Fortunate Wife

Chapter 168 Mind

The weather was a bit sweltering, and the bullock cart was driving slowly on the mountain path. The road was rough and difficult to walk. A family of six was crowded into the small cart. The car didn’t go very fast, but fortunately Li Mo has excellent skills, and the bullock cart has been moving steadily.

Li Man and Xiao Wu were sitting side by side, holding a cattail fan in her hand, fanning them constantly.

After fanning for a while, Xiao Wu was very interested, so he stretched out his hand, "Sister, it's me."

"Yeah." Li Man gave Xiao Wu the cattail leaf fan in his hand again, and changed it for him.

In this way, along the way, the two took turns fanning each other, but they didn't feel too hot.

But the others, seeing his two childish actions, became happier.

"Daughter-in-law, why don't you sing a song and listen to it." It's been a long time since I heard Li Man sing. At this moment, hearing her silver bell-like laughter when talking and laughing with Xiao Wu, Li Shu suddenly wanted to hear her sing.

Li Yan and others immediately echoed his proposal.

Li Man also felt that traveling like this was boring, so she cleared her throat and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll sing one, what should I sing?"

"Anything is fine. My wife sings well." Li Shu sat up straight, resting his chin on his hands, looking expectant.

Li Man's pretty face was full of joyful smiles, she hummed twice, and then began to sing.

The dark eyes and your smiling face

It's hard to forget the change in your face

The light old days just slip away like this

It's been a few years when I look back

The boundless end of the world is your wandering

Searching, searching, looking, and staying together is my footsteps

Beside the dark lonely pillow is your tenderness


Li Man's voice is sweet and delicate, with a bit of nasal sound. It sounds lazy and charming, and she sings a rather nostalgic old song with a unique and touching flavor.

The few men had never heard such a moving and straightforward singing voice, and they were all immersed in that beautiful singing voice for a while.

Li Mo even slowed down his driving speed, and just let the old cow walk slowly on the road.

Li Man turned her head and glanced at the old cow. Suddenly, she pursed her lips and smiled, and continued to sing, "Walking on the country road, the old cow at Mugui is my companion. The blue sky has a sunset on his chest, and the colorful clouds are the color of the sunset." Clothes... oooh oh oh they sang, and a piccolo blew faintly..."

Li Man sang very happily, and her beautiful singing echoed in the mountains all the time. The men's faces were filled with joyful and gentle smiles, and they quietly watched this happy girl.

In the afternoon, which was also the hottest time, Li Mo drove the ox cart to a shady forest in the middle of the forest. Everyone brought out dry food, water and other things, sat on the floor, chatted while eating.

"Daughter-in-law, what song did you sing just now? It's so nice, I've never heard it before." Li Shu said excitedly while gnawing on the cake.

Li Man drank a couple of sips of water. She sang happily all the way just now, and her throat was a little unbearable. After drinking, she wiped the water from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and then smiled, "There are too many song titles, and I don't even remember them. Hehe, anyway. , are also my favorite songs.”

"Who taught you? It sounds so nice." Li Shu asked curiously.

Others also cast curious eyes. In their perception, being able to write, read, sing and paint is something that everyone's daughter can only do. It's good for ordinary girls to be able to speak. Can sing, and sing so beautifully.

However, before Li Man could answer, Li Shu's eyes sparkled again, and he asked, "Daughter-in-law, can you dance?"

"Well, a little bit." Li Man was carefully peeling the egg shells, listening to his question, she didn't think too much, and answered casually.

Unexpectedly, Li Shu immediately became excited and yelled, "Daughter-in-law, show me a dance."

"Ah? Now?" Li Man was choking on half an egg in her mouth, and she almost choked when he yelled.

Li Mo glared at Li Shu silently, and silently handed the water to Li Man.

Li Man took a big sip, swallowed the egg, and said, "I don't want to dance anymore. It's a hot day, and I don't want to move." Besides, she sang all the way before, and she didn't have much passion left in singing.

"Oh." Li Shu's enthusiasm was extinguished, and he didn't force it. It's reasonable for his daughter-in-law not to move in the hot weather. Anyway, he can watch it again when the weather cools down.

The family ate a meal under the shady tree, whether it was lunch or dinner. After eating, they continued on the road without stopping.

In fact, Yingxian County is not too far from Shennvgou. If you use a horse-drawn carriage, you can get there in one day. If you use an ox cart, it is slower. If you leave early in the morning, you can basically arrive at night.

But today they were busy with work before departure, which delayed the time, so that it was dark, and they were still halfway. If they wanted to reach the county, it would be at least midnight.

Thinking that it is not easy to go on the official road after dark, and if you arrive in the middle of the night, accommodation will also be a problem. Therefore, after discussing with them, they found a small hotel nearby to stay.

This small hotel is indeed very small and crude. It is the shopkeeper's own house, and the few spare rooms are freed up for business use. Fortunately, Li Man's family is not many, and this season is the off-season. No one lives in the hotel, so the bedroom is up to them to choose.

Li Man originally wanted three rooms, one for herself, and five for the other two, but in the end, the whole family squeezed into one room, which really baffled her.

"Didn't the shopkeeper say there are two more rooms?" Seeing the brothers who entered the room with her, Li Man asked suspiciously, "Could it be robbed? I didn't see any other guests coming just now."

"We don't trust you alone in this strange place." Li Mo confessed honestly.

"Oh?" Li Man thinks about it too, but, do we need everyone to surround her? "There's only one * here."

"The shopkeeper said just now that there is a big room with a big Kang inside." Li Shu said.

Everyone nodded and looked at Li Man, "Let's go and see the big one."

Li Man also felt that she was quite afraid of being alone, so she went out with them. When she arrived at the big room Li Shu mentioned, it was very dark inside. It's like a Datong shop in a hotel, and it's no problem to sleep a dozen people on a big kang.

"Everyone put your things down, I'll go to the shopkeeper and get a lamp." Li Yan said, as he walked out, Li Mo also followed.

Li Man watched Li Shu and Li Hua pack up their things, as if they wanted to stay, bit their lower lip in frustration, but finally said nothing.

One kang is just one kang, but it's just enough for one night. Besides, they are all her family members. Besides, she is really scared to sleep in a strange place at night without them by her side.

"Daughter-in-law, are you hungry? I'll go and ask the shopkeeper if he has anything to eat, and bring some hot water." Li Shu packed up and saluted, and gave Li Man a thoughtful look.

"Well, the corridor is very dark, please slow down." Li Man instructed.

"It's okay." Li Shu smiled and went out.

Li Man fumbled to open the window so that the night breeze could dissipate the smell in the room. Li Hua got a small dust whisk from somewhere, and cleaned the big kang from the top of the kang to the top of the kang.

After a while, Li Mo, Li Yan and Li Shu came back together.

Li Shu also held a basin of water in his hand, "Daughter-in-law, come and take care of your hands. I just asked, and there is a bathroom in her house that provides hot water. I'll wash it after dinner."

"Yeah." Li Man washed her hands in the warm water, and everyone else followed suit.

Li Shu went out to pour water, and Li Man called out, "Bring another basin of water here."

"En." Li Shu responded and went out. After a while, he came in again with a basin of water.

Inside the house, two small oil lamps were lit, and it was still bright. Li Man took out a specially brought clean rag from the package, dipped it in water, then climbed onto the big kang, and wiped it carefully.

On the side, other men are used to this.

After the big kang was wiped, Li Man took a few clean sheets and spread them on top again.

After the paving was done, the shopkeeper just delivered the food. The food was very simple and not in good condition. Fortunately, it was freshly cooked.

In the woods in the afternoon, everyone ate a lot, and they were not too hungry at the moment, and the food was not comparable to what Li Man usually cooks, so they ate a makeshift meal, and took out the leftovers up.

After the meal, everyone sat around the table and talked. Li Man looked at her men and suddenly felt a little guilty, "I'm really sorry, I asked you to accompany me out in this hot day."

The key is that the result of this trip is still unknown. What's more, whether the clothing store can be opened, and even if it is opened, whether it can be opened in the future is still unknown.

However, they all supported her without hesitation.

"It's good if you know." Li Yan looked at her with a smile. At this moment, she knew that she was being obedient. She was so annoyed that she was not allowed to wear that dress that day, and she almost cried.

Li Man pursed her lips and asked with some uncertainty, "If my business is not doing well, will you blame me?"

In fact, she is only relying on her enthusiasm. Now that she really wants to do it, besides joy, she will also feel nervous and timid.

"How could it be?" Li Hua looked at her enviously.

Li Yan also stared at her softly, "You earned the money in the first place. You can decide how to use it yourself. As long as you feel happy, we can do whatever you want. Whether the business is good or not, you are ours." daughter."

As long as he can speak with his mouth, irritating words can piss people off, and boring words can also be sweet to death.

Li Man was satisfied, and she felt sweet in her heart, "Really? Aren't you afraid that I will lose everything?"

"What are you afraid of? I thought it was to play with you." Li Shu got excited and blurted out the truth.

"Ah?" Li Man was taken aback.

Li Mo touched Li Shu's arm, "Don't listen to his nonsense, you do your job seriously, and we can't help you with anything else, so we can only stay by your side."

"Oh." Li Man glanced at everyone suspiciously, why didn't she feel that Li Shu was talking nonsense.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the female shopkeeper shouted from outside, "The hot water is ready, you have to go to the kitchen to pick it up by yourself."

"En." Li Man responded, and then looked at everyone, "Who will wash first?"

Originally, I was away from home, so I could make do with it for one night, but the weather was too hot, and it was a waste to have hot water without taking a shower.

"Then I'll go do the laundry first." Seeing that they didn't respond, Li Man got up straight and rummaged through her clothes from the package.

Li Shu followed closely, "Daughter-in-law, let me fetch water for you."

"Yeah." Li Man carried clean clothes and went out with Li Shu.

With Li Shu by her side, the others felt at ease.

"Big Brother, Second Brother—" Li Hua and the others left, and then said worriedly, "Man'er is serious about opening this store."

However, it seems that even he himself has no confidence in the little girl's entrepreneurship.

"I know." Li Mo's expression became serious, "So, we must try our best to help her."

Seeing the solemn expressions of the two of them, Li Yan felt that he had to think too much, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, that girl is not as delicate as you think. Even if the store doesn't do well, she will be sad for a few days at most, and she will die when it's over." OK."

"How many days have you been sad?" Li Hua thought, even if she was sad for a few days, they would feel distressed watching her.

"Distressed?" Looking at Li Hua's eyes, Li Yan curled his lips in disdain, "In my opinion, failure may not be a bad thing for her."

"How to say?" Li Hua was puzzled.

Li Mo also said that Man'er wanted to do one thing so hard. It was such a hard work to go out to buy goods in this hot day. If they failed in the end, even they would feel bad.

Li Yan looked at the two of them, and said slowly, "What kind of temper is that girl? After all this time, you don't know? I don't know how she came here before? Just look at her now, innocent, naive, kind, She always thinks of this world so beautifully that there are no bad people in her eyes anymore. At home, we brothers are following her everywhere, and she can do whatever she likes. Don’t you think she’s too smooth?"

"Ah? Isn't this bad?" Isn't the daughter-in-law the only one?

"It would be fine if she was always willing to be pampered by us at home, but she is born to be a troublemaker, haven't you seen it? If this store is opened, will this little thing stop in the future? Big Brother, Fourth Brother, we only have this one daughter-in-law, we don’t spend much time with each other, if this store is opened in the future, and the little things come up with other ideas, I’m afraid we’ll be blinded. There are times when you can’t touch it.”

Li Mo and Li Hua's faces became more serious when they said something.

"But you can't just watch her hard work go to waste, can you?" Li Hua couldn't bear to see Li Man being sad because of her failure.

Li Yandao, "Of course I didn't open my eyes and watch. Besides, raising a family is what we men should do. Now she is still on the top of her head. When she gets tired, we will take over. Depending on how many of us brothers , can it still make her suffer?"

Li Mo bowed his head in silence.

Li Yan said again, "Besides, the girl is weak and has to take medicine to recuperate her body every day, but since she has been busy earning money, she has been taking this medicine every meal. If this continues, when can we Hold your son?"

"Let's talk about it after this matter has passed." Li Mo thought for a while and said, "Man'er is different from other women. Even if she is our daughter-in-law, she never thought of relying on us. She wants to do big things, I understand .But...let's wait and see, if the store can be opened, let's think of other ways to let her stay at home as much as possible, if it can't open..."

On this side, the three brothers were discussing. On the other side, Li Man and Li Shu came down from the second floor and entered the backyard kitchen through a small door. The female shopkeeper was busy in the kitchen. When she saw the two coming in, she pointed to the corner "Use this to draw water, and the bathroom is in the room next door."

At the same time, he lit another small oil lamp, "Here, bring this, or you won't see it."

Li Man took the small oil lamp, Li Shu took the wooden bucket, helped to mix the water, and carried it out.

The two went straight into the small bathroom next door. They said it was a bathroom, but in fact it was just a small, shabby room. It was dark and damp inside. Even with a small lamp on, it was still very dark inside and had a fishy smell.

Li Man tightened her embroidered eyebrows, and put the small oil lamp on the window sill.

Li Shu came in with a small bucket, and there was no bathtub here, so it seemed that he was going to pour the water in the small wooden bucket directly on his body.

It's really shabby.

"Daughter-in-law?" Li Shu looked at Li Man distressedly, "Let me help you."

"No need," Li Man looked around, but there was no place to put clothes, so she had to stuff the clothes into Li Shu's hand, "Help me hold it, and stay with me at the door, okay?"

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded. In fact, he thought that if his wife was afraid, he could just stay with him in the house, but then he thought, his wife would definitely not agree, so he didn't mention it, and went out obediently. .

"Daughter-in-law, I'm right at the door, call me if you need anything."

"En." After he went out, Li Man took off her clothes, and slowly scrubbed her body with the warm water in the bucket.

Mainly because she was sweating during the day, just wash it if it is sticky. She washed it very quickly. After washing, she walked to the door, opened it slightly, stretched out her hand, and called Li Shu, "clothes."

Li Shu handed her the clothes one by one.

Putting on her clothes neatly, Li Man quickly opened the door to breathe the air outside, the smell inside was really bad.

"Hee hee, are you ready?" Li Shu looked at her amusedly. This was the fastest time for a daughter-in-law to take a bath in history. Of course, he knew the reason.

"Oh." Li Man reached out and wiped the drops of water on her forehead that she hadn't had time to dry, "Do you want to wash it too?"

"I didn't bring any clothes." Li Shudao, in fact, he was lazy to go in there to wash.

Li Man said, "I'll get it for you."

"Forget it, I'll go up with you." Don't worry, she is alone. From here to the room, you have to go through a yard, a hall, and a corridor.

Just like that, Li Shu accompanied Li Man upstairs again.

The people in the room heard footsteps and consciously stopped the conversation just now.

"Back? So soon?" Li Yan asked with a smile.

Li Shu said disgustedly, "Don't mention it, what kind of bathroom is like a gutter, fortunately my wife can stay here."

"Then what should I do? Washing is always more comfortable." Li Man walked to the edge of the kang, loosened the hair tie, and let her jet-black hair hang down behind her head, and then arranged the clothes she had changed.

Li Yan chuckled, "It's not easy to go out, is it?"

Li Man was slightly embarrassed, "I know." Although the conditions were worse than she thought, and she didn't have the novelty of traveling, she could still bear it, and she wasn't afraid of suffering.

"It's okay." Li Shu comforted, "We'll be there at noon tomorrow, rest in the county town for one night, leave early the morning after tomorrow, and go home in the evening."

"Hmm." Li Man suddenly felt homesick after being told by Li Shu. There are two thatched huts, a small kitchen, big black and small yellow, little pig and chicken, the peach tree in the yard, and the small kitchen in the backyard. small vegetable garden.

"Homesick?" Li Yan sat beside her and asked softly when she saw her holding her clothes in a daze.

Li Man raised her head abruptly, and said with an embarrassed smile, "No." She had only been out for a long time, and she underestimated her too much.

"Heh." Li Yan was happy in his heart, it's a good thing for his wife to miss home, otherwise it would be annoying to think about running outside every day.

"Are you tired? Rest early, I'll go wash up too." Li Yan gently rubbed her hair, took clean clothes, and went straight outside.


Li Mo, Li Shu, Li Hua, and Xiao Wu went first, and when Li Yan left, Li Hua and Xiao Wu had already returned.

Taking advantage of the humble place, everyone hurriedly took a shower with water and quickly returned to their rooms.

Li Man had already fallen asleep on the kang, listening to her charming breathing, she thought she was tired during the day, but now she was sleeping very deeply, the brothers lightened up a few movements, got on the kang lightly, and each rested .

The next day was bright, everyone got up, had a simple breakfast, paid the shop fee, and everyone got on the bullock cart and set off, and arrived at Yingxian County in the middle of the morning.


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