Fortunate Wife

Chapter 140 Taking Care (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

Li Yan watched, his heart ached slightly, seeing that Li Man's hands were shaking, he said in a low voice, "I'll do it."

"No, help me take off his clothes, Xiao Wu, go get a basin of hot water." Li Man got up and said.

Xiao Wu immediately stepped forward and poured out a basin of bloody water. Li Yan carefully helped Li Mo take off his wet clothes, and Li Man took a clean cloth to clean his body.

When Xiao Wu's hot water came, Li Man used hot water to help him wash the blood around the wound, then disinfected it with alcohol, and finally sprinkled golden sore medicine on the wound.

After all these tasks were done, Li Mo was covered with a thin quilt, and she almost collapsed. When she got up, her feet were weak and she almost fell.

"Girl." Li Yan hugged her from the side, and quickly helped her sit down again.

"I'm fine, but my legs are a little weak." Afraid that he might be worried, Li Man said.

Li Yan squatted down in distress, and gently squeezed her calf with his hands, "Don't worry, brother will be fine."

Will it be okay? Li Man didn't dare to think about it, she didn't even dare to look at his bloodless face, what she did just now was completely forceful, and at the same time, she was busy so that she wouldn't think about it.

But as soon as she was busy, she couldn't hold it anymore, she was afraid, he bled so much, and there were deadly wooden thorns on his legs, she didn't know if he had hurt his tendons, but in this age, if there is no surgery If so, how to take it out? What dangers will you encounter when you take it out? Even if it is revived, whether there will be sequelae and complications in the future, she is worried about everything.

Not long after, Li Hua came back, as did Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu.

"Man'er, are you okay?" As soon as Aunt Xu came, she held Li Man's hand tightly, and looked at her worriedly, "Don't be afraid, with you Uncle Xu here, nothing will happen to Li Mo."

"Yeah." Li Man hurriedly stepped aside and asked Xu Bo to check on Li Mo's injury.

"How is it?" Li Man asked anxiously from the side.

Uncle Xu waved his hand at her, "You and your Aunt Xu go out first, as long as there are me and their brothers here."

He was referring to Li Yan and Li Hua.

Li Yan looked at her comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

"Oh." Li Man didn't want to leave, and always felt that staying on the side would make her feel more at ease.

Aunt Xu pulled her and Xiao Wu, "Let's go, that old guy has a trick, and he won't let Li Mo have trouble, otherwise, I won't make it easy for him in this life."

"Okay, okay, go out and close the door." Uncle Xu took the tools from the medicine bag, and then yelled at Aunt Xu impatiently.

Aunt Xu knew that whenever he was curing illnesses and saving lives, he was the uncle, and what he said was an order, and she only had to obey orders, so she didn't refute, she took Li Man with one hand, and Xiao Wu with the other, and went out. .

"Let's go, let's go into your room and sit down." Feeling Li Man trembling, Aunt Xu was really afraid that she might not be able to hold on and collapse.

Li Man shook her head, "Li Shu is resting inside."

"Man'er, don't be afraid. You, Uncle Xu, should be fine." Aunt Xu comforted her softly when she saw that her eyes were panicked.

"Oh." Li Man's mind was in such a mess at the moment, she didn't know what she was thinking, and suddenly, she went to the kitchen.

Aunt Xu and Xiao Wu hurriedly followed.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Li Man began to get busy.

"Cooking? I'll help you." Aunt Xu stroked her sleeves.

Li Man shook her head, "Aunt Xu, sit down for a while, Xiao Wu, you will help me light the fire for a while, and your elder brother will wake up later, he must be so hungry, let's make breakfast first."

"Yeah." Xiao Wu choked with sobs, and sat down under the stove obediently.

Li Man measured the rice to cook the porridge, and added two eggs to the porridge, and made omelets with the flour. They all loved it, especially Li Mo, who tasted the most delicious every time I saw him.

Aunt Xu was watching, feeling very distressed, she wanted to help but didn't know what to do, so she paced the room anxiously from time to time.

The breakfast was quickly seated, fragrant egg porridge and egg pancakes, and a small plate of spicy sauerkraut.

However, everything was set up, but no one came.

In the west room, Li Shu fell into a coma on the kang, looking extremely tired, Li Man went in, didn't call him, just helped him change into a comfortable position, took off his shoes and socks, and untied his jacket belt , pulled the quilt to cover him, and came out again.

In the east room, there were occasional noises, and Uncle Xu's voice was so muffled that he couldn't hear clearly.

Aunt Xu couldn't bear to go in several times, but was stopped by Li Man. She leaned against the wall and prayed silently.

Xiao Wu, Da Hei and Xiao Huang all snuggled up to her feet at some point, quietly accompanying her.

Aunt Xu looked at the closed door, and said anxiously again, "What is that dead thing doing inside? It's been a long time, and there is no movement, and there is no sound, who is really anxious to death?"

"Aunt Xu, sit down." Li Man asked Xiao Wu to move a small stool for her.

Aunt Xu stomped her feet, "I can't sit still." Looking up at the sky, she said anxiously, "It will be noon soon, it should be..."

While complaining, the door of the east room was opened, and it was Li Yan who came out.

"How is it?" It was Aunt Xu who asked the question, Li Man bit her lip, her mind seemed to be clouded, as if she forgot what she wanted to ask.

Li Yan didn't answer, but strode to the corner of the wall, picked up Li Man, and hugged her tightly, "It's okay, brother just woke up, and now he's asleep again."

"Is it okay?" When she spoke, Li Man felt her lips and teeth were dry and her throat hurt.

"What could be the matter?" At this time, Uncle Xu also came out while wiping his sweat, staring at Aunt Xu with displeasure, "I just listen to your nonsense outside, it's annoying like a fly, you just Do you not trust your old man so much?"

Seeing Uncle Xu's attitude, Aunt Xu's heart sank, and she immediately stepped forward and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Otherwise? I don't think there will be a good life in the next life?" Uncle Xu rolled his eyes at her, then looked at Li Man leaning on Li Yan's arms, and sighed, "Okay, girl, your man is strong, but he bleeds a little , the gash on the leg is a little deeper, and it will be healed after two months of care."

Li Man nodded, "Thank you Uncle Xu." In fact, she also knew in her heart that Li Mo must have walked back from the Palace of the King of Hades, otherwise he could have been cured until now? Otherwise, it would take two months to raise her. Uncle Xu's tone was entirely to ease her heart.

However, it's fine as long as it's fine, as long as it's fine, as long as it's fine.

At this time, Li Hua also came out of the house after packing up the follow-up. His face was pale and he was extremely tired.

"Okay, don't stand still, girl, is there anything to eat? You, Uncle Xu, have been dragged here since you were a little man, and you haven't even put rice in your mouth yet." I'm older, and I can't hold it anymore.

Aunt Xu hurriedly supported him, and said with a smile, "It's already ready. Man'er made the delicious egg pancakes. Let's go. I'll serve you."

"Aren't you hungry too? Go eat." Li Man said to Li Yan and Li Hua.

"Yeah." The two nodded, and Li Yan carried Li Man halfway into the kitchen.

Aunt Xu had already brought all the porridge and cakes to the table, and then greeted Li Yan, Li Huaxiaowu and the others.

"Man'er, it's all ready here, you should eat some quickly, I see that you don't look very well." Aunt Xu brought a bowl of porridge to Li Man with distress.

Li Man took it. Although she didn't have much appetite, she still ate it with big mouthfuls. She knew that she had to take care of herself before she could have the strength to take care of Li Mo.

After eating a bowl of porridge, she tore off another half of the pancake and finished it silently.

After eating, he filled another bowl of hot porridge, brought an egg pancake, and went out.

"Man'er, are you ready?" Aunt Xu asked worriedly.

Li Man didn't seem to hear, and went out in a daze.

Aunt Xu wanted to get up and call, but Li Yan stopped her, "Let her go, she won't feel at ease if she isn't with Big Brother."

"Oh." Aunt Xu just sat down and sighed, "This girl is very affectionate."

Li Yan and Li Hua didn't say a word, but they had the same thoughts as Aunt Xu in their hearts. The daughter-in-law they married was kind and affectionate, and she was their blessing in this life.

Li Man came to the east room with the porridge and cakes, and opened the door to enter. The strong smell of medicine choked on him, which also diluted the previous smell of blood.

Li Mo was lying on the kang with a thin quilt covering his body, looking from a distance, he seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Li Man walked to the edge of the kang, put the bowl on the edge of the kang, bent over and lifted the quilt lightly, he had already changed into clean clothes, and a thick bandage was tied on his left leg, but the bandage had been removed The blood was red.

Covering the quilt again, she sat quietly by his hand, watching the fine beads of sweat oozing from his pale face, then bent down and gently wiped his sweat with her sleeve.

Only then did he discover that there were also scratches on his face, as if he had been scratched by a tree branch.

Li Shu said that he fell off the cliff.

All of a sudden, my heart twitched, my nose was sore, and the tears fell down.

Li Mo only thought that he was going to die this time. The moment he slid down the cliff, Li Man's face and her sad look when he heard the news of his death flashed in his mind. Much more powerful.

He seemed to hear Man'er crying, but he actually wanted to cry too. They've only been married for a long time, less than half a year, he couldn't bear it, and he couldn't be reconciled.

He desperately wanted to wake up, even if he wanted to comfort her, even if he saw her for the last time.

"Man'er." When his consciousness was in a state of confusion, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and he saw Man'er next to him in a blur, with his head bowed silently, weeping and choking up softly.

Li Man was immersed in sadness, until another sound of man'er sounded, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Li Mo had woken up, she hastily wiped away her tears, and grabbed his hand tightly, "Brother..."

"Don't cry." He wanted to wipe her tears, but found that there was no strength in his hands, and he couldn't lift them up.

Seeing that he was able to speak, Li Man wept with joy, and the tears suddenly became more fierce. She wiped them off with her hands, but they wiped more and more. She couldn't help but pouted and looked at him complainingly, "It's all your fault."

Made her sad to death.

Gradually regaining consciousness, Li Mo remembered what Uncle Xu had treated him before, and knew that he was not dead. At this moment, seeing Man'er weeping sadly in front of him, he didn't feel the sorrow of almost dying. Happiness.

Fortunately, he is still alive and can still see his man.

"You can still laugh." Li Man sniffed her nose, looked at her with tears in her eyes, and said with a strong nasal voice, "Do you know that you are almost scared to death?"

"I made you worry." Li Mo's voice was weak, but his smile was bright.

Li Man glared at him, "Still laughing, villain." While wiping away tears, she picked up the porridge, "Are you hungry? The porridge is still warm, let me feed you?"

Li Mo actually couldn't eat much, but seeing her eager eyes, he blinked, "Okay."

He opened his mouth slightly, waiting for her to feed.

Li Man then fed him small spoonfuls, "There are still cakes, do you want to eat?"

One side has already torn a small piece with chopsticks, and handed it to his mouth, "I made this cake early in the morning, and it's a bit soft, who told you to sleep for so long."

Seeing that her long eyelashes were still wet, Li Mo's heart almost melted into water. Although it tasted nothing to eat, he still felt that what she fed was the most delicious food in the world.

"Delicious." She gave a bite, and he said with a smile.

Li Man scolded him, "Okay, don't talk while eating." She was afraid that he would waste his energy by talking too much.

After feeding a bowl of porridge, Li Man asked, "Do you want more?"

Li Mo shook his head, "I'm full."

"Then you rest for a while." Li Man wiped his mouth for him, and then tucked his head back.

Li Mo thought she was going to leave, so he hurriedly shouted, "Don't go."

"Huh? I'll send the bowl over, and I'll be here in a while." Li Man said.

Li Mo said like a child, in that hoarse begging voice, "Come with me."

"I'll wait..." Seeing his expectant eyes, Li Man compromised, put the empty bowl on the big cabinet, turned around and sat on the edge of the Kang, looked at him tenderly, and said with a smile, "Is that all right?"

"Man'er." Li Mo still couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to sleep because he had spent some time eating and talking just now.

"Huh? What's the matter? Where is it uncomfortable?" Seeing his frowning, Li Man held his hand nervously.

Li Mo only felt that his eyelids were fighting, but she was by his side, and he didn't want to sleep. The deep darkness before was too scary, and he was really afraid that he would never see her again in the darkness.

"I want to sleep." Finally he couldn't bear it and closed his eyes, his lips were still moving, "Man'er, don't go, I won't sleep."

"Go to sleep, I won't leave." Li Man leaned over slightly, coaxing in a low voice.

Li Mo was still struggling with intense tiredness, his lips moved, and he made a slightly muffled sound.

Li Man lowered her head and pressed it against his lips. After listening to it a few times, she heard him say, 'sing'.

Does he want to sing to him himself? Li Man's heart softened, "What do you want to hear?"

As if hearing her voice, Li Mo's lips moved again, but this time there was no sound, and he was obviously asleep.

Li Man showed a gentle smile, and tightly held his hand, "Then, let me sing you the song "Farewell". You said it was nice last time."

Outside the long pavilion, by the side of the ancient road, the grass is green and green, the wind is blowing the willows and the flute is still in the evening, the sunset outside the mountain


This time, Li Mo slept really well, there was no darkness, no fear, and there was only a happy day for him and Man'er under the bright sunshine.

The weather was getting hotter, and Li Man was afraid of wound infection and inflammation at first, but after ten days of meticulous care, Li Mo's wound was finally healed and scarred, but it was still difficult to walk on the ground. For this reason, Li Yan He also specially made a pair of crutches for him.

Li Mo didn't want it, and said that even if he was limping, he couldn't lean on that thing, making it look like a cripple.

But Li Man let him use it. Now it is his recovery period. The wound is afraid of changing again. Besides, there is nothing to worry about using crutches. Even if he is really disabled in the future, she will not dislike him, let alone it is only temporary.

After being scolded by Li Man, Li Mo finally became honest. Every morning and evening, he practiced in the yard with a cane.

Li Man picked and ordered food in the backyard, and Li Mo hurriedly leaned on crutches and carried a small wooden basin to the side of the well.

"You just sit down, I don't need you." Li Man hurried over and saw that he had already filled a basin of clear water, and smiled innocently at her.

Li Man scolded him, "I just can't stay idle, can I?"

"My injury is healed. If you don't let me do this, I'm almost a useless person." Thinking of being taken care of these days, Li Mo felt both sweet and helpless. The three younger brothers went out early in the morning every day. He only came home in the evening, and he didn't know what he was doing every day, and he didn't ask any questions. All the family affairs fell on Li Man, especially changing his dressing and scrubbing his body every day. He felt very distressed.

Li Man glared at him while washing the vegetables, "That's when you don't need this abduct at all."

"I can do it now." Li Mo said and threw away the crutch, and wanted to show her.

Li Man was shocked, and hurriedly stood up and hugged him, "Fuck you, your legs are not sharp yet, and I don't want to be limp if you try to be brave."

Seeing her pale little face with fright, Li Mo coaxed, "It's really fine, I've been raising her for a month."

"It doesn't matter, keep it for another month." Li Man picked up the abductee and gave it to him, then said, "After a few days, Xu Bolai will review it for you."

"Oh." Li Mo nodded helplessly, then squatted down again, trying to help her wash the vegetables, but was stared at by Li Man, and withdrew her hand again.

"By the way, if you're okay, just write with Xiaowu." These days, she would also give lessons to those children when she found time. Every time she was in class, Li Mo would sit under the eaves and listen carefully.

There was shy light in Li Mo's eyes, he laughed and said, "Man'er."

"Huh?" Li Man put the washed vegetables into the basket and looked up at him.

Li Mo was a little shy, but also a little joyful, and said slowly, "I know what you taught that day, or I'll read it to you at night."

"Oh? So fast?" The last time I taught the child to recite the multiplication formula, I only taught it up to 5, but this is enough for those older children to learn for a long time.

Li Mo chuckled twice, "I'm fine, I'm just figuring it out, I don't know if it's right, I'll read it to you tonight."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded with a smile.

Ever since Li Mo's leg injury got better, he has been resting in his own room. First, it is convenient for him to take care of it. Second, he is afraid that too many people in that room will disturb him.

After arriving at her room, he was really like a child for the first few nights, every time he wanted to sleep, he had to hold her in his arms, and then he had to listen to her sing.

Every time, she was singing and singing, he fell asleep, and then she also fell asleep.

Later, probably because he slept too much, it was difficult for him to fall asleep at night, and he became more excited when he sang, so she told him stories again.

A little story a day, about Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood, he laughed when he heard it, and then heard about Meng Jiangnu crying on the Great Wall, which made him sad for a few days.

In the end, Li Man stopped telling stories and taught him every night, including Chinese and mathematics.

After the dishes were washed, Li Man carried the small vegetable basket, and Li Mo poured water, and returned to the kitchen with her carrying the dish basin.

Li Man was cooking on the pot, and he took the initiative to light the fire below. As long as it didn't hinder the injury on his leg, Li Man allowed it. However, this was only in the past few days. Before, he was not allowed to touch it.

But even with such a simple relationship, Li Mo felt very happy. He was even a little thankful that he was able to get along with Man'er every day and see many beautiful things in her that she had never shown.

Dinner was almost ready, Li Yan and the other three brothers also came back, covered in sweat, took a selfie in the kitchen, asked about Li Mo's situation, and then went to the yard to fetch water for a shower with a basin.

Li Man had no choice but to put down the spatula again, rushed to the door, and yelled at Li Yan and Li Shu, "I just came back, I'm still sweating, don't take a cold shower."

"Daughter-in-law, it's so hot." Li Shu took off his shirt, picked up the water that Li Yan had just brought, and was about to pour it on his body.

Li Man rushed over and grabbed the bucket in his hand, "No."

While pulling Li Yan and Li Shu back one by one, dragging them to the eaves, he said, "It's hot here for a while, and there's a strong wind here, so it won't be hot after a while."

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