Fortunate Wife

Chapter 132 Children (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

The dawn was getting earlier and earlier, and Li Man woke up in a daze, and was dazzled by the bright light in the room. When she moved a little, her limbs felt sore, and her waist seemed to be broken.

Unknowingly, Ning Mei breathed a sigh of relief, secretly annoyed that her body was really not up to date, and she couldn't bear the slightest toss.

However, it's also Li Mo's fault, he slept soundly in the first half of the night...

Thinking of the second half of the night, she couldn't help but blush and her heart beat, and slowly raised her head to look at him.

At this moment, Li Mo was lying on the side, sleeping very soundly.

Li Man didn't have the heart to call him, so she put her chin on one hand, lay beside him, and looked at him quietly and curiously.

In other words, she had never dared to look at him so carefully. At this moment, she was surprised to find that this man usually looked silent and stern, making people afraid to get close to him, but he really looked like a child when he slept.

Li Man thought, it might come down to the fact that the men in the Li family have inherited a pair of beautiful long eyelashes, which are curled up and thick, adding a bit of childishness.

No matter how serious a man is, having such a pair of eyelashes will make people feel a lot more friendly.

I don't know if my future child will inherit such a pair of eyelashes?

Thinking about it, she felt happy, if she could have a child...

Li Man's small face became hot, and her small hands unconsciously stroked her lower abdomen. These days, they didn't do anything about it. I wonder if a small seed has sprouted here?

Oh no.

Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong again. It had been several months since she came into this world, and she was so careless that even her aunt never came and didn't notice.

She doesn't know the exact age of this body, but if the aunt did not come, there are only a few reasons, one is that she is too young, the other is that she is pregnant, and the third is that she has a physical problem.

She instinctively thought of being pregnant, after all the crazy days...

Her heart jumped up suddenly, as if a little life was conceived in her belly, she had never felt so happy, but, so far, she has not had any reaction, and for some reason, Hey, I should have asked Uncle Xu to feel her pulse.

Forget it, I'll go to find Uncle Xu after breakfast, if I really have it, it's like last night's tossing, and I won't be able to have it again in the future.

Her heart was full of excitement, she couldn't lie down anymore, seeing Li Mo sleeping soundly, she didn't have the heart to call him, she got dressed and got off the kang lightly.

After opening the door, Li Shu was sweeping the yard. Seeing her coming out, he stopped and walked towards her, "Daughter-in-law, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Li Man blushed slightly and nodded slightly.

At this time, Li Hua also came out of the kitchen, glanced at Li Man, and smiled, "Are you up? There is hot water, wash your face first, breakfast is ready."

"Oh." Getting up late again, Li Man became more and more embarrassed, and hurriedly turned and went to the kitchen.

He scooped up the face wash and washed quietly.

Not long after, Li Yan, Xiao Wu, and Da Hei Xiao Huang, came back from outside with a load full of pig vegetables.

The pig dishes were placed under the eaves, and Li Yan entered the kitchen sweating profusely.

Li Man had just washed her face, and was about to pour water, when Li Yan hurriedly called out, "Don't pour it, I'm just in time to wash."

"There's still hot water." Li Man said.

"Waste." Li Yan glanced at her with a smile, and took the basin from her hand.

Li Man was taken aback, then stomped her feet, "I used that water before."

Li Yan had already rubbed the towel in the water, then wiped his face and neck, and finally smiled, "What happened after using it?"

Doesn't he dislike it too? Li Man looked at him awkwardly.

Li Yan didn't care about it, the water used by his daughter-in-law smells good, after washing, he went out and poured the water.

Li Man sat on the stool and poured herself a bowl of water to drink. After a while, she heard Li Shu knocking on the door of the Westinghouse and calling Li Mo, "Brother, are you still asleep? The sun is drying your ass, get up." Have a meal."

Li Man almost spit out a mouthful of water, and sure enough, she heard Li Mo from the next room say 'hmm', and seemed to be a little confused.

Li Mo is the most diligent person in this family, even if he has nothing to do, he will get up early to find some work for himself, today...

Well, who kept him awake last night.

Li Man thought in embarrassment, and continued to drink water, but suddenly felt something was wrong. Just now Li Mo gave a soft 'hmm', and she could hear it clearly.

Then last night, in the middle of the night, there was no sound, such movement...

Pfft, I didn't spit out a sip of water, I choked directly into my throat, Li Man coughed violently while supporting the big table, her little face was red from coughing, pitifully tight.

Li Yan, who came in with a basin, hurriedly put down the basin and hugged her, "What's wrong?"

"No, cough, cough..." Choking up her throat, Li Man couldn't speak, and coughed whenever she said it, so she had to wave her hands at him.

The others also ran in when they heard the coughing sound. Li Mo's belt was not fastened, and it was loosely hung on his shoulders, revealing a strong and broad chest, and there were a few scratches, which were very obvious.

Li Man's small face was on fire, and she lay on the table and coughed non-stop.

"What's going on?" Li Shu asked worriedly, rubbing her back gently with his big palm.

Li Man bit her lip, trying to hold back the itchy cough in her throat, and it took a while for it to heal.

She raised her head slowly, her little face was still flushed because of the severe cough just now, she looked at the men around her with worried and panicked expressions, she hurriedly said, "I choked on water just now, it's okay. "

"Can you choke on drinking water? No one is robbing you, why are you so anxious?" Li Yan couldn't help reaching out and pinching her cheek.

Li Man was aggrieved, and rubbed her cheeks that were a little sore from being pinched by him, "I just choked like that, and I don't want to."

"Okay, it's fine." Li Mo said while fastening his clothes.

On the side, the other brothers glanced at him, especially when they saw the scratch marks on his chest, they all pursed their lips and stopped talking.

Several of them have had such traces on their bodies, and they have all tasted that kind of taste.

Seeing that the expressions of the others were a little off, Li Man hurriedly said, "Let's eat, I'm hungry."

"Well, I'll serve it." Li Hua said, walked straight to the pot, first served Li Man a bowl of porridge, and then brought the stir-fried vegetables to the table.

Others came one after another, serving their own, and the family sat around the table, eating breakfast quietly.

After breakfast, for the first time, Li Man didn't take the initiative to clean up the dishes, but went out right behind Li Mo.

"Brother." At the door of the east room, she stopped him.

Li Mo turned to look at her with gentle eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Hmm..." Li Man bit her lip slightly, a little nervous and embarrassed, "Well, I want to go to Uncle Xu's side later."

Before Li Mo answered, Li Shu, who had just put the little yellow chicken in the yard, heard it, and hurried over, "Why are you going again? You just came back yesterday."

If he goes there for half a month, will he still live? He just got married and endured it for half a month. Are you trying to suffocate him to death?

Li Mo glared at Li Shu, and asked Li Man a little uneasy, "What happened?"

"No, I, I just want to go and see." Li Man's face turned red again, with two men staring at her like this, she really didn't have the courage to say that she wanted to see if she was pregnant.

Li Mo was even more worried, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"No." Li Man struggled, "I'll come back as soon as I go, I left a piece of clothing over there, I want to get it back."

"Oh." Li Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "No hurry, I'll get it for you later." He walked fast and could get it back before noon.

"No, no, I'd better go by myself. It just so happens that I also have something to say to Aunt Xu." Li Man said hastily, and then, before the two of them could reply, she called Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, you and I will talk to you in a while." I'll go to Xu Bo's house together."

Xiao Wu was feeding the chicken, and when he heard the crowing, he naturally nodded and agreed.

"Let me go with you." Li Mo was worried, he was keenly aware that Li Man was hiding something.

Li Shu also saw the clues, and echoed, "Yeah, Xiao Wu is used to being wild outside these days, so he should make up his mind to write something at home, and let Big Brother accompany you."


"Where are you going again?" Li Yan also came out of the room at this time. Rumo's long hair had just been combed with a comb, tied up with a blue headband, and looked clean and tidy. Even if he was only wearing coarse clothes, he could still It gives people a feeling of a jade tree facing the wind.

"My daughter-in-law is going to Uncle Xu's place," Li Shu said.

Li Man stomped her feet secretly, didn't she just want to go out? I know everything -

"Didn't you just come back yesterday?" Li Yan asked again.

Li Man sighed secretly, well, she was going to lie again, "I left a piece of clothing there, I want Xiao Wu to accompany me to get it back."

"It's such a big deal, let the third brother go there." Li Yan said lightly.

Li Man insisted angrily, "No, I will go by myself."

"Girl, you have something to hide from us." Li Yan hit the nail on the head, staring at her sharply.

Li Man was flustered by the look and quickly shook her head, "What can I do?"

"Then why are you blushing?" Li Yan was funny. He knew from the beginning that she blushed when she told a lie. Besides, the clothes fell off? She only had a few clothes in total, and he helped her tidy them up last time, and he knew in his heart whether they were left behind.

"Am I blushing?" Li Man rubbed her face unconsciously.

"It's popular." Li Shu replied affirmatively, and Li Mo and Li Yan silently acquiesced.

Li Man was even more annoyed, "Forget it, I'm not going." She turned around and wanted to leave, but was caught by Li Yan, "What's the matter? Is there anything you can't tell us?"

Just as Li Man wanted to be stubborn, Li Hua also packed up the kitchen and came out. Seeing this scene, she hurried over, "Second Brother——"

Li Man instinctively moved to Li Hua's side, but Li Yan grabbed her hand and couldn't break free.

Li Hua was busy protecting Li Man with one hand, and wanted to break Li Yan's hand with the other, staring at the elder brother and the others, why did they watch the second brother bully Man'er one by one?

Li Mo looked at Li Man's aggrieved face, and hurriedly said, "Second brother, let go first, let Man'er speak slowly."

Li Yan frowned, did he not care about her? Look at them all guarding like old hens.

After letting go of Li Man, Li Yan still had a serious expression on his face. In fact, the eldest brother and the others should have seen that this little girl had something on her mind.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" Li Hua also saw something wrong, and asked Li Man anxiously.

Li Mo also coaxed, "Man'er, even if something big happens, we are still here, so don't hide it." Otherwise, they would be very upset and even more sad.

"I—" Li Man was so depressed that she wanted to jump, so many people surrounded her, what should I say?

Several people lowered their heads, listening carefully.

Li Man was ashamed and annoyed, her head was hot, and she said loudly, "I, I just want Uncle Xu to give me a pulse to see if I'm pregnant."

There was silence, a deathly silence, even Xiao Wu squatted by the fence, as if dumbfounded, looking back at Li Man in a daze.

After Li Man yelled, she felt guilty again, "I, you..."

"Daughter-in-law, do I have a son?" Li Shu hugged Li Man suddenly, circling excitedly.

Li Hua hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "Third brother, be careful."

Li Mo and Li Yan reacted a bit slower, and when they heard Li Hua's words, one of them strangled Li Shu's neck, and the other hugged Li Man from his arms.

"Girl, aren't you dizzy?" Li Yan hurriedly patted her face lightly.

Li Man was really lost after being turned around, she clutched Li Yan's arm tightly and closed her eyes to get better.

Li Shu still couldn't restrain his excitement, grabbed Li Mo's hand, and shouted excitedly, "Brother, I have a son."

Li Man's head was full of black lines, she didn't say she was definitely pregnant, right?

Li Mo, Li Yan, and Li Hua glared at him viciously at the same time, "Who says the son is yours?"

Li Shu raised his eyebrows proudly, "It's mine anyway, I know."

Li Mo ignored him, and suddenly his heart was in a mess, excited, nervous, excited...Anyway, he felt that this child would definitely belong to him.

Li Yan tried his best to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, he just looked at Li Man with a wicked smile, saying that he should be with her the most times, there is no reason why the child is not his.

Li Hua looked down at the toe of the shoe, he also worked very hard that night...

Seeing these people's appearance, Li Man felt cold, and called Xiao Wu instead, "Xiao Wu, put down the chicken food, let's go."


"daughter in law."


These men stopped her almost in unison.

Li Shu hurriedly walked up to her, squatted down, "Daughter-in-law, come up quickly, I'll carry you on my back."

The others quickly agreed, and Li Yan hugged Li Man onto Li Shu's back, and then told Xiao Wu, who was lagging behind, "Close the fence and secure the courtyard gate."

"Hey, you guys—" Being carried on Li Shu's back and surrounded by three men, what do you seem to be doing?

As soon as she walked out of the courtyard and walked in the village, Li Man wanted to dig into the cracks in the ground. Fortunately, there were not many people going out at this time, so she buried her face on Li Shu's back again, otherwise she would not meet anyone. Shame on me.

The brothers walked very quickly, and they arrived at Uncle Xu's house in a short time. The old couple were sitting in the small yard eating.

"Father-in-law, come and see, you have a little grandson." Li Shu yelled as soon as he came, and Aunt Xu Boxu's face burst into joy when he yelled.

Aunt Xu Boxu hurriedly put down her job, leaned over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Man was so ashamed that she quickly got off Li Shu's back, dragged Aunt Xu into the kitchen, and told her that she hadn't been to her aunt for several months.

Aunt Xu was overjoyed when she said this, "Oh, girl, is there really one? Am I going to see my grandma?"

Li Man blushed even more, "I don't know yet."

"Then let the old man take the pulse quickly." Aunt Xu couldn't wait any longer, she grabbed Li Man's hand and walked out together, calling to Uncle Xu, "Old man, come and take the girl's pulse, if you have it, This year... If you can't catch up this year, you will definitely be able to embrace it in the spring of next year."

"Daughter-in-law, come quickly." Li Shu hurriedly pulled up a small chair and asked Li Man to sit down.

Looking at everyone's expectant eyes, Li Man was both happy and nervous. After sitting down in a panic, she stretched out her left hand.

Uncle Xu took her pulse seriously, but under everyone's anticipation, his expression became more and more serious.

Aunt Xu was the first to lose it, and slapped the old man on the back of the neck, "Old man, what's your face? You look scary, what are you doing?"

The other men had already been moved by Xu Bo's solemn expression, and their hearts were almost in their throats. At this time, no one dared to ask a question first.

Li Man's heart was also sinking gradually. In her previous life, she had seen doctors many times in order to have a child. Such an expression left her with lingering fears.

"Uncle Xu, aren't you pregnant?"

Despite restraint, her voice was still trembling.

Standing beside her, Li Hua instinctively reached out to wrap her arms around her, letting her lean against him.

"If you don't get pregnant, you don't get pregnant. The future will be long. At most, I will work harder, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get pregnant?" Li Yan knelt down, held Li Man's hand tightly, and found that her little hand was cold, and felt extremely distressed.

"Yes." Li Mo also hurriedly said, "Man'er is still young, besides, we are not in a hurry to get it."

Are you in no hurry? But before they said yes, they were all so excited?

Li Man thought sourly.

Li Shu felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't look down on his wife's discomfort, "Daughter-in-law, let's forget about not getting pregnant this time, let's get pregnant next time."

Pfft... When she is a sow? And a few more.

Uncle Xu looked at a few people and sighed softly, "Girl, are you particularly afraid of the cold?"

"Huh?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, it was March in Yangchun, and she didn't feel cold, so she shook her head.

"What's going on?" Aunt Xu asked impatiently.

Xu Bo looked at several men, his expression became more serious, but he still said directly, "You have to be mentally prepared, with a girl's physique, it may be difficult to want children."

"Ah?" Li Shu exclaimed.

Li Man only felt a buzzing in her ears, and her whole body was already limp in Li Hua's arms.

"How come? Girl, she is in good health." Li Yan's expression changed.

Li Mo's lips trembled, and he was almost speechless.

Li Hua hugged Li Man tightly, and seemed to have made a mental decision immediately, it would be good to have her.

"Uncle Xu, I...why did this happen?" Li Man couldn't believe that this was the truth of the matter. She couldn't have children in modern times, but now, she felt that she was very healthy, why couldn't she?

Xu Bo said, "Girl, have you ever suffered from cold before? I checked, and your body must have suffered from severe cold. Although it looks fine now, for a woman, it is really difficult to conceive a child with a cold body. "

"Cold physique?" Li Man is very unfamiliar with this body, and she has no way of knowing her past, "So there is no way to save it?"

Uncle Xu frowned, "You, Uncle Xu, and I are doctors who have become monks halfway through. For the present plan, it is best to find a doctor who specializes in gynecology and gynecology."

"Okay, let's go to the town outside the mountain tomorrow." Li Yan said.

Li Man was about to faint, her mind was buzzing, she couldn't conceive a child, as for what they said later, and how she got home, she didn't know anything.

She didn't know how to spend the day, from the ecstasy at the beginning to the disappointment at the end, she was numb. She took two bites for lunch, and then lay down on the kang.

In the afternoon, Li Yan brought another bowl of poached eggs. She ate one and vomited.

At night, Li Yan hugged her and sat on the kang, seeing her blank and empty, his heart was like a knife, "Girl, don't torment yourself, okay? You are like this, and our hearts are broken."


Well, as for the child, don't worry, there will be something in the future, but now, Man'er is still young, let's let her nourish for a few more years\\(o)~

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