Fortunate Wife

Chapter 176 Want to eat

Li Man's hut was crowded with so many people at once, it looked crowded and hot, she was lazy to care about them, she just leaned on the bed of the kang, fanning herself, anyway, she couldn't sleep at noon.

Li Yan and Li Shu occupied the kang earlier, and Li Man's kang was so small that it could only accommodate three people, so Li Mo asked Xiao Wu to bring two stools over.

After sitting down, Li Mo said, "Our house will be built as a two-story building as Man'er said before."

"En." Everyone nodded.

Li Mo said again, "I thought, if our backyard is larger, we will build it there first, but the vegetable garden and pigsty may have to be demolished."

"Ah?" That's a pity, Li Man hesitated, "Is there no other foundation for our family?"

"Other?" Li Mo thought for a while and shook his head.

Li Man asked curiously, "Then I see that there are many open spaces at the foot of the back mountain, where no vegetables are grown, and they are all abandoned there. Do you know whose family it is?"

If possible, she would like to buy some land for building a house.

Now the foundation of this old house is not bad, the key is that there is a family behind the house that is not right, and Li Man doesn't like it. Besides, if a house is built in this backyard, how can they live in the front yard?

Li Mo said, "Those are wastelands, not someone else's."

"Really?" Li Man's eyes lit up, "Then can we buy it and use it as a foundation to build a house?"

She has observed it. At the foot of the back mountain, it is not far from the village, but the environment is quiet and the most important thing is to be at ease. Unlike now, there is a small road at the gate of the courtyard. People in the village almost always take this road when they go out. Li Man is not used to it. When people pass by the door, they always look at her curiously.

"Buy the foundation?" Li Mo never thought about it, besides, now this house is passed down from his father and mother, he doesn't want to destroy it, but he doesn't think about leaving either.

Li Yan said, "I think Man'er's idea is good. If we can build a house in the back, the family will live in peace."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded sharply, "The land over there is so wide that you can also let the chickens out for free-range breeding, that's great."

"This—" Li Mo hesitated, "This land is deserted and no one cares about it, but if we use it to build a house, there is no guarantee that others will not gossip."

"Let's buy it. It's better to have a land deed." Li Man suggested, "Brother, is the village chief in charge of this matter? Why don't you go over and ask."

Li Mo's face was a little uncomfortable. Last time because of the lotus, the two families fell out. Now, he can't go to the village chief's house again.

What's more, the village head is very small-minded, because he will definitely hate the Li family for that matter, and if he really wants to use that piece of land, it's even more impossible to do it once it passes through his hands.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Li Man also thought about the matter of Lianhua, and felt that it would be embarrassing for Li Mo to go to the village chief, so she gave up.

At this time, Li Shu suddenly said, "By the way, everyone has a vegetable garden over the laundry pond."

"You want to buy his family's vegetable garden?" Li Yan asked.

"Hey." Li Shu laughed twice, "I don't care. Doesn't my wife think it's better there? As long as my wife thinks it's good, based on my friendship with Ah Da, there is nothing I can't take. The vegetable garden in his house has two floors. The small building is not a problem."

"But, they want to grow vegetables, so let's buy them. What kind of vegetables do they grow?" Li Man said.

"What's the matter? He has money and can't buy it anymore. Besides, his vegetable garden is not a good place. He only grows some sweet potatoes a year. How can he not?" Li Shudao.

Li Man heard the words and looked at Li Mo expectantly.

Li Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, third brother, I know the vegetable garden of everyone, you can tell him later, if you can, we will buy it."

"Well, it's on me." Li Shu said with a smile.

After the site of the new house was selected, Li Man saw that his brothers had no intention of leaving, so she asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Ah, oh..." Li Mo's lips moved, but he seemed to have nothing to say, so he got up, "Then I'll go out first."

"Man'er, when will the materials we ordered at Shenjia cloth shop arrive?" At this time, Li Hua asked.

Li Man said, "It should be tomorrow."

"Well, Man'er, I want to show you some styles of clothes." Li Hua stood up as he spoke, took out a few pieces of paper from the armhole, and handed them to Li Man.

When Li Man saw it, he was immediately happy. He probably felt that there was no market for the cheongsam designed by Li Man. Therefore, Li Hua made some improvements on her basis, such as the short-sleeved or sleeveless ones. As for the length, she used to make it directly to the knee or the longest one to the calf.

On the other hand, Li Hua made the cheongsam a lot shorter, only reaching the thighs, and simply matched the lower body with trousers, but the trousers are a bit like modern bloomers.

"I didn't draw well, that's what it means. I think the pants are looser, and they won't be so hot. Besides, your clothes are very effective in slimming, but the arms and legs are exposed, so people are afraid that people won't buy them, so— —," Li Hua didn't say anything later, he didn't know if Li Man would be dissatisfied with his change.

Li Man smiled, "Okay, let's do as you want."

She felt that Li Hua was much more talented than her in terms of fashion design. She wanted to make cheongsams, which were modern things, but his paintings did not.

"Is it really possible?" Li Hua was very excited.

"Of course." Li Man nodded encouragingly, "You are much better than I thought, and the medicine will be thanks to you in the future."

Li Hua also smiled, "Then, I'll draw some other styles for you when I find time."

"Okay." Li Man nodded heavily. She didn't have much confidence in the matter, but because of Li Hua's participation, she immediately felt that the future should be bright.

Li Hua excitedly took the drawings and went out.

In the room, only Li Yan, Li Shu and Xiao Wu were left.

"You three still have something to do?" Li Man leaned on the kang head wearily.

"Heh, are you sleepy? Would you like me to squeeze it for you?" Li Yan said.

Li Man waved her hand, suddenly thought of something, and said, "There are still bones stewing in the pot, Li Yan, go and have a look, don't boil the soup dry."

Li Yan frowned, "Put in too much water, it won't burn dry."

"Lazy." Li Man glanced at Li Shu again.

Li Shu grinned, "Daughter-in-law, I don't understand stewing soup, so what if I misread it."

Pfft——, the soup in the pot will be misunderstood whether it is dry or not? Looks like it's all about laziness.

Li Man glanced at the two of them, then stood up, "I'll see for myself."

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu hurriedly stopped her, "I'll go."

Li Man pushed his arm away and said with a smile, "It's already mid-afternoon, and I don't feel much sleepy anymore. I'll go see if the soup is ready. Xiao Wu, come with me."

"Hey." Xiao Wu got up happily, and followed Li Man to the kitchen.

Li Yan glanced at Li Shu, slowly got up from the kang, and went out.

Li Shu also came out in a hurry and rushed to the kitchen.

Li Man was just lifting the lid of the pot, and a strong smell of meat overflowed. She poked a few times on the bones and meat with chopsticks, and felt that the meat was stewed badly, so she scooped up a little more with a small spoon, and then handed it to the small pot. With five lips, "Come on, taste it, how about salty?"

Xiao Wu lowered his head slightly, and took a small sip. He only felt that the soup was rich and delicious, and it was really delicious, so he swallowed it all with a spoon.

"How is it? Is it good?" Li Man asked.

Xiao Wu nodded desperately, "It's delicious."

Li Man scooped up some more with a spoon, and besides Li Shu, it was her turn now, so she quickly lowered her body and opened her mouth, but Li Man drank it by herself, and then nodded with satisfaction, "Well, it's almost there, Li Man Book, see if there is still a fire in the pot hole? If there is, put it out."

"Oh." Li Shujun's face collapsed, he went to the stove, and removed the burnt firewood from the pot hole.

Li Man put the lid back on the pot and let it simmer. Seeing Xiaowu standing beside him anxiously, she suddenly smiled, "Do you want to eat?"

"Yeah." Xiao Wu nodded, and smiled a little embarrassedly, the soup stewed by her sister was so delicious.

Li Man felt sorry for him, "Go get the bowl."

"Huh?" Xiao Wu was puzzled.

Li Man bypassed him, took a bowl in the cupboard herself, then opened the lid of the pot, filled a bone with a lot of meat and was easy to chew, added half a bowl of soup, and handed it to Xiao Wu, "Come on, you Let's eat first."

"Daughter-in-law, I want it too." Li Shu hurriedly got up from the stove, took a bowl from the cupboard and handed it to Li Man.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, "This is for dinner at night."

"Daughter-in-law, you can't be partial to Xiao Wu, am I not your husband?" Li Shu looked at him resentfully.

Li Man blushed, what is this guy talking nonsense in front of Xiao Wu? "Okay, if you want to eat, I'll just serve it for you. Xiao Wu is so small, you have the nerve to compare with him every day."

"Hey." Li Shu laughed twice triumphantly.

Xiao Wu was holding a bowl of bone soup, feeling very uneasy inside, muttering softly, "I'm not young anymore."

"Ha, isn't it too old?" Li Shu rubbed his head and deliberately laughed at him. Although the little guy has grown a lot in the past six months, and is even half a head taller than Li Man, compared with him, That's quite a small one.

Therefore, he can rub his head freely, lol.

Xiao Wuyi tilted his head, avoiding the third brother's malicious touch, and said, "I will definitely be older than you in the future—"

"Oh? What's older than me? Age? Size, or—" Li Shu looked at Xiao Wu with a smirk.

Xiao Wu's face turned red all of a sudden, "Third Brother, you are shameless."

Holding the bone soup, Xiao Wu ran out.

Li Man listened to the childish conversation between the two, feeling very helpless, gave Li Shu the soup, and said, "How old are you, and you still bully Xiao Wu every day."

"Who bullied him?" Li Shu saw that there were two bones in his bowl, but Xiao Wu only had one, and he immediately felt that his daughter-in-law favored him more, and he was very happy.

Li Man raised her eyes and squinted at him, "Okay, you eat first, I'll call Big Brother and they all come and eat."

The bones were not big in the first place, and only a few pieces were chopped up. Now Li Shu and Xiao Wu share a bowl, and there is not much left in the pot. It doesn't make much sense to keep it for dinner. Simply, everyone eats a bowl first Let's talk.

However, before Li Man called, Li Mo and others came over by themselves.

"Girl, is the soup ready?" Li Yan asked with a smile. Just now Xiao Wu went over and brought the delicious bone soup, and everyone couldn't help but came.

Delicious family, Li Man gave him a funny look, "Okay, I'm going to call you over to eat."

After finishing speaking, he turned back and went into the kitchen, took four more bowls, and divided the remaining bones and soup.

Big bone soup is like this. Although there is less meat, it is well stewed.

Li Man secretly gave them a glance, good wine is wine, right? They're drinking bone broth now.

"Girl, you are getting more and more capable. You can make such delicious soup with just bones." Li Yan praised him sincerely after finishing his drink.

Li Manxin said, it's because the men in your family are too lazy, she doesn't believe it, but in any house with women, they can't even boil bone soup, it couldn't be easier, just add some water and salt and seasoning, time The stew is enough, and it is naturally delicious.

However, she didn't say that, it was her ability to be worshiped by a family of men, and to subdue the stomachs of a family of men.

After drinking the soup in the afternoon, Li Shu went to everyone, Li Hua painted his clothes in the West Room, and Li Mo and Li Yan went to work in the field. The recent drought has caused the crops to lack water.

But Li Man was fine, so she taught Xiao Wu to read.

I haven't given this kid a lesson for many days, and Li Man was a little uncomfortable when he was in class again. The main reason is that the little guy's attitude seems to have changed a bit.

In the past, when she was in class, his eyes staring at her were also bright, but it was a surprise of admiration, a desire for knowledge, but now, his eyes staring at her, beyond that, let Li Man felt something else, she couldn't say it well, she just felt weird, and sometimes she would get nervous after being stared at for a long time.

"Xiao Wu, do you remember the formula I told you just now?" Seeing his eyes staring at her, Li Man felt uncomfortable and asked.

Xiao Wu nodded, "Well, remember, 2+3=5, 3+2=5, 4+1=5, 1+4=5. 2+3=3+2=1+4=4+1=5..."

These are the most basic and simple addition operations. Li Man also explained in great detail, but she saw that Xiao Wu seemed to be in a daze all the time, and thought he hadn't heard anything. When asked like this, the little guy answered perfectly. , It seems that I have written down everything I just taught and learned it.

Li Man nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, that's all we'll talk about today, and we'll talk about other things in class next time."

"Sister." Seeing that Li Man wanted to push her out, Xiao Wulai stayed on the stool, and looked at Li Man beggingly, "Let me have another lesson."


"Well, let's talk about..."The Daughter of the Sea." Xiao Wu thought for a long time and said.

"That's a fairy tale." Li Man laughed, she only told it once, and he actually remembered it, but, isn't that what little girls love to hear?

"Well, let's talk about this, did the little mermaid end up with the prince?" Xiao Wu asked.

Li Man was taken aback, the ending was a tragedy, "Let me tell you a story about Snow White."

"Okay." Xiao Wu immediately clapped his hands and applauded, his eyes were fixed on Li Man's face, not wanting to miss any of her expressions.

Li Man was really uncomfortable while talking, "Xiao Wu, don't keep staring at me like this."

"Then where should I stare?" Xiao Wu was very innocent, "Didn't my sister say that when someone speaks, we have to look into their eyes so that we can show our sincerity and be polite? If my sister speaks, I look elsewhere." , will my sister think that I didn't listen carefully?"

"Ah?" Li Man didn't expect him to fill himself up with such words, and was at a loss for words for a while.

"Sister, did the prince find Cinderella later?" Xiao Wu asked with interest.

Li Man bit her lower lip, looked at Xiao Wu uncomfortably, and continued, "Well, the prince took the glass slipper and went around looking for girls to try it on. Finally, Cinderella put it on, and they were together."

"That's great." Hearing the ending, Xiao Wu clapped his hands happily.

Li Man also smiled. After all, children like to have a happy ending. "Okay, my sister is tired after talking for a long time. Do you want to go out for a meeting? I want to take a break."

"Oh, sister, take a break if you're tired. I'll get you a glass of water." Xiao Wu went out very considerately, and brought a bowl of water after a while.

Li Man took it with a smile, "Well, go out and have fun, you studied well today, and I don't need to assign you homework."

Xiao Wu leaned next to her, watching her drink up a bowl of water, then took the bowl, and said, "If you don't want to play, I'll just stay at home with my sister, okay?"

"Heh, you've been with me all afternoon." Li Man stretched out two fingers and gently rubbed her temples.

Xiao Wu saw it, quickly put down the bowl in his hand, stood in front of her, stretched out his hand, and touched her face.

Li Man was taken aback by the strange touch, "Xiao Wu, what are you doing?"

"?" Xiao Wu was also frightened by her, but her fingers were still pressing on the side of her head, "My sister is tired, I will massage for you, I think my second brother often does it for you."

He was considerate and sensible as a child, and Li Man knew that she was making a fuss, but after all, he was not a real blood relative. He was like a big boy now, so close contact with him always made her a little uncomfortable.

But afraid that Xiao Wu would be scared by herself, she hurriedly said, "No need, it's just hot and stuffy, I'll lie down for a while, if you don't go out to play, go back to your room to find your fourth brother, and see what he drew. How's it going."

"Oh." Xiaowu only thinks that she has done something wrong, and usually the second brother helps her press, and she likes it very much, but she...

He was a little frustrated, took an empty bowl and went out, leaving the door open, so that the room would be cooler through the ventilation through the rear window.

After Xiao Wu went out, Li Man climbed to the top of the kang and lay down on the side, thinking of squinting for a while, and getting up later to make dinner.

"Daughter-in-law." Just as she was dazed, she heard Li Shu's voice. Just as she was about to open her eyes, he had already arrived. He put his hand on her arm and shook her gently, "Daughter-in-law, sleep!" caught?"

Li Man opened her eyes unwillingly, "Even if I fell asleep, I would be woken up by you. Tell me, why are you so happy?"

Li Shu is the kind of person who shows all his emotions and anger on his face, whether he is happy or unhappy. At this moment, looking at his smiling face, Li Man can guess what happy things happened to him, and he can't wait to see what happened. Shared it with her.

Li Shu sat on the edge of the kang, stretched out his arms to hug her, and said happily, "The land has been negotiated, Ah Da said, it will be fine according to the market price. If we are willing, he will find someone to measure the land tomorrow."

"Really?" Li Man was also very excited when she heard the news. Although she didn't know where the family's vegetable garden was, she thought it would be great to be able to live peacefully at the foot of the mountain with her family. .

"Of course, there are things I can't do." Seeing her excited, Li Shu also had to shiver, looking at Li Man with bad eyes, "Daughter-in-law, how can you reward me?"

"Hehe, I'll cook something delicious for you tonight." Li Man reached out and pinched his cheek lightly, smiling.

Li Shu couldn't be appeased like this. He smiled wickedly, pinched her waist with both hands, lowered his head, and kissed her lips, "Daughter-in-law, I want better food."

Before the door was closed, and it was still broad daylight, Li Man pinched his ears in a panic, pulled him up, and said with a blushing face, "I'll make spicy sausage for you at night, it's delicious—"

"Hehe." Seeing Li Manhong's bloody little face, Li Shu's heart skipped a beat, and his voice was slightly hoarse, "Then what else?"

Li Man bit her lip, and suddenly, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, she pushed him away, slid down from the top of the kang, ran to the door with bare feet, and said with a smile, "There is still white rice, okay?"

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu turned his head and looked at her sly look, gnashing her teeth as if to chase after her. She was so scared that she ran out of the door barefoot, but because the ground outside was scorching hot, she felt as if she was walking on the ground. Like the running fire, he stomped his feet and ran back to the house.


Happy Children's Day, dear ones\\(o)~

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