Fortunate Wife

Chapter 158 Lesson (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass)

Hearing the words, the village chief stared at Li Man warily. This was not the first time he and Li Man had fought. Last time, the boy Dayong made him lose his prestige in front of the villagers. Today, his wife and children are in her hands one by one. He was at a disadvantage, and right now, she wanted to treat Lianhua's illness, and he dared to conclude that she had no good intentions.

"You are not a doctor, what are you doing nonsense? My Lianhua has already passed out after being treated by you, what else do you want? Do you have to kill her?" The village chief shouted in disgust.

Hearing this, Li Man's attitude became more and more sincere, "You can rest assured, Mrs. Lianhua. If there is something wrong with Miss Lianhua, I am willing to pay for it with my life."

"You're crazy." Li Yan rushed over and pulled her into his arms.

Pay for it with your life? How many lives does she have? No matter how many lives you can't give others, dead girl, you completely ignore their feelings, even if you know it's impossible, but hearing this, you panic for no reason.

Li Mo and the others also gathered around, "We will deal with this matter, you go back to the house obediently."

On the other hand, Lianhua Niang, after receiving Lianhua's signal, sneered repeatedly, "What did you say? Pay with your life? Huh, what do we want your life for? Besides, can you compare with our Lianhua? But, I see You are working hard, so I will give you one chance. If you cure my lotus, I will treat it as if nothing happened. If you can’t cure it, you will get out of the Goddess ditch and never appear in front of me again. How about it? ?”

After finishing speaking, Lianhua Niang and Lianhua shook hands excitedly. Anyway, the daughter is not stupid at all, but she is just pretending. Isn't it easy to pretend to be stupid? After Li Man is manipulated, it will be easy to plan other things.

"Who cares about treating her?" Li Shu roared angrily. He was pretending to be stupid and wanted to bully his wife, but there was no way. Stick them away."

"Fool." If she could drive them away with a stick, she would be lazy to bother. Li Man squeezed Li Shu's hand lightly, and comforted, "Don't worry, I have a solution."

"But you didn't see that, that shameless girl is obviously just pretending." Li Shu spoke so loudly that everyone in the yard could hear it, but no one dared to say it.

The village chief also turned black, hey, no matter what, today this person and his family have lost a lot of money, but it's a mess, things have gotten to this point, if you don't act, you have to continue acting, if Lianhua is a good girl If she can survive, she can save her face, and she can also manipulate the girl Li Man out of the Goddess ditch.

The village chief always felt that Li Manxie was very evil. Ever since he didn't hang her under the goddess tree that day, he has always been very nervous about it.

"Don't be afraid." Li Man smiled slightly, and turned to look at Li Hua, "Go back to the room and bring me some of your big needles for sewing quilts."

"..." Li Hua was stunned for a moment, but Li Yan's eyes flashed, "Go, fourth brother, the girl is very skilled in medicine, don't you believe her? Back when Dayong was about to die, she could do it. Rescued, now, Miss Lianhua is just frightened, can't she be rescued?"

Hearing this, Li Hua hurried back to the east room, searched in the bamboo basket, and brought all the two large needles and four embroidery needles used for sewing quilts and clothes, "Take it well, don't prick yourself."

"Am I that stupid?" Li Man gave him a coquettish look.

Li Hua giggled, how could Man'er be stupid? She is so smart that even he is ashamed of himself.

Lianhua closed her eyes, but her ears were particularly sharp. Hearing Li Man and Li Hua whisper softly, she had already scolded Li Man a thousand times in her heart—a vixen.

Li Man walked towards the lotus with a thin needle, and the silver needle gave off a cold glow in the sun.

"What are you going to do? Do you dare to try? I won't fight with you anymore?" Lianhua Niang glared at Li Man angrily.

Take a needle? When Lianhua heard the words, her eyelids twitched, and she felt a little scared in her heart.

Li Man spoke softly and patiently coaxed, "Auntie, it's not pricking, I'm using acupuncture points, I think Miss Lianhua suddenly became stupid, maybe she was too frightened, which caused her meridians to block, I'll help her open up her acupoints and meridians, it will be fine. "

Isn't that stuck on the body? Lianhua Niang tried her best to protect her daughter, but she didn't let Li Man get close, "You are talking nonsense, I don't know about acupuncture points and meridians, I just don't allow you to prick my daughter with needles, you have no good intentions, if you prick again... ...."

"Didn't I say that if something happens to her, I will accompany her with my life? Besides, you also said just now, if I can't cure it, let me get out of the Goddess ditch?" Li Man looked at Lianhuaniang coldly. , slowly returning.

What she said was correct, but at the time, Xiao Jian's heart was so vicious that he would think of pricking it with a needle? Lianhua was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, she was not willing to move a finger, and she was afraid of pain since she was a child, if this needle was stuck, wouldn't she scream? The key is to be afraid of being exposed.

"No, I just won't allow it anyway." Lianhua Niang began to play tricks.

"This?" Li Man held the needle, and looked at the village chief helplessly, "Master village chief, what do you think about it? Lianhua is your daughter, so you can make up your mind. It hurts so much with acupuncture. It hurts, but I promise she will get better."

The village chief also knew about his daughter, and was hesitating when he saw Lianhua fiercely pinching his mother's palm. The meaning was obvious. She worked hard today, and even if she was stabbed to death by a needle, she would kick this little tramp Li Man. Out of the Goddess ditch.

"Okay, his father, the matter has come to this point, let her do it." Lianhua Niang knew what her daughter meant, and immediately turned around, staring at Li Man with cold eyes and said.

Li Man didn't have any warmth on her face. This family is shameless, and their daughter is messing around. They adults don't persuade them, but instead help the tyrant to do such absurd things. Don't they understand that a drowning child kills a child?

"Okay, ma'am, you can help Lianhua girl to sit on the chair."

Lianhua Niang obeyed and sat on the bamboo chair with her daughter in her arms.

As soon as she sat down, Lianhua Niang asked, "Where do you want to pierce?"

Li Man squatted down to the side of the chair slowly, held Lianhua's right hand, and smiled softly, "It is said that the ten fingers connect to the heart, and the pain here is the most. I will try to prick the heart of Lianhua girl first."

As she said that, she picked up the big needle she used to sew quilts on weekdays, and suddenly pierced it into the seam of Lianhua's nails.

"Ah—" A scream like killing a pig scared away the birds perched on the peach tree.

Lian Hua's face was pale, her body was trembling constantly, her eyes were almost blood-stained, she stared at Li Man, "You, you..."

"Wow, Miss Lianhua, are you awake?" Li Man opened her big watery eyes excitedly, then raised the needle in her hand excitedly, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, my needle is still useful, ma'am , you help hold her down, and I'll prick her a few more needles to make sure she gets better."

Lianhua leaned against her mother's arms, covering the pierced finger with her hand, unable to speak out from the pain several times.

It was Lianhuaniang who stared at Li Man with red eyes, and cursed, "Don't think about it, you vixen, you are too poisonous. How did I, Lianhua, offend you? You slapped her first, and now you prick her finger? Even if the yamen mobilizes punishment, it is not so cruel."

Li Man's eyes were also red when she was told, and she explained with tears in her eyes, "Ma'am, you misunderstood me, I really just wanted to help Miss Lianhua, and, as you can see, she woke up well, didn't she?" It’s still a few shots away, as long as I help her open up the meridians, she will definitely get better, don’t you want her to be the same as before? After all, it’s better to be in pain than to be a fool for a lifetime, right?”

She was thinking about them every word and every word, and at the end, she glanced at the village chief, "Master village chief, what do you think? The aunt is a woman, and it is reasonable to be soft-hearted and caring for the child, but you are the father of Lianhua. You have your own idea, right? Can you bear to see a good girl like Lianhua being a fool for the rest of her life? Are you being looked down upon?"

The village head also didn't expect the lotus to be so useless, and she opened her eyes after just one injection. If a few more injections were given, would she still be able to hold on?

"That's all." The village chief stared at Li Man resentfully, "I can see clearly what your intentions are. You have caused me like Lianhua, and I don't want to be responsible. Now, let you torture her in a different way, thanks to me Still think you are kind."

Hearing this, Li Man's face suddenly turned cold, "You can see clearly what my intentions are, but I am a little confused about what your intentions are. You say every word that we are irresponsible and bullying Lianhua, But from the beginning to the end, I just wanted to cure her. Just one injection has already woken her up, and just a few more injections will wake her up. But you, the village chief, don’t allow it, I’m really sorry Doubt, do you not want her to be well?"

"Nonsense, she is my daughter, can I wish her well?" the village chief shouted angrily.

"Then what else is there to say, listen to my orders, hold her down, and I will prick a few more needles to help her clear her veins, and I will return you a smart lotus daughter in half an hour." Li Man said, raising her hand again. He picked up the silver needle and wanted to pierce the lotus hand.

When Lianhua was frightened, she dived into Lianhuaniang's arms and shouted, "Little bitch, man, if you dare to stab me, I will tear you apart."

"Miss Lianhua, don't move around, aunt, you should hold her a little bit." Li Man chased the two girls.

Lianhua Niang was also frightened, afraid that the needle would pierce her body, but Lianhua threw herself on her body again, and the three of them chased each other around the bamboo chair.

The yard was like a farce, and the people watching the show had already seen the way, and they all laughed, "Lianhua, let Li's daughter-in-law give you a few needles, and if you stick it in, everything will be fine for you, haha... ..."

Lianhua was ashamed and anxious, but also afraid of the needle in Li Man's hand, so she threw herself on her mother's shoulder and cried.

Lianhua Niang was furious, they were so bullied by Li Man? "Little bitch, man, stop for my old lady, if you dare to take a step forward, my old lady will not be polite."

Li Man stopped abruptly, staring at Lady Lianhua with gloomy eyes, "Ma'am, I respect you for being older than me, and I respectfully call you aunt, but what's the reason for you to call your daughter a scumbag? What outrageous things made you insult me ​​like this? Or did you come to my house to wantonly humiliate people because of the village head?"

Why not just act? Who wouldn't a woman?

As she said that, Li Man was tearful and pitiful, she turned around and fell into Li Hua's arms, sobbing.

Li Hua is her man, and crying in his arms is her exclusive right, it's useless for others to envy and hate, even if she gnaws her teeth, it's her own fault.

The pain in Lianhua's finger heart got better, but the pain in her heart intensified again, especially seeing Li Man fluttering pitifully in Li Hua's arms, while Li Hua wirelessly patted her back tenderly and distressedly, coaxing her softly from time to time , My heart is like a blunt knife cutting.

In the yard, some of the surrounding villagers, even though they were watching the excitement first, gradually realized the truth of the matter. These days, the village chief's wife and her daughter-in-law spread the word everywhere in the village that Lianhua was fooled by the Li family The matter was completely made up by them. On the contrary, they wanted to take advantage of the Li family, but the Li family's daughter-in-law found out, and became furious and swearing here.

Sure enough, relying on the village chief to bully his family? This is too much.

In the crowd, although the voices mocking and despising the village head's family were not loud, they were so obvious that they couldn't hide even if they wanted to. Lianhua was even more ashamed and angry. She has lost face, has not left the court, and has lost her reputation. Even though she is the daughter of the village chief's family, it may not be easy to talk about her husband's family in the future.

Lian Hua was so angry that she wanted to scold again, but when she thought of Li Man, she was still timid, and unconvinced, she scolded those joking around, "You bitch..."

"Enough," the village chief angrily shouted at his brainless mother-in-law.

On the side, the other men of the Li family also stared angrily at Lianhua and her mother with pale faces.

"Auntie, Man'er is still young, and she has only been in my Li family for half a year. She usually doesn't go out of the door, and I really want to ask, what did she do to make you scold her like that?" Li Mo said with a sullen face, Asked in a cold voice.

Lianhua Niang was asked all of a sudden, this is a mantra used to swear between mothers-in-law, and this is the first time someone asked it seriously, how would she answer this? I don't know how many times more ruthless it is than this.

"Who scolded me? I just said it casually? I..."

"Casual? Why don't you scold your own daughter casually?" Li Shu said disdainfully, "Is it interesting to be so foolish every day? Last time the whole family locked my fourth brother at home to force him to submit, and today he wants to pretend to be stupid again." Pit us? Is there anyone as shameless as you?"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about? When did we cheat?" Lianhua Niang stuttered.

"What is it, you know in your own mind." Li Mo didn't let her continue, "Look at the daughter in your arms again, how does she look like a fool? If you insist on calling her a fool, well, come on Just go to the yamen, the eyes of the world are bright, if you don't believe it, even a normal person can't tell the difference between a fool." Li Mo said.

"Dalang, what do you mean? Don't tell me that my lotus is just pretending?" The village chief asked sharply.

Li Mo snorted coldly, staring at Lianhua with heavy eyes, "Lianhua, I'm leaving my words here today, if you continue to play dumb, it's fine, at worst, my Li family will support you for the rest of your life, but if you want to marry my fourth brother, I'll tell you You, this is impossible, I will not agree, neither will our whole family."

"Yes." Li Shu agreed.

Li Yan shrugged his eyebrows, he didn't care, but, the way the fourth brother treated Man'er, even if he wanted him to marry someone else, he probably couldn't do it.

"You?" Lianhua stared at her angrily, "Why don't you agree?"

"Just because I am his elder brother, I raised him." Li Mo said.

"You?" Lian Hua trembled all over, "Li Mo, you are too deceitful, I want to marry him, what does it matter to you? I don't want to marry you."

"Lotus." Lianhua Niang was stunned for a while, and when she suddenly came to her senses, she heard her daughter fighting with Li Mo, and hurriedly pinched her arm, "Damn girl, are you stupid? What nonsense are you talking about?"

In fact, Lianhua pretended to be lazy, pretending to be stupid, being slapped and needled, not to mention all the bullying, and in the end she still couldn't be with Li Hua, so why should she suffer?

Simply, she stopped pretending, and started fighting with them openly, "Mother, don't worry, I'm going to ask them for an explanation today. Why do they look down on me? What's wrong with me?"

"Lotus? My poor son." Thinking of her daughter's desire to be strong since she was a child, and now because of such a stinky boy, she has made people who are neither human nor ghost, it hurts her heart as a mother.

"Mother." Lianhua threw herself into her mother's arms and cried aggrievedly.

Look at these two women, obviously they were the first to go to other people's houses to mess around, but now they are crying as if they have been wronged, and the surrounding villagers have despised them.

Even Li Hua already has a wife, but if you still insist on jumping on someone, you are shameless. Besides, why do you look down on you? Anyone with eyes can tell that Li Man would compare her to the ground in terms of appearance and character. Does she have the face to ask such a question?

"Village head." At this time, Li Mo said in a deep voice, "In my opinion, Lianhua is articulate and speaks clearly, shouldn't she be stupid anymore?"

The village chief's face was gloomy. Today, he was completely ashamed. Seeing his wife and children crying, he became even more angry. He turned his hands away and walked two steps towards the door. Seeing that the two hadn't followed, he shouted angrily. With a voice, "Hurry up and go home, don't you think it's not embarrassing enough?"

"I don't." Lianhua broke away from her mother's embrace angrily, stared straight at Li Hua, and roared angrily, "Li Hua, listen to me, you are unkind to me today, don't blame me for being unkind to you in the future." Righteousness. What happened today, you will definitely regret it, you will..."

"I regret that I didn't teach you a lesson earlier." Li Man met her angry and hostile eyes without showing any weakness, "Lian Hua, you listen to me too, Li Hua is my man, and no one but me can get involved in this world." He. I have already opened up to you about what happened today, and if something like this happens again, I will definitely make you regret it—I don’t have a long memory. "

"You?" Lianhua stomped her feet angrily, and shouted at her mother, "Mother, you beat her and tear her mouth."

"Lianhua—let's go back." After all, Lianhuaniang has experienced it. She knows that they are completely at a disadvantage now. Both are there, will the mother and daughter take advantage?

The village chief was so angry that he couldn't say anything. It was this unworthy daughter who made him lose all face for the rest of his life.

Three steps at a time, he came back angrily, kicked Lianhua twice, and yelled at the turtle-like elder son and daughter-in-law, "Why don't you bring your sister home soon?"

Brother Lianhua and sister-in-law Lianhua quickly stepped forward, and Lianhuaniang, a total of three people, dragged and dragged Lianhua away.

Hearing the sound of crying and howling gradually fade away, the villagers watching in the yard slowly dispersed.

The early morning sun gradually shrouded the yard, and the men stared at the charming little woman, unable to recover for a long time.

Li Man lightly thumped Li Hua's chest, and said angrily, "It's all about you, there are so many peach blossoms."

"Man'er." Li Hua blushed in embarrassment, and held her hand nervously, "Are you angry? I really didn't know she would be like this..."

"Fool, why am I angry?" Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, looked at Li Hua's handsome and picturesque face, and shook her head, "It's no wonder that Lianhua is like that, who made you have such a beautiful face, which makes people... ..”

Li Hua's heart skipped a beat when he said, "How?"

"You—" Li Man blushed and smiled playfully, "You know."

Li Hua's heart skipped a beat, she felt that her whole body was hot and hot after being disturbed by her words and actions.

Li Shu saw her smile, and laughed too, and was a little jealous when she said that her fourth brother was good-looking, "Daughter-in-law, what about me? Am I not good-looking?"

Li Man blinked her eyes, looked at Li Shuying's straight eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Of course it looks good."

"How about comparing with the fourth brother?" Li Shu asked expectantly.

"..." Li Man was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's different and beautiful."

"Different ones look good? Are they good-looking? What's the difference?" Li Shu didn't understand.

Li Man tilted her head and replied happily, "It's just different."

"Then who do you like more?" Li Shu persisted.

Originally, Li Hua felt that the third brother asked this question too naively. He never cared about his appearance, as long as Man'er likes it, but at this moment, when Li Shu asked her who she liked more, he couldn't help pricking up his ears, and he also expected it in his heart. I hope she can like herself more.

But will it?

"Hmm..." This is a question that will offend people, and Li Man will not answer stupidly and honestly. When she rolled her eyes, she saw that not only Li Shu, but also Li Hua, Li Mo, Li Yan, and even the little ones Fifth, when everyone looked at her expectantly, she hurried to the kitchen, "It's getting late, I'm going to cook."

Ran? Everyone was stunned.

Li Shu hurriedly chased after her, "Daughter-in-law, you haven't said who you like more? You must like me the most, right?"

shameless? The few people behind cast contemptuous looks at Li Shu at the same time, hoping in their hearts that the person the daughter-in-law likes the most should be him.


When she ran into the kitchen, Li Man's heart was beating non-stop. It was dangerous. Li Shu's question was too dangerous. If she answered carelessly, she would be drowned by other people's eyes.

But Li Shu even chased him in and asked, "Daughter-in-law, just tell me."

He followed Li Man, who was scooping water and washing rice, and whispered in her ear, "Why don't you tell me alone, and I won't talk nonsense, isn't it okay?"

childish? When Li Man turned around, seeing him blinking his charming eyes to please her, she couldn't help laughing.

"Daughter-in-law..." Li Shu pushed forward, and when the daughter-in-law smiled, he boldly hugged her waist, rubbed her and coaxed her, "Say, do you like me the most?"

Is this question important? Li Man couldn't help being rubbed by him, so she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, you know it in your heart, don't you?"

"Yeah." Li Shu was so excited that he kissed her hard on the forehead, then ran out, trembling, "My wife said that I like you the most."

Hearing this, Li Man's feet were unsteady, and she leaned on the side of the pot. Didn't he say that he should talk nonsense?

Li Shu's words were like a bomb that exploded among several men.

Li Mo stared coldly at the third younger brother with a frightened face, and for the first time felt that the third younger brother's smile was not so good-looking, it was very dazzling.

Li Yan stared at him suspiciously, expressing disbelief, "She really said that?"

"Is that false?" Li Shu raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

Li Yan pursed the corners of his lips, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Li Hua bit her lip slightly, she didn't want to believe the third brother's words, but she was swayed by his words again, did he behave badly? She said she likes the third brother the most, so what about him...what position does he have in her heart?


Li Man frightened and busily prepared breakfast, seeing a few men, no one came to trouble her because of Li Shu's words, so she felt relieved a little, and secretly laughed at herself for being overwhelmed.

How could they take Li Shu's obviously ridiculous joke seriously? Besides, they should know how well I treat them, and they are all adults, how could they invite someone like a child?

After breakfast was set, she stood at the door and called them over to eat.

This morning was delayed by the Lianhua family, so after breakfast, it was almost noon.

Because Li Mo wanted to weave bamboo mats and Li Hua wanted to make clothes, today, only Li Yan and Li Shu accompanied Li Man to the town.

When we arrived in town, it was almost noon, so we had lunch there first, and then taught those girls. I heard from Mother Rong that the 20 little girls I bought would arrive in two days, and then let her Take a look and see which ones have future development prospects.

Li Man was a little amused by this, mother Rong really felt relieved of her, wouldn't she be afraid that she would take all the twenty little girls she picked out astray?

After a good class, the three of them went to the rented shop to take a look. They were shocked when they arrived at the door, and there were piles of things beside the door.

When the three of them were wondering, Manager Zhang came out from the shop next door, and while wiping the sweat off his face with a handkerchief, he looked at Li Man and said, "Oh, Miss Li, are you here?"

"What's wrong? What are these things?" Li Man looked at Guanshi Zhang in astonishment.

Manager Zhang rested for a while, and said with a smile, "I went back yesterday and told our old lady about your renting a shop. The old lady was very happy, and said that when she first saw you, she thought you were a capable person. Then, I personally picked some things and asked me to send them over early, so it was a gift to congratulate the girl on opening the shop."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to those things and introduced them one by one.

Li Man was dumbfounded. There was a brand-new mahogany table and chairs, which were said to be used as a counter for her, and there were several precious ornaments on it, as well as screens, satin, head flowers, and even low stools for stepping on.

"These? Are they for my shop?" A lot of them are obviously wrong.

Manager Zhang is also funny, "Yes, when the old lady heard that the girl was going to open a shop, she wanted to bring all the things that could be used at home. I also said that some of them were unnecessary, but the old lady said that only the girl used them. , Keep the ones you need, and the girls who don’t need them can figure it out, otherwise we’ll take it home.”

What she meant was that Li Man can take some things that are not needed in the store home. Last time, Guanshi Zhang went to Li's house, and the poverty of Li's house made her speechless, so she told the old lady when she came back. The old lady was distressed for something, and she wanted to get some money to send over that day, but she was persuaded later, and it was just a one-sided acquaintance. At that time, she also saw that Li Man was a very high-minded woman, and she would never accept it for no reason. Favor of people.

In addition, Guanshi Zhang also felt that for such a poor woman, her future prospects are bound to be limitless.

Therefore, she also happily joined the old lady to help Li Man everywhere under the pretense of being called a fool.

"Yeah." It's not good to return all of them, Li Man thought, so she took away a screen and a low stool, and everything else had to be returned, "Aunt Zhang, you see, my shop itself is small, and all these things are put in one by one." There is no place for people to stand, so I will accept the screen and low stool, and I will trouble you to go back and thank the old lady for me."

"Well, what if these things can't be stored in the store? I'll have someone deliver them to your house, and they will always be useful." Steward Zhang said, "If I take them back to the house, it will be troublesome, so just put them in the account. Ku still has half a day to go."

"Hehe, it's better than sending them over the mountains to my house. Besides, my house is small, and you have seen it before. Where can these things be placed?" Li Man smiled and refused.

Guanshi Zhang hesitated for a while. After several contacts, she also knew that Li Manrou had a strong temper. If she said no, she meant no. Girl, come here, move the screen and stools in, send all the rest back to the library, and add them to the account when I get back."

The boys who came with him immediately followed suit.

Li Man was very grateful, and invited Zhang Guanshi to sit in the house. Li Yan and Li Shu, out of politeness, also helped carry the table and chairs outside and put them on the big truck.

Guanshi Zhang sat on the low stool, looked at Li Man with a smile, saw that she was still wearing a veil, and couldn't help laughing, "Young lady will wear this every day from now on?"

Zhang Guanshi had seen her own appearance, and Li Man and her didn't shy away from it. In fact, she didn't care too much about it, mainly because she wanted to please the men.

"Oh, it's always easier to do things." Li Man smiled, opened two windows, leaned against the window, looked around, and calculated in her mind how to arrange her small shop.

"Miss, are you free today?" It was half-afternoon, and it was getting late, so Manager Zhang asked directly without going around the bush.

Li Man was slightly startled, "What orders does Mrs. Zhang have?"

"Oh, I don't dare to obey the order. Our old lady heard that you came to the town and wanted to see you again, but it was hot and she was getting old. We didn't dare to let her go out, so we wanted to invite the girl to the house Sit for a while, just talk to the old lady, if it is late, we will send a car to take the girl home, there will be no delay, okay?" Manager Zhang said with a pleading tone.

What Li Man heard was startled, and she was also very curious, why did the old lady think of herself? Taking care of her one after another, still wanting to see her so much?

"Girl, okay? My car is right outside. As long as you say a word, we'll go back to the mansion immediately. It's still a while before dark, and Zhang's mansion is not far from here. It's time for a cup of tea." Manager Zhang tried his best to persuade him.

Li Man was puzzled, "Aunt Zhang, forgive me for being abrupt, I only met your old lady once, why did she treat me? Well... say something that doesn't worry you, it makes me a little guilty."

"Heh." Manager Zhang smiled lightly, and said, "Yes, not only you, but also us at the beginning, but if she doesn't tell the old lady's thoughts, we servants can't help it. , if the girl wants to know, why not ask in person?"

Li Man saw the earnestness in her eyes, but she really didn't know the truth, so she had to give up, "I didn't prepare for the first visit—"

"What are you going to do, girl? The old lady will be happy if the girl can go." Hearing that her words were loose, Steward Zhang hurriedly got up, took Li Man's hand, and said, "Let's go now, and see the old lady later. Ma'am, if you have any doubts, you can ask her yourself."

"Well, okay." Li Man thought for a while. Zhang Guanshi mentioned that the old lady wanted to see her, not once or twice. If he thought it was polite at first, but now it is not the case at all. Instead of being kept in the dark every day , it is better to find out.

When I went out, I saw that the boys had packed everything up.

Zhang Guanshi ordered them to leave first, and also asked Li Yan and Li Shu to follow the car.

Li Yan and Li Shu were still a little confused, so Li Man told them that he wanted to visit the old lady in Zhang's house.

The two were surprised, and both were a little reluctant, but Li Man only pushed them into the carriage, and she followed Guanshi Zhang into a fairly gorgeous carriage.

The carriage was driving slowly, and through the window, Li Man saw that the carriage had left Xingrong Street and was heading towards a wide and secluded road. In front of the big house.

From the outside, the house is obviously very old, the tall and verdant trees in the yard are all caged towards the outside of the courtyard wall, and the plaque on the door is old and faded, but the two official script characters— — Zhang Zhai, but still vigorous and powerful.

Li Man and Zhang Guanshi got off the carriage together, but they didn't see the delivery boys, and Li Yan and Li Shu, so she couldn't help being curious, "Have they arrived yet?"

Obviously they are ahead of the curve.

Steward Zhang held her hand and said, "They are going to the warehouse in another courtyard, and they are going through the side door over there."

"Oh, then..." Li Man was embarrassed to mention her two men, and only said, "Where are the two people with me?"

"Don't worry, someone will entertain them, girl, please come in with me."

The heavy door opened, and a tangy fragrance wafted out. Steward Zhang took Li Man's hand and walked in slowly.

Li Man has seen the Shenzhai compound on TV, and he has often visited some places of interest, so he doesn't have much feeling for the Zhang family's house, only that it has a sense of simplicity and solemnity.

It can be seen that Guanshi Zhang's prestige in this family is still quite high. Along the way, there are little maids who salute her all the time, and at the same time, looking at Li Man, they unconsciously cast curious eyes.

In fact, it is no wonder that anyone who sees a person wearing a veil wonders what her face will look like.

Regarding this, Li Man just secretly smiled, and didn't think they were malicious, but thought that these little girls were quite interesting.

After passing through several corridors, Guanshi Zhang led her to an elegant courtyard and stood at the side of the main house.

Guan Zhang said, "Wait a minute, girl, I'll go in and report back."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, and watched Zhang Guanshi go in. At this time, under the corridor, several little girls huddled together and looked at Li Man curiously.

Through the veil, Li Man also gave them a kind smile.

Soon, there were bustling sounds from inside the house, and the bead curtain was lifted, and a kind-looking old lady came out in person, supporting Guanshi Zhang.

"Oh, little girl, you really miss my old lady."

Li Man was surprised, isn't the old lady too enthusiastic? Came out to greet him in person?

Not only her, but the little maids playing in the corridor saw the old lady come out, and they all ran to serve her.

The old lady walked up to Li Man, and looked at the veil on her head with a smile, "What's the matter? What are you doing with such a thing?"

The old lady spoke frankly and warmly, and Li Man quickly got used to it, and replied with a smile, "It's just for the convenience of things."

Thinking that the women in this yard were nothing to be afraid of, she gently took off her veil, revealing an incomparably beautiful face.


Thank you 364066258, baby x, ym01mm, purple little carp, Wenjing Xiaowei, poppy 7777, shsyh, caojixia8000, angel love rumors, etc. for the monthly pass flowers, \\(o)~

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