Fortunate Wife

Chapter 170 Diving

"Six bowls of noodles!"

As soon as Li Man's displeased voice came out, Li Mo and the others were stunned, "Why do you only want to show up?"

Li Man didn't answer.

"What kind of noodles?" Xiaoer asked, "We have beef, shredded chicken..."

"Plain noodles, put more vegetables." Li Man almost gritted his teeth, a bowl of plain noodles costs fifteen cents, hey.

"Okay, okay." Xiaoer took the menu and turned around and ran away. In other words, these handsome little guests don't have a good temper.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan asked.

Li Man slightly lowered her voice and said, "It's so expensive."

"..." When everyone heard this, they felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Mo pursed his lips slightly, and said, "Man'er, didn't you just agree to have a big meal?"

"Yeah, just order what you like? We can earn money after the money is spent." Li Hua said.

Li Yan just looked at Li Man silently, with a look of pity in his eyes.

Li Shu and Xiao Wu didn't talk, even if they were greedy, they had to endure it. After all, even their daughter-in-law could endure it, how could they eat delicious food.

Li Man was telling the truth, and didn't think there was anything wrong with saying it, but seeing the gradually changing expressions of the men, she immediately regretted it.

Face, regardless of modern or ancient times, is important to men, especially in front of their own women.

"Actually." Li Man leaned over slightly, and said to everyone in a low voice, "I just saw the menu and wanted to leave. There is nothing special about it."

"Huh?" Seeing her serious face, everyone couldn't help but lower their heads and listen carefully.

Li Man frowned, and explained solemnly, with a look of disdain, "Spicy diced chicken, shredded fish-flavored pork, braised pork ribs, mapo tofu, sweet and sour fish, braised phoenix, etc., aren't they all very common?" Is it home-cooked food? Give me the ingredients, and I’m sure the cook will be better than that cook. Really, is it possible that some famous chef in the world can’t do it? It’s even so expensive?”

"Daughter-in-law, how do you know the names of so many dishes? It sounds delicious." Li Shu licked his lower lip and said enviously.

"Nothing." Li Man stretched out her hand and pinched his nose lightly, and said with a smile, "I'll wait until it's time, and I'll cook it for you one by one. I'm sure it's better than the cooks here."

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded happily.

"Girl, have you eaten everything you mentioned? Otherwise, how can you guarantee that it is better than others?" Li Yan tilted his head and looked at her curiously.

Li Man choked for a moment, if she had eaten it all? It is inevitable that people will doubt their identity. If they say they have never eaten, then what they just said...

"Oh," Li Man patted Li Yan as if annoyed, and said angrily, "Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running? Anyway, cooking is so tricky, fried, fried, stewed, so-called In particular, it's just about the ingredients, haven't you tried my cooking? Do you still dare to doubt my craftsmanship? Hmph, I won't cook for you next time."

Li Yan chuckled, "I know you are good at cooking, but you don't need to be so proud? You don't look down on other cooks at all. Since you're here, you should at least try their cooking skills."

As he spoke, Li Yan waved lightly, in exchange for the waiter, "Please, add two more dishes for us."

"What dish?" Xiao Er asked politely.

Li Yan frowned slightly, and said, "Give this to me." He pointed to the menu in the little second hand.

"Oh." Xiaoer handed him the menu, and Li Yan took it, flipping through it page by page.

"What do you want to order?" Li Man sat next to him, watching Li Yan rummaging through the pages, it didn't look like ordering, but looking for food, she couldn't help asking curiously, and, what's more, One thing, as far as she knows, Li Yan can't read many characters, and there are many names of dishes that are difficult to recognize. How should he order them?

Li Yan ignored her, and finally after searching twice, he reached out his hand and landed on a line of words, "This, and this, this..."

Dongpo Pork, Salt and Pepper Shrimp, Snowflake Chicken——

Li Man was surprised that he actually ordered these three dishes, all of which she loved and wanted to eat.

After ordering, Li Yan handed the menu to Xiao Er, "I want these three items, don't make a mistake."

He didn't know many words, but when the little girl was ordering just now, her fingers stayed on these three dishes for the longest time, so he definitely didn't look at the difference.

"Yes." Xiaoer took the menu and went to the back hall to go.

Here, Li Shu asked curiously, "Second brother, what did you order?"

"You'll know when it's served." Li Yan smiled slightly. In fact, he didn't know what the dishes were.

Seeing his relaxed smile, Li Man didn't dare to ask, do you know the prices of the dishes you ordered?

Everyone was very curious about what Li Yan ordered, but Li Man sweated secretly, hoping that when he finished eating and paid the bill, Li Mo would not feel pain.

After a while, six bowls of vegetables and plain noodles arrived first, plus a small plate of pickles from the store.

"Well, I'm so hungry, let's eat quickly." When the noodles were served, and smelling the aroma of the noodles, Li Man actually felt that it would be nice to have a bowl of hot noodle soup in a foreign land.

Li Yan helped her smooth the broken hair that fell on her forehead, and said softly, "Slow down, it's hot."

"Yeah." Li Man picked up the noodles, put them in his mouth and blew gently, after a few mouthfuls, he felt hot, and moved his small face towards the window, so that the night wind could bring some coolness.

At this time, the bustling scene outside attracted her attention again, and she saw many people rushing towards one place, as if there was a baby in front of her.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing her stop eating, Li Yan also looked out the window.

Li Man didn't turn her head back, "It's so lively outside, there seems to be something interesting to do."

"Eat first, let's go after eating." Li Yan twirled her little earlobe with two fingers, the little girl didn't concentrate on eating, why didn't she find her so funny before.

Li Man covered her ears, said 'oh', and cast a reproachful glance at Li Yan, but he was the only one who cared.

He buried his head in eating the noodles, and after a while, the three dishes Li Yan ordered came out.

The aroma of vegetables immediately whets the appetite.

"What kind of dish is this?" Li Shu pointed to the Dongpo pork and asked, "It looks really delicious."

"Dongpo Meat." Xiaoer returned after serving the dishes, and Li Man acted as the explainer. Li Shu asked one question, and she answered one.

Then I tasted it with chopsticks, and it was a bit fatty.

But seeing that Li Shu and the others were eating happily, she couldn't help laughing. She has always hated fatty meat. Authentic Dongpo pork is thin-skinned and tender, fragrant and glutinous but not greasy. The most important thing is fat but not greasy. Meaty meat, for them, the fatter and oilier the better.

Li Man didn't touch the Dongpo meat any more, and only ate the shrimp, which he thought was a bit tastier than what he ate in modern times.

The snowflake chicken is also good.

After eating the last meal, although the price is a bit more expensive, it is not too flashy. After all, you can tell by the expressions of the men, as if you have eaten the most delicious food in the world.

After eating and paying the bill, the three dishes and six bowls of noodles totaled two taels of silver. As expected, Li Mo's face changed slightly, and then he pretended to pay the money calmly.

Li Man wanted to laugh after seeing it, but she didn't dare to laugh, she just buried her head in the cup secretly.

"Are you drinking water with your face?" Li Yan put his palm on the back of her head and asked amusedly.

"Oh, there's not enough water in the glass." Li Man raised her head, her face flushed slightly, not because of embarrassment, but because of suppressed laughter.

Li Yan glanced at her, and smiled silently. Don't think that her little thought, others can't see it, it's already written on her face. Do you think such a small cup can hide it?

After paying the bill, everyone got up and left.

As soon as Li Man came out, she looked at the place where the crowd had flocked to before, "Do you want to go and have a look? Anyway, it's early, and I can't sleep even if I go back to the inn."

"Okay, but you are not allowed to run around, follow along." Li Yan said as he grabbed her hand, in case she accidentally lost it.

Li Man rolled her eyes helplessly, what they want to see is Xiao Wu, okay? How old is she? What's more, is she a random person?

"Let's go." Seeing her dissatisfied look, Li Hua smiled lightly, and walked beside her, trying to protect her, but he didn't grab her domineeringly like Li Yan.

Li Man let out a 'hmm', and suddenly tugged Li Yan, and said viciously, "Let's go!"

"Yeah." Li Yan was amused. He opened his long legs, and after a few steps, Li Man couldn't keep up. "Slow down."

Li Yan turned his head, saw her panting, and chuckled, "Who wanted to hurry up just now? It's only a short walk, so it's okay?"

"Who is dying? I just ate, okay? Walking so fast is not good for my stomach." Li Man glanced at him, tried to break free from his hand but couldn't, so she had to hold on to his arm to breathe.

Behind, Li Mo and others also followed.

"Second brother, what are you doing walking so fast? It seems to make my wife tired, otherwise, you look at Xiao Wu, and I'll protect her." Li Shu also became dissatisfied, let go of Xiao Wu, and wanted to hold Li Man.

Li Man was also dissatisfied, "Who wants you to protect me? It's not a dangerous place, but I'm just out to play. You're supporting me one by one, I can't even walk."

"You girl, don't be ignorant. You came out just before, and you were almost knocked over. If it wasn't for my fourth brother and I being stepped on, would you still despise us now?" Li Yan Qu pointed at She knocked on the forehead.

Li Man rubbed his forehead and stared at him, "Look, look, you are like this, if you hadn't followed so closely before, would I have wanted to slip away? If I didn't want to slip away, I wouldn't have run so quickly and been hit by someone .”

It's all his fault!

Li Yan, "..."

"Okay, second brother, it's not easy for us to go out, just follow Man'er, and don't hold her back." Li Mo said.

Li Man smiled smugly, it's better to be the elder brother, she walked to Li Mo's side, reached out to hold his arm, and then looked at Li Yan again, "So you don't worry? I'm with the elder brother."

The corner of Li Yan's lips twitched, damn girl, how dare you provoke him like this? "Okay, okay, follow the big brother, Xiao Wu, come here, the second brother will take you to play."

"Oh." Xiao Wu was worrying about being watched closely by the eldest brother and the third brother, which caused him to not watch or play with many things. At this moment, the second brother said to take him to play, and he was very happy, so he hurriedly broke away. Mo's hand ran to Li Yan.

Li Yan held Xiao Wu's hand, and the two guys ran to the front after a while.

Li Mo yelled worriedly, "Second brother, you also slow down, so you can look at Xiao Wu."

No one answered.

"Let's hurry up and follow." Li Shu also seemed a little impatient.

Li Man glanced at Li Yan who was squeezing into the crowd in front of him, and whispered, "Stingy."

"Let's go." Li Hua was still walking beside her, putting his hand on her shoulder lightly.

The four of them also hurried towards the crowded place ahead.

When I got there, I found out that there is a small lake here. Under the moonlight, the water is sparkling. In the center of the lake, there are several beautiful boats with the sound of fairy music floating from time to time.

Li Man and the others managed to squeeze through the crowd to the front. As soon as they got on the railing, they heard Li Yan's voice, "Come here."

"Ah?" Li Man tilted her head and saw Li Yan standing four or five people away from her. She couldn't help asking, "What are you all looking at?"

Li Yan didn't seem to hear what she said clearly. He took Xiao Wu and squeezed towards the people in the middle. Her ribs stretched out, and she was accurately and domineeringly encircling her between the railing by the lake and his embrace.

The generous chest and the scorching breath made Li Man feel a little dazed, "You, why are you here?"

"What did you ask me just now?" Li Yan lowered his head and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Li Man's body was slightly stiff, and she pointed to the painting boat in front of her, "Everyone squeezed in, just to see that?"

"Heh." Li Yan pressed almost half of his body on her back, chuckled softly, and explained in her ear, "I heard that those painted boats appeared only a few days ago, and they were from someone in Beijing. There are many female relatives in the family of high-ranking officials, and everyone who has seen it says that they are as beautiful as fairies."

"So everyone came to see fairies." Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, thinking that this kind of scene is similar to the modern star chasing, but she didn't expect that the ancients also liked it so much.

"Yes." Li Yan murmured softly, but his voice was a little thicker. Li Man's scorching breath sprayed on Li Man's neck, making her itch to hide, "Don't get so close, itchy."

"There are so many people, it's crowded." Li Yan didn't hold back at all because of her words, but gradually tightened his arms.

Li Man suddenly realized something, turned her head, and faced the twinkling eyes of the man with broken hair like ink, her heart shrank.

Just at this moment, several women suddenly appeared in the painting boat, and the crowd immediately set off a heat wave, and everyone rushed towards the direction that the painting boat was slowly moving. Li Yan hugged her, otherwise he was in danger of being trampled on.

However, she turned her head to look at the people in the boat, but she couldn't see clearly from too far away, so she asked Li Yan, "Who are those people?"

Li Yan shook his head, "I don't know."

They just followed the crowd passively. After a while, the crowd settled down, and bursts of cheers rang out. In this atmosphere, Li Man watched one of the largest and most beautiful painted boats swimming towards her. , more than a dozen beautiful girls are dancing to the fairy music.

No wonder people are so excited. In the hot summer, people are exhausted. At night, seeing such a beautiful scenery is really refreshing.

Li Man was also excited. She could see that these girls' dancing skills were superb, and they were definitely trained specially, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Not on a level at all.

So, what Li Yan said just now, she believed what dignitaries were on the boat.

Suddenly, the neck was itchy and tingling. Li Man frowned, bit her lip, and stabbed her back fiercely with her elbow. Scoundrel, don't watch the fairy dance, what's wrong with her.

"Hehe..." Li Yan chuckled in her ear as if he had succeeded, Li Man stretched out his hand to pinch his arm in annoyance.

"Damn girl, so ruthless." Li Yan bit her ear, but he didn't move his hand, letting her pinch so vigorously.

Li Man blushed dripping blood, stomped her feet, turned her head and slammed into his chest, and warned in a low voice, "Don't move around, so many beauties dancing, you don't see the waste, you won't be able to see it even if you want to."

"Then don't look at it, who cares." Li Yan smiled lowly, buried his head on her shoulder, and murmured in a low voice, "Nothing is as beautiful as you."

Li Man didn't hear the last sound, because, like the people on the shore, all her attention was attracted by the man who appeared in the boat.

In fact, if you say that he is a man, with dyed black hair, spring eyes, icy muscles like snow, and thin lips like roses, he is more beautiful than a woman, but if you say he is a woman, she has a slender figure, too tall and straight , three thousand blue silks were untied, flaunting wantonly, a snow-white brocade robe was loosely worn on the body, the belt was not tied, and the muscular chest was looming...

He got up from the beauty's couch and walked towards the side of the boat with bare feet. There was a gasp in the crowd immediately, followed by cheers, and the woman's sharp voice suddenly became louder and louder.

The man's thin lips curled up slightly, and a sinister smile appeared on his beautiful and enchanting face. He took the pipa handed over by the maid next to him, bent over and sat on the side of the boat, and flicked his two fingers lightly, like pearls and jade. Pipa sounds rippled on the water surface.

As if by magic, the originally noisy shore was extremely quiet at the moment. Everyone seemed to be immersed in this wonderful pipa music, and they didn't even dare to breathe presumptuously, for fear of disturbing the elegance of the beauty on board.

"It's really good." Li Man praised sincerely.

Behind him, Li Yan tightened his eyebrows, "It's not bad."

"What's not bad? People call it "Qing Guo Qing Cheng?" Li Man chuckled, and she could hear the sourness in Li Yan's voice.

Sure enough, Li Yan pinched her waist, "Bai has a pair of big eyes, and he has no vision at all. What's so good about being neither male nor female?"

"Hehe, you are jealous." Li Man squeezed his hand tightly, afraid that he would pinch it again.

Li Yan, "..." He gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and bit her neck hard.

"Hmm." Li Man whispered, but she didn't expect that her originally quiet voice would appear so abrupt in this dead silence.

Almost instantly, all eyes shot at her at the same time. Li Man was extremely embarrassed. She just wanted to say sorry or something, but she didn't want to. It flew out, but fell heavily again.

Touch—the calm water sparked a large splash.

Li Yan's mind went blank for a moment, and beside him, Li Shu had already thrown away the people in front of him, climbed over the railing and jumped into the lake.

Almost at the same time, there were sounds of falling into the water one after another, and the sound of children shouting.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, Elder Sister..."

Xiao Wu didn't know that the person who was thrown into the water was Li Man. He just watched the third brother, the second brother, the eldest brother and the fourth brother jump into the water one after another, and he was confused. He wanted to jump down too, but was followed by the people behind Pulled.

"Little brother, don't do stupid things. The water is very deep. If you jump down, you won't be able to get back up."

"No, my brother is still below." Xiao Wu struggled, but seeing his brothers and sister swimming towards the shore one after another, his heart finally settled down.

In fact, Li Man can swim, but she was picked up and thrown into the water at first, one of them sank, and she was given a few sips of water. Later, when she saw the men jumping down one by one, she was dumbfounded , hurriedly swam towards them.

The brothers of the Li family grew up by the pond. It is not uncommon for them to be able to swim, but they did not expect that Li Man could do it too. Seeing her skillfully and gracefully swimming towards the shore like a fish, Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed.

However, when she reached the shore, Li Man stretched out her hand to climb up the rock, but it was very slippery, so she tried to slide down twice. Fortunately, Li Yan and others swam over and dragged her ashore.

As soon as she landed on the shore, the people who were watching the theater on the shore hurriedly took a few steps back, as if she was a plague, and they were afraid to avoid her!


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