Fortunate Wife

Chapter 130 News (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass)

He just said such intimate words in front of outsiders, making Li Man, who was still a new wife, flushed with embarrassment, and hurriedly said, "All the clothes were put on that cabinet just now."

"Wrong, you took the third brother's." After Li Shu wiped the water from his hair, he put the dry cloth casually on his shoulders.

Are these remind others that they don't know the relationship between her and the man in this family?

Li Man's face turned red, and she couldn't even speak quickly, "Then, I, I'll get it for you again." My mind was buzzing, and at this moment, I forgot that I could let him go back to the room to get it by myself.

She blushed, lowered her head, and walked towards the house foolishly.

Dayong Niang is also a person who came here, seeing her appearance, she couldn't help but smile, and said, "Girl, then you are busy, Madam will come to see you some other day."

"Ma'am." Li Man turned her head, a little embarrassed, she was a little at a loss because of Li Yan's words, especially in front of outsiders.

"You get busy." Dayong's mother hurriedly grabbed Dayong's hand and led the three children outside.

She also probably knew that his daughter-in-law just came home today, and the men who had been holding back for half a month should be like wolves and tigers one by one. Look, Li Yan just took a bath...

Seeing Dayong Niang and the others leave in a hurry, Li Man was stunned for a while.

"Girl, where are my clothes?" Li Yan was already walking towards her.

"Oh, I'll get it." Li Man hurriedly turned back to the east room, rummaging through the cabinet.

However, except for Xiao Wu's clothes, the clothes of the brothers are similar, who knows which one is whose.

"Second brother." Li Shu looked at Li Yan's tugging, and smiled, "I'm afraid that people won't know that she is your wife, so why are you still looking for clothes? Don't our brothers usually wear casual clothes? You just changed them. Dirty clothes, don’t they belong to big brother.”

Li Man was still rummaging through boxes and cabinets, but when she heard this, she suddenly paused, yes, why did she forget, how did their brother's clothes be so clearly separated? Don't you wear it right after you take it? They are all about the same size, except that Li Mo is a bit stronger and Li Shu is taller, but basically they are not much different...

After closing the closet, she came out angrily and glared at Li Yan.

Li Yan blinked and chuckled, "Where are the clothes?"

Dare to ask, "Isn't the one I brought you just now?" It can be worn anyway.

"The third one is too gray, I want the sky blue one." Li Yan said.

Li Man glared at him, "You know, go find it yourself." It made her lose face in front of outsiders, don't think she didn't see it, Dayong Niang's eyes with deep meaning when she was leaving, and those two girls, blushing like a monkey's butt , and kept pursing their lips and snickering, afraid that they thought they were going to be in a hurry, so they ran away in a hurry.

"Oh." Li Yan smiled lightly, but actually walked past her, walked into the room, and found clothes to put on by himself.

Seeing Li Man's flushed little face, the others smiled softly.

"Man'er, I'll wash it off." Li Mo said at this time.

Originally, he didn't intend to say hello, but after Li Yan's incident, he undoubtedly said more.

Li Man's ears were feverish, so she nodded helplessly, then turned around and hurried back to the room.

"My daughter-in-law is ashamed." Li Shu glanced at Li Mo lightly, "Brother, can't you be more tactful?"

Li Mo is very innocent, he didn't say anything, he just said to take a bath...

"I'll wash it off." The more he said it, the worse it got, Li Mo's face darkened, he left a sentence, and went to the kitchen.

"Well, let's go." Li Shu said.

Li Yan changed into clean clothes, stretched his arms, and felt extremely comfortable. Then, looking at the closed door of the West Room, his eyes darkened, "Third and fourth brothers, don't you still have to go to work in the fields?"

"It's done early." Li Shudao, "My fourth brother and I have been soaking in the field for the past few days, not only loosening the soil and watering, but also planting some vegetable seedlings in the cracks in the corn field. My wife loves it." Eat greens and peppers, and we replanted the vegetable patch in the backyard."

"Oh, it's really hard for you two." Li Yandao said, then turned and went back to the room, "Okay, I'm tired too, let's take a rest first."

"Oh." Li Shu glanced at Li Hua, "Fourth brother, you should go back to the house too, these days you've been busy going to the ground with me, and you haven't even read the book."

Li Hua smiled shyly. If he hadn't been tired from working in the fields, he wouldn't know how to live these days. It was fine during the day, but at night...

Since he came back that day, lying on the kang at night, listening to the wind outside the window, he survived the long night like that, growing up so big, it was the first time he thought why the night was so long?


Back in the West Room, Li Man lay on the kang, feeling a little hot on her body, so she opened the small window to let the breeze into the room.

But not long after, the sound of water from next door made her warm up again.

Li Mo was taking a shower, she knew it.

This made her a little dazed, but fortunately, after a while, there was no movement next door, followed by the sound of the kitchen door opening.

After he finished washing, Li Man got up and got off the kang.

When they came back today, they all smelled bad, and the clothes were all dirty, so she thought they could just wash them and hang them out.

When she went out, she saw Li Mo carrying the bathtub to pour water, so she went straight to the kitchen, piled up all the dirty clothes on the floor, and put them into the laundry basket.

"Let me come." Li Mo leaned the tub under the corner of the room and hurried over.

Li Man looked at him, tired and distressed, "Go back to the house and rest, it's just a few clothes, it will be ready in a while."

Uncomfortable, Li Mo still reached out to grab the basket. Those clothes hadn't been washed for more than ten days, and they were all dirty and smelly. He knew she liked to be clean, so he hurriedly said, "I'll just wash it."

He moved very quickly, and arrived at the side of the well killing with the basket in hand.

Li Man had no choice but to take the laundry tub from the kitchen and hurried to the side of the well.

Li Mo pressed the water, and Li Man squatted down naturally, sorting the clothes, washing the jacket first, and putting the pants last.

"Man'er." Li Mo squatted down after pressing the water, picked up his clothes and rubbed them.

Seeing his big palms rubbing his clothes clumsily, Li Man smiled softly, pulled the clothes in his hands and pressed them to the bottom of the basin, "Okay, if you really don't want to rest, stay here Get me some water."

"Yeah." After Li Mo's practice, he also felt that Li Man was more suitable for this job than himself. Look at her pair of small hands rubbing the clothes, from the collar, to the front, to the cuffs, every part was scrubbed meticulously and clean , watching is a kind of enjoyment.

"Man'er." Li Mo squatted beside her, looking at her tenderly, reaching out to help her smooth out the hair that had slipped down and blocked her view from time to time.

"What?" Li Man asked casually while washing.

Li Mo smiled foolishly, "It's okay." In fact, he just wanted to stay by her side, to see her more and talk to her more, but he was stupid and didn't know what to say to her? miss her? I really want to think about it, such words are rotten in his stomach, and he can't say it.

"Huh?" Li Man looked up, looked at him suspiciously, met his tender eyes, and smiled immediately, "Aren't you tired after staying in the mountains for so long? I finally went home, so I won't go back to the kang Will you lie down?"

"I have time to lie down at night." When Li Mo said this, his eyes were particularly bright.

Today is the fifth day of this month, and tonight should be his first night resting in her room.

Li Man completely forgot about this, only thought that the nights are short now, he sleeps too much during the day, and can't sleep at night, so she gave up on it. After washing the coat, she asked him to pour out the dirty water and press it again. Drink some water.

The two of them sat in the yard in such a tacit understanding, and quickly washed and dried the clothes.

Li Man put the empty basket and laundry tub on the stone in the yard to dry, turned around, and wanted to go back to her room to rest, but unexpectedly, Li Mo followed behind him silently.

When she turned around and was about to close the door, she realized that he had followed in, and Li Man was startled, "Aren't you going back to the house?"

Li Mo also froze for a moment, "I, let me see if you have any other work."

"It's gone, go back to the room and rest." Li Man pushed him out with a smile, and then closed the door.

Li Mo was stunned at the door, reaching out to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, he found it funny, he was sticking behind her like a clingy child just now?

Well, there is still one night.

Li Mo turned and went back to the east room. Li Yan was lying on the kang, seemingly asleep, Li Hua was leaning against the window, reading a book, and Li Shu was sitting cross-legged on the kang, holding Xiao Wu's sand table, and writing there.

He also felt a little tired, so he took off his shoes, lay down on the kang, and closed his eyes.


From the front window, seeing that there was no one at the door, Li Man gently opened the door again, and walked around from the kitchen to the toilet in the backyard.

After finishing the solution, as soon as I went to the front yard to wash my hands, I saw two middle-aged women in their forties looking at the door.

She couldn't help wondering, so she took a closer look.

The two women also saw her, their eyes lit up first, and then they asked very modestly, "Little girl, may I ask if there is anyone with the surname Li here?"

"Li?" Li Man walked towards them, with a bit of vigilance in his eyes? "What are you looking for with a family surnamed Li? There are quite a few families surnamed Li in this village."

When she came over, the eyes of the two women became brighter, and they unconsciously looked her up and down carefully, "Little girl, is your name Li Man?"

ah? Li Man was taken aback. Apart from Li's family and people from this village, does anyone else know about her?

"Who are you?" She was a little uneasy.

"Little girl, don't be afraid." One of the women hurriedly said, "My old lady sent us here."

"Old lady?" Li Man was puzzled, she didn't know any old lady.

At this time, Li Shu and Li Hua both came out when they heard voices outside. Seeing Li Man standing at the gate of the courtyard talking to two women, they rushed over.

These days, there are many kidnappers, especially those who kidnap women and children. Their daughter-in-law is very simple-minded and kind-hearted, so don't be coaxed away by a few words.

"daughter in law."


The two came over and hurriedly protected Li Man in the middle.

"What are you guys doing?" Li Shu's tone was a little unfriendly.

When the two women saw Li Shu and Li Hua, they looked at each other and smiled, "It seems that this girl is right."

So, instead of answering Li Shu's question, the two women said to Li Man in a friendly manner, "Girl, do you remember that about a month ago, you sold wild garlic at the market in the town? "

"Yeah?" Li Man was startled, "You?"

"Heh." One of the women laughed, "I still remember a kind-hearted old lady who bought garlic from you, and then brought someone there to buy it?"

"Oh." Li Man remembered and said with a smile, "It's that grandma."

"By the way, that's our old lady."

"Your old lady?" Judging from the tone, the old lady's house is pretty good, at least these two women should be their servants?

Knowing his details, Li Mansong was much faster, and asked with a smile, "Is that grandma okay? She asked you to come here to find me?"

"En." The two women nodded and glanced inside, obviously wanting to enter the room for a detailed discussion.

Li Man looked at Li Shu and Li Hua hesitantly.

Li Shu didn't say anything, Li Hua nodded, "The two of you have something to say in the room." Anyway, they are here, and they are not afraid that others will abduct his wife.


The Li family has three small rooms with the kitchen. In the east room, two men are asleep. The kitchen is too small and crowded. In the end, Li Man had to bring the two women to his own room. Fortunately, the room is clean and tidy. .

They asked Li Shu to bring two stools over, and they sat down next to the door.

The two women were refreshing, and as soon as they sat down, they explained the purpose of their trip.

It turned out that the cause of the matter was this.

More than a month ago, the old lady met Li Man in the vegetable market, and she was shocked on the spot. She thought it was very suitable for her eyes, and she thought of her grandson, but Li Man was married. After returning home, the old lady thought I still couldn't let go of this little girl, so I discussed it with my family. I also lack a caring and reliable person by my side. It's like recognizing Li Man and raising her as a granddaughter. As for her men Well, at the time, I didn’t look very well dressed, patched and patched, and besides, I could sell garlic. My family background was definitely not good, so I wanted to ask my family to find a job in a shop or somewhere else. Son, it's better than selling garlic.

After the old lady made some plans, she got the consent of her family, and everyone didn't take it seriously. After all, the old lady is so old, and the only grandson she raised under her knees has also grown up. It's okay for the girl to tease and talk in front of her.

However, when the old lady sent someone to look for it again, Li Man and the others had already stopped going to the market.

The old lady also sent people to Shennvgou to inquire about it, but Shennvgou is so big, there are dozens of small villages at the foot of the continuous mountain, and most of them here are communist wives who want to be alone. It was still somewhat difficult to find Li Man's family alone.

For this reason, the old lady was still sad for a long time, saying that she fell in love with Li Man, it hurts to look at it, why did she suddenly disappear? Doesn't she still have wild garlic to sell at home?

For several days in a row, people were sent to the market to guard, and people were sent to Shennvgou to inquire.

It was only later that I found out that Li Man and Li Shu were being bullied by a well-known playboy in the town.

The old lady was very angry, but she, an old man, couldn't uphold justice in this kind of thing. She was only worried that Li Man would be wronged, but fortunately, yesterday, she finally knew that the villain had been punished.

Speaking of this, Li Man was also curious, "What happened to that scoundrel?"

The woman just laughed, "Who knows, but it's really embarrassing to say this. Tell me, this man is really bad to the bone. He even hooked up with his own little wife, and was raped by others." He was caught on the spot, stripped naked and hung up on the city gate. His old man knew about it, and brought someone back to him overnight. It is said that it was another good beating. This time, let alone a year, he can't get off in half a year. *That’s for sure, I also heard that his father thinks he’s worthless and is planning to throw him into the military camp.”

"Hmph, it's just a guy like that, he'll die when he gets to the barracks." Another woman said contemptuously.

"What else?" Li Man's eyes widened in surprise, as if she was listening to a story.

"Yeah, we also find it strange that those who dare to love the wicked will eventually be rewarded with evil. The blame is to blame the villain for being too inhuman, even daring to fuck his own stepmother... Hehe, it is said that he and his father are two He just got married a month ago, and he was stolen by Xingxing. Besides, he is a concubine, and he usually causes troubles when he is out, now..."

"It must be some big house that can't accommodate him, so he made up a way to get rid of him, hehe, he deserves it."

The two women chatted very warmly, and Li Man also felt refreshed. The bad guys are punished, and God still has justice.

However, the old lady sent them here just to inform her about this?

Thinking about it, Li Man smiled, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I came here to tell me this heart-warming news."

"Oh, no." The two women hurriedly waved their hands, "Look at the two of us, we are talking about excitement here, but we forgot the business. Actually, it's the same as before. The old lady wants to take you to live in the town."

It's not relative, isn't it? Li Man quickly declined, "Thank you for your kindness, old lady, but I am used to living here, and this is my home." And her men.

"You're not going alone, all of you are going. The old lady has already vacated a room for you and arranged work for them. In addition, if they don't want to, the old lady can help you buy a shop. You can also do small business." The two women persuaded kindly.

"So good?" Li Shu listened, a little amused, it seems that his wife's charm is really not small, from a child like Xiao Wu to an old lady, they all like her so much.

The two women hurriedly apologized, "Yes, our old lady is the kindest person. By the way, your fourth master is also studying, right? It just so happens that our young master Sun is also studying, and we have hired a special teacher at home. Your fourth master will go and learn together."

"That's unnecessary." Li Hua felt that this matter was too unreliable, besides, they had their own home, so there was no need to rely on others.

The two women choked.

Li Man said tactfully, "Aunts, please go back and tell the old lady that I have received her kindness. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will make a special trip to visit the house. As for the rest, forget it."

Although the Li family was poor, with her with them, there was sweetness in bitterness.

But if you take your whole family and live under someone else's fence, no matter how good your life is, you will feel uncomfortable.

Li Man understands this, "Really, Auntie, you have worked hard all the way, let me pour you a glass of water. There is still a lot of road from here to the town, and it is hard work to climb the mountains. After drinking the water , you go on the road? It’s not safe at night.”

Is this going to drive people away? The two women obviously didn't expect this to happen?

"Hey, girl, our old lady is all kind-hearted. It's a good thing that others can't think of. You don't need to spend a penny. The house and pavement are all set up for you. The old lady also likes you and is afraid of you. Life is hard..."

"It's really unnecessary." Li Man poured a bowl of boiling water for each of them, and said with a smile, "My house also has a house, and the field, we also bought it a few months ago. By the way, my house also raises pigs and chickens. You go back Thank you ma'am for me."

"This—" The two women showed bitter expressions. They thought it was a good thing and it would be easy to get it done. They could sell favors to the old lady when they went back. Who knew that Li Man was a fool, such a good climber. No chance.

Well, the two of them didn't persuade much, after putting down the bowl, they politely said sorry to bother, and then set off on the road.

After the two left, Li Hua held her hand and looked at her peacefully, "In the future, we will definitely let you live in a big house so that you... have no worries about food and clothing."

"I'm fine now." Li Man smiled sincerely.

No matter how big the house is, what's the use if it can't accommodate a person who treats her sincerely?

In modern times, she lives in a two-story villa, but the last thing left of her is nothing but loneliness.

It's not as good as now, three thatched huts, five men who treat her sincerely, a family under the same roof, sharing ups and downs together.

In this way, she is very satisfied, really.

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