Fortunate Wife

Chapter 173: Going Home

Li Man and the others set off in the morning, without the anticipation and joy they had when they came. Going home this time was more like fleeing. Just sit in the bullock cart and simply eat some dry food.

After a bumpy journey, we finally returned home at sunset.

Dayong Niang was mixing pig food under the eaves, and she was very happy when she saw the bullock cart entering the yard, "Da Lang, are you all back?"

"Oh." Li Mo got out of the bullock cart first, tightened the reins, and the others came down one after another.

Li Man greeted Dayong Niang, "Ma'am, thanks to you for taking care of the house these two days."

"Hehe, it's nothing, I'm about to feed the pigs." Dayong Niang put down the pig food, walked over to look at Li Man, her eyes were slightly strange, "Hey, Man'er, why didn't you sleep well last night? Why do you look a little spiritless?"

"I didn't take a lot of rest on the road. I'm tired. It's okay. If you sleep well at night, you'll be refreshed tomorrow." Li Man said with a smile, she didn't even want to think about what happened last night.

"Hmm." Dayong Niang was relieved, "You go in and rest in the house, I'll feed the pig first, by the way, you guys haven't had dinner yet, right? I'll come over and cook later."

"No need, ma'am, I'll do it myself after a while." Li Man declined.

But Dayong Niang said with a smile, "It's such a long journey back from the county, are you exhausted? Come in and rest."

After speaking, she carried a small bucket of pig food to the backyard.

At this time, Li Hua brought a basin of water from the kitchen and put it on the stool under the eaves, "Man'er, wash your face first."

"Yeah." Li Man stroked his sleeves, bent down, washed his face with cold water, and suddenly felt that the dryness and heat dissipated a lot.

At this time, Dayong Niang came back with an empty bucket, "Man'er, what do you want to eat tonight, Madam will make it for you."

"Ma'am, no need, we're all back, just do it yourself." Li Hua answered for Li Man with a smile.

"You're welcome." Dayong Niang smiled, carrying the bucket into the kitchen, followed by Li Hua, and Li Man poured the wash water and also entered the kitchen.

Dayong Niang put down the wooden barrel, took the vegetable bowl to scoop up the noodles, "Tonight, Madam will make gnocchi for you, how about it?"

"Yeah." Dayong Niang was so enthusiastic, Li Man couldn't refuse anymore, and just followed behind to fight.

"I don't need you, let's just sit down and have a rest." Dayong Niang smiled and asked her to sit on the chair, and then glanced at Li Hua again, "Siro, you go back to your room, let us have a conversation."

Li Hua was not worried about Li Man, she was tired all day and she didn't eat much, so she was afraid that she would not be able to hold on.

"You go back to the room and rest for a while, I'll talk to the aunt here." Li Man also said.

Li Hua nodded, "Then I'll go there first, and you can call me if you need anything."

"I know." Li Hua smiled and watched him go out.

Puchi - Dayong Niang laughed out loud seeing them like this.

"What's wrong?" Li Man turned her head and asked curiously.

Dayong Niang laughed while kneading the dough, "You two are so nice, you stick together all day long, and you can't even separate."

Li Man's face turned hot, "Ma'am..."

"Haha, are you shy?" Dayong Niang looked at her with a smile, and looked a little envious, "But, to be honest, Dalang brothers are really good, you are lucky to marry them, I married in this village It's been almost twenty years, and I have never seen a man who loves his wife as much as their brothers."

"En." Li Man bowed her head and nodded slightly.

Dayong Niang was busy and said again, "Tell me about this county town? To tell you the truth, my aunt has lived to such an old age, and the number of times she has been to that town outside the mountain can be counted on her fingers." It's clear."

"County town?" Originally, in this time and space, it was the first time for her to travel far away, and she was full of expectations, but——, thinking of last night, when the whole family was almost thrown into the water and drowned, Li Man felt a little nervous. Scared.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Li Man's face turned pale for a moment, Dayong Niang asked worriedly, "Is it hot on the road?"

"It's very hot." Li Man stood up and poured herself a bowl of water to drink.

When the mood calmed down, Li Man said, "Actually, I went to the county this time mainly for business, and I didn't have time to go shopping. However, the county is much bigger and cleaner than ours. There are no people on the street during the day. It's very lively at night, but I don't think there's anything good about it, the food is expensive, the hotel is also expensive, and it's all money."

Dayong Niang nodded straight after hearing this, "That's a big place, where rich people live. Have things been settled?"

"Well, it's done." Thinking of a business deal, Li Man's mood gradually improved, and seeing that Dayong Niang's noodles were almost ready, she said, "Let me help you light the fire."

"No, you sit down quickly, I'll come." Dayong rubbed his hands, and immediately went under the stove, picking up hay to start the fire.

It is very simple to make gnocchi. The main thing is to boil the water, then knead the rolled noodles into a ball and put them in. Of course, for better taste, you can also add some vegetables in it.

Soon, dinner was ready, and Li Man went to the Westinghouse to call the men over for dinner.

Dayong Niang washed her hands and was about to leave, "Man'er, eat first, and I'll go back first."

"Ma'am, let's eat together." Li Man hurriedly tried to persuade her to stay.

Dayong Niang smiled, "I won't, the family appointed me to go back and cook."

"Ah? That's called Dayong, let's all come over and eat. If we don't have enough, we can cook another pot, and it will be fast." Li Man said.

Dayong Niang walked out and said, "Hurry up and eat, I will go back and make dinner without trouble."

"Ma'am—" Li Man still wanted to keep him, but Dayong Niang took advantage of the darkness and hurried out of the courtyard, and she didn't catch up.

Li Man stood at the gate of the courtyard, thinking of the simplicity of Dayong Niang, her heart warmed. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Shennvgou. Liu, sometimes a bit brutal, but not as good as those evil people who want to kill people outside.

"Go inside and eat." Li Yan walked behind her and said softly.

"En." Li Man turned around and followed him into the kitchen.

Li Hua had already filled the noodles and put them on the pot to cool. The two came in, each of them brought a bowl, and sat on the table to eat.

Dayong Niang's cooking skills were not as good as Li Man's, but everyone didn't eat well during the day, and everyone ate up the big pot of gnocchi at night.

After eating, Li Hua washed the pots and dishes, and Li Man went back to her house and rearranged the parcels. She took out all the dirty clothes she had changed outside in the past two days, and wanted to take advantage of the night to wash them in the well .

"Let's take a bath tomorrow." Li Yan brought the big bathtub over and helped her into the room. "The fourth brother is boiling water. Take a good bath later and go to bed early at night."

"But—" The clothes have been covered in the package for two days, and they are almost rotten.

Li Yan directly took the dirty clothes from her hand, "Okay, let's put it away for now, and I'll wash it tomorrow. I'll go and see if the water is ready."

Saying that, she took her dirty clothes and went out together.

Li Man had no choice but to give up, opened the cabinet, and looked for clothes to wear.

She doesn't have pajamas. She used to be able to sleep in long clothes when the weather was cool, but now she can't do it anymore. She is too hot to wear small clothes.

After finding a small set of clothes, Li Man sat on the kang and waited. After a while, Li Yan came over with a bucket of bath water, and helped her pour it into the tub. Come here and pour the bath water."

"En." Li Man nodded, and waited for him to go out before taking a bath.

After taking a good bath and changing into clean clothes, Li Man felt extremely comfortable. She opened the curtain, climbed onto the kang, and lay down comfortably.

Outside the door, Li Yan's voice quickly sounded, "Man'er, are you done washing?"

"Well, come in." Li Man said directly without locking the door.

Li Yan came in with wet hair and a change of clothes. Obviously he had taken a shower just now. He went out with a basin of water and poured it out. After a while, he came in again and closed the door.

"Ah?" Li Man looked at him in surprise, tonight shouldn't be...

Li Yan came over, stood by the kang and looked down at her, "Want big brother to come?"

Even though she asked this question, before she could answer, he had already opened the curtain, got in, and picked up the fan on the kang to fan it, "It's so hot."

"Oh." Li Man also sat up sensitively. For some reason, even though the two had the closest relationship, she just didn't dare to be casual in front of him.

Li Yan looked at her and smiled, fanning her with a fan, "Brother was afraid that you would not sleep well at night, so he asked me to come here."

"Huh?" Li Man was puzzled, with him around, she would sleep even more unsteadily, okay?

When Li Yan saw the careful thought in her eyes, he sighed helplessly, "Am I that bad in your heart?"

"Oh, that's not true anymore." Li Man hurriedly lowered her head, withdrawing the emotion she had unintentionally revealed just now.

Li Yan smiled lightly, "Come here, I'll squeeze it for you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and brought her into his arms, kneading her shoulders with moderate strength with his ten fingers.

"Are you comfortable?" Last night, she moaned and made a fuss, she didn't know it, but they all knew that the incident cast a great shadow on her, so he tried to get her to sleep at night more comfortable.

"Comfortable." Li Man consciously lay down on the pillow, enjoying his massage, and closed her comfortable eyes.


*Wumeng, woke up again, it was a familiar house, Li Man felt very at ease, turned her head,

Li Yan closed his eyes, lying on his side beside her, and instinctively fanned her softly with one hand.

Look at his arm, like a machine, fanning her slowly but consistently.

Li Man's heart suddenly felt warm, this idiot wouldn't* just fan her like this, would he?

"Li Yan." She called softly, but he didn't answer, obviously still in a deep sleep.

Li Man felt sorry for him, and carefully pulled the fan out of his hand, then put down his arm, let him fall asleep, and sat on the side, fanning him as well.

It was a hot day, and if there was no wind, it would be hot and sweaty even in the early morning.

"Girl." Suddenly, Li Yan, who was sleeping soundly, frowned and called her vaguely, seeming very anxious.

Li Man was stunned for a moment, but seeing his hands raised and grasping in mid-air, he hurriedly stretched out his hands and clenched them tightly, "I'm here, Li Yan, I'm here."

Li Yan suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Li Man with those deep jade-like eyes. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Man'er..."

Li Man's heart also slowly fell when she raised it, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Oh." Li Yan reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, sat up slowly, looked at Li Man, and smiled slightly, "When did you wake up?"

"It's been a while." Li Man said, "When did you sleep last night, do you want to sleep again?"

Last night, he gave her a massage. Because it was so comfortable and relaxing, she fell asleep without knowing it, and when she woke up, it was bright.

"Are you with me?" Li Yan raised an eyebrow at her.

Li Man glanced at him lightly, "It's dawn, it's time for me to make breakfast, you go to sleep, dinner will be ready later, I'll call you."

"I'm hungry right now." Li Yan smiled, reaching out to grab her arm.

Li Man hurriedly broke free, crawled from the top of the kang, and ran down the kang. When she ran to the door, she saw that he hadn't chased after her, so she gave him a look, "Bad guy——"

Li Yan smiled and lay down. Seeing her run out the door in embarrassment, his mood gradually recovered.

That's right, he was having a nightmare. He dreamed that the little girl was being bullied by that goblin who was neither male nor female, but he couldn't do anything about it. It was such a heart-wrenching pain... At this moment, It made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

He was just teasing her just now, she is weak now, and he was frightened like that just before, how could he be willing to...

When Li Man came out, she found that there was no movement in the east room. She thought, they must be tired, let them sleep for a while, she went into the kitchen alone, and started to prepare breakfast for the whole family.

Not at home for a few days, the kitchen was still cleaned up by Dayong Niang, and the eggs laid by the little yellow chicken were also picked up by her and put in the rice bag. There were five eggs in two days, and Li Man took three out. .

She first scoured some rice and cooked the porridge in the big pot first, then scooped some noodles, beat eggs in the noodles and mixed them together, and it was almost done, thinking that adding some chopped green onions would make it more fragrant, so she went to the backyard to pick some Two scallions came back, washed and chopped, put them in the noodles and mixed them again, and then made the egg pancakes that everyone loves to eat.

A total of six pots were made, one big and fragrant egg pancake for each person. After cooking, the porridge was ready. Li Man lifted the lid of the pot and let the porridge cool like this.

However, Westinghouse remained silent.

Sleep late? After Li Man filled the omelette, put it on the table, then went out, went back to her room first, and saw Li Yan staring at the roof with his eyes open, "Are you awake? Then get up quickly, breakfast is ready, if you like it Oh, the omelette."

After speaking, she went out with a smile, came to the east room again, knocked on the door twice, but there was no response, Li Man was surprised and shouted, "Brother, are you awake?"

Still no response, she pushed the door carefully, it opened with a creak, and the kang inside was actually empty.

Li Man didn't come back to her senses for a moment, since she got up, she didn't see them going out, could it be? They went out in the middle of the night?

"Li Yan, where are they?" She hurried back to the house and asked Li Yan.

Li Yanzheng put on his shoes and got up, "Brother, aren't they here?"

Li Man shook her head, "Not one of them is here. Where have all the people above the kang gone? I haven't seen them since I woke up early. I thought they were tired yesterday and were all asleep."

"Oh, I probably have something to go out." Li Yan was not surprised, he straightened his clothes and hair a little, and went out with her.

Li Man looked at him suspiciously, "Do you know where they went?"

"Yeah." Seeing Li Man's nervous expression, Li Yan smiled slightly, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Just as they were talking, the Li Mo brothers came back from outside, pushing a cart full of stones.

"Why did you go there so early in the morning?" Li Man rushed over, seeing the stones on the cart, she couldn't help wondering, "Go to the mountain to move the stones?"

Li Mo smiled honestly.

As soon as Li Shu saw his daughter-in-law, his face showed joy, and he pulled her to explain, "Daughter-in-law, last night, we brothers discussed it and decided to build the new house as soon as possible. In the next two days, we will go up the mountain to get some stones and come down." , lay the foundation first."

"Why are you in such a hurry again? Didn't you agree to wait until the cool autumn?" Seeing that Li Shu was sweating profusely, Li Man reached out to help him wipe it off.

Li Mo said, "Anyway, it's nothing serious right now, I'm just idle, so I'll prepare first." "But it's so hot now, it's hard work." Li Man looked at Li Mo, Li Hua and Xiao Wu again, they were all tired Drenched in sweat, he said, "Hurry up and wash up, breakfast is ready, it's cold there."

"En." Everyone nodded, and they all went to the side of the well, washed their faces first, and then went back to the kitchen.

The egg pancakes were almost cold, and the porridge was still hot, so Li Man filled six bowls and put them on the pot to cool, and everyone ate the pancakes first.

"Well, it's still delicious made by my wife." Li Shu took a bite of the egg pancake and immediately praised it.

Li Man smiled, "Of course, I'll cook something delicious for you when I'm free."

"By the way, daughter-in-law, you have to cook all the dishes you mentioned that day. Just hearing the names of the dishes makes people panic." Li Shu said excitedly.

Seeing his greediness, Li Man couldn't help but tore a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth, and said with a smile, "Okay, I will do the same later, and feed you like Ah Yi Ah Er, then don't scream .”

"One, one, two?" Who is it? Li Shu was very curious.

Only Li Mo lowered his head and smiled.

Li Shu turned to him and asked, "Brother, do you know him?"

"Eat quickly." Li Mo smiled and glanced at Li Man. In fact, he also overheard Li Man naming the little pig in the pigsty in the backyard Ah Yi Ah Er, and also gave the little yellow chicken at home according to The male and female were also given nicknames for their size, fur and color.

Li Yan and Li Hua Xiaowu had never heard of these two names before, so they couldn't help being curious, "Are there these two people in our village? Could it be Ah Da Ah Er?"

"Don't make wild guesses." Li Man quickly stopped them from guessing, and was afraid that Li Mo would say anything, so she said vaguely, "It's just...anyone, with a fat head and big ears, um, very handsome .”

"You look rich, you look blessed." Li Shu thought it was good.

Pfft——Li Man choked on his complacent look, and quickly lowered her head to drink the porridge.

After the meal, the men were busy with their own business. Li Man stayed in the kitchen to clean up the pots and bowls. After finishing, he mixed some chicken food and brought it to the yard to feed the chickens. He made some pig food and carried it to the pigsty in the backyard.

As soon as they heard the movement, the two pigs lying in the pen immediately started grunting and squeaked to the side of the pig trough. As soon as the pig food in Li Man's bucket was poured down, the two pigs started fighting with yelling.

As a result, like any other time before, Ha Yi, who was slightly fatter, gained the upper hand again, and a pig monopolized the entire pig trough.

Li Man saw that these two pigs were picked out by herself, but every time, when feeding, Ah Yi was in pain, and Ah Er hummed pitifully and uselessly, and she felt depressed.

Picking a stick at Ah Yi's mouth twice, he said angrily, "I know how to rob, look how fat you have become? If you get fatter, I will have to sell you before the end of the year, and, Ah Er, you idiot, let me help you every time, let people grab your meals for you, useless guy..."

"daughter in law--"

Li Man was thinking of using force to drive Ah Yi away as usual, so that Ah Er could eat a few bites. At this time, Li Shu suddenly moved to her side, frightening her stiffly, "What are you doing?"

"I heard you calling Ah Er just now." Li Shu lowered his head and looked at her strangely.

"Ah? Oh..." Li Man took two steps back, seeing that he was sweating profusely again, and asked with a smile, "Are you starting work now?"

"Daughter-in-law, one, one, and two are these two guys in the circle, right?" Li Shu squinted at the two fat pigs with disgust, but it was the wife who was disgusting, how could he look like those two guys?

Li Man smiled dryly, reached out and patted his arm lightly twice, to comfort him, "So, you are handsome, I am afraid that if you eat too much, it will affect your image."

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