Fortunate Wife

Chapter 169: Night Market

The county town of Ying County is not considered prosperous, it is not even as lively as Xingrong Street, and there is a sense of solemnity and simplicity everywhere.

Based on the information they inquired, Li Man and the others found the largest cloth shop here after some setbacks.

The owner of the cloth village, surnamed Shen, is a lady over fifty years old. In the past two years, she has not cared much about business matters, and only enjoys family relationships at home.

It so happened that Mrs. Shen brought her little grandson to play in the manor on this day, and she also wanted her little grandson to see the family business created by his grandma. Therefore, Li Man and others bypassed the stewards here and directly talked with Mrs. Shen. People chatted.

Mrs. Shen was very forthright and enthusiastic, and handed over her little grandson to the maid, and she personally took Li Man and others to visit the cloth village.

It turns out that they have a one-stop operation from weaving, printing and dyeing, and sales. All channels are in charge of people from the clan. The scale is large and the reputation is also very good. In the past ten years, not only in Dayan, but also in neighboring countries. It's just that Mrs. Shen feels that she is getting old and has lost the aggressiveness of her youth, so she sticks to this piece of cloth farm. As for business expansion, it is left to her sons.

It took more than an hour to finish visiting this place. Li Man was very envious, and thought to herself how great it would be if the Li family could have such a family business in the future.

"How is it?" At the end, Mrs. Shen took them to the small meeting hall, and asked Li Man while calling people to serve tea.

Although there were a total of six people who came, some of them were older, but Mrs. Shen could tell at a glance that among these people, the girl who was dressed like a boy was the one who spoke the most.

Mrs. Shen didn't point it out, but she looked at the handsome boy very fondly.

Li Man put down his teacup and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, it's just that the small shop won't open until a few days later. I don't know how the business will be in the future. I'm afraid the quantity of goods requested for the time being is not large."

So, on this hot day, let the old lady accompany me to visit all the way down, she was moved but also a little guilty.

"Hehe, what's the matter, even if you don't place an order, it doesn't matter, at least you know about our Shenjia cloth shop, don't you?" Mrs. Shen smiled indifferently.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "I want to order a batch of goods first, I wonder if Mrs. Shen can do it?"

Next, Li Man personally made a list.

After looking at it, Mrs. Shen smiled softly, "Okay, I'll get someone to prepare it right away, but are you going to pay now and wait to get the goods, or when the goods are ready, we will send them to the store for you?"

"Can you still deliver the goods to your door?" Li Man was pleasantly surprised.

Mrs. Shen nodded with a smile, "Of course, our Shenjia cloth shop sells to various places in Dayan, and there are some orders that cannot be picked up, so we have a special person responsible for sending them. But, you have to pay half of the deposit first." , and the other half, you can pay after the goods are inspected."

"Yeah, okay," Li Man was very happy, picked up the cup, took a sip of tea, and continued, "To tell you the truth, we came from Songfeng Town. It’s really not easy to go back with such a batch of goods, I was thinking about whether to hire a car, but now you can deliver the goods to your door, which saves me a lot of trouble.”

"Heh, it's what we businessmen should do to satisfy customers." Mrs. Shen smiled slightly, and greeted Li Man, "Drink tea."

Li Man took another two sips, then turned to look at the men sitting next to her, her eyes were full of smiles, the order was placed, and the problem of delivery was solved, she felt much more relaxed, "Madam Shen, how about this, you Calculate the price here, I will pay you half of the silver first, and then pay you the rest on the day of inspection."

"Well, good." Mrs. Shen recruited the steward, "Is it done?"

The middle-aged man in charge nodded and handed her an account book, "Okay, it's seventeen taels in total."

"En." Madam Shen nodded, closed the account book, and said, "Let Mr. Li have a look."

"Yes." The manager came over and handed the ledger to Li Man.

Li Man shook her head, "No need, supervisor, you can make an account and write a receipt, and we will pay the deposit directly."

In fact, during the visit just now, Mrs. Shen has already quoted the prices of various materials of clothing to her, and she has already calculated twice in her mind based on the quantity she wants to set and comparing the prices, but she is no different from the one in charge. not bad.

Mrs. Shen smiled, "Okay, housekeeper, take Mr. Li to pay the money first. As for the goods he wants, you should prepare them quickly and try to deliver them within three days."

"Yes." The manager glanced at Li Man, "Mr. Li, please."

Li Man got up, and Li Mo and others followed suit.

"Brother, you go with the second brother." Li Man thought that there was no need for such a large number of people to go there.

"En." Li Mo nodded, and followed the butler with Li Yan.

Here, the business was settled, Li Man was in a happy mood, and drank some more tea.

Mrs. Shen ordered someone to add some water for her, and asked politely, "Is this the first time Mr. Li has come to the county?"

"Yes," Li Man nodded.

"Oh, just to order?"


"Now that the goods are ordered, Mr. Li plans to take a stroll in the city?" Mrs. Shen chatted enthusiastically with Li Man.

Li Man shook her head, "No, I have to go back tomorrow morning."

"Oh? That's a pity. It's so easy to come out. Why don't you go back if you don't have a good time?" Mrs. Shen also took a sip of tea and asked with a smile.

Li Man also laughed, "There will be more opportunities to come out in the future, besides, it's hot now, so I don't feel like going shopping."

This is true, Madam Shen asked again, "Have you found a place to rest at night? If you don't mind, my Shen family..."

"I've already found an inn." Li Man said.

"Oh." At this time, the manager came back with Li Mo and Li Yan, "Ma'am, everything is done."

"Well, you go down first." Mrs. Shen waved at him, waved the housekeeper away, and then looked at Li Man with a smile, "Mr. Li, the goods are already being prepared, and they can be delivered in the morning, but, your side Is there anyone to answer?"

So fast? Li Man knew how slow her ox cart was going, so she hurriedly said, "It can be delivered before the evening of the day after tomorrow."

"En." Mrs. Shen knew the truth in her heart. After all, the manager had reported the situation of Li Man and his party to her in detail.

Those who came with a bullock cart, looked at their clothes, might not be rich, but she was willing to help such a young man who was motivated and not afraid of hardship.

"Mrs. Shen, that's the end of the matter. I've bothered you for a long time, so let's take my leave first." Li Man said and got up.

Mrs. Shen didn't stay either, she just recruited the manager, "It's good to send them out."

"Yes." The housekeeper led the way, and Li Man and his party went out through the front door, then rode in a bullock cart, and went all the way to the inn that they had just found in the morning.

At this moment, it was already mid-afternoon, and the sun was not so strong anymore. When she arrived in the room, Li Man opened the window and lay down beside the window, enjoying the wind, looking at the secluded street downstairs with great interest.

Li Yan leaned over, glanced at the empty streets, and said with a smile, "What do you think is interesting?"

"It's beautiful." The houses here, the big trees here, and the occasional pedestrians all make Li Man feel fresh. This is the first time she has traveled far in this era.

Li Yan smiled and patted her on the head lightly, "Just look at it, don't lie down any further, be careful of falling down."

Li Man frowned, how stupid is she? Can you fall down the stairs with a window?

"Man'er, do you want to take a break?" At this time, Li Hua had already made the bed, and spread the bed sheets brought by her home on the original kang mat.

Li Man took a deep breath. Last night in the farmhouse, she really didn’t sleep well. Not to mention the heat, and the mosquitoes, it was really hard. At this moment, Li Hua was sitting on the bed and calling her, she was really sleepy .

Turning around and walking, she climbed to the top of the bed, hugged the pillow mat and lay down, looked at Li Hua and the others, "What about you?"

Li Hua blinked twice, "Is it okay?"

Li Man smiled, "This **** is so big, do I sleep alone? You didn't sleep well last night, and now you have nothing to do, let's make up for it, how about going out for a walk at night?"

"Okay." As soon as they heard some shopping, Xiao Wu and Li Shu immediately agreed in surprise, and the two rushed forward.

Li Hua was already lying down next to Li Man, with a cattail fan in his hand, fanning the wind gently.

Li Mo and Li Yan looked at each other, smiled and took off their coat and shoes, and lay down one by one.

I ran around all day yesterday, didn't sleep well at night, and I was busy outside most of the day today. Now that things are done, everyone relaxes, and sleepiness strikes. The family of six, on the big * He fell into a deep sleep until the sun set and the dark night gradually shrouded.

"Hmm..." In the silent room, Li Hua first groaned, and opened his eyes uncomfortably, only to find that Li Man had fallen asleep at some point, with one leg across her body.

That heavy blow just now was kicked by her leg.

Li Hua rubbed her eyes, just a little bit funny about the girl's sleeping position, she didn't want to, she didn't know if she was dreaming or something, she groaned twice, then raised an arm and threw it towards him.

Li Hua was frightened and quickly blocked it with his hands, otherwise, the punch would definitely land on his face.

He grabbed her slender wrist, put it down gently, then sat up a little, and moved her crossed leg down.

"Ah?" Li Man's sleeping position was indecent, but her sleep was very shallow. When someone touched her lightly, she woke up immediately, and saw Li Hua staring at her blankly, "You, did you wake you up?"

"What are you doing?" Li Man looked at him in astonishment, hugging her calf.

Seeing her strange eyes, Li Hua hurriedly let go, "You've crushed me."

"Pressing you?" Li Man was suspicious, she obviously slept soundly.

Li Hua nodded, "Really." Otherwise, at a time like this, he can still think about it, what kind of eyes is she looking at him?

"Oh." Li Man didn't believe it, she slept soundly, how could she crush him? Obviously this kid is broken... Cough cough, looking at the row of people sleeping next to him, she secretly gave him a blank look, and didn't look at what was going on.

"Really not." Li Hua felt that jumping into the Yellow River would not wash away the feeling.

"Have you two talked enough?" Li Yan opened his eyes at this moment, and looked at the two of them impatiently, thinking he was deaf.

Li Hua was embarrassed, "Second Brother, did I wake you up?"

"Speaking so loudly, what do you say?" Li Yan said angrily.

Li Man was aggrieved, "How could it be?" She obviously lowered her voice.

"Okay, it's getting dark." Li Mo suddenly said, sitting up.

Li Shu turned over immediately, opened his eyes and looked out the window, "Is it dark?"

"Then are we going to go out for a stroll?" Xiao Wuchi got up after a while, looking extremely excited.

Li Man was stunned, "Are you... all awake?"

"En." Except for Li Hua, everyone nodded. From Li Hua's muffled snort, everyone became a little conscious, and then to Li Man's small exclamation, everyone still had reason not to wake up.

Li Man smiled dryly, "Oh, let's get up then? Let's go out for a walk and have something to eat."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded in unison, and one by one stood up neatly and stepped down.


The inn where Li Man and the others lived was not on a busy street, but it was not far away. In fact, once they stepped out of the inn, they knew where the fun was, without anyone pointing them out.

Because where the lights are the brightest and where the voices are loudest, there must be a lively place.

So everyone went to the brightly lit street.

I have to say that the night in this county town is very different from the daytime. During the daytime, the streets are dead silent, but at night, it’s like someone unraveled the magic and suddenly came alive. The streets are full of people, very lively, eating and drinking Have fun, have seen and haven't seen... all kinds of things are dizzying.

"Wow, clay figurines, there are still clay figurines here?" Li Man was pleasantly surprised to find a small stall with all kinds of lifelike small clay figurines on the load.

Li Yan followed a few steps, grabbed Li Man who was rushing out, "Slow down, there are too many people here, what should I do if I get squeezed?"

"It's okay." Even so, Li Man let him hold her hand. At this moment, Li Hua managed to avoid a few people, and surrounded Li Man. He helped her separate from strangers and led her to the clay figurine stand.

Li Man immediately took a little clay figurine of Zhu Bajie and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more kind she felt, and she couldn't help asking the stall owner, "Do you also know Zhu Bajie? Do you know the story of Journey to the West?"

This is a TV series that she has watched since she was a child, and if she doesn't watch it every year, she feels like there is something missing in her life.

The stall owner was carving a small clay figurine with a small carving knife. Hearing her question, he was a little dazed, "What Zhu Bajie? What else do you remember?"

"This one?" Li Man raised Zhu Bajie in his hand, "Isn't this Zhu Bajie?"

"Heh, it's a pig." The shopkeeper laughed, "Little guest officer is really interesting, but Zhu quite an interesting name."

Li Man was a little disappointed immediately, "You don't know Zhu Bajie?" But she looked at the clay figurine, with a fat head and big ears, and a naive expression, obviously very similar.

"What's the matter? Don't you like it?" Li Yan also saw through the slight strangeness on her face.

Li Man shook her head, blinked her big black eyes and looked at him, "I thought he knew about Zhu Bajie."

"Oh, so his name is Zhu Bajie, it sounds very nice." Li Hua also saw that she was a bit disappointed, so he hurriedly said with a smile.

Li Man nodded, "Well, his name is Zhu Bajie, and he also has a master named Tang Seng, a senior brother named Sun Wukong, who is amazing, and a junior monk named Drifting."

"Oh, I know, I know." At this moment, Xiao Wu, who was guarded by Li Mo and Li Shu, immediately exclaimed in surprise.

Li Man was taken aback, "You know?"

"Yeah." Xiao Wu nodded sharply, "I've seen it, last time at Huzi's house, it was in the paper his father used to buy meat."

"Oh?" So there is also a book here that records this familiar story?

"But only a little bit. I've seen pictures, and it's just like this." Xiao Wu pointed to the clay figurine in her hand.

"So he is Zhu Bajie." At this time, the stall owner also laughed, "I am illiterate, I just saw it in my baby's comic book, and I engraved it on it because I thought it was interesting. I didn't know he had such a name. .”

"Yeah." Li Man was very pleasantly surprised. The two time and space finally had such a common thing, which made her feel very close.

Not only bought Zhu Bajie, Li Man also asked the stall owner to carve the appearance of the other three masters and apprentices according to his own description.

Although they are not very similar, the monkeys are monkeys, the monks are monks, and the large string of beads on Sa Sen's neck is still very realistic, at least let her know that there are only a few people.

Finally got together the four masters and apprentices of Journey to the West, and Li Man walked around the street with his brothers satisfied.

Because they hadn't eaten dinner yet, everyone felt a little hungry at the moment, so Li Man suggested that after a trip to a big city, they had to go to a restaurant no matter what.

Li Shuxiaowu immediately seconded the proposal.

Li Mo had no choice but to look at the wistful eyes of his wife and younger brothers, and stopped covering his pockets tightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, you can choose whichever one you like."

There are many restaurants on this street, Li Shu took Li Man, Li Man took Xiao Wu, and the three of them walked forward all the way, and finally settled on a restaurant called "Hao Zai Lai".

Even the name of the store is so familiar, Li Man felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if she took the Li family brothers to travel to the modern age, and then, the whole family came to a certain ancient site in the modern age.

Because it happened to be a meal time, the store was full, and I have to say that the business was very good.

But it is precisely because of the good business that Li Man and the others are sure that the food here must be delicious.

After searching for a long time but not finding a seat, Li Mo suggested, "Man'er, let's change."

"I think each family should be similar." Li Man said.

Suddenly, at a place by the window, two men called Xiao Er to pay the bill.

"This way." Li Man hurriedly took Li Mo's hand, and headed over there.

Everyone else followed suit.

The two men paid the money and left, and Xiao Er immediately cleared the table.

"Can you lift this table out?" Li Man asked.

Xiaoer saw that there were so many people, so he nodded, and then said to Li Mo, "Please help me, officer."

Li Mo didn't use Xiao Er's help, he went straight forward and moved the table out.

Xiaoer's eyes flashed, showing some admiration.

Li Man smiled triumphantly, "He is born with supernatural power, haha."

Xiao Er once again looked at the boy who was talking, his eyebrows and eyes were exquisite, and he was so beautiful that it was a little outrageous.

"What are you looking at?" Li Shu grabbed Xiaoer's shoulder and pulled him aside, "Go and move us some more stools."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Xiao Er saw Li Shu's fierce eyes, and hurried away.

Li Man watched Xiao Er staggering away, and smiled, "Li Shu, you are so fierce."

"Aren't you murderous?" Li Yan pulled her to sit down first, staring helplessly at her pretty face, "Didn't I tell you to stop talking and laughing when you go out..."

"I didn't say much." She seemed to have just said a few words to Xiao Er, and then just smiled.

It's best not to say a word, Li Yan's big palm circled the back of her head, and said, "I will bow my head to eat in a while, you know?"

If I had known earlier, if she was going out pretending to be a boy, and there were so many people looking at her, she should have brought out the veil as well.

Li Man didn't know what he was annoyed with, so she nodded.

After a while, Xiao Er personally brought two chairs, and Li Mo and Li Hua also sat down.

"Order." Li Hua took the menu from Xiaoer and handed it to Li Man.

The eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother in the family don't know much, and he doesn't care much about food, so it's Li Man who makes the decision.

Li Man took the menu and flipped through it. Oh, sure enough, the consumption level in the city is different from that in the countryside. A piece of braised fish costs 80 yuan, which is enough to buy two clothes.

Then, she looked through the vegetarian dishes and soups... the cheapest shredded bean sprouts cost 16 cents.

Grab money! ! !

"Six bowls of noodles!" In the end, afraid that Li Mo's flesh would hurt, and she felt sorry for herself, Li Man closed the menu and said slowly to Xiao Er.


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