Fortunate Wife

Chapter 180 Treatment

When we arrived at Uncle Xu's house, we didn't see Aunt Xu. Li Man was curious to ask, but Uncle Xu plopped down on his knees in front of her.

Li Man was startled, and quickly reached out to help, "Uncle Xu, what happened? Where's Aunt Xu?"

"Man'er, this time you have to help my old man no matter what." Uncle Xu finally got up, but he started crying.

Li Man was terrified, and helped him to sit on a chair beside him, "Uncle Xu, don't be in a hurry, just say it slowly, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help."

Uncle Xu wiped away his tears, and looked at her frustrated and helpless, "Hey, if this matter hadn't been possible, I wouldn't have looked for you, but they arrested you, Aunt Xu."

"Who arrested Aunt Xu?" Li Man asked in surprise.

Uncle Xu looked sad, "Man'er, I'm afraid I will really wrong you this time."

"Uncle Xu," Li Man wondered, "Could it be that you accidentally put someone to death?" Otherwise, she really didn't think that this old couple who had nothing to do with the world would offend anyone, and even arrested Aunt Xu.

Uncle Xu was stunned for a moment, and seemed a little annoyed, "When did I ever have such poor medical skills?"

"That's it?" Li Man didn't understand.

Uncle Xu got up, "Come with me to the study."

Li Man followed behind him, her heart suddenly fluctuated.

In the study room, Uncle Xu took out a yellowed book from the bookshelf and handed it to Li Man.

"What is this?" Li Man turned a page, and was scorched inside and out by the four large characters on the inside page - Spring and Palace Cheats.

She hurriedly closed the pages of the book, blushing in embarrassment.

Xu Bo sat on the chair, glanced at her lightly, and seemed to have expected her behavior.

"Uncle Xu, what are you doing for me?" Are you afraid that her husbands don't have enough tricks?

Uncle Xu said slowly, "Man'er, I wonder if your Aunt Xu told you? I used to work in the palace."

Li Man remembered, but didn't speak, just listened to him continue talking.

"Originally, I lived in seclusion here for decades and lived a peaceful life with your Aunt Xu, but who would have thought that two strangers suddenly came yesterday and arrested me and forced me to see a doctor for their master? If you want to see a doctor, you can see a doctor, if you see a good one, you can see it, if you don't see it well, you can hire someone else, who knows—”

"You can't see it well, so they arrested Aunt Xu?" Li Man asked in surprise, why did she encounter such unreasonable things these days.

Uncle Xu nodded, "They caught your Aunt Xu and said they couldn't think of a solution within three days, so they chopped up your Aunt Xu and fed them to the fish."

Chopped up to feed the fish? Those vicious words sound familiar.

Li Man frowned, and said angrily, "This is too unreasonable, Uncle Xu, let's report to the officials. If you don't believe in broad daylight, they dare to ignore human lives like this."

"No way." Xu Bo said hastily.

"Why?" Li Man was puzzled, but at the same time, she thought of something, and asked in surprise, "Uncle Xu, you came here because you want me to treat a disease, right?"

Uncle Xu nodded and looked at her pitifully, "It's also because of my bad temper. Although I have done a lot of healing and saving lives these years, I have also offended many people. When such a thing happened, I thought about it for a day* , apart from you, I can’t think of anyone else who can help me.”

How bad is his popularity? Li Manhan sighed, "But even you can't cure the disease, what can I do? I'm not a doctor, at most I know a few folk remedies, such as acupuncture and moxibustion."

"That's enough." Hearing her words, Uncle Xu's eyes sparkled.

Li Man was puzzled, "What is enough?"

"You can do acupuncture and moxibustion." Xu Boxi said, originally he thought he would teach her, but now it will save trouble.

"But don't you know it too? And it's much better than me." Li Man said.

Uncle Xu's old face collapsed, "Who says it's not." But what happened next, he didn't have the nerve to tell Li Man that whoever let him meet a woman who was obsessed with cleanliness, thought he was old and ugly, and wouldn't let him get close.

Why don't you look at me if you don't get close? What's more, it's still that kind of unsightly disease.

However, based on his many years of experience, he also saw that the man should be physically healthy, and the reason why he couldn't do that was probably due to his heart.

Therefore, to cure a disease, you must prescribe the right medicine. He already has a plan, but unfortunately, the man didn't let him get close, but told him to cure it. If he couldn't cure it, he chopped up his woman to feed the fish.

"What disease does that person have? There are many doctors who know acupuncture and moxibustion in this world. If you can't cure it, you can find someone else. Why do you want to kill someone?" The more Li Man thought about it, the more strange it became, and he looked at Uncle Xu carefully. I wondered if the old man's life was boring and bored, so I used her as a pretext.

Uncle Xu glanced at her, "Stinky girl, do you think I can't lie to you? Even if I wanted to lie to you, I wouldn't take your Aunt Xu's life as a joke."

Also, this old man may not be sincere to anyone, but he is completely obedient to Aunt Xu.

"But, aren't you afraid that I'll screw it up? I've never seen anyone sick before." Li Man lacked confidence.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Xu Bo said.

Well, since Uncle Xu found him, there must be a reason why he didn't show up. Besides, saving Aunt Xu was the most important thing.

"Then tell me quickly."

"Yes." Uncle Xu nodded, and then, he simply taught her how many acupuncture points to prick.

But when Li Man heard it, she became even more skeptical, "These acupoints are for health and self-defense, can they cure diseases? What's wrong with that man?"

"My brain is sick." Xu Bo sighed helplessly.

"Ah?" Li Man was stunned.

Uncle Xu continued, "To tell you the truth, that man is not sick, but he always thinks he is sick, so if we don't do something, people will think we are just putting things aside and come to us Trouble."

"So, why don't you just play it off like this?" Li Man looked at Uncle Xu, feeling that the old man was actually quite dark.

Xu Bo spread his hands, "What else can I do? Anyway, he doesn't understand medical principles. When the time comes, you will tie him up like a hedgehog, and he will treat him as a skilled doctor and treat him wholeheartedly. You can say something that will surely cure him. His heart. After a long time, his disease will naturally heal."

Li Man understood the psychological therapy and breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I'll talk about it nicely."

Uncle Xu was startled, and hurriedly reminded, "Try to speak as little as possible, and don't answer unless he asks you."

Li Man was stunned, and heard Uncle Xu explain, "That man has a very weird temper. Anyway, you should not provoke him. After the acupuncture and moxibustion, you come out, don't worry about it."

"Oh-oh--" Li Man couldn't figure out what kind of weird person it was that could scare the weird Uncle Xu like this.

"Then when are we going to save people?"

"You change your clothes." Uncle Xu looked her up and down, "There are a lot of clothes in the closet in my room, you can take whatever you want."

"Need to change clothes?" Oh, that's right, she has to dress like a doctor now, but she wants to wear Uncle Xu's clothes?

Uncle Xu glanced at her, "I still have two new sets of clothes, which were newly made by your Aunt Xu, and I haven't had time to wear them yet."

"Oh." Li Man just went out.

When I arrived at Uncle Xu's room, I opened the big closet, rummaged through it and found two new sets of clothes, and then I chose a set of snow blue clothes to change on my body. Hairstyles for men.

Dressed properly, Li Man went out, and Uncle Xu was already waiting at the door.

Seeing her handsome appearance, Xu Bo frowned, but in the end he didn't say anything. The man thought he was old and ugly, so he naturally cared about it. Li Man was so young and handsome, so it was more suitable, but he was afraid... Will it be too handsome and cause unnecessary trouble?

Hey, I can't take care of it anymore, his woman is still in his hands, and he doesn't know if he is dead or alive at the moment, so save her first.

"Uncle Xu, which village is the patient from? Is it far away?" Li Man asked curiously.

"Outside the mountains." Xu Bo replied.

"Outside the mountain?" Li Man was surprised, "Then why do I seek medical treatment from you?" According to her opinion, Uncle Xu's medical skills as a half-way monk are not necessarily better than those outside.

Uncle Xu didn't answer, but walked so fast that Li Man had to trot a few steps to keep up.

After the two of them, Li Yan also followed quietly. Although he asked Li Man to go out to save people, he still followed after all because he was worried.


After descending the mountain, Uncle Xu rented an ox cart from a farmer's family, and Li Man finally breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, she was really afraid that she would be exhausted after traveling so far on a hot day.

But Li Yan who was behind was depressed. He couldn't catch up with the bullock cart with his legs. He wanted to rent another bullock cart, but he didn't have it anymore. He had no choice but to chase after him shamelessly.


Li Man turned her head and saw Li Yan running over with sweat on her face, she was very surprised, she hurriedly called Xu Bo to stop, jumped off again, and trotted back to meet Li Yan.

"Didn't you go home?"

Li Yan took a deep breath, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said, "No, I met an acquaintance just now, sat at his house for a while, and was about to go back, but I happened to meet you. By the way, Man'er , where are you and Uncle Xu going in this bullock cart?"

"Uncle Xu has a patient who is very difficult to deal with. No, he can't help it. I want to follow him." Li Man simply replied.

Li Yan looked at her, "But you don't know how to do medicine either, Uncle Xu can't even look down on you, can you?"

"Oh, you boy, have you talked enough? Can I still sell your wife? Man girl, get in the car, you have to be there before noon." Xu Bo shouted from the ox cart.

Li Man was about to go back to the car, but Li Yan held her hand and said with a smile, "I'll go with you."

"Ah?" Before Li Man could react, she had already been led forward by him.

"Stinky boy, what are you doing?" Xu Bo's eyes were not friendly, but Li Yan still brazenly hugged Li Man, and got into the bullock cart together, "Stinky old man, this is my wife, and if you order her to work, you have to go through me." agree?"

He also narrowed his eyes, the threat in his eyes was obvious, if he dared not take him with him, he immediately took Li Man out of the car and went home.

"You?" Xu Bo's face trembled angrily, "I knew you were a brat, and Man'er is my goddaughter..."

"It's my wife." Li Man raised her eyebrows and hummed.

Xu Bo, "..."

Li Man was afraid that the two of them would quarrel again, so she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, Uncle Xu, let Li Yan go, anyway, the bullock cart is quite big and can fit in it."

Uncle Xu was helpless, "But what is he going to do? Even if he arrives, he may not be able to enter the gate of others."

"Is it a rich family? Then you can't find a decent doctor?" Li Yan was no longer suspicious, but affirmed. What the old man said to Li Man in the study just now must not be complete.

He is not like that silly girl who naively believed his words. A person who dares to kidnap and threaten Xu Bo and makes Xu Bo afraid of becoming such a person must have a difficult identity.

The identity is not simple, money will never be short, and it is still outside the mountain. What kind of good doctor can't be found, but Li Man, a little girl who has never studied medicine for half a day?

Uncle Xu moved his lips, and seeing Li Yan's expression, he knew that this guy would not be hard-pressed. If he didn't go back, there was nothing he could do. If he continued to provoke him, Man'er would be taken away by him, so he could only groan in grievance. mouth, "Okay, you can follow, but don't talk nonsense when you arrive."

After giving instructions, Uncle Xu drove the ox cart and set off.

Along the way, the three of them didn't talk anymore, because Uncle Xu was angry with Li Yan, while Li Yan was holding Li Man in his arms, thinking about this suspicious matter in his mind, and Li Man was complaining because he didn't sleep well last night. , Leaning in Li Yan's arms again, the car wobbled again, and fell asleep all the way.

She wasn't woken up by Li Yan until the bullock cart stopped in a high gate courtyard.

"Man'er." Li Yan helped wipe the silver thread from the corner of her mouth, and chuckled, "Have you had enough sleep?"

Li Man just woke up, still a little confused, "Where is this?"

"We're here." Uncle Xu got out of the car and said.

Only then did Li Man think of saving people, but, so quickly? She just dozed off, she rubbed her face, and the small crease on the left cheek was very obvious.

Li Yan carried her out of the car, helped her re-cut her hair, and then led her to the door with Uncle Xu.

Uncle Xu knocked on the door a few times, and it opened, revealing a young figure.

Uncle Xu explained his future intentions, and the man nodded, "Okay, you wait, I'll report it for you."

After speaking, the door closed again.

Li Man took two steps back unconsciously, wanting to look at the door plaque, so she naturally knew what kind of house it was, but there was no door plaque.

"What kind of family is this?" It seems to be richer than the Zhang family.

Uncle Xu shook his head, "I don't know either."

Just as Li Man was about to ask again, the door opened again. The young servant came out and glanced at the three of them, "You go in, they stay outside."

"Oh, these two are my disciples, and they are here to help this time." Uncle Xu said hastily.

"No, the master only lets you in by yourself." The man said.

Uncle Xu was in a dilemma, looked at Li Man and Li Yan, and suddenly pushed Li Man out again, saying, "Otherwise, this is my apprentice, his medical skills are excellent, not worse than mine, last time your master was disgusted about letting my apprentice have a try?"

"Who do you consider our master?" The boy said in a bad tone.

Li Yan sneered, and took Li Man's hand, "Since she doesn't need it, let's go back."

"Wait." Uncle Xu hurriedly chased after him, pleading, "Man'er, your Aunt Xu is still in his hands, if we leave like this, your Aunt Xu will die."

"This?" Li Man hesitated, "But they won't let us in."

Uncle Xu hurriedly said, "No hurry, I have a solution."

After finishing speaking, he went over again in a hurry, took out some money from his pocket and stuffed it into the boy's hand, "Brother, please go and pass it on again, just say let my apprentice help him see a doctor, my apprentice Pediatric medicine is very skilled, if she can't cure it, let him screw off my old man's head and play it as a ball."

"Do you think our master cares about your head as a ball?" The boy stuffed the broken silver into his arms, looked at Uncle Xu with disdain, and said, "Okay, it's pitiful for you, seeing how old you are, so I'll go in again." Pass it on for you."

"Thank you, little brother." Uncle Xu said hurriedly.

The boy closed the door again, and Li Yan looked worried, "Uncle Xu, you can rest assured that Man'er can go in alone."

Uncle Xu was also helpless, "There is no other way."

"Aren't you afraid that she will be in danger?" Li Yan's face was not very good.

Li Man also suddenly felt weird inside, but, instead of looking at Uncle Xu, she also looked at Aunt Xu. Basically, she and Aunt Xu hit it off quite well, and she couldn't just stand by and watch when she was in trouble.

"Li Yan, don't worry, I'm just going in to help people with acupuncture and moxibustion, and I'll be out in a while. You just wait outside, nothing will happen." Li Man comforted.

Uncle Xu actually felt uncomfortable, "Man girl, I'm really sorry for you this time. After a while, you have to be smart, if there is really something, you come out quickly, I——"

Speaking of the latter, he was a little speechless.

"Uncle Xu, don't worry. Didn't you say that the man is not sick? Don't be afraid if he is not sick. Anyway, I can't cure him. What else can he do to me?" Li Man pretended to be relaxed.

Li Yan looked at her worryingly, and suddenly asked Uncle Xu, "Is the patient male or female?"

"Yes?" Just as Xu Bo was about to answer, the door opened, and the young man waved at Li Man, "Come in."

Xu Bo hurriedly handed her the medical bag, "Man'er, be smart, don't talk, you know."

"Yes." Li Man carried the medicine bag on her back and followed the boy into the room.

Li Yan waited at the door, clenching his fists for no reason, feeling very nervous.

"Let's put it down, Man girl is very smart, nothing will happen." Xu Bo hurriedly comforted him.

Li Yan glanced at him, didn't speak, but leaned against the wall and waited quietly.


Besides, the boy didn't lead her himself, but called another handsome boy to lead the way.

Li Man followed behind him, trying to get some words out of him, but the kid was so cold that he felt as if he had just come out of the ice cellar. She wanted to speak a few times, but her tongue twitched, and she didn't say anything.

She didn't bother to appreciate the beautiful scenery along the way, so she just followed the boy to an elegant small hall.

"You wait first." The boy brought her in, said only one word, and left.

Li Man guessed that he might have gone to inform his master, but he waited and waited for a long time and no one came, so he couldn't help but feel anxious.

She was carrying a medicine bag and wanted to go out to have a look. At this time, two maidservants brought tea, "My lord, where are you going?"

"That." Li Man said hastily, "I am a doctor, and I treat your master, where is he?"

"Are you a doctor?" The maid looked at her suspiciously, "Isn't the doctor last time an old man with a white beard?"

"I'm his apprentice. Master is busy today." Li Man said.

"Oh." The maid brought the tea to the table, turned around and was about to leave without making another sound.

Li Man was in a hurry. After waiting for a long time, these two girls came. Naturally, she couldn't let them go easily, "You two girls, please wait a moment. Can I trouble you to help pass the message? I'll wait for a while go home."

"Tong Chuan?" The two maids suddenly laughed, maybe it was Li Mansheng's prettyness, not as rough as other men, which made them feel close in their hearts, so they stayed to talk to her a few more words.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Man was puzzled.

One of the servant girls explained, "My lord, we are just serving girls. There are other servants in the master's yard, so we don't need us."

"Then you guys help pass it on—"

"We can't enter the master's yard." The two maids said helplessly.

"Ah?" Li Man thought that such a big family usually has strict access control, but what should she do? What are you waiting for?

"By the way, a boy brought me here just now, can I trouble you to look for him?"


"Well, he's tall, wearing all black, and looks... By the way, there seems to be a scar at the corner of his eye." Li Man said hastily.

"Oh, what you're talking about—" One of the servant girls was about to say something, but was interrupted by another servant girl, "Master, since he brought you here and asked you to wait here, you should wait first, and it will be natural later." will call you."

After finishing speaking, the two servant girls hurried away without looking at her.

Li Man was extremely depressed, pacing back and forth in the small hall, what's going on? Isn't it healing? No patient is seen, what about playing with people?

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