Fortunate Wife

Chapter 139 Angry (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

Li Yan explained to Li Man and went to the village chief's house.

At this moment, Li Hua was sitting in the small study of the village chief's house, with his head down and his eyebrows fixed, silent.

Seeing him like this, the village chief was even more displeased, but he also lost the high profile at the beginning, and instead persuaded him earnestly, "Li Hua, I'm doing this for your own good, and besides, what's wrong with our lotus? What's more, we are only her precious daughter. If you get married in the future, our family will not treat you badly. To tell you the truth, we have prepared her dowry for several years, not to mention how rich it is, but it will definitely make you happy. You live a life without worrying about food and clothing."

"I have a daughter-in-law." Li Hua replied coldly, "If the village chief still cares about this matter, I only have one sentence, I have a daughter-in-law, and Man'er will be the only one in this life."

"You—" the village head saw that he had been talking earnestly for a long time, but he was still so reticent, he couldn't help but slapped the table and stomped his feet, and finally shouted, "Is your wife really that good? No matter how good it is It is still shared with your brothers. Lianhua is still the eldest daughter of Huanghua. If you marry her, she will serve you wholeheartedly. In addition, I decide to separate you from your family and give you a separate land Building another house, isn't it better than the present? You are a scholar, or the only student in Shennvgou, and you will have to take the examination of scholar, and you will be the champion in the future. Can't you think about your future? You are in that house, can you what good?"

"If there is nothing else, I should go back. My wife is at home. If she sees that I haven't come back for so long, she will be worried." Li Hua stood up as he spoke. Long turned over and over to let him marry another word.

"Stop." Seeing that he was about to leave, the village chief was completely angry, "Li Hua, think about it carefully, it's not that my daughter Lianhua can't get married, she's only eager for love, she just fell in love with you, It was your good fortune, if you refuse today, it will be too late for you to regret it in the future."

Li Hua raised her eyebrows, and replied lightly, "Thank you and Lianhua for your kindness, but I already have someone in my heart, so I ask the village chief for your understanding."

"Be considerate, be considerate? Why don't you be considerate and considerate of me?" Lianhua, who had been eavesdropping on the door for a long time, finally pushed the door in angrily, glaring at Li Hua angrily with red eyes.

Having been in contact with Lianhua several times, and knowing her nonsense, Li Hua didn't want to have any more contact with her, so she walked away, "I'll take my leave first."

"You are not allowed to leave." Lian Huaxin swayed, grabbed his sleeve suddenly, and cried, "If you don't make it clear to me today, I will not let you go."

Li Hua was astonished and wanted to shake her off, but she grabbed his sleeve desperately, and in front of her father, she suddenly threw herself into his arms and hugged his waist.

Li Xiang showed annoyed expression and pushed her with his hands, but she stuck to him like a piece of brown candy, crying with snot and tears.

"Li Hua, I just like you, can't you like me? Look at me, what's wrong with me? Even if I'm not as good-looking as that woman, I'm a big girl with yellow flowers, and I can still wrong you if I match you." Is it? Besides, our family will help you when you study in the future, my father said, even if you want to be the number one scholar in the exam, our family will pay you all the money..."

"Lianhua, let go--" Li Huaqi's face was livid, he has a cleanliness in some aspects, except for his wife Man'er, he couldn't stand other women touching him like this.

"No, I won't let you go if you don't agree." Lianhua knew that this was her last chance, no matter what despicable method she used to keep him, she couldn't help bumping her head into his arms, her nose curled up It's his unique scent of books and ink, it's this scent that keeps her haunted all night long, how much she wants to be with him.

Li Hua was embarrassed and angry, he had no experience with girls, so he could only look at the village chief.

The village chief also frowned, but he was a girl like Lianhua, who had been in pain since she was a child. Thinking about her arguing for death these days without eating or drinking, he was also embarrassed, and only hated Li Hua for being ignorant.

"Li Hua, look, my Lianhua has treated you like this, so you really have the heart to refuse her?" At this time, Brother Lianhua came out from the side door, and seeing this scene, he also complained for his sister.

"You—" Li Hua knew that he wanted to reason with them, but he couldn't do it, so he had to endure the discomfort, grabbed Lianhua's arm, and pulled her away from him.

But this hand was torn off, and her other hand came up again. It was so entangled that he wanted to scold her.

"Shameless." He cursed in a low voice, and simply went out, but the lotus stuck to him like this, allowing him to drag him out.

The village chief found it ugly, and finally said, "Lianhua, let him go, I don't believe it, he is the only man in the world? You listen to daddy, daddy will go to town tomorrow, and ask someone You find a good one."

"No, I want him." Lianhua shouted stubbornly, "If I can't marry him, I will die."

Brother Lianhua suddenly showed a wicked smile, "My sister is really infatuated, why don't you, as a brother, help you once?"

As he said that, he actually walked to the gate of the courtyard and closed the gate.

Li Hua was terrified and didn't understand what he wanted to do.

Lianhua was also stunned, "Brother?"

"If you haven't dragged your man into the room until the raw rice is cooked, are you still afraid that he won't want you?" Big Brother Lianhua laughed.

The village chief frowned, this kind of thing is too embarrassing for him, but his daughter has been pressing her with death these days, "Well, you can do whatever you like, I can't control it." He simply turned his back and didn't look at it.

And Lianhua was already stunned by Li Hua's previous words, and when she heard what her elder brother said, she didn't think about the consequences, and she really wanted to drag Li Hua back to her room.

Li Hua was trembling with anger, and the great humiliation spread all over his body. He never expected that this family would be so filthy. He, who had never touched a woman before, could no longer restrain his inner anger, and grabbed the lotus flower. hair, and slapped her face fiercely.

With a bang, Lianhua was blinded, and so were the village head and brother Lianhua.

On the courtyard wall, Li Yan's voice, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, suddenly sounded, "Hey, what are you doing here? Fourth brother, you're so good, why did you hit someone up?"

"Second Brother." Li Huaru immediately yelled to his savior.

Lianhua was stunned, ignoring the pain on her face, she still hugged Li Hua tightly, reluctant to let go.

Li Yan had already jumped off the courtyard wall at this moment, approached slowly, and cast a sinister glance at Lianhua, "Little sister Lianhua, what are you doing? My fourth brother has a wife, you hug him like this He, my wife will be jealous."

As she spoke, she frowned slightly, but in the end she reached out and pulled Lianhua's claws away from Li Hua's body.

"Li Hua..." Lianhua was busy and wanted to pounce, but Li Yan stepped in front of him and sneered, "Has the world changed? I have only heard of women being robbed before, but today, the village chief's family But you want to rob the civilian men?"

"Erlang." Upon hearing his words, the village chief guessed that Li Yan had seen something he shouldn't have seen, so he hurriedly comforted him, and sighed, "Hey, Lianhua is too infatuated with your fourth brother. How many times have I scolded her, but she just didn't listen to a word, and these days I'm not eating or drinking, looking for death, because of her, I don't know how much trouble I have with your aunt."

"Then you can lock up my fourth brother and force him to consummate the marriage with your daughter?" Li Yan said coldly, his eyes were full of anger, if he hadn't come in time, the fourth brother would really be harmed by this family .

The village chief's face was swollen, "Who said you want to consummate the house? It's just that kid Lianhua playing around. They're all kids, how can you take it seriously—"

"Oh, if that's the case, you, the village chief, have to take care of you as a father. Lianhua is not small, it seems to be a month older than my fourth brother, right? Such a big girl, it is reasonable to say that it is time to marry People are old, and they should know something. Now, if it is spread out, it is not good to say that men are dragged into the house casually. Even if the village chief says it is a joke, others don’t think so if they don’t know it. If you don’t know it, you will think it. My daughter is crazy about men when she grows up, so she doesn't care about face."

"Li Yan, who are you yelling at?" Brother Lianhua's face turned green with anger, and he threw off his arms and was about to rush to fight Li Yan.

Li Yan didn't even try to hide, he waved him away with one hand, and said with a sneer, "Fight, you have never been my opponent since you were a child, now that you are so big, don't play this game anymore."

"You?" Brother Lianhua was in a panic and stared at Li Yan angrily.

Lianhua's complexion was pale, and her eyes looked at Li Yan and Li Hua as if they were soaked in poison.

The village chief's beard trembled in anger. In Shennvgou, the only ones who didn't take him seriously as the village chief were the brothers from the Li family. He didn't even ask about hiding Dayong secretly last time. Today Li Yan actually came to his house to humiliate him, it was too much——

"Li Yan, take your fourth brother and get out. Even if Lianhua in our family commits a crime, she will seek death in the future and die at home, and we will not look for you."

"You are serious about what you said. It is human nature for a girl to have ulterior motives when she grows up. If you are free, village chief, find a good family and let her marry." Li Yan replied calmly. , patted Li Hua's shoulder, and said, "Go, go home, you've been out for half a day, the girl is going crazy, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"En." Li Hua glanced at his second brother gratefully, and the two brothers left the village chief's house together.

As soon as the two brothers went out, they heard a wailing "ah" from the lotus behind them, and they both frowned unconsciously.

Li Yan said with a smile, "Fourth Brother, you're causing trouble now."

At this time, the second brother can still laugh? Li Hua gave his second brother a helpless look, and quickened his pace. He was hugged by the lotus for a long time just now, and now he feels uncomfortable all over.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Li Yan smiled and quickened his pace, and couldn't help joking, "Sure enough, my fourth brother is very charming, and if he doesn't go out every day, he can recruit girls who will die with you. To be honest, Lianhua's condition is not bad, except for her poor appearance, her stature, her temper, and her brain..."

Li Hua stopped suddenly, and said in a bad mood, "If the second brother thinks it's good, then marry him?"

"Ah, don't, if that girl knows this, she won't have skinned me." Li Yan said immediately.

Then it's over, Li Hua cast a glance at him, "Don't tell Man'er when you go back." It's too embarrassing.

"Oh." Li Yan looked at the embarrassment of his fourth brother with a funny face, and after a while, he asked again, "Did you go all afternoon, did that old thing make things difficult for you?"

Li Hua's expression was suffocated, and then he shook his head, "No, he told me for a long time, if I can marry Lianhua, what benefits will I have."

"Oh." Li Yan nodded, but his eyes did not miss the momentary change of Li Hua's expression.

When they were about to get home, they saw the smoke curling from the roof, and the faces of the two brothers were filled with gentle warmth.

At home, Li Man and Xiao Wu are already preparing dinner.

As soon as the two brothers came back, they went to the kitchen first, but Li Hua was a little embarrassed, so he only told Xiao Wu to boil some hot water, and then went out in a panic.

Li Man was a little puzzled, so she asked Li Yan, "What's wrong with him? Did he get into a fight? I see that the clothes seem torn."

However, Li Hua fought with someone? It's also really hard to imagine.

The corner of Li Yan's lips twitched, and he picked up a piece of freshly fried beans with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, and said with a smile, "No, I fell when I came back just now."

"Did you fall?" Li Man was quite surprised, she could still fall while walking, and even break her clothes? She obviously didn't believe it, but Li Yan didn't want to say more, and coupled with Li Hua's attitude just now, she didn't ask too many questions.

After cleaning the other cauldron, he scooped up water and ordered Xiao Wu to light the fire.

Looking at the appearance of Li Hua just now, it really needs a good cleaning.

After a while the water was ready, Li Man ladled the hot water into a wooden bucket and asked Xiao Wu to carry it to Li Hua.

Li Yan was not bad, he took the initiative to move the bathtub to the east room.

It was only after Li Hua had taken a shower and changed his clothes that everyone began to have dinner together.

It's just that the whole family is used to having dinner together, and Li Man feels very uncomfortable without Li Mo and Li Shu tonight. Moreover, when she cooks, she also habitually cooks too much. Consciously filled two more bowls.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in two days. See how worried you are." After dinner, Li Man was washing the dishes, and Li Yan leaned against the pot and looked at her, "If I go out someday, you will think the same way. me?"

Are you still jealous? Li Man laughed, "It depends on what to do? If you go into the mountains like Big Brother and the others, I'm naturally worried."

"I'm asking if you want to?" Li Yan said and put a sticker on her body.

Li Man hurriedly pushed him, "Don't come over, it's hot."

"Are you afraid of the heat now? It's not really hot yet." Li Yan smiled, but he still retreated considerately, seeing that she had washed the dishes, took the initiative to take them, and put them in the cabinet.

After the pots and bowls were cleaned up, Li Man boiled some hot water for himself and Li Yan Xiaowu to wash up.

After washing up, Li Man went back to her room. Li Mo was supposed to rest at her side tonight, but he was not at home, so Li Man naturally closed the door.

Some lazily lay on the kang, staring at the dark roof in a daze, he must be at home, he must be pestering her at night, but he was really not there, and she was so worried about it, she just felt that the kang was too big, she unexpectedly Some are uncomfortable, and even can't sleep.

At this time, there was a sound from the window, and Li Man raised her eyelids helplessly. She was now able to turn a blind eye to this kind of movement, and was too lazy to resist it, because it was useless.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Yan came in from the window. In the darkness, his voice was very dissatisfied, "Damn girl, you closed the door before I came?"

"Did you miscalculate the day?" Li Man stared at him dissatisfied. In the dark, his muscular figure gave people a sense of oppression.

While speaking, Li Yan had already got on the kang domineeringly, and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, "What's the day? Big brother is not at home, why don't you go to sleep?"

His evil fingers rubbed her waist, and her breathing became heavier bit by bit. Li Man panicked and said stiffly, "Don't..."

"What?" Li Yan raised a leg and pressed it on top of her.

Li Man felt uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to move. She was afraid that if she stimulated him at this time, she would be the one to suffer. "Sleep well tonight, okay?"

"Hmm..." He said with a long ending, as if he was thinking about it, and Li Man's heart was also hanging in the air. Suddenly, he heard him say in a low voice, "Just once..."

"No." Before he finished speaking, Li Man refused decisively. He couldn't believe what he said. Once he tasted the sweetness, he would do it again and again.

"Girl." He murmured softly, turning over on his back.

Li Man was surprised, what did this person eat to grow up? It will be in the afternoon, how many hours have passed?


The next day, before dawn, there were noises in the yard, and Li Shu's shout, "Second brother, fourth brother, daughter-in-law..."

With eagerness and panic in his voice, Li Man opened his eyes, and at the same time, Li Yan also sat up suddenly.

"It's the third brother, I'll go out and have a look." In the dark, Li Yan only wrapped her in a thin quilt, took the clothes on the kang head by himself, put them on, and went out quickly.

As soon as the door was opened, Li Shu and several villagers were seen running around in the yard.

"Third brother, what's the matter?" Li Yan hurried over, and next door, Li Hua and Xiao Wu also ran out one after another.

In the west room, Li Man also touched the clothes, and put them on her body anxiously. When Li Shu heard Li Shu's crying voice, saying that Li Hua was injured, she was numb. The soul twitched, and the whole person fell down on the kang as if he had collapsed.

After a while, when she heard more movement outside, she supported herself and ran out.

Li Hua was sending several villagers away.

"Li Hua, what's wrong with your elder brother?" Li Man suddenly grabbed him and asked.

In fact, Li Hua didn't see clearly, he just held her hand tightly and said, "Don't be afraid, brother will be fine."

Will it be okay? Li Shu is about to cry?

Without time to think about it, the two hurried to the east room.

Li Mo, Li Yan, and Xiao Wu were all surrounded by the kang, she couldn't see Li Mo clearly, she only knew that he was lying there quietly, and there was still a strong smell of blood in the room.

"Fourth brother, go find Uncle Xu, Xiao Wu, go and boil some hot water." Li Yan stood by the kang, tearing off the clothes on Li Mo's wound, and ordered.

Li Hua responded and hurried out.

Xiao Wu also nodded, and ran towards the kitchen.

Li Man arrived at the kang in a daze, and saw Li Mo unconscious, still wearing the clothes from that day, but dilapidated, wet and muddy.

"What happened to him?" She asked Li Shu with a trembling voice.

Li Shu's face was pale, "Brother fell off the cliff." As he said, he took out a snow ginseng from his arms.

"Just for this?" Li Man asked, she didn't recognize ginseng, and she didn't understand what Li Mo wanted such a grassy thing.

At this moment, Li Yan tore open the trousers on Li Mo's thigh, only to see blood spilling out of the mud.

Inside the house, the smell of blood became stronger.

"Damn it, it hurts here." Li Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and seeing a wooden thorn stuck in the base of his elder brother's left thigh, his eyes immediately turned red.

Li Man was also stunned, "What should I do?"

"Wait for Xu Bo to come." The wooden thorn was inserted so deep that he didn't dare to pull it out.

Li Man saw that the blood had stained the kang red, her heart was on fire, but she kept her last trace of reason in a hurry, and said, "No, we have to stop the bleeding first."

"Stop the bleeding?" One sentence woke Li Yan up, and he hurried to find the golden sore medicine that his elder brother used last time.

Xiao Wu brought hot water at this time, Li Shu stepped forward to pick it up, but was stopped by Li Man, she saw that Li Shu was exhausted, and said, "Li Shu, wash your face and sleep on my kang Yes, your elder brother will leave it to us."


"Go. Xiao Wu, go and get the wine from the cupboard." She said, put the basin on the stool beside the kang, and then found a clean cloth from the big cupboard, dipped it in hot water Clean the wound for Li Mo.

"I'll do it." Li Yan found the medicine and wanted to change her.

Li Man shook her head, "I'll clean his wound first, and after a while, you help me take off his wet clothes."

While speaking, she lowered her head and carefully cleaned Li Mo's wound. Every time, the cloth was stained with a lot of blood, and after a while, the water in the basin turned red.


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