Fortunate Wife

Chapter 174 Buying meat.

"Really? So, daughter-in-law, you are doing it for me?" Li Shu leaned over slowly, beside the two pigs in the pen, because there was no interference from Li Man, they fought again for food, moaning and chirping. with.

Li Shu has black lines all over his head.

Li Man nodded fiercely, "Yes, Li Shu, I noticed that you seem to have gotten a little tanned recently. I'll cut some cucumber slices for you and apply them on your face."

"Put cucumber on your face?" Li Shu's attention was immediately attracted.

Carrying an empty bucket, Li Man walked towards the front yard, explaining, "Yes, cucumbers can whiten and replenish water, and when you stick it on your face, it feels cool and hydrated. It's comfortable, and it's perfect for this hot day."

"Daughter-in-law, did you just say that I'm dark and ugly?" Li Shu suddenly touched his face with his hands, looking very worried. My wife likes his face the most. If such a handsome face turns ugly, he will still use it in the future. What makes the daughter-in-law like it.

Li Man smiled, she just said it so casually, "Who said, you look the best, even if you are black, you are more attractive to men."

"Oh?" Li Shu's eyes lit up sharply, "Then do I still need to stick cucumbers?" Does it mean that a man will lose his charm if he turns white? nerve-wracking.

"Well, this is whatever you want. You can eat it directly without posting it. Eat it as fruit and supplement vitamins, ha ha." Li Man had already entered the kitchen, put down the bucket, and saw a few gherkins that were picked in the morning in the vegetable basket. After washing two, I gnawed on one, and handed the other to Li Shu, "No, here."

Li Shu didn't answer, but stared blankly at Li Man with a cucumber in her mouth, her breathing was a little unsteady for a while.

"What's wrong?" Li Man swallowed quickly and asked.

Li Shujun blushed, and said awkwardly, "It's nothing, these cucumbers are for women to eat."

After speaking, he turned around in a panic and ran away.

Li Man was stunned. Is there a difference between men and women when eating cucumbers?

He couldn't do it, so she just ate two.

After eating two cucumbers, she was so full. Li Man rubbed her belly, then slowly picked up the laundry basket, which contained the dirty clothes she had changed in a few days, and took it out the door, and then went to the men's room, I took all the dirty clothes they had changed, and wanted to take them to the back mountain pond for washing.

"Man'er, I'll go with you." Li Hua was the only one at home, and the others didn't know where they went. Even Li Shu, who was there just now, had disappeared without a trace.

Li Man was very curious, "Where did they go? Are you going up the mountain to get rocks again?"

"Yeah." Li Hua nodded, "Brother wants to lay the foundation first."

These men are quite stubborn, she said there is no need to rush, now that it is hot, you can take it slowly, and insisted, "If you suffer from heat stroke, they will suffer." She muttered uneasily.

Li Hua knew that she felt sorry for her brothers, and comforted her, "Don't worry, they know what's in their hearts, and there will be no problems."

Li Man didn't say anything else, and walked out of the courtyard with a basket in her hand. Li Hua hurriedly followed and took the basket from her hand, "I'll come."

The two of them went to the pond together. There were only three or two women washing clothes by the pond, and most of them were done.

On such a hot day, most people would wake up early in the morning to wash clothes and cook, and then go to work in the fields, in order to get things done while it was cooler. When it was hot at noon, they basically stayed at home to rest.

Li Man found a clean Shipu, squatted down, took out all the dirty clothes in the basket, washed the basket in the water, and put it on a big rock beside her.

Li Hua looked left and right, and simply moved a stone not far away, and set a position next to her.

"Do you want to do the laundry too? No, I don't have many clothes. I'll wash them in a while." Seeing that he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to get clothes, Li Man said hastily.

Here, it is only right and proper for a woman to wash clothes, cook and do housework. If a man does it, he will be looked down upon by others. Although she used to disdain it, but after a long time, she can only do as the Romans do. Her men, she does not I hope others will speak sarcastic words behind their backs.

"The sun should be shining in a while." Li Hua insisted on taking some clothes to his side.

"It's really not necessary." Li Man looked at him steadily, seeing that he was quite proficient in washing clothes, so she laughed silently, "Well, you can do it if you want to do it."

Speaking of which, Li Hua's clothes are not only good looking, but also not inferior to Li Man's at all. In addition, he has strong hands, he can rub and rub the clothes, and it is easy to put them in the water. Washing is faster than Li Man many.

Li Hua washed most of the large basket of clothes by herself, while Li Man only washed a few underwear in the end.

"Really capable." Seeing him carrying a basket of clean clothes and reaching out to pull her up again, Li Man smiled.

Li Hua also smiled, "Wash a few clothes, it won't bother me, let's go, go home."

"Yeah." As soon as he got on the pond, he saw Li Mo pulling a cart of stones on the small road not far away, and Xiao Wu followed behind pushing the cart.

"Brother is there." Li Man said, and hurriedly ran towards Li Mo through the vegetable field next to her.

Li Hua, carrying a basket, also chased over there.

It is not so easy to get a cart full of stones down from the mountain. You can tell by seeing that Li Mo is sweating profusely and his clothes are all wet.

Li Man didn't say a word, she walked directly to Xiao Wu's side, helped them push the car, and only let go when the car went up the slope.

Li Mo actually felt it too. Looking back, he saw Li Man's frowning face, and hurriedly stopped the car, "Man'er, why are you here?"

"I just finished washing my clothes and I'm about to go back. I just saw you." Li Man came to the front, tiptoed, pulled his sleeves directly, and helped him wipe the sweat from his forehead, "Look at you, hot Is it like this? Just idle if you have nothing to do, can you still be idle? Do you have to rush to do this job in this hot day? Are you deliberately torturing yourself?"

Li Mo's eyes flickered slightly, he rolled up his clothes, and wiped the sweat off his face, "It's okay, it's hot today, so I'm going to sweat even if I don't work, besides, I'm sweating, so I can sleep well at night .”

"Ah?" Li Man looked at him suspiciously, "Are you insomnia at night?"

"?" Li Mo didn't understand what insomnia meant.

Li Man explained, "I just can't sleep at night."

"Oh——, it's probably hot, and I can't sleep well." Li Mo said vaguely.

Li Hua also came over at this time, "Brother, let's go home first, the second and third brothers haven't come back yet?"

"Well, I'm still hitting rocks." Li Mo said.

The stones used for laying foundations are not all kinds of stones. They have to be selected and polished. In modern times, many villagers in the countryside build houses by themselves, and some even invite masons to go to the mountains to dig stones. It's rare, and Li Man doesn't know much about it.

"Do you still want to hit the stone? How?" A picture of Li Yan and Li Shu punching and kicking the stone appeared in her mind.

Li Hua looked at her in astonishment, but after thinking about it, it is reasonable for a woman to not understand these things, so she pointed to the stone on the car and explained, "The sides of this stone are all polished, otherwise there would be no The law makes the foundation."

"Oh, that's it." Li Man understood that Li Yan and Li Shu were similar to modern craftsmen.

Unexpectedly, all the men in her family are capable skilled workers.

Li Mo pulled the cart again, Li Man and Xiao Wu were pushing the cart behind, Li Hua wanted to give the basket to Li Man, but the washed clothes were quite heavy, so she had to give up.

Fortunately, the rest of the road is not difficult. Li Mo quickly pulled a cart of stones home and fell directly to the corner of the courtyard wall.

Then, push the empty cart and leave again.

Li Man didn't even dry his clothes, so she stepped forward to stop him, "Do you still want to go?"

"Well, there is still a load of stones, let's take them home first." Li Mo said.

Xiao Wu took a sip of water in the kitchen, and soon ran out, following Li Mo's side.

Li Man looked at the two of them and sighed softly, "So desperate? At least go back to the house and drink some water before going."

"I'm not thirsty." Li Mo said.

Xiao Wu raised the water bag in his hand and said with a smile, "I brought water."

Li Mo patted his head lightly, and said to Li Man, "Then let's go first."

Li Man didn't speak, she frowned and watched one big and one small come out of the yard.

Li Huazi dried the clothes in the corner of the room, and then walked towards her, "Dry them here, let's go back to the room."

"Oh." Li Man entered the kitchen, opened the small window, and leaned against the pot in a daze.

She keenly felt that after returning from the county seat, the men seemed to have changed a little bit. She didn't know exactly how they changed, but she just felt different.

"Man'er." Li Hua also came in to drink water, and saw Li Man leaning against the pot, looking out of the window with a small face, with a melancholy look on her face.

Li Man turned her head and looked at him, "Li Hua, is there something you are hiding from me?"

"Ah?" Li Hua was slightly taken aback, and then smiled, "Why would you ask such a question?"

"That's how I feel." Li Man frowned, staring at Li Hua anxiously.

Li Hua walked to the table, poured a bowl of water, and took a small sip.

"Li Hua." Li Man walked to his side, gently grabbed his hand, and let him look at her, "Tell me, is it because of that night that you are still harboring grudges?"

Li Hua paused slightly, "Man'er, what happened that night—"

"Isn't it okay to forget?" Li Man looked at the gloomy eyes in his eyes, and said angrily, "A man can bend and stretch, but it's just a loss, our whole family came back safe and sound, isn't that better than anything else?"

That's what I said, but...

"A man's face?" Li Man finished the sentence for him, "How much is face worth, and is it more important than life? Besides, in life, what things don't happen to us, we were lucky that night, and met a *, can come back alive, if someone really drowns in the water, wouldn't it be more wrong to be an unjust dead ghost?"

"..." Li Hua pursed his lips, but he didn't say a word after all. He understood the thoughts of his brothers, including him. They felt guilty, frustrated and sad for not protecting their own women, and even suffered at night. I couldn't sleep, so the eldest brother and the others went up the mountain to get rocks. Maybe, only when the body is tired and tired can they stop thinking about those frustrating things.

"Did you hear me when I said that?" Li Man touched him lightly, "There are many injustices in the world, we can't keep thinking about bad things, besides, can we still catch that wicked person and beat him up? We are not such bad people, aren't we? So, Li Hua, you have to persuade the eldest brother and the others, you are the only one in this family who has studied, and you know a lot of truths, they listen to you."

In this regard, she always felt that the effect of Li Hua's enlightenment must be stronger than her own.

"En." Li Hua is slowly calming down these days, and of course he also hopes that his family can return to the peaceful and happy life before.

Li Man smiled with satisfaction, "Li Hua, I believe in you. The most important thing for a family is to be together safely, and nothing else is important. Evil people have their own trials. You have to believe that if you do too many bad things, sooner or later retribution."

retribution? Li Hua smiled, and stretched out his hand to lightly press the top of her head, "You can really say that even I was moved by your words."

"Hee hee." Li Man smiled triumphantly, tilted her head, and said again, "I was thinking, what shall we have for lunch. There are only a few vegetables in the vegetable garden, hey, the vegetable market is still so far outside the mountain, it's really troublesome , it’s hard to cook something delicious for you.”

"Do you want to buy vegetables?" Li Hua asked suspiciously.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "Boss and the others do physical work, how can they be so light every day, no matter what, they have to have some meat."

"Meat? Chencun sells it." Li Hua said.

"Huh?" Li Man blinked, "We also have a vegetable market here?"

"It's not a vegetable market. There is a family in Chencun who sells meat. We usually go to his house to buy meat." Li Hua explained.

"That's it," Li Man said happily, "Then let's go buy some meat. By the way, if we want to buy vegetables, where do we go if we don't go to the vegetable market outside the mountain?"

"This—" Li Hua shook his head. Country people usually have their own vegetable gardens, and the vegetables they grow are usually enough for the family to eat. Some are given away, and some are sold.

However, that is not often the case.

Li Hua thought for a while, "Okay, let's go and buy some meat."

It's good to say yes, Li Man asked Li Hua to go back to the house to get some broken silver, and she carried the small basket by herself, and the two set off together.

Chen Village is not very far away, and it takes about a quarter of an hour to arrive. However, the Li family usually does not buy much meat, and Li Hua is not very clear about the family that sells meat. After arriving in Chen Village, I only found out after asking someone. .

The butcher's family, whose name is Chen Xiaoer, lives in Xiacun. Under the shade of a big tree at the entrance, there is a meat stall. The stall owner is shirtless, joking with a few bachelors. Li Man's eyes straightened for a moment.

"Boss, let's buy meat." Li Man came to the front with a small basket, and was a little disappointed when he saw that there was not much meat on the chopping board.

Chen Xiaoer and the fellows beside him, first looking at Li Man's celestial appearance, and then listening to that tender and soft voice, suddenly felt as if they were going to go cold, but they just didn't come back to their senses.

Li Huaning raised her eyebrows, and instinctively reached out to protect Li Man by her side, "Boss, let's buy meat."

"Oh oh oh, buy meat, buy meat—" Chen Xiaoer recovered from Li Hua's cold eyes, picked up a meat knife, pointed at a piece of meat on the chopping board, and asked, "Which piece do you want? "

"Isn't that the only one?" Li Hua said angrily.

Chen Xiaoer looked down and smiled dryly, "Hehe, business is good today. The grandson of Mrs. Wang's family is full moon, and she ordered a lot of meat early in the morning. No, there's only so much left. Do you all want it? Make it cheaper for you."

Li Man reached out and weighed the piece of meat, about two or three catties.

"There are only bones left." Li Hua felt dissatisfied looking at it, and wanted to drag Li Man away. He couldn't bear the eyes of others staring at her.

Li Man didn't care, she seemed to get used to being stared at a lot, she just threw the bones and meat on the chopping board and asked, "How do you calculate the price?"

"Oh." Seeing the beauty asking himself something, Chen Xiaoer immediately smiled obsequiously, "Girl, I have been selling this meat stall for more than ten years, and the price of meat is almost twenty yuan a catty. If there is only a little bone and meat left, I will sell it to you cheaply, how about ten Wen?"

ten words? Li Man looked at Li Hua, she didn't understand the price of meat, who knew whether it was expensive or cheap.

Li Hua was not satisfied, "It's all bones, and I can't even pick out the flesh."

Li Man doesn't understand that there are not many opportunities for people to eat meat in this day and age, so if you want to buy meat, you naturally have to buy the meat with a lot of fat, which is more cost-effective. Who would want it.

But Li Man knew that the soup with big bones was nutritious, so since the price was reduced by half, she naturally wanted it, so she said to the boss, "Okay, you name it for me, I want it."

"Hey." A piece of bone, which I thought could not be sold at first, but now, Li Man wanted it all. The boss was overjoyed, and hurriedly took it on the scale.

At the side, a few men looked at her and secretly laughed, saying that Li Man is the kind of silly woman with a pretty face who can't live a good life.

"A total of two catties and seven taels, twenty-seven Wen." Chen Xiaoer said after weighing.

Li Man said 'hmm', picked up the bones into her basket, and asked Li Hua to pay the bill. At this time, she inadvertently saw a small basket on the side of the chopping board, which was full of pig offal.

"Boss, how do you sell these?"

"Huh?" Chen Xiaoer had just found money for Li Hua, and when Li Man asked those pigs to go into the water again, he couldn't help laughing, "Girl, these are not for sale."

"Not for sale? Someone ordered it?" Li Man felt a little pity. She finally came here under the sun and only bought some big bones. Woolen cloth.

Chen Xiaoer chuckled, "Who would order these for what? It's not tasty, even if it's cheap, they're too lazy to ask for it."

"No?" Li Man was startled, bent down and wanted to pick and choose in the basket.

Li Hua hurriedly stopped her, "Why do you want these? Even if they are boiled, they won't taste good."

"Who said that?" Li Man was very surprised. If the pork liver and pork kidney were really cooked, they would be more delicious than pork. She ignored Li Hua and picked two pieces, "Is it fresh?" I smelled it, and there was no peculiar smell except fishy smell.

"Of course, my pigs are only killed in the morning, why? Girl, do you want these to be put into the water?" Chen Xiaoer asked very curiously.

"Well, how do you sell it?" Li Man put the pork liver down and asked.

Chen Xiaoer scratched his head, "What do you mean? If the girl wants it, she can take it back. I originally planned to take it home and feed it to the dog..."

Cough, cough... Li Man choked on his words, her eyelids twitched, and she said with a smile, "Then I'm not going to be polite, can I pick whatever I want?"

"Well, pick whatever you want." Chen Xiaoer said very generously. Originally, these pigs were sold as tie-ups, but most people are too lazy to ask for them, especially in this hot weather. It will stink easily, and besides, it doesn't taste good after cooking. Who wants this?

Li Man was overjoyed, and quickly squatted down, picked up some pig liver and pig intestines from the basket.

"Boss, that's what I want, thank you." When it was over, Li Man got up and thanked politely.

She spoke softly, courteously, and very politely, which made the rough Chen Xiaoer a little shocked, "Girl, come to my house next time you buy meat, and I will keep these pigs for you."

"Yeah." Li Man smiled slightly, looked at Li Hua's dark and handsome face, chuckled, took his arm, and said, "Let's go, let's go home, and I'll cook something delicious for you at noon."

Under the eyes of everyone, Li Hua walked back with her arm in his arms, sweet and uncomfortable in his heart, and went back awkwardly.

As soon as they got home, Li Mo and others had already returned, and Li Man knew it was getting late.

"Are you hungry? I'll cook right away." Li Man hurriedly put the basket by the side of the well, and turned to get a basin from the kitchen.

Li Yan followed behind her, "Going to buy meat?"

"Yeah." Li Man took the pot and saw that Li Hua had already taken the vegetable pot to measure the rice, so she said, "You cook the rice first, and then go to the vegetable garden to pick some vegetables."

"Oh." Li Hua responded, and went to wash rice and cook.

Li Yan took the vegetable sink from her hand and went to the yard with her.

"Daughter-in-law, what did you buy?" Li Shu, who couldn't rest in the room, also came over at this time, squatting beside Li Man, picking up the things in the basket, with a look of disgust on his face, "What are these?"

"You haven't seen it before, have you?" Li Man slapped his hand off amusedly, and when Li Yan finished fetching water, she first washed the pig liver in the water.

Li Shu raised his eyebrows, "Of course I've seen it before, but these pigs are in the water, what do you buy them for? Didn't they get scammed and sold to you as meat?"

Hearing this, Li Yan also looked at her.

Li Man gave the two of them a hard look, "I'm so stupid, I can't even tell the difference between pork and pig offal? Tell you two, this pig bone was bought at half price, and pig offal, hehe, I was given away for nothing." Yes, it's all very fresh."

"Give it away? But what do you want this thing for? It smells disgusting." Li Yan looked at the pig's large intestine and wanted to throw it away.

Li Man washed the pork liver, put it on a clean plate, and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate these pigs, they will taste better than pork when I make them, you will know after a while. Oh, you two, the remaining pork bones and pig intestines will be handed over to you two, wash them well, and I will go to stir-fry first."

After speaking, he ran back to the kitchen with a plate of pork liver.

Here, Li Yan took a look at Li Shu, and slowly got up, "Third brother, I will trouble you with these, I will go back to the house to find elder brother."

"Second brother." Li Shumeng got up together and grabbed Li Yan, "My wife said to leave it to us, not me..."

"Then I'll wash the pig bones." Li Yan squatted down, took the pig bones and washed them in the water.

Li Shu was stunned for a moment, because he didn't grab cheap energy to grind his teeth, "Second brother, you are cheating."

Li Yan washed it once in the water, pressed some water again, cleaned it a few times, and said with a smile, "I've finished washing it, you take your time to clean up this pig's large intestine."

Li Shu gritted his teeth and stared at the pig's large intestine, and shouted, "Daughter-in-law, this pig's large intestine stinks."

"Don't throw it away if it stinks, wash it clean." Li Man had heard the conversation between the two brothers, and knew that Li Shu didn't want to clean it up without looking at it. She thought it was dirty and wanted to find an excuse to throw it away. She yelled in the room, but Afraid that Li Shu would be disobedient, he secretly threw it away, hurriedly put down the kitchen knife again, walked to the door, and coaxed Li Shu, "Li Shu, you cleaned up, I will make it for you tonight, it must be delicious, when the time comes , You eat more, let them eat less."

"But—" Li Shuxin said, who wants to eat this pig's large intestine, if they are not told to eat less, or if they are given more, they will not eat it.

Li Man said depressedly, "Don't you believe in my craftsmanship?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it, I'll take care of it." Seeing his daughter-in-law frowned, as if she was going to be annoyed, Li Shu squatted down to work quickly.

Li Yan smiled and came over with a pig bone, "Where do you want to put it?"

"Find a bowl and put it down first. It's too late to cook at noon. I'll make soup for you in the afternoon." Li Man ordered, and went to the pot to continue cutting the pork liver.

After a while, smelling the aroma of the rice, Li Hua stood up, "Do you just want vegetables?"

"Well, look at it and get some. The beans are getting old, so pick them back too. By the way, pick some peppers too." Li Man explained without raising her head.

"Yeah." Li Hua took the small vegetable basket and went out to pick vegetables.

Li Yan leaned against the pot, looked at the small pieces of pork liver she was holding, and asked curiously, "How do I do this?"

They have eaten pork liver, because the family is poor and can't afford pork, so they can only buy some pork offal for a cheap price, but isn't the pork liver bought just boiled in water? Of course, there are some cut into small pieces, but few are as delicate as Li Man's.

"Aren't you going to fry?"

"Yeah." Li Man snorted, looked up, and looked at the cupboard, "Bring me that wine."

"What do you want wine for?" Li Yan was curious, but still obedient, and brought her wine for her.

Li Man didn't answer, and when the pork liver was finished, she told Li Yan, "Go and burn this pot."

"Oh." Li Yan glanced at her, walked to the stove with a smile, and started to light a fire.

When the pot was hot red, Li Man scooped some water into the pot, then put the sliced ​​pork liver into the pot, boiled the blood foam, picked it up when it was done, and marinated it with starch, wine and soy sauce .

At this time, Li Hua came back with a basket of vegetables.

Li Man took the basket and looked at it. There were a lot of vegetables, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers...

"Well, take it to the well and wash it." Li Man handed the vegetable basket to Li Hua again, and cleaned the cauldron by herself.

Li Hua took the vegetable bowl and went out again.

After Li Man washed the cauldron, seeing that the dishes on his side hadn't been washed, she came out and helped Li Hua wash the dishes together.

Li Shu was cleaning the pig's intestines, Jun Jun frowned, "Daughter-in-law, you said it was delicious, right?"

"If you don't like it, I'll definitely cook something you like tomorrow." Li Man said confidently.

"Okay, as you said, I still want to eat fish with pickled cabbage." As soon as Li Shu got her assurance, he immediately asked for it.

Li Man glanced at him with a smile, "Okay, I'll do it for you."

Vegetables are difficult to wash, so Li Man only washed the small pumpkin and a few peppers first, then got up and said to Li Hua, "I'll go home and fry the pumpkin first, and the beans will be eaten at night. You can wash some vegetables first, and I will cook the soup later." use."

"Yeah." Li Hua washed the vegetables very carefully. The small green vegetables were washed leaf by leaf. Li Man went back to the house very relieved.

Li Yan was already leaning against the small window to blow some air, and smiled as he watched her come back, "Young girl is really getting more and more capable."

Cooking a meal can command all the men in the family.

Li Man glanced at him, "Let's turn on the fire again, I'll fry the pumpkin first."

She has good knife skills, and she cuts vegetables very quickly. When the cauldron is heated red, put some oil, she also cuts the shredded pumpkin, puts it in the pot, stirs it vigorously a few times, and cuts some shredded peppers into it , add salt, garlic, etc., and continue to stir fry.

Stir-frying in a big pot is good, the fire is big and fast, after a few stir-fry, the fried pumpkin shreds will be fine.

At this time, Li Hua brought over a handful of washed vegetables.

Li Man just poured some water into the pot, planning to make a vegetable and egg soup.

This was even better. It didn't take a while for one vegetable and one soup to be finished. Li Hua smiled and brought the finished dishes to the big table.

Li Man quickly washed the big pot, and then, as soon as the pot was heated up, he poured oil into the pot, put the garlic, ginger and other prepared ingredients into the oil pot to saute, and then put the marinated Pork liver and chopped green peppers are poured into the pan and stir-fried together.

Soon, the scent dissipated, and Li Hua couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, leaned over to the pot and looked, "Man'er, it's really fragrant."

Li Yan also got up from the bottom of the pot. Seeing Li Man stir frying neatly with a spatula in her small hand, she was also surprised, "I never thought that dirty things can be fried so fragrant."

"What's dirty? You just haven't eaten." Li Man gave him a dissatisfied look, and reached out to Li Hua, "Pass me the plate."

"Oh." Li Hua quickly handed the plate to Li Man.

Taking advantage of the heat being enough, Li Man swiftly took out the fried pork liver.

This stir-fried pork liver is the most important thing about the heat, and it tastes best when it is not dry or old.

Putting the pork liver on the table, Li Man clapped her hands and said with a smug smile, "It's done, quickly call Big Brother and the others to wash their hands and eat."

"Yeah." Li Hua smiled, turned and went out to call Li Mo Xiaowu.

Li Shu had already washed his hands, wiped them and went into the house, "Daughter-in-law, what dish? It smells so good."

"Stir-fried pork liver." Seeing him coming in, Li Man took a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of pork liver and handed it to his mouth, taking it as a reward for washing the pig's large intestine for a long time.

Li Shu opened his mouth and ate it. As soon as he ate it, he felt that the taste was unique and delicious. "Daughter-in-law, is this pork liver?"

"Otherwise?" Seeing Li Yan standing beside him, Li Man also took a piece for him, "Try it too."

With a smile on the corner of Li Yan's lips, he ate happily, "Well, not bad."

"Really?" Li Shu said excitedly, as if he had found a confidant, "I have eaten it before, and it was fishy and bitter. How come it tastes so good when my wife makes it."

Li Yan glanced at Li Shu with contempt, and praised that girl all the time, not afraid that she would be so proud that her tail would go up to the sky.

Li Man was really proud of herself, "Of course, my cooking skills are good. I told you that my cooking skills are no worse than those of the chefs in restaurants."

Because it's boring in modern times, she also joined some wives and enrolled in cooking classes. At that time, she still firmly believed that if you want to win a man's heart, you must first grab her stomach.

However, it turns out that it is not bad, just look at Li Shu and the others.

Now, they don't eat the food she cooks for a day, as if something is wrong with them, haha.

"Well, the daughter-in-law is the best, and I want more." Li Shu lowered his body, pointed at his mouth again, and signaled Li Man to give him something to eat again.

Li Man smiled, and really cooperated and stuffed another piece into his mouth, "Okay, I will make big bone soup and pig intestines for you in the afternoon, haha."

"Yeah." Li Shu nodded while eating. At this moment, he absolutely believed that his wife could make the coquettish pig intestines into a delicacy.

At this time, Li Mo, Li Hua, and Xiao Wu all entered the room, and the small kitchen suddenly seemed crowded.

Li Man hurriedly said, "You all sit down, I will serve the meal."

"I'll help you." Li Yan said.

"No, you can sit down too." Li Man stood by the pot, filled a total of six bowls of rice, and sat down with Xiao Wu.

"Come on, try them all. Is the pork liver I made delicious?"

When I was in that room just now, I could smell the fragrance, and I also heard Li Shu's exaggerated applause. Li Mo and the others naturally believed that this dish was delicious.

But seeing the expectant look in Li Man's eyes, several people quickly picked up the pork liver, tasted each one carefully, and then nodded seriously, "It's delicious, it's so delicious."

"Hehe." Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, let's eat, eat more."

As she said that, she took the initiative to put some pork livers in the bowl for Li Moduo.

A sweet smile appeared on Li Mo's face, and he also helped Li Man pinch some, "You eat too."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, and then helped Li Huaxiao Wu pick up some vegetables.

The whole family had a great lunch.

After the meal, Li Hua cleaned up the pots and bowls, and Li Man went to the yard to teach Li Shu how to clean up the pig intestines, and took them back to the kitchen after they were cleaned up.

Pig large intestines are prepared to be made into spicy spicy intestines at night, and as for the bones, Li Man wants to stew soup. After Li Hua washed the cauldron, Li Man mixed the washed bones with water and put them in the cauldron. Slowly simmer on a gentle fire, so that you are not afraid of burning, and you don't need to be watched. When the time is up, you will specify that the bones are crispy and the meat is rotten.

After she was busy, Li Man wanted to go back to the room to take a nap, but just after squatting on the kang for a while, Li Yan came in, she panicked for a moment, and hurriedly tied up the belt of her little coat.

"Hehe, it's hot in that room." Li Yan laughed a few times and walked to the kang.

But before he got on the kang, Li Shu rubbed his head and pushed the door in. Seeing Li Yan, he was slightly taken aback, "Second brother is here too." Afterwards, he walked towards this side without paying much attention. , and in front of Li Yan, lifted up the hanging curtains, and tied them to the bamboo poles with cloth straps on both sides.

"You don't sleep at noon, what are you doing here?" Li Man sat up vigilantly.

"Can't sleep." Li Shu sat down next to the edge of the Kang, then looked at Li Yan, "Second Brother, how about you?"

"Oh, this room is cool." Li Yan said, took off his shoes, and sat cross-legged on the kang.

"Man'er." Here, when Li Yan and Li Shu met each other's eyes, Li Hua pushed the door open and walked in.

"Second brother and third brother?"

"Fourth brother, aren't you asleep?" Li Shu asked with raised eyebrows.

Li Hua's expression froze, and then he asked, "Didn't the third brother go to the latrine?"

"Uh, I'll go." Li Shu said.

Li Hua stood at the door, but Li Mo also came over, looked at him, and then at the three people inside, "Yo, they are all here, just in time, I have something to discuss with you."

So, Li Mo stepped in, and Li Hua followed behind him.

After a while, because Xiao Wu couldn't find his brothers in that house, he naturally came to find them too.

Therefore, during the afternoon nap, Li Man couldn't rest.


Thank you to all those who voted, sprinkled flowers, and sent pocket diamond coffee to leave a message, I wish you a happy reading\\(o)~

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