for her uneasy scent, guiding her Dance with her obsessively.

This kiss was unusually gentle, without a hint of aggression, yet it drowned her like a drizzle.

She felt that she was like a delicate flower, being carefully cared for by him. Gradually, she couldn't help but let go of her guard and let his kiss gradually deepen.

Seeing her limp in his arms, Li Yan's eyes darkened, his breathing became heavy, he freed up a hand, and stretched it in along the hem of her blouse.

"Hmm." Li Man shuddered and groaned softly. Just as she twisted her body uneasily, the door was pushed open with a knock, "Daughter-in-law."

Li Man froze, and suddenly felt that a basin of cold water was being poured on her head. She forgot to react, and just collapsed into Li Yan's arms, buried her head tightly, not daring to look at the door.

Li Yan also had a sullen expression on his face, and he lashed out at Li Shu, "What are you doing with the long hands? Don't you know how to knock on the door?"

"Second brother, you?" Li Shu was stunned, especially when the second brother's hands were still in his wife's clothes at the moment, and when he touched the two lumps of softness that he had been thinking about day and night, sparks flashed in his eyes. Stepped over a few steps, squeezed Li Yan's arm away, then put one hand on Li Man's chest, and said angrily, "I want to touch it too."


Whoever eats meat first, the second child and the third child, is decided by vote. Those with the most votes will eat meat. There are only a few days at the end of the month. If you want to eat meat, you have to step up. Fight for the weekend and do it ⊙﹏⊙b sweat.

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