Fortunate Wife

Chapter 129 Worried (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

Li Man gently pushed Li Shu away, "Are you tired from working in the fields? It happens that the food is ready, wash your hands and come over to eat."

"Yeah." Li Shu snorted, and said in a slightly coquettish tone, "Finally I can eat the food you cooked again."

"What?" Li Man stared at Li Shu suspiciously, then at Li Hua.

Li Hua's dishes actually taste pretty good too.

Li Shu spread his hands, his expression was very aggrieved, "Who knows, probably during this period of time when you were cooking, his hands were raw, and the cooking was almost unbearable."

"Then you still eat so much every meal." Li Hua felt that what he said was a bit exaggerated.

Li Shu replied with a smile, "That's not hungry."

Li Hua didn't say anything more, he was not very good at arguing with his brothers by nature.

Li Man, on the other hand, looked at Li Shu, pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, I didn't see you hungry and thin, so go wash your hands."

"Yes." Li Shu hurriedly went out to wash his hands.

"Man'er." Li Hua didn't go out with him. The third brother left, and he looked at Li Man tenderly and affectionately. He felt that she seemed to be getting better after half a month. It has a heart-pounding flavor.

"Huh?" Li Man put the fried dishes on the big table, and looked back at Li Hua.

Li Hua wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. He didn't know if he was really tanned, but in front of her, he still wanted to make it cleaner and fresher.

For him, Li Man always regards him as a big boy from the bottom of his heart, a younger brother who makes people feel touched and pity.

Reaching out her hand, she stroked the sweaty hair on the side of his face, Li Man smiled lightly, "Okay, go wash your face, and eat right away."

"Mmm." With her gentle whisper, Li Hua went out contentedly, went to the well to fetch water to wash his face and hands.

When his three brothers came back from washing their hands, Li Man had already prepared the meals, one was roasted eggplant, one was loofah egg soup, and the eggs were given by Aunt Xu.

In fact, Aunt Xu didn't raise any chickens herself. She collected them from the village at the foot of the mountain a few days in advance. She bought a total of more than a hundred eggs, all of which were home-grown eggs.

Li Man thought it would cost too much money, and she didn't have any money to give, so she didn't want it.

But Aunt Xu said that Uncle Xu thought the Yunnan Baiyao prescription she had given before was very useful, but that stuff was hard to buy.

Li Man is said to have a guilty conscience. She is also borrowing the ingenuity of modern people. If she can benefit the people here, it is also good.

In the end, she kept fifty eggs, and let Aunt Xu make up for the rest.

The dishes are very simple, but they look attractive, especially the egg soup, which is delicious and attractive.

Li Shu didn't want to eat anymore, so he filled half a bowl and drank it.

"By the way, when will Big Brother and the others come back?" Li Man was still a little unaccustomed to the fact that there were two people missing at the dinner table. She thought she would see a few of them when she came back, but she didn't expect two people to be missing. She was still quite disappointed in her heart. Besides, if you go hunting in the mountains, you will definitely not eat well.


Li Shu paused while drinking the soup, and Li Hua frowned, then shook his head, "I'm not sure, usually I go with people in the village, but this time, it's the elder brother and the second elder brother who go together. It's been a month, and it stands to reason that he should come back."

In the past few days, he and the third brother are also worried.

Li Man was immediately surprised, "It's been half a month? They're all in the mountains?"

"Yeah." Li Hua nodded, with an anxious expression on his face.

"How about, tomorrow I'll go into the mountains and have a look." Li Shu put down the bowl and said.

"But the elder brother told us to stay at home before we left." Li Hua hesitated, recalling the scene of that day, he always felt a little strange. According to common sense, he should take the third brother with him when hunting.

Li Shu was also troubled, "What should I do then? Count the days, and it's time to come back." Usually hunting is done by a few hunters in the village. There are a lot of prey on the mountain at this time of year, so you can usually stay on the mountain for two or three days. Not bad, unless it's the twelfth lunar month, hiding in the snow nest and waiting

The prey, the cat may be ten and a half months old.

"No, tomorrow I will ask Ah Da to accompany me into the mountain to have a look." Finally, Li Shu decided.

Hearing the tone of his brothers, Li Man panicked, and asked anxiously, "Is this mountain dangerous?

As soon as the words were asked, the attack of wolves and the poisonous snake on the tree suddenly flashed through her mind. Isn't this obviously very dangerous?

"Are they going to have an accident?" Thinking about it, she was terrified for a while, she couldn't eat anymore, her eyes turned red, and she only looked at Li Shu and Li Hua worriedly.

Li Shu didn't think about it that way, "No." He shook his head immediately, "They all grew up in the mountains. The mountains with a radius of tens of miles are very familiar, so nothing will happen. I was worried, is there something else?" accident."

"What's the accident?" Li Man asked anxiously, and Li Hua also looked anxious. He was obviously worse than the third brother when it came to the situation in the mountains.

Seeing them like this, Li Shu laughed instead, "Maybe the eldest brother and the second brother hunted a grizzly bear and couldn't carry it back. They are just waiting for us to go in and help."

"..." What time was it, and he was still in the mood to joke, so Li Man gave him an anxious look.

Li Shu hurriedly comforted, "Don't worry, daughter-in-law, don't dare to say anything else, with the elder brother here, nothing will happen, I dare to guarantee it with my head."

"What are you talking about?" The people who listened to the head were panicking, and Li Man hurriedly ordered some food for him, "Hurry up and eat."

"Oh, daughter-in-law, don't worry. Don't I understand my elder brother? He went hunting in the mountains at such a young age, not to mention he still has a guy with him. Even if he is empty-handed, he can kill a wolf. What are you afraid of?" Li The book doesn't care.

Li Hua was not as big-hearted as him, he just said, "Anyway, we haven't come back after so many days, we should go in and have a look, third brother, I'll be with you tomorrow."

"No, you, reading and writing are fine. If I go into the mountains, if I meet a tiger or a lion, I have to run with your back on my back. It's not worth it." Li Shu smiled.

Li Hua bowed his head, which is considered to be acquiesced to the third brother's words, it would be bad if he became a burden in a dangerous moment.

Li Man was worried in her heart. The meal was tasteless, and in the end, there was only half a bowl of rice left, which was all poured out to Li Shu, and she barely drank some soup.

Li Shu and Li Hua knew that she was worried, and tried to persuade them, but when the few people were worried and anxious in the kitchen, a big black howl sounded from the gate of the courtyard.

Everyone's eyes lit up, they got up almost at the same time, and rushed out of the room.

Da Hei and Xiao Huang ran into the yard first, and the whole yard was full of joy.

Li Mo and Li Shu followed behind. When they saw their younger brothers and Li Man, they both showed warm smiles on their tired faces.

"Big Brother, Second Brother." Xiao Wu threw herself into Li Mo's arms first, and then looked at Li Yan anxiously.

When the two older brothers were talking to Li Man just now, he couldn't get in the way, but he was also worried in his heart, afraid that something would happen to the eldest brother and the second brother.

"Brother, why have you been here for so long?" Li Shu came over and saw that the two of them didn't even have a bunny on them, and their eyeballs were about to fall off. "What's wrong? Someone robbed you on the road. Where's the prey?"

Li Mo's face was a little embarrassed, but his eyes were tightly locked on Li Man, his lips moved, but he didn't seem to know what to say.

Li Yan smiled and thumped Li Shu's shoulder, "What do you think? I was supposed to hunt a bear, but I wanted to make you a bear-skin jacket for winter, but it ran away in the end."

Li Shu's eyes widened in surprise, and then he smiled, "Second brother, you can tell me nothing. I've been hunting with my elder brother for all these years, why have I never seen a bear before?"

Li Yan just laughed, and his gaze fell on Li Man, "Girl, I haven't seen you in half a month, you're getting fat."

She's fat, she's fat, but she's fat, and when she came back, all the men who saw her were either tanned or thinner.

"If you can't hunt prey, you can't come back sooner? There is no shortage of meat at home." Li Man gave the two thinner men a hard look, half a month, how did they live?

"Not anymore." Li Mo said.

Li Man looked at Li Yan again.

Li Yan shrugged and smiled, "Forget it, let the third brother go into the mountain next time."

"Originally, you are not good at skills, and you were asked to stay at home, but you didn't do it. You insisted on going with your elder brother. Look, you didn't even bring back a pheasant." Li Shuban said with trepidation.

Li Yan chuckled and did not refute.

Li Hua looked at the two elder brothers and felt that although they looked tired, they were still in good spirits, so he felt relieved, "Don't stand at the door, let's go inside."

"Oh." Li Shu also hurriedly stepped aside, seeing that the eldest brother and the second brother looked really tired, and he knew that he often went to the mountains, and he couldn't eat well or sleep well.

"Haven't you eaten yet? We just finished eating. Well, I'll make some for you." Li Man rushed into the kitchen.

Li Mo's eyes chased him unconsciously. He hadn't seen him for half a month. When he saw him, he felt like he was in a dream. The more real he looked, the less it seemed.

"Brother, wash your face and wash your hands." Li Hua had already entered the kitchen and brought a basin of hot water to Li Mo and Li Yan.

The two wash here.

In the kitchen, Li Man was busy cleaning the pots and bowls, and at the same time ordered Li Shu to go to the backyard to pick some vegetables and come back. The cooking was too slow, but the noodles came out quickly.

After cleaning the pots and bowls, she hurriedly scooped up the noodles and mixed them with water to knead the noodles. Li Shu picked the vegetables and said, "Daughter-in-law, do you want to cook noodles?"

"Well, take it to the well and wash it." Li Man didn't even raise her head, she just told him.

Li Shu said 'hmm' again, took a small vegetable basket and a small bucket, and went to the yard.

Li Man softened the noodles, rolled them into thin noodles, and took six eggs from the small basket under the cupboard.

When Li Shu came, she was ready and asked him to light the fire under the stove.

Xiao Wu happily chased Da Hei to play in the yard, Li Mo and Li Yan were dragged to the east room by Li Hua, only Li Man and Li Shu were busy in the kitchen.

When the water boiled, Li Man sprinkled thin noodles into the pot, put green vegetables, and cracked six poached eggs.

After waiting, one person filled a large bowl, and Li Shu and himself took a bowl, and sent it directly to the East Room.

In the east room, the three brothers Li Mo, Li Yan and Li Hua were chatting about something, when they came in, they all suddenly shut up.

"It smells so good." Li Yan walked over first, took the bowl in Li Man's hand, and said with a smile, "The noodles made by the girl are delicious." Picking up the bowl with chopsticks, he found that there was only a layer of noodles on top, and a layer of noodles lying on the bottom. Looking at the three lures and poached eggs, she couldn't help smiling at Li Man.

Li Shu gave the bowl to Li Mo.

Naturally, Li Mo also saw the poached eggs, so he was a little surprised. In the past, it would be nice to have a warm mouthful after coming back from the mountains. Today, there are not only hot noodle soup, but also poached eggs.

Looking at the eggs, Li Mo smiled foolishly, looked at Li Man, "There are so many, one is enough for me, you and Xiao Wu..."

He also planned to divide Li Man and Xiao Wu one by one. Li Man hurriedly pressed his chopsticks, "We have eaten at noon, and there are still more at home. You should eat it while it is hot."

"Yes, brother, eat quickly." Li Shu also urged, frowning again, and said with a smile, "Take a shower quickly after eating, look at the two of you, your body smells."

Li Mo's face turned purple with embarrassment, but Li Yan didn't take it seriously, he just drank the soup and ate the noodles, probably because he was really hungry, and finished it in a few mouthfuls, "Is there any more?"

"Yes." Li Man hurriedly took his bowl, "Sit down, and I'll serve it for you."

Looking at her hidden back, the corners of Li Yan's lips fluttered, and a gentle smile filled his eyes, "When did the girl come back?"

"It's a coincidence that the two of you came back. My daughter-in-law just came home today, and the two of you followed after smelling it." Li Shu leaned on the big cabinet, looking at them with an angry look.

Li Hua smiled slightly, "Man'er only came back this morning, we were still worried just now, she was so anxious that she was about to cry, luckily you are back, brother and brother, otherwise..."

Just after saying this, Li Man came over with noodles.

After giving it to Li Yan, he looked at Li Mo again, and he was about to bottom out, so he said, "I'll serve you some more, there are too many noodles cooked at noon."

As she spoke, she watched him drink the last sip of noodle soup, took his bowl, and trotted out again.

Li Mo watched with warmth in his eyes.

Li Yan smiled straight, "I haven't seen you in half a month, the little girl has gained weight, have you noticed it?"

"Yes, I was holding it just now, and I felt that there was flesh on that arm." Li Shu said bluntly.

Li Hua's head was full of black lines, and the third brother just gave him a hug.

"I feel like I've grown in size too." Li Yan said while eating noodles, just now he glanced at it unintentionally, it seems that the little girl's head can reach his chin?

Li Shu was at a loss, "I didn't pay attention to this, anyway, the daughter-in-law looks better the more she looks at her."

Everyone fell silent, and when Li Man came in with a bowl, she looked at her round, baby-like face, her big black eyes, and her lips as tender as peach petals. .....

Everyone's heart is full of excitement, yes, the girl seems to be more beautiful.

If it is said that before, it was still a green fruit hanging on the branches, but now it is gradually ripening, and it is more and more tempting to pick it.

"Brother, here." Li Man came in, handed the bowl to Li Mo, and then saw that other people were staring at her, feeling puzzled, "What's wrong?" There was something on her face.

Just as Li Shu was about to open his mouth, Li Hua coughed lightly, "Third Brother——"

Man'er is shy and thin-skinned. Knowing that they are talking about her like this behind her back, she should hide in the room again.

Li Shu chuckled, he understood what the fourth brother meant, "Daughter-in-law, you only ate half a bowl at noon, why don't you eat some more?"

Just ate half a bowl? Li Mo looked at Li Man suddenly, he knew she had a small appetite, but in the past no matter what happened, she had to eat a full bowl.


"I'm not hungry." As soon as Li Mo opened his mouth, Li Man guessed what he was going to say, and said with a smile, "You two eat quickly, it's true, after eating, wash and change into clean clothes."

Li Mo chuckled and nodded his head with an 'hmm'.

Li Yan looked at her with a smile, his eyes sparkling with joy.

The two of them each had a big bowl, and after they finished eating, they both drank some noodle soup, that's all.

A big pot full of noodles was eaten up by two men. Li Man felt both satisfied and distressed. These two must have been suffering during this time.

After cleaning the pots and bowls, Li Man boiled two large pots of hot water, then went to the east room, found clean clothes for them, and asked them to take a good bath.

Li Yan loves to be clean, so he couldn't bear the smell of his body, so he went to wash it first.

The others just sat in the east room and talked. They said that they hadn't seen each other for half a month, and the brothers also had a lot to say, but most of them were listening to Li Man's stories about Xu Bo's house, including the history she heard.

"Li Hua, are you at home?"

Just as they were talking lively, a woman's voice came from outside, and they were still looking for Li Hua, which made everyone very puzzled.

Li Hua got up and came out, and saw Dayong Niang, bringing Dayong and two daughters, came together.

"What are you?"

"Is your wife here?"

The people in the room also heard that it was Dayong Niang, so they all came out.

When Dayong Niang saw Li Man, she hurriedly pulled Dayong, two daughters, and four of them, and knelt down in front of Li Man with a plop, "Girl, aunt kowtows to you, you saved my family Dayong, you are Benefactor of my whole family, we kowtow to you..."

As they spoke, the four kowtowed to Li Man together.

Li Man hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull, "Mother, get up quickly, Dayong, help you up, mother, we have something to talk about in the room."

"Don't, girl." Dayong Niang just couldn't stand it, instead she grabbed Li Man's hand and said, "My girl, my wife is sorry for you."

As she said that, she slapped herself hard, and Li Man jumped in fright, and quickly grabbed her hands, "Ma'am, don't do this."

Li Mo knew that his daughter-in-law didn't understand these things, so he stretched out his hand to hold Dayong Niang, and said, "Auntie, get up quickly, as long as Dayong is well. Man'er is not the one who cares, so don't mention the past."

Dayong Niang was still kneeling, and said guiltily, "My old lady has no eyes, she scolded you like that at the beginning. Hey, now that I think about it, my intestines are green from regret, girl, you are the Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. If it weren't for you, it would have been buried in the hillside long ago."

"Mother, get up quickly, Dayong is my student, I should save him." Li Man bent down and came back, looking at Dayong, "Hurry up and help you, mother and sister up."

"Teacher Man'er." Dayong blushed and looked at Li Man fixedly. Suddenly, he kowtowed three times to Li Man, "Dayong's life was given by you, teacher. From now on, I will be considered a bully." If you are a horse, you will be rewarded."

Huh——, Li Man took a deep breath, gently rubbed Dayong's hair, as if he was in pain like Xiaowu, "Okay, study hard in the future, and serve the motherland."

"Motherland?" Dayong wondered.

Others also looked at Li Man.

Li Shu asked, "Who is the motherland?"

Pfft... Li Man's mouth twitched slightly, and she changed her words, "Serve the court, benefit the common people, honor parents, take care of sisters..."

The full four-character mantra made Dayong's heart agitated. He nodded heavily, "Yes, Dayong must listen to the teacher." And, love the teacher.

"Okay, ma'am, get up quickly, if I kneel again, I'm really going to be annoyed." Li Man pulled Dayong Niang again at this time.

Only then did Dayong Niang support the two children, and slowly got up.

Li Man saw that her movements were slow, and when she straightened her waist, she frowned in pain, so she couldn't help asking, "Auntie, are your legs okay?"

"Oh, it's old, something's wrong." Dayong Niang smiled helplessly, and lightly beat her knee twice with one hand, "Probably because in the year when Dayong was born, I got cold, and it used to hurt when the weather changed. These days , I don’t know why, and it’s a bit unfavorable.”

"Auntie, then hurry up and enter the house." Li Man hurriedly reached out to support her, wanting her to enter the house.

At this time, Li Yan just opened the door and came out from the kitchen. He was wearing only a pair of trousers and his upper body was naked. While wiping his hair with a dry cloth, Li Yan asked Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, where is my gown? ?”


From today, the title of this article will be changed to "Fu Wife Yingmen", dear friends, if you don't have a collection, quickly collect it and put it on the bookshelf, otherwise you won't be able to find it next time, \\(o)~

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