Fortunate Wife

Chapter 157 Trouble (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

The next morning, just before dawn, Li Man heard a bustling noise in the yard.

Li Man opened her eyes in a daze, seeing that Li Hua had also woken up, and wanted to get up from his arms.

"Don't move." Li Hua gently pressed her shoulder, and said softly, "It's still early, you sleep a little longer, I'll go out and have a look."

"Oh." Li Man grunted, and hugged the pillow again to sleep well, but a sharp cry outside suddenly scared her heart.

Li Hua was sitting on the edge of the kang dressing, when she heard the cry, she quickly lifted the curtain and opened the door to go out.

In the next room, Li Mo and Li Yan were also putting on their clothes and went out nervously.

In the yard, the village chief and his family glared at the three brothers aggressively.

Especially Lianhua. At this moment, she was leaning on a bamboo chair, staring at Li Hua coldly and greedily. The man adds a bit of chic and windy feeling.

Love spread in his heart, and his eyes became hot and terrifying in the blink of an eye.

"Village Chief, what's the matter this early in the morning?" Li Mo asked in a deep voice.

"What's the matter? You can't see with long eyes." The eldest son of the village chief's family pointed at his sister angrily.

"Shut up." The village head shouted at his son, then turned to Li Mo and said, "Dalang, I told you the other day, your little five hurt me and my lotus, you can't ignore it?"

Li Yan looked at Lianhua coldly, and smiled mockingly, "Is this stupid?" Are those eyes poking at the fourth brother like hooks? anthomaniac.

"Aren't you stupid? You see what to do, I'm just a girl, whoever wants to be killed by you." The village chief's wife clapped her hands and began to cry.

During the crying, the nearby villagers, who heard the noise, quickly got up from the kang, and ran to Li's yard in a hurry to watch the commotion without washing their hair or washing their faces.

Seeing that it was Lianhua's family, several wives and mothers whispered by the side, sure enough, this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she was defeated by Li's daughter-in-law at the pond last time, this time she brought her parents, brothers and sister-in-law together to kill coming.

"You can't say that." Li Mo retorted with a cold face and a serious face, "It's just a child's prank. Besides, it wasn't Xiao Wu who released it that day."

That day, there were several children who played tricks on Lianhua and Chunni. If you lose your fourth brother, you must get it.

If, before Man'er came to Li's house, Lianhua came to propose marriage to his fourth brother, he might have accepted it gladly, but now, they already had a daughter-in-law, if she did this again, it would be destroying his family.

In addition, the fourth brother had no intention of treating her, but she kept pestering her repeatedly, and even used such despicable means. In Li Mo's view, this person must never be brought home.

"He didn't take the lead." Aunt Lianhua said angrily, "Those children listen to him. Tell me, my sister has become like this. If we don't look for him, who will we look for? If you don't care, fine, put that little beast Call out, let's go to see the officer—"

"Wash your stinky mouth before you come back. You are the one who shouted, you little bastard? You big-mouthed stinky bitch." Li Shu, who had just left the house, heard this and wanted to slap the bitch in anger.

"Third brother, are you up?" Li Yan turned to look at Li Shu, and said with a smile, "Forget it, what a big deal, if a dog bites you, can you bite it back?"

Sister Lianhua blushed all of a sudden, Li Yan actually called her a dog? "You bastard, today my old lady..."

"That's enough." He was obviously not Li Yan's opponent, and he would only give people the impression of being sarcastic. Anyway, he is also the village head, so he can't be looked down upon like ordinary people.

Therefore, the village head stopped his daughter-in-law in a cold voice, and asked Li Mo directly, "Da Lang, what do you think about this matter? Regardless of whether Xiao Wu intended it or not, it is a fact that Lianhua is stupid now."

This is directly dependent on him, Li Mo sneered in his heart, and said bluntly, "Sister Lianhua grew up watching me, and now I can't bear to watch her like this, but I have to find out about this matter first, whether it was me that day or not. Xiao Wu let it go? If so, I, Li Mo, promise in front of everyone that my Li family will never shirk responsibility. Even if I search for famous doctors all over the world, I will definitely treat Lianhua. her life."

But it's just out of moral care, not to mention marrying into the door.

The onlookers all gave a thumbs up, saying that Li Mo is a righteous man.

The village chief also breathed a sigh of relief, and Lianhua's face was even more smug, how is it? Is her lotus smart enough? A bunch of brats dare to play tricks on her? We have to let them taste the consequences, hey, by the way, they can also rely on Li Hua, it's so beautiful.

However, next, Li Mo changed the subject of the conversation, but the atmosphere suddenly became tense again, "But if it wasn't my Xiaowu who let her go, I would ask the village chief to bring Miss Lianhua back. Please take it back."

The words spoken are like water poured out, how can they be taken back, the village head blushed, he knew that Li Mo was forcing him to apologize to Xiao Wu, to a child? This Li Mo is so ruthless that he doesn't take him seriously as the village chief.

In fact, Li Mo really didn't take him as the village head seriously. He is honest by nature, he doesn't cause trouble, and he doesn't ask others to rely on others. The men of his Li family have always behaved in an upright manner, so there is no need to be afraid what.

But he is an elder brother, so he can never tolerate others bullying his younger brother.

"Village chief, how are you?" Seeing that the village chief was silent, Li Mo asked again.

The village chief's face trembled, "How do we investigate this matter? Like you said, I didn't want to punish Xiao Wu even if the children were misbehaving. It's just that Lianhua is a cowardly child, so something happened because of being scared... ..”

He was changing the subject secretly, Li Yan said, "So, to seek justice for Lianhua, you have to find the right person, right?"

"You—" the village head got angry, so he asked their family to accept lotus flowers. Isn't it worse that the daughter of the village head's family is worthy of their fourth child?

"Okay, just check it out, go and call all the children from that day." He ordered the eldest son beside him.

The eldest son got the order, and just about to leave, Xiao Wu ran out of the house, "I did it alone, and it's none of other people's business."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

Li Shu hurriedly pulled Xiao Wu back, "Stinky boy, what are you yelling about? I don't know how brave you are? How dare you play with caterpillars? Caterpillars are almost as good as you."

"Third brother, don't worry about it." Xiao Wu threw off Li Shu, walked up to the village head like a little adult, and said solemnly, "That day, I put the caterpillar in Sister Lianhua's neck, if you want to blame you, blame me Well, it has nothing to do with anyone else."

Well, that day, because his sister was being made things difficult by Lianhua and Chunni in the pond, he teamed up with Hu Zi and the other boys to punish those two bad women.

But he didn't expect Lianhua to be frightened.

One person does things and one person is responsible. Since he has harmed others, he should bear the consequences, and he should never implicate others.

"Blame you?" Big Brother Lianhua smiled eccentrically, "Is it useful to blame you? What can you be blamed for, a little kid?"

After finishing speaking, Brother Lian Hua looked at Li Mo and sneered, "Da Lang, Xiao Wu personally admitted this, you can't let it go, can you? My sister Lian Hua, what are you going to do?"

Li Mo frowned, and looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu also looked at the eldest brother, with a look of guilt in his eyes, "Brother, I'm sorry for causing you trouble, I... I am responsible for it myself, I will go out to earn money to treat Sister Lianhua."

Silly boy, why is he really sick? Is he plotting against your fourth brother? However, seeing Xiaowu being so responsible at such a young age, Li Mo was filled with relief, and he should support his younger brother just like this.

"Xiao Wu, you are right. This is none of your business. The elder brother is here." Li Mo rubbed Xiao Wu's hair and pulled him behind him. After all, he is the head of the family. come forward.

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else. Since Miss Lianhua is stupid, of course she needs to be cured. After all, she is still young. Don't worry, I will go to the town to ask for a doctor in a while." Li Mo said.

The village chief showed satisfaction on his face, and nodded, "Okay, I know what you said, and speaking of it, Dalang, I didn't force you to do this..."

"His father." The village chief's wife gave the village chief a glance, she couldn't understand why the old man was so soft in front of ordinary people? They should directly let them carry the lotus through the door with eight sedan chairs.

"Dalang, Lianhua is stupid now. She needs someone to take care of her when she eats, drinks, and sleeps. It's not good in our house. In my opinion, let her live in your house. When it's ready, we can talk about it." The village chief The mother-in-law said.

Lianhua was even more proud. As long as she lived in Li's house, she would have an inexplicable relationship with Li Hua. At that time, she would say that she recovered from her illness, and then it would be a matter of course.

The Li family brothers frowned at the same time, this is a huge hole.

"Auntie, the man of our big family, Lianhua girl is a girl who has not left the court after all. Living in this way will not be good for her reputation." Li Huadao.

"Reputation? People are stupid, what reputation do you need?" Aunt Lianhua yelled, "In my opinion, it's fine if it's cured. If it can't be cured, you will have to support it for the rest of your life."

"Then why don't I try it." Suddenly, a clear and gentle female voice sounded from the west room door, everyone couldn't help but look, and saw a beautiful woman who opened the door with both hands, and came out gracefully.

"Man'er." Li Hua hurriedly greeted her, "Is it bothering you?"

Li Man smiled mischievously at him, "Well, it's so noisy that I don't even want to go back to sleep."

Seeing that she could still laugh, Li Hua was a little relieved, and instinctively held her hand.

"Man'er, why did you come out?" Li Mo also walked over.

Li Yan, Li Shu and Xiao Wu couldn't help but surrounded her.

"Go back to the house, there's nothing wrong here." Li Yan said, the daughter-in-law who just woke up in the morning is like a flower that has just bloomed, let alone a man, even the elderly women are all straight eye, which disgusted him very much.

What are you looking at? The daughter-in-law is his, and if you look at the eyeballs again, you will drop them.

"Why go back to the house? I still want to see Miss Lianhua." Li Man pushed away the men surrounding her, and slowly looked towards Lianhua.

Just now, she heard the whole thing clearly in the room, followed the context, and knew in her heart that it was just Lianhua's trick to plot against Li Hua.

And the few men were honest, and they were easily led into the pit by them.

And when she meets this kind of woman who plots against her man, should she make a move or should she make a move?

Naturally, this kind of woman who coveted her man had to be beaten all over the place.

It's just that Li Man's gaze came to meet Lianhua's hostile gaze.

That's right, it's hatred, the kind of hatred that burns skin and bones, burning in Lianhua's heart. She read it right, Li Hua came out of that room in the morning, and Li Man also came out of that room just now.

This shows what? This pair of dogs and men slept in the same room last night.

How could Lotus accept this? She always thought that Li Hua belonged to her.

"Girl Lianhua, do you still recognize me?" Li Man asked as she walked towards Lianhua, Li Hua hurriedly grabbed her, Lianhua's eyes were too scary, he was really afraid that it would be bad for Man'er.

But Li Man pushed his hand away, gave him a comforting look, and then continued to approach Lianhua.

Lianhua really wanted to tear off Li Man's beautiful smile, but isn't she an idiot at this moment? Should she recognize it or not?

Just when she was struggling with this question, Li Man's smiling face suddenly approached, followed by her raised right hand, with a sense of hostility, and flung it forcefully at Lianhua's sallow face.

Pa——a crisp applause, so loud that the eyes of everyone in the audience almost popped out.

Lianhua was even more dumbfounded, her head was tilted to one side, her mind was buzzing, and rootless fingerprints suddenly appeared on her sallow left face.

After a long while, she turned around slowly, spat out blood, stared at Li Man, "Little Jianren, you dare to hit me?"

Pa——, raised his left hand, and slapped Lianhua's right cheek quickly and fiercely. In an instant, the head that had just been raised was tilted to one side again.

The village chief and the others couldn't react to Li Man's slap at first, but they didn't expect another slap immediately, and they immediately protected the lotus.

Aunt Lianhua even rushed towards Li Man, trying to tear Li Man's face off.

Li Hua had already protected Li Man behind him, and Li Shuzao flew over and kicked Aunt Lianhua away.

The yard was in chaos in an instant, and Lianhua, regardless of her mother's tugging, rushed towards Li Mana, cursing at the same time, "Little hooves, how dare you hit me? You shameless bastard, how dare you hit me?" Having more men is not enough, you have to seduce and seduce brother, you are shameless, you are low, you are low, you will die..."

"Hey, you're quite slippery, and you can follow every curse word." Li Man sneered.

Lianhua was still yelling and cursing, "Why did I just yell at you? How dare you hit me? If I didn't tear you up today, I would take your surname."

"Don't worry about it." Lianhua Niang also slapped Lianhua's already swollen face angrily.

Lianhua was startled, and wanted to go crazy, but when she saw so many people laughing around, she woke up immediately, and looked at Li Man as if her eyes were soaked in poisonous juice. After that, she rolled her eyes and fell into her mother's arms .

Lianhua Niang is also a pungent person, secretly thinking that her daughter is smart, and reacts quickly at such times.

She immediately hugged Lianhua, sat on the ground and began to cry, "Conscience, you have harmed my Lianhua, and now you are still beating her, you woman, your mind is poisonous, even a fool is beaten, your heart I let the wolf take it away..."

"Is she a fool..." Li Shu just wanted to speak to his wife, but Li Man gently tugged on his sleeve, signaling him to be calm.

Then, he took a step forward slowly, with an apologetic expression on his soft face, "Ma'am, I'm really sorry just now, I just wanted to help Miss Lianhua see a doctor. If she is in a daze for a while, if she is not paying attention, if you slap her twice, maybe you can wake up and turn around."

"..." Lianhua Niang was stunned.

Others are even more so. However, there are women who nodded at the side immediately, saying that there seems to be such a method, and they also said that all the women in that village and family died, and they were beaten back to life in the end. Been sick.

Lianhua pinched Lianhuaniang's hand angrily, she was slapped twice in vain, and she still has to accept her feelings? This little bitch is really vicious.

Lianhua Niang calmed down immediately, "Really? You are kind-hearted, but my Lianhua not only did not recover, but passed out, what do you think about this situation? Don't add another layer of illness, my poor daughter, If you die, how can I live in the future?"

"Mother, don't worry." Li Man persuaded softly, "Didn't you see it just now? Miss Lianhua not only recognizes me, but also knows Li Hua, and...listening to her cursing, she should be clear-headed Have you ordered it?"

"Yeah, look at what Lianhua did just now, how can you look like a fool? A fool knows how to swear and fight back after being beaten? There is a fool in Chenqiao Village, and he still laughs when others throw stones at him."

People in the crowd kept discussing, and this discussion was obviously not good for Lianhua, but because of the village chief's face, everyone didn't dare to speak out.

But the drama has achieved this level, and it is unwilling to continue, not to mention being laughed at, the reputation of Lianhua will be bad in the future.

Lianhua Niang gave the village chief a wink, and the village chief was also in a state of desperation. What was supposed to be a certainty was broken up by Li Man's two slaps.

The village head stared at Li Man sharply, "Are you a doctor?"

Li Man pursed her lips and replied slowly, "I know a little bit."

"That's not it. Since you're not a doctor, why are you meddling? You men are all here, so you have to talk?" The village chief sarcastically looked at Li Mo, "Da Lang, come here, I'm going to deal with this matter." Just to tell you."

"Man'er is my daughter-in-law, I believe her." Li Mo stood beside Li Man at this time, giving her the greatest support, "She said she can cure Lianhua, so I believe she can."

"You?" The village chief blushed with anger, "Is your daughter-in-law a god? What does she say? Dalang, you were not like this before? Why did you become a softie when your daughter-in-law came in? Listen to her?"

"My daughter-in-law is sensible, why didn't you listen?" Li Yan looked at the distraught village chief with a funny face, "Besides, the village chief doesn't want Lianhua to get better soon? The two slaps just now are obvious to all, Lianhua is indeed much better, at least I can open my mouth to curse and fight back."

The village chief's face turned green and white after being ridiculed, and Lianhua Niang was also furious. Suddenly, she howled, "Lotus, why are you so miserable? You have met such a family of scoundrels, and you will beat you even if you are hurt. It's too bullying, old man, let's go back, and take Lianhua to the Yamen tomorrow, the sky is bright and bright, there is always something to reason about."

Hmph, they are related in the yamen. When the time comes, all the members of the Li family will be sued and imprisoned to see if they dare to be rampant.

Li Man frowned, and said quietly, "Ma'am, the Yamen is a place to be reasonable, but Miss Lianhua is stupid, what should I say about this reasoning?"

Lianhua Niang was stunned again, only to hear Li Man say again, "Master Yamen won't believe a fool's words, besides, Lianhua girl is like this, do you have the heart to take her to court, and be frightened again? Besides, she It is still a girl's family who has not left the cabinet. No matter what the reason is, once she enters a place like the Yamen, the aunt should also know that there is a mouthful, and it will be passed on ten times. Madam should also think about it, according to me, Zuo has nothing good to say."

"You?" Lianhua Niang glared at Li Man angrily. This little Jianren really has two brushes. Today, their mother and daughter fell into her hands. Oh, no, they are a family. Son and daughter-in-law, she was even more angry.

"Ma'am, I know you're just worried about Miss Lianhua's illness, don't worry, I promise you will take good care of her." A cunning flashed in Li Man's eyes, and she looked at the village chief slowly, "Master village chief, I promise I can have a good look at Miss Lianhua within half an hour, do you agree or not?"


Thank you ym01mm, purple little carp, Wenjing Xiaowei, xiaoyao0902, poppy 7777, shsyh, caojixia8000, angel loves rumors, little lazy cat 0713, Xiao Qiqi, leeches love to eat ice cream, Lingsi, I like reading 1, wind blowing , Meimei, 5232)644, h1969, zhanhxh, Huakaiyuelv and other monthly tickets, flowers, purses and diamonds, \\(o)~

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