Fortunate Wife

Chapter 110 Chicken Soup (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Li Man was trembling all over, seeing his brothers arguing, but she was sandwiched between them, she couldn't help but think of the scene of Xing Niang in her mind, she felt humiliated all over her body, and pointed at the door angrily, "Get out of here."

"Man'er..." Li Yan was not reconciled to being interrupted after the beginning of a good thing.

"Daughter-in-law, you can't be partial." Li Shuyou complained and felt wronged, so he said to himself that he was injured and not allowed to touch it. Why is it okay if the second brother kisses and touches here?

"You..." Seeing that the two of them were unmoved, and wanted to fight to occupy her, Li Man trembled angrily, pushed the two of them away, and ran down the kang, taking off her shoes. I didn't even bother to wear it.


"daughter in law......"

Li Yan and Li Shu hurried out.

But there was no sign of Li Man in the yard, and the Westinghouse kitchen was searched, but she was nowhere to be found.

The two hurriedly looked outside.

Besides, Li Man was extremely ashamed and angry, and didn't know where she was going, so she kept running towards the remote and uninhabited road.

She just wanted to find a quiet place and be alone.

Li Mo just came back from the entrance of the village, and happened to run into Li Man running towards him. He was overjoyed and rushed to meet him, "Man'er."

Unexpectedly, Li Man was immersed in her emotions, she just ran away with her head down, didn't look at him at all, didn't hear his words, just ran away from him sadly.

Li Mo was very surprised. If I read it correctly, Man'er's hair was in a loose bun, her clothes were disheveled, her shoes were not on, and she was still crying.

For a moment, Li Mo's heart was burning, he threw the wild pheasant to Dahei, and he quickly chased after Li Man.

"Man'er..." On a small road to the back mountain, Li Mo suddenly hugged Li Man into his arms from behind.

Li Man was terrified and struggled instinctively, "Let me go."

"Man'er, it's me." Li Mo hurriedly turned her around, saw her eyes were red and tears were shining, and his heart twitched fiercely, "What's going on? Who bullied you?"

"Brother." Looking up, seeing the worry and pity in Li Mo's eyes, Li Man felt even more sorrowful, and threw herself into his arms, crying loudly.

Li Mo's heart was twisted like a knife, and he patted her on the back lightly with his big palm, "It's okay, I'm back."

Li Man cried in his arms for a while, and finally calmed down, "Where did you go?"

"I went to the mountains." Li Mo replied while wiping her tears, "Tell me, who bullied you? Second brother?"

Li Man shook her head, she couldn't tell who was bullying whom, but the scene at that time made her feel embarrassed and humiliated.

She didn't know, what exactly was she in the eyes of their brothers?

Yes, they were all good to her, but at the same time, they were all like hungry wolves, staring at her all the time, as if they wanted to tear her apart at any moment.

Even, she was like a beast about to estrus anytime and anywhere, making her always feel like she was being treated as an object to vent.

She doesn't like this feeling.

Anger welled up in Li Mo's eyes. Even if Li Man didn't say anything, he could guess that besides the second and third brothers, who else in the family would bully her? Looking at her embarrassed appearance now, you don't need to think about what happened.

"Stop crying, I'll carry you back." Li Mo said, squatting down.

Li Man still shook her head, "No, I will go by myself."

Seeing the plaster on her socks, Li Mo felt distressed, got up and directly hugged her into his arms.

"You." Suddenly, Li Man fell into his warm and firm embrace, and the smell of him came from her nose, and her heart suddenly became less free and less chaotic.

"Brother." Li Man called out with a sigh, and put her face against his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist involuntarily.

Li Mo froze, looked down at her, and nestled in his arms with a small face wrinkled, like a domestic cat that had been bullied and returned home to find its owner, which made him feel even more pity, "It's okay."

Not far away, I saw Li Yan and Li Shu running towards each other.

"Brother." Li Yan glanced at the little man in his arms with a complicated look in his eyes.

Li Mo glanced at the two of them coldly, without stopping, "Go home."

Li Shu pursed his lips depressedly, followed honestly, and asked anxiously, "Is your wife okay?"

Li Mo ignored him and went home with Li Man in his arms.

Send it to the Dongwu Kang, then turn around and ask the two younger brothers who followed, "Where are the shoes?"

"Oh, I'll get it." Li Shu hurriedly ran out.

Li Yan knew that his elder brother was angry, and then saw Li Man sitting on the kang, with her head down, her eyes were red, she said nothing, she was so pitiful, her heart ached, and she said consciously, "I'll get some hot water. "

Both of them left, Li Mo squatted in front of Li Man, and took off the dirty socks on her feet, "Wash and change them later."

Li Shu came in with the shoes, and Li Yan came over with a basin of hot water and put it next to Li Man's feet, wanting to wash her feet.

Li Mo took the first step, held her tender little feet, put them into the hot water, and gently rubbed the soles and soles of her feet with a pair of big palms. There were many stones on the road outside, and she didn't wear shoes, so her feet should hurt.

Li Man stared blankly at Li Mo, his gentleness and caring gradually dispelled the coolness in her heart.

"Daughter-in-law." Seeing that she only stared at the elder brother and ignored him and the second elder brother, Li Shu felt extremely sad, "I was wrong."

"Get out." Li Mo yelled in a deep voice without raising his head.

"Brother." Li Shu was unwilling.

Li Yan frowned deeply, but still pulled Li Shu, "Come on, let's go out first."

After the two left, Li Mo wiped Li Man's feet and put on clean shoes and socks, "Man'er, take a break, I killed a pheasant today, and I will make soup for you later."

"Brother." Li Man looked at Li Mo's face, and said, "Don't embarrass them, in fact, this matter..." How should I say it? The situation before was a bit more complicated, but now that she calmed down, she also felt that Li Yan couldn't help her, and Li Shu shouldn't have done it on purpose.

Blame it for everything coming together.

"It's not that serious," she said.

"I have a sense of proportion, don't think about it, just rest." Li Mo instructed, took the foot washing water, and went out.

"Brother." Seeing him coming out, Li Shu stepped forward and called out. He and Li Yan had been waiting at the door, and hearing Li Man's pleading for them just now, he felt more and more guilty.

Li Mo poured the footwashing water outside the courtyard, came back and put the basin away, and then looked at the two of them with a sullen face.

"Brother, this is our fault." Li Yan took a breath and said first.

Li Shu also knew he was wrong, "And me, it's all because I was too impulsive at the time."

Li Mo's face became colder and sharper, and he clenched his fists unconsciously, "You two? Together..."

"We didn't want to get together—"

Li Yan hurriedly interrupted Li Shu, fearing that the more he said, the more people would be misunderstood, "Brother, it's not what you think, nothing happened."

Li Mo looked at Li Yan steadfastly, "Nothing happened?" What would Man'er look like?

"That's right." Li Yan sighed, and said slowly, "I was in the room with Man'er, and the third younger brother broke in suddenly. Man'er was thin-skinned, and ran away in embarrassment."

"Well, that's it." Li Shu nodded fiercely, looking very innocent. He was really jealous and dizzy at the time, and didn't think about anything else at all.

Li Mo knew that they were not lying, but the simple words of the second brother also conveyed some information to him. Coupled with Li Man's disheveled clothes, it was easy for people to associate the whole thing.

That is, the second brother was intimate with Man'er in the room, and was bumped into by the third brother. With such a reckless temper, the third brother must have wanted to join at that time, but Man'er was ashamed and ran away on the spot.

This was the scene where I met myself later.

Involuntarily, Li Mo Ning raised his eyebrows, his heart felt as if someone had gently pricked it with an embroidery needle, and there was a lingering pain.

Ke Man'er is also the daughter-in-law of the second and third brothers, and they all have the same desire to be intimate with her just like herself.

"Man'er is still injured." Finally, he said helplessly.

Li Yan looked at the forbearance and entanglement between his elder brother's eyebrows, and his heart was like a mirror, "Brother, Man'er is also my wife, and I love her no less than you."

"Yes, brother, I'm in pain too." Li Shu quickly confessed his feelings.

Li Mo nodded, "Okay, you are all grown up, and you should have your own sense of propriety. The third brother is still injured, so don't move around, go back to the house and rest."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the pheasant by himself.

Li Yan went over to help, "Brother, let me do it."

"No need." Li Mo refused.

"Brother." Li Yan snatched the wild pheasant from him stubbornly, "I'm better than you at making these, besides, you are doing this to make Man'er healthy, if it doesn't taste good, she Wouldn't it be a waste not to eat it?"

Seeing his second brother like this, Li Mo sighed deeply, and said without thinking, "Man'er is different from other women."

Li Yan paused for picking up chicken feathers, pursed his lips slightly, and said, "I know."

So far, he could see that the girl seemed to be willing to stay in this family on the surface, but in her heart she still couldn't accept such things as co-wives, and couldn't accept the intimacy with their brothers.

This is actually rare in Shennvgou.

Most of the women who come here will clearly recognize their own destiny, even if they don't accept it at first, they will eventually accept the reality.

Of course, there is a reason for their brothers to cause the current situation, that is, they will not marry women like other men to carry on the family line or to vent some desire.

They love this woman, so they are not willing to violate and force her until now.

Think about some women, once they get married, they will be rounded by several men several times on the same day. Basically, they don't even think about sex in the first half month. The girl is really much luckier to come to their Li family.

"Brother." Li Yan shook his head and chuckled to himself, seeing Li Mo's sullen face in a daze, he said, "Brother loves that girl, we all know it, but brother eats everything he should eat, this woman is good I’ve suffered through it all, and I have pity on me and my third and fourth brothers.”

He said it as if he wanted to eat alone to keep them away, "Man'er still has injuries."

Li Yan threw the plucked pheasant into the vegetable bowl, and then said with a smile, "What's the point of injury? Er Shunniang was so ill back then. Didn't his father just do what he wanted?"

"Second brother, how dare you?" Li Mo's expression darkened upon hearing this.

Li Yan quickly waved his hands, "Of course, how can we brothers do such a thing that is inferior to pigs and dogs."

Li Mo's expression gradually eased, but he still said firmly, "Man'er is not in good health, none of you are allowed to touch her."

"I know." Li Yan poured some water into the basin, talking while tidying up. "I'm just making a random comparison. That girl doesn't know what's good or bad. She doesn't know. If she can come to our house, she can be regarded as falling into the nest of blessings. If it's another house, she has to do work outside the house, and the work of serving men is also unambiguous. Which family's women throw face when their men want it?"

Li Mo felt uncomfortable when he heard this, "Second brother, why do you say that? She doesn't want to, so you want to beat her too?"

"Who hit me?" Li Yan snorted depressingly, "I'm just complaining to my elder brother here. That damn girl is like an enemy when she sees me, and she can't be touched. It's almost as if she is a bodhisattva." It’s over, I still can’t please, I don’t know where I offended her.”

It was so easy to make such a little progress, and it was destroyed by the bastard of the third child. This is all right, that girl will have to guard against him even more in the future.

Seeing how pitiful he said, Li Mo wanted to laugh, "Second brother has always been the favorite of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, why do you say such depressing words today?"

"Brother, don't make fun of me." Li Yan raised his eyebrows at him and snorted, "If that damn girl keeps doing this, I won't be able to bear it."

"Second brother." Li Mo's face sank again.

Li Yandao, "Brother, don't worry, I won't hurt her, just..."

He thought about it for a while, and changed to a more tactful way, so that the eldest brother could accept it more easily, "It would be a good thing if our brothers could have consummated their room with her earlier, she has completely become our person, at least not Worrying about what might happen in the future.”

Li Mo took a deep look at him and said nothing.

Li Yan smiled, it seemed that the eldest brother was also worried.


At noon, Li Yan boiled a large pot of chicken soup. The meat was stewed to a pulp. He picked some leg meat and skimmed the fat from the soup to make some light. He took a large bowl and prepared to give it to Li Man.

But, standing at the door, Xiao Wu knocked on the door.

Xiao Wu was puzzled, but still listened to what the second brother said, knocked on the door a few times, and said, "Sister, the second brother has stewed chicken soup and brought it to you."

Li Man thought it was Xiao Wu who gave it to her, and said, "The door is not locked, so come in by yourself."

"Oh." Xiao Wu replied.

However, it was Li Yan who entered the door.

Li Man was a little dazed and surprised again, "Why is it you again? Where's Xiao Wu?"

"I let him eat." Li Yan walked to the kang with chicken soup.

Li Man turned her back and didn't look at him again, and didn't make a sound.

Li Yan put the bowl on the window sill, and then sat down next to the edge of the Kang, "Still angry about what happened at noon?"

Li Man's face was hot, who would not be angry and run away after such a thing?

"Then, are you angry with me or with your third brother?" Li Yan asked again, staring at her with twinkling eyes.

Li Man's cheeks were red, she bit her lip and said nothing.

"Oh, I see." Li Yan chuckled knowingly, "Of course it's the third brother's recklessness that made you angry, and that's right, that kid is just so ignorant, and when we were so happy, he unexpectedly Come in and disturb..."

"Who is happy?" Li Man immediately denied it as if she had an affair with him.

"Oh, you're not happy?" Li Yan looked into her eyes and said seriously, "It seems that I have to work harder, next time I promise to make you comfortable and happy, daughter-in-law."

"You." Li Man hurriedly explained, "I didn't mean that."

"What does that mean? How about I ask my third brother to come over and compensate you?" Li Yan said as he got up to look for someone.

"No." At this time, Li Shu came over and apologized for that matter. Where could she put her face? Li Man quickly got up and dragged Li Yan, "Don't look for him."

"What's the matter?" Li Yan looked at her suspiciously, and then comforted her, "Don't worry, that kid won't dare to do anything when I'm here. Besides, the elder brother is still at home. If he dares to speak, let the elder brother beat him."

"No." Li Man shook off his hand, feeling that she couldn't explain clearly to him, so she sat angrily and didn't speak.

Seeing her angry and unable to vent, Li Yan laughed twice, sat down next to her, rubbed her hair gently with his big palm, and said with a smile, "Idiot, I understand what you mean." , what happened at noon made you so ashamed that you dare not see people anymore?"

Li Man's heart trembled, did he really understand? But since you know it, why don't you come over here?

Seeing that her eyelids were trembling, Li Yan expected her to be moved, Li Yan continued, "But you can't see people forever."

Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to see people for the rest of her life, but, what happened just now, she had to let her go slowly.

"Besides, you are our daughter-in-law, and we are your men. It is only natural for husband and wife to do things in the room. Every house is the same behind closed doors. What are you afraid of?"

Then there are no two brothers together, Li Man retorted in a low voice.

Li Yan seemed to guess what she was thinking, and immediately said, "If you don't like us brothers together, then we will be one by one from now on. I promise, when I am with you in the future, I will never let a third person get involved."

Ga, what I said earlier was good, but I went down again later.

Sure enough, there is no hope for this bad guy.

"Li Yan, I'm fine, you go to eat." Li Man thought that what he said would be nothing more than this, and wanted to drive people away.

"Aren't you angry?" Li Yan tilted his head and approached her.

What else can I do if I get angry? Li Man shook her head, "The chicken soup you stewed? It's very fragrant."

"Heh, try it quickly." Li Yan said, bringing the bowl on the window sill and handing it to her, "Be careful it's hot."

Li Man smiled at him, "Thank you, you can eat too."

"Okay." It was rare for this girl to speak nicely to him, Li Yan held back his desire to kiss Fangze, smiled and went out first, pretending to be a good old man.

Li Man lowered her head and picked in the bowl with chopsticks. They were all the meat from the legs, and the skin on them had peeled off. He probably saw the chicken skin when she ate chicken last time, and she was afraid that it would be greasy. , but the soup is very clear, obviously specially prepared.

Involuntarily, she was slightly taken aback by this bowl of delicious chicken soup.

She thought of her embarrassing experience under the goddess tree, Li Mo rescued her from the rope, Li Yan and Li Shu punched and kicked the violent man.

At dusk, Li Mo carried her home, Li Shu prepared her bath water, Li Yan fetched her clothes, and thoughtfully closed the door for her, showing her such a warm and reassuring smile.

The boy who always timidly lay at the door of her room to please the boy who looked around, the clean boy who helped her sew the quilt.


Perhaps, everything was beautiful, but she was thinking too much.


A bowl was eaten, and just as she was about to get off the kang and take the bowl back to the kitchen, she saw a figure flash by the door, and she was slightly taken aback.

When he came out, he found Li Shu leaning against the corner, scratching his head and looking worried.

Li Man wanted to go over and ask him, but when he thought of him treating her like that, she felt embarrassed for a while.

At this moment, Li Shu raised his head, saw Li Man, and strode over happily, "Daughter-in-law, are you ready? There's still some in the pot, I'll help you fill another bowl."

After saying that, she took the bowl in her hand and went to the kitchen very courteously.

Li Man wasn't very hungry at all, but after eating a large bowl of broth, she was already full, so she followed into the kitchen and saw Li Shu was scooping up meat for her with chopsticks, and hurriedly said, "Li Shu ,I am full."

"Just one bowl is enough? Eat more, the meat stewed by the second brother is delicious." Li Shu said that he had already filled a bowl.

Li Mo and others took the initiative to give up the seat to Li Man.

Li Man sat next to Xiao Wu, and saw that they were all gnawing corn bread and eating gruel, she couldn't help being stunned, "Isn't there still meat in the pot?"

Li Mo said, "You and your third brother are injured, you should make up for it."

"Hee hee." Li Shu smiled and pushed a bowl of chicken soup to Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, eat more."

Li Man brought the bowl directly to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, come, eat while it's hot."

"Sister, I don't want to eat." Xiao Wu felt a little greedy when he smelled the scent, but he could hold back the one that nourished his sister's body, "Sister, eat."

"Sister has eaten, you eat." Seeing that he didn't answer, Li Man took a piece of meat with chopsticks and handed it to his mouth, "Little Wu, eat."

Xiao Wu took a look at his brothers, seeing that they had no objection, he ate it with a smile.

Li Man then handed him the bowl, and looked at the three brothers again, and was suddenly moved by the simplicity and kindness of them.

It's her blessing to have so many men who love her dearly. Maybe it's because the last life was too hard, and God has compensated her in this life.

Standing up, Li Man went to the pot, took a clean bowl, filled some meat and soup from the pot, and brought a bowl to Li Mo and Li Yan, "That's all, you both have to eat it up, who will eat it?" No leftovers either."

After giving the order, read Li Shu again. This guy has a big appetite. Well, looking at his eager eyes, Li Man gave him another bowl, "You vomited so much blood yesterday, so I can make up for it."

"Hey." When Li Shu heard this, he happily took the bowl, and took a sip of the soup. He suddenly felt that the soup was delicious, but it was strange, why did it taste so bad after just eating a bowl?

Seeing Li Man like this, Li Mo and Li Yan also smiled slightly.


Thank you 645735383, liu5 liool_zy, dlhydd, flying donkey, flying car, andymg04, grass rattan mother, Mo Yanwu, zhaofang1224, mpzzb, 13671308800, zbq5530)0, 475381939, qxy 0 0412, no regrets, mary58857 Waiting for the flower purse monthly ticket and diamonds sent by the relatives, all so good\\(o)~

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