Fortunate Wife

Chapter 133 Seeing a doctor (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

Hearing Li Yan's sad whispers in his ear, Li Man was actually even more sad and at a loss. If she couldn't have a baby, what would they do?

"Girl, don't be sad, okay?" Li Yan hugged her even tighter, kept kissing her cheek, and coaxed gently, "What does it matter if you don't have a child? It's worrying if you have one."

Knowing that he was speaking to comfort herself, Li Man put her hands around his waist, pressed her face to his chest, closed her eyes, and tears fell silently.

Not wanting to have children and being unable to have children are two completely different things.

Li Yan felt her body trembling lightly, and when he lowered his head, he saw two lines of tears streaming down her delicate cheeks, and he felt urgent and painful at the same time.

"Silly girl, what do you want to do? You have been crying for a whole day, and you are not afraid that your eyes will be broken from crying."

He hurriedly wiped her tears, but they didn't flow quickly.

In fact, Li Man didn't want to, but she just couldn't control it. She also wiped her tears with the back of her hand, which was already wet.

"Listen, girl," Li Yan held her slender shoulders tightly with both hands, met her eyes blurred by tears, and said seriously, "I know how much this incident today hurt you, and we are also very sad , but now, for us, the most important person is you, not the child. You know that you are sad, and it is hard for us to follow you?"

"I'm sorry." Li Man lowered her head in frustration, her tears were like broken beads.

"Fool, who are you sorry for? You are very good, you know? Besides, Uncle Xu just said that it is difficult to have children, but he didn't say that he must not be able to have children. You are still so young, and there will be more opportunities in the future. Take a step back Said, even if we really have no children, we are not afraid, we can still have one, raise one, or adopt one, as long as you want, you can do anything." Li Yan gently rubbed her hair, and couldn't help but comfort her in her ear. with.

"Li Yan." Li Man wiped away tears, sucked her nose, and choked up, "I know, just give me a little time, okay? I promise, it will be fine tomorrow..."

"That's good." Li Yan sighed helplessly, and hugged her even tighter, "Only tonight, girl, you can cry as much as you want, right? Don't cry anymore tomorrow."

"En." Leaning in his arms, Li Man snorted, then hugged his neck, buried her face in his chest, and cried out loudly.

In the east room, a small dim light was flickering on and off, shining on the faces of the brothers, making them look gloomy.

The extremely sad * finally passed, and the sun of the next day was still shining on the earth as usual.

Sure enough, crying* in his arms made Li Man feel much happier.

Yes, this is not the first time for her to suffer such a blow. In modern times, she has been pursuing it for ten years. In this life, she is still so young, and she even has ten more years.

She didn't believe it, God was so cruel that she had to repeat the same misfortune in two lifetimes.

In the morning, after eating something hastily, Li Mo, Li Yan, and Li Shu took Li Man to the town outside the mountain. Li Hua and Xiao Wu were housekeepers.

There are doctors in the town outside the mountain, but there are four or five small towns connected to it. They don't know which town has a doctor. It would be too time-consuming to search aimlessly. Therefore, the brothers discussed, So I went to my sister-in-law Li Xiangcao's house first.

My sister-in-law Li Xiangcao lives in Dongshan Town, which is only about one mile away from the town where they go to the market every time. It's very close, and everyone arrived soon.

However, as soon as they arrived at Li Xiangcao's house, through the half-covered door, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

More than a month ago, Li Xiangcao, who went to Li's house, was still a young and beautiful young woman, but now, she was wearing coarse clothes and disheveled hair. She was chopping firewood with an ax in a corner of the yard.

And under the eaves, a young man in green shirt was sitting leisurely on a bamboo chair, enjoying the considerate rubbing of the woman in his arms rubbing her shoulders. Her hands were still in the woman's clothes, making her laugh from time to time.

What is the situation? Li Man didn't know the man and woman under the eaves, but just watching this scene was too contrasting. While Li Xiangcao was struggling to do rough work, the young man and woman were alive and well.

"Sister." Li Shu kicked open the half-closed courtyard door, pointed at the young man, and said sharply, "Shen, what are you doing?"

The young man froze, seeing a few people suddenly appearing at the door, in astonishment, he pushed the woman away in a panic.

"Li Shu." In the corner of the yard, Li Xiangcao was also startled by this scene, fearing that Li Shu would hit someone impulsively, she hurriedly threw down her ax and came over to stop a few people, "Why are you here?"

"Hey, who are these people? How can you break into other people's houses casually?" Under the eaves, the woman who was pushed away by Shen Runsheng stared at them very displeased.

"Sister-in-law, who is that girl?" Li Shu jumped up immediately, angrily pointing at the girl with upturned brows.

Li Xiangcao's eyes turned red, and she said, "It's not anyone, by the way, you..."

"Sister-in-law." Li Mo looked at the haggard Li Xiangcao, and guessed what happened in his heart. Last time when my aunt came, she also mentioned it. Since she married her uncle, her life has not been good, but , he didn't expect it to be so bad.

"Vanilla." Shen Runsheng looked at Li Mo and the others, his face darkened, and he stared at Li Xiangcao displeased, and said, "I told you earlier, don't deal with those muddy legs, just don't listen, look Well, they came to the door again. Forget it, give them two bags of rice noodles, and hurry up."

"Runsheng." Li Xiangcao had tears in her eyes. She never expected that this man would be so merciless towards her, and he would also be merciless in front of her relatives.

"Da Lang and the others didn't come to ask for rice or noodles."

"Hmph, what else do you need? Don't forget, our family is not well-off now, and Tweety is also pregnant now, and the family will soon have another child..."

"Enough." Li Xiangcao interrupted Shen Runsheng with a choked voice, "I know what to do, so you don't need to tell me."

"Hey, sister, what are you talking about? Your husband is just telling you in vain. Just listen. Why are you so fierce? Besides, if you know what to do, why do you let these dubious people in?" Tweety glanced at Li Xiangcao coldly, showing disdain.

"Bitch, are you that green onion?" Li Shu wanted to rush over to slap her, but was held back by Li Xiangcao.

But Tweety quit, stomping her feet and twisting her waist, she began to cry in Shen Runsheng's arms, "Master, take a look, are they going to beat me? It doesn't matter if they beat me, but our son will also be beaten too, woo woo , My poor child, I have to be bullied like this before I was born, Mr. Gong, you have to make decisions for our mother and son."

"Li Xiangcao, teach you nephews a good lesson. You can't even manage your own home, but you still want to go to someone else's house to play wild? Okay, okay, no, I beat you all out with a stick, including you, did you hear that? ?”

Li Man was dumbfounded when she heard that, this woman is really capable of nonsense, but, looking at that man, he looked handsome and somewhat bookish, but at this moment, she was as confused as that Tweety, she couldn't help but feel sorry for Li Xiangcao not worth.

Li Shuqi's blue veins bulged, and he really wanted to go forward and beat this stinky man to death, but Li Mo and Li Yan dragged him down, and now he was at someone else's house, not to mention, they didn't want to embarrass my sister-in-law even more.

And Li Xiangcao, in front of her natal nephew, couldn't bear it any longer, hung her head, and cried into tears.

"Sister-in-law." Li Man hurriedly stretched out his arms to wrap her around her so that she could cry in his arms.

Shen Runsheng brought Tweet into the house, and after Li Xiangcao cried for a while lying on Li Man's shoulder, Fang wiped away her tears and took them to her room.

And this time, it made several people even more angry.

The side house that Li Xiangcao lives in now is shabby, and even the bed is made of two stools and a broken door.

"Sister-in-law, what's going on?" Li Yan looked gloomy, and his hands had unconsciously clenched into fists.

After Li Xiangcao cried, she felt much better. She smiled wryly and said, "What can I do? She has a body, so she should live better."

"That stinky bitch lived in the main house?" Li Shu was angry and surprised.

What is the main room not the main room? Li Xiangcao didn't care anymore, and just smiled wryly, "It's clean to live alone."

"Just because..." Li Mo choked back in the middle of his sentence, and glanced at Li Man unconsciously.

My sister-in-law Li Xiangcao has been married for many years, but no happy event has been reported. The relationship between her and her uncle Shen Runsheng has been getting worse year by year.

There are three ways to be unfilial, and having no offspring is the biggest. My aunt said a long time ago that Shen Runsheng would marry my younger sister sooner or later, but he never expected that that bastard man would start to abuse his sister-in-law after he wanted another woman.

Li Xiangcao didn't know about Li Man's level, so she said helplessly, "Yeah, I'm sorry for him. After following him for all these years, I couldn't give him a son and a half. Now, Tweety It was only half a year ago that she was pregnant. This is a happy event. She used to be quite delicate, but now that she is pregnant again, her temper is even more urgent. Don't worry about it, it's up to me..."

Li Man finally understands, the woman just now was a concubine, now, just because she has no children, is she going to kill the concubine?

"Sister-in-law, are you so patient?"

After all, her thinking still belongs to modern times, and she can't bear to see her man raising children with other women.

Even if she can't give birth, even if she is disgusted, it's okay, let's leave.

Everyone parted ways, and since then they have nothing to do with each other, and she will never care about that man's affairs.

But now Li Xiangcao's situation made her angry.

What can I do if I can't bear it? Li Xiangcao sighed all day, and suddenly laughed expectantly, but her eyes were confused and empty, "Runsheng said, Tweety is young and can't take care of children. This first child will give birth to me. keep."

Everyone was silent for a while.

Li Man looked at Li Mo's three brothers, and couldn't help wondering, "Could it be, is that all?"

Li Mo raised his head, and comforted him helplessly, "If it's a boy, it's the same when my sister-in-law is raised."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao's gaze slowly gathered at this moment, and she smiled softly, "So, let's just leave it at that, after the baby is born, at worst I'll be in the same courtyard with him, haha."

"Little uncle still has feelings for you. Now, it's just because of the child..." Li Mo couldn't continue talking. The scene just now hurt his heart. If he had feelings, how could he? Let my sister-in-law be so haggard? A skinny little girl was doing a man's work, while he was having fun with his little wife in front of her.

Seeing that her nephews looked bad, Li Xiangcao quickly comforted her, "Okay, it's no big deal, no matter what, she is still young, and she can't surpass me. Your little uncle is usually nice to me, but, come on The test result in the next autumn was not good, and he was depressed all the time, no, he was better when Tweety was pregnant. Don't blame him either."

The three brothers didn't make a sound, and Li Man felt very aggrieved, but what advice would she give this hurt woman?

Persuade her to divorce? But in this age, after leaving, men can still be romantic, and even bring other women home one by two, but what about women? How does a woman who is divorced from her husband's family live in such an age?

She didn't dare to persuade Li Xiangcao with herself, after all, their thinking belonged to two different eras.

After a moment of silence, Li Xiangcao asked again, "Da Lang, are you here today?"

"Oh." Li Mo snorted, and looked at Li Man worriedly. After all, my sister-in-law was also infertile, which led to her sister-in-law's later betrayal. He was afraid that Li Man would be paranoid. Did not say it.

On the other hand, Li Man's heart suddenly became alive. Li Xiangcao is not very old, it seems that she has not yet reached thirty, why can't she give birth?

"Sister-in-law, have you ever seen the doctor?"

"Huh?" Li Xiangcao was taken aback by the question, and her face turned red in front of her nephews.

Li Man hurriedly scanned Li Mo and the others, "Wait in the yard, I have something to say to my aunt."

"Man'er." Li Mo and the others were worried. Would it be more sad if two barren women were together?

"Go." Li Man got up and pushed them, and told them, "If you see anything, act as if you didn't see it, don't fight, you understand?"

"Oh." The three men were pushed out the door.

Li Xiangcao looked at her and smiled slightly, "They listen to you."

Li Man also smiled faintly, took Li Xiangcao's hand, and the two sat on the small stool together.

"Sister-in-law, have you seen the doctor?" Li Man asked seriously.

Li Xiangcao looked a little embarrassed, and said awkwardly, "Actually, I have seen this in secret, and I have also taken medicine secretly, but my stomach has never moved."

"What did the doctor say?" Li Man asked.

Li Xiangcao bit her lip, "I don't quite understand what the doctor said, but I just took the medicine he prescribed for half a year, and there was no movement at all, and then I gave up."

"Oh." Li Man lowered her head and said slowly, "Sister-in-law, to tell you the truth, we came here today to find a doctor."

"Who is sick?" Li Xiangcao immediately became worried.

"No." Li Man quickly comforted, "They are all fine, it's me..."

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Maybe, in this life, I can't have children."

"What?" Li Xiangcao exclaimed in surprise.

Li Man smiled wryly, "Yes, God is so cruel, but I cried all day* yesterday, and now I don't have the energy to cry anymore. Sister, why don't you come with me to see the doctor? You are also young, I believe we can all be fine."

Li Xiangcao shook her head quickly, "No, no, I'm so old. I've lost my heart a long time ago."

"Go, just stay with me." Li Man said, "To be honest, I'm a little scared."

Li Xiangcao looked at Li Man with pity, "Don't be afraid, Dalang and the others are conscientious people, and they won't treat you poorly because of this."

What she was afraid of was not this, but that, as their woman, she couldn't give them a child, which made her feel owed and even more incomplete.

"Sister-in-law, just accompany me." Li Man begged, in fact, she didn't have to be accompanied, but she didn't want to see a poor woman wither away.

Li Xiangcao is in a dilemma. Now there is a pregnant woman in the family who needs to be taken care of all the time. In order to save money, Shen Runsheng also dismissed his old mother-in-law. Therefore, everything outside the family falls on her head.

"Well, let me point you to a doctor. It's on the street at the east end of the town. The first medical clinic is there. The old doctor is pretty good." Li Xiangcao said.

"What about you, sister?" Li Man encouraged, "Are you willing to raise other people's children for the rest of your life?"

Li Xiangcao's eyes were red again. At this time, she heard Shen Runsheng shouting outside, "My mother's family is here, so I don't want to do any work, right? Is the chicken stewed in the morning? Tweety has been hungry for a long time..."

"If you want to eat, don't you know how to stew by yourself? Shen, are you still a man? How did you swear when you married my sister-in-law? Now, you secretly raise a little wife at home and raise wild species, and you still toss me like this Sister-in-law, do you think my sister-in-law is your mother?..."

"Li Shu, you bastard, you dare to disrespect your elders, I..." Shen Runsheng said as he threw the teapot on the small table at Li Shu.

The sound of touching startled the two women in the room.

Li Man pulled Li Xiangcao and ran out. Fortunately, the teapot didn't hit Li Shu.

"Runsheng, don't worry, the chicken is already stewed, so I'm afraid it won't rot, so I'll stew it for a while, I'll just watch it."

"Wait." Li Man grabbed Li Xiangcao, then stared at Shen Runsheng sharply, "Are you my sister-in-law's man?"

Following this pleasant voice, Shen Runsheng's eyes fell on Li Man unconsciously, and a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes, what a beautiful woman.

Just now, he was thinking of loathing Li Mo and the others, but he didn't pay attention to the woman who followed him. When he saw it now, he suddenly felt that all three souls and seven souls had been hooked away.

In fact, Li Xiangcao was also very beautiful when she was young, the kind of pure and natural beauty that people can fall in love with at a glance.

Back then, he was indeed attracted by that beauty, and married her despite his family's opposition.

But after all, it's the kind of girl from a poor mountain valley who can't get on the stage. After a few months of marriage, he feels tired of it.

Now, Tweety is the maid of his friend's house, and she has flirted with him for a long time, so she is a good match.

The taste of this wild flower really made him want to stop it for a long time.

But at this moment, when Li Man, a pretty and lively beauty, stood in front of him, most of his bones were broken.

Such eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and such bearing is as beautiful as flowers.

People want to get involved, but they are inexplicably timid and dare not be contemptuous.

"Who are you?" It took Shen Runsheng a long time to find his voice.

"Take care of your dog eyes, this is my wife." Li Shu stared at Shen Runsheng coldly.

Shen Runsheng's expression changed immediately, "Your wife?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the key is that you have to know who you are." Li Man also felt his explicit eyes just now, and suddenly felt that what's the point of Li Xiangcao staying in such a home? Just for the unknowable child of the future?

Shen Runsheng stared at her closely, "What do you mean?"

Originally wanted to negotiate, but Li Man swallowed it back. A man with a low nature, even if the future road is bumpy and difficult, she thinks it is better than staying with such a man.

"We came to find my sister today because of something. You are a big man, and your wife is pregnant. If you really want to, you can make soup yourself."

With that said, he pulled Li Xiangcao and walked out.

"Stop." Shen Run gave birth to two steps, and instinctively reluctant to leave such a beautiful little woman.

"What do you want?" Li Yan glared at him coldly. Although he was not like the third brother, he wanted to beat up such a bastard man.

Li Xiangcao hurriedly turned her head, also afraid that her nephew would suffer, but it was not a fight, but Shen Runsheng was also a scholar after all, and he also had some good hard relationships outside, if he really tripped his nephews secretly, they would definitely be bored deficit.

"Runsheng, Man'er is not feeling well. I'll take them to Doctor Wan's and I'll be right back."

Unexpectedly, Shen Runsheng's voice softened this time, and there was a smile on his face, "Okay, you want it if you want to go, and I didn't stop you, but, do you have any money with you? Don't you want to spend money when you go to the doctor?" silver?"

As he said that, he actually took out a silver coin from his pocket and walked over. In front of everyone, he didn't give it to Li Xiangcao, but stuffed it into Li Man's hand.

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