Fortunate Wife

Chapter 181 Enemy's Narrow Road

Time passed slowly, and the tea on the table had been changed three times, but Li Man still hadn't waited for someone to call her, and the two maids before, except for coming over to refill her tea from time to time, never wanted to say a word to her again. .

She was angry and anxious, wanted to leave but dared not, after all the patient hadn't seen her, the matter hadn't been settled, Aunt Xu hadn't brought her back yet, so Uncle Xu couldn't explain it.

What a shame, Li Man went to the corridor, looked at the door when he came, still did not see a ghost, turned back in anger, went back to the small hall, grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it against the wall.

There's no way, the weather is hot, people get angry, and she has to vent.

However, maybe it was really the effect of a teacup she smashed, and after a while, the boy who brought her here before came.

Li Man was taken aback, looking at the broken teacup in the corner from the corner of her eyes, secretly praying that he could not see it.

"Come with me." The man only gave her a faint look, and said coldly.

"Oh." Li Man quickly picked up the medicine belt and quickly followed.

Along the way, seeing the boy's cold expression, Li Man bit her lips, and finally asked boldly, "Brother, are you taking me to see your master? Is he sick?"

"Hmm." The boy snorted sullenly.

But this response was enough, knowing that she was going to see a patient, Li Man was not in such a hurry.

"Luo Bing."

The two were walking, when suddenly, a cold and charming male voice came from beside their ears, which made Li Man's heart skip a beat, and she stole a look in the direction where the voice came from, and saw a young man in purple approaching.

When he looked closely at that seductive face, his heart shrank in fright, and he turned his back in panic.

The servant didn't pay attention to Li Man at all, and only bowed to Situ Qing, "Mr. Situ."

"Oh, is your master awake?" Situ Qing came over and asked, the corner of his eyes slowly fell on Li Man, "Who is this?"

"Back to Mr. Situ, he is the doctor who treats the master." The boy said.

"Oh?" Situ Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked up and down Li Man with evil eyes, "When did the old man become so young? Turn around and let me see."

Li Man's heart trembled, and her mind was a little confused. Is this a narrow road to the enemy? Even if she has changed into men's clothing now, her face is there after all, unless the other party's blind man can't recognize it.

How to do?

"Oh? Who's afraid of me watching?" Seeing that she was not moving and her head was still lowered, Situ Qing became even more vicious.

Luo Bing took a look at Li Man shrinking behind him, frowned and said, "Turn around and let Mr. Situ take a look."

Look, what's there to see? Annoyed in Li Man's heart, she was quick to wit, she put some mud on the flower bed with her fingers and wiped it on the corner of her eyes, then turned around suddenly, with her face raised.

Look, have you seen enough? She didn't owe him money, so what was she afraid of? What's more, she still came to see a doctor.

Seeing her annoyed face, Situ Qing suddenly smiled, "Hey, why is this little face so dirty? Come on, master wipe it off for you."

When speaking, she stretched out her hand shamelessly, and her fingertips were about to touch Li Man's face.

Li Man shrank back in fright, and hit the stone on the flower bed with her waist. She frowned in pain, but even so, Situ Qing's finger came over and pressed the corner of her eye domineeringly. The mud spots were wiped away.

"Yo, she looks quite pretty."

Li Man was ashamed and angry, bit her lip and glared at him.

Luo Bing knew Situ Qing's temperament, he liked to tease people, but he still knew how to behave, so he just stood aside and didn't say a word.

"Yo, this stare looks even better, Luo Bing, look at it." Facing her eyes that were staring as if they were about to breathe fire, Situ Qing pointed at her and smiled at Luo Bing beside her.

Li Man's face was burning hot, "This young man..."

"How old are you this year?" Before she finished speaking, Situ Qing asked self-consciously, "Have you ever married? I see that you look handsome and clean. How about it? Do you want me to introduce some girls to you?"

Li Man was stunned, introduce a girl to her? Wait, could it be that he didn't recognize who he was at all? In just that moment, she figured it out again, that's right, a rich man like him, how many beautiful women can he see in a day, how can he remember her? What's more, the day of the conflict was at night, and she was in a mess because of falling into the water, and now she changed into men's clothes——

Thinking about it, it was quite normal for him not to recognize himself.

Finally, Li Man's expression slowly turned back, and her heart was not so nervous anymore, "Returning to this young master, I am seventeen years old this year, and I have already made a marriage contract with someone since I was a child. I appreciate your kindness."

"Oh, I don't know which girl it is? How does she look? Can she match you?" Situ Qing asked again.

The corners of Li Man's mouth twitched, is this person a matchmaker? She likes to be troublesome so much, "In my heart, Hong'er is the best." She replied with a slight smile. Naturally, Hong'er is a name she just made up.

"Well, it's not bad, when will you get married? I'll give you a big gift." Situ Qing stared closely at her calm little face, and the dark light flowed in her coquettish eyes.

Li Man lowered her eyelashes, and said softly, "Don't dare, Hong'er is only twelve this year, and it will take a few years before she reaches Ji."

"Oh—" Situ Qing snorted quietly, and didn't ask any more questions.

After waiting for a while, Situ Qing didn't speak any more. Li Man couldn't help raising her head, but she happened to bump into a pair of coquettish eyes with dark light, her heart sank suddenly, she lowered her head in a panic, and said, "Master, I still have to see a doctor for the master here, can I go first?"

"Oh? Coincidentally, I'm here to look for him too, Luo Bing, go do your work, little doctor, I'll just take you to see your master." Situ Qing said.

"Yes." Luo Bing obeyed, turned around and left.

Li Man's heart sank, she felt bad for no reason, but she didn't dare to refute, she just comforted herself, this person didn't recognize her, not to mention, even if she recognized her, so what, could she be thrown into the water again? ?

"Let's go." Situ Qing put his hand on Li Man's shoulder naturally.

Li Man's eyes turned cold, she dodged to the side, and avoided his hand without a trace.

Situ Qing glanced at her sideways, with an upward curve on the corner of his lips.

"When did you study medicine?"

"Huh? Oh, eight years old."

"It's been a long time since I've been studying, so the old man is your master?"


Seeing that she was very cooperative in her answer, Situ Qing looked at her again amusedly, "But, you are sure about a disease that your master can't treat well?"

Li Man was startled, pursed her lips, and replied, "Master has already told me all about the patient's condition, it's not that Master doesn't like it, but Master is getting older, and some things are inevitably beyond his control, so I'm the one to do it. "

"Oh? Are you so sure? Do you know what will happen if you don't look well?" Situ Qing laughed.

But this kind of laughter made Li Man's heart tremble suddenly. She had experienced this kind of trick before. If she knew that she would meet him before, even if Xu Bo tied her with a rope, she would not come.

Saving Aunt Xu is important, but her own life is also important, as well as the husbands in the family.

Seeing Li Man's face turned pale, Situ Qing shrugged his eyebrows, and instead of scaring her kindly, he comforted her, "Don't worry, Dan is a good person, even if you can't cure him, he won't make things difficult for you. At most, you can take off an arm and a leg."

"..." Li Man's face turned pale.

Situ Qing continued, "But you can also discuss it with him, otherwise you can take off your legs. You are a medical practitioner. If you don't have your hands, it will be inconvenient to do things in the future. If you don't have legs, you'll have to sit in a wheelchair every day. It will not hinder travel, although it is a bit troublesome."

"I can cure it." Li Man said abruptly. She didn't know whether she said this to stop Situ Qing's mouth, or to comfort her increasingly uneasy heart. She remembered over and over again that Uncle Xu told her, then People are not sick or sick...

Situ Qing was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "That's we are."

While talking, the two arrived at a courtyard with a quiet and elegant environment.

When he reached the door, Situ Qing tapped on the door twice, "It's me."

"Come in." A cold voice came from inside.

Situ Qing smiled at Li Man, pushed the door open with one hand, and said, "Come in."

"Oh." Li Man followed him into the room, and a cool breath came over her face. Apart from the coolness, it also made her nervous.

Situ Qing glanced at her, smiled and walked towards behind the gauze curtain. There was a small study room separated there, and Yan Dan was sitting at the table at the moment reviewing something.

"Your little doctor, I brought it for you. Are you free? Let her show you." Situ Qing leaned against the desk, but looked at Li Man through the gauze curtain, expressing her embarrassment and pretentiousness. Calm is all in the eyes.

What is his little doctor? Hearing this, Yan Dan frowned displeasedly, put down his pen, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I tell you earlier to tell that old man not to come."

He just can't get a bad old man to inspect that kind of place.

"Young master." Hearing this, Li Man felt that she had to speak up, and said, "Master, the old man sent me to see you today."

She spoke in a thick voice on purpose, but even so, the deep and melodious voice in that voice was much worse than that of ordinary men.

After Yan Dan paused, Mou Ran turned around and saw a teenage boy standing at the door, oh no, it was a girl...

"Is she?" Thinking it was the woman Situ Qing had hired to serve him again, Yan Dan's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Situ Qing warningly, "Let her go out."

Li Man at the door trembled inexplicably when she heard this, but she felt lucky. It was he who drove her away, not because she refused to see a doctor for him. Then, there was no reason for him to detain Aunt Xu, right?


Li Man just wanted to mention Aunt Xu's matter, Situ Qing chuckled, "Dan, why don't you let people go without looking at it? He is a doctor anyway, a real doctor. Since the last time my bonus, Liulu, called you Can't get up for half a year, do you think I still have the leisure to send a woman to you?"

Yan Dan glanced at him, just his women? Does he want to waste it? However, didn't he ask someone to fake it at the door?

"come here."

Li Man was stunned for a moment, and then saw that there were only three people in the room, so, did he say this to himself?

Her heart tightened suddenly, and she walked slowly towards the gauze curtain, but she didn't dare to go in hastily when she got to the gauze curtain. The big family has many rules, and maybe people are separated by the gauze curtain to prevent outsiders from seeing her. Or obediently listen to people's instructions.

Situ Qing looked at the small figure standing still, and couldn't help but sneered, "Hey, little doctor, your medical skills are good enough, and you can see patients from such a long distance?"

Li Man really wanted to stick a needle in his mouth so that he would never be able to speak.

Yan Dan looked at Situ Qing coolly, "Are you sick too?"

"Gu~~" Situ Qing laughed dryly and waved his hands, "Don't, don't, I'm the only seedling left in my Situ family."

Yan Dan didn't look at him again, and said to Li Man outside the gauze curtain, "Come in."

"Yes." Li Man lifted the gauze curtain and walked in with trepidation.

As soon as I came in, I was a little stunned.

Isn't the man sitting on the chair the one who saved himself on the boat that night? At this moment, he is only wearing a large white brocade robe, which is made of the finest silk material. His black hair is like satin, and he is simply tied up with a suet jade hairpin. Noble and extraordinary.

Is the world still too small? The enemy and benefactor met her, the bitter master, again?

Li Man was crying in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on her face. Since the evildoer doesn't recognize her, then this person must not recognize her either, so she cleared her throat and said, "My lord, can I treat you now? "

"You?" Yan Dan looked at her with some surprise. In fact, not only Li Man recognized him at the first time, but he also recognized her the moment she lifted the gauze curtain.

He looked at Situ Qing displeased, but Situ Qing shrugged, acting like I didn't know anything about it.

"You know how to see a doctor?" Yan Dan couldn't help but looked at Li Man a few more times, seeing her thin shoulders and carrying such a big medicine bag, she always felt a little funny and interesting.

Li Man nodded, "Yes."

"Is that old man really your master?" Yan Dan couldn't help but doubt it, it was indeed a bit of a coincidence, so he wondered if it was Situ Qing, a scoundrel who secretly went to Li Man again regardless of his will, and used despicable The means to force her to submit.

Li Man snorted, "Yeah." The master said, talking less is definitely right, and she was also afraid that talking too much would reveal her truth.

Yan Dan's eyes flickered slightly, "Do you know what disease I have?"

"I know." You are not sick at all, but sick in your heart, but Li Man did not dare to say this.

Yandan's amber eyes darkened further and further, "You know?"

This suspicion made Li Man's heart thump, and she nodded her head hastily, fearing that she would reveal her secrets, "Yes, Master told me before I came here."

Situ Qing covered his mouth and smiled lightly, "Dan, you've had a lot of good luck this time, and you're willing to push it out when someone comes to your door by yourself?"

Yan Dan didn't say a word, just stared at Li Man with serious eyes.

Li Man also kept muttering in her heart, what does Situ Qing mean? Yan Fu is not shallow, delivered to your door? It's not about yourself, is it? Definitely Not......

She came to see a doctor.

"My lord, can we start?" Afraid that the night would be long and full of dreams, Li Man just wanted to end this grueling task as soon as possible, so that she could go out to find Li Yan earlier, and then tell Uncle Xu that she should hire someone else. Faint.

Situ Qing looked at her with a malicious smile, "Little doctor, why don't you be so impatient? Don't worry about frightening our young master Dan."

Still reserved when seeing a doctor? Still scare people? She is not a great dancer, Li Man suddenly thought, maybe the patient made a mistake, the one who is sick should be the goblin, right?

"Qing, you go out first." Yan Dan began to order to evict the guests.

Situ Qing was also very witty, straightened up, and said with a smile, "Dan, then I won't bother you, take your time...heal it."

After speaking, he walked past Li Man.

Li Man trembled suddenly, wondering if she was too sensitive, she always felt that the look he cast when he walked past her was too—evil, which made her feel terrified.

Or, Uncle Xu really didn't tell him the whole thing. After all, such a wealthy family can afford to hire a good doctor, so why did he hire Uncle Xu, and Uncle Xu even pushed himself, who hadn't studied medicine for a long time? What about people coming to treat patients?

It's clear...

For a moment, Li Man's little mind turned and turned, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Yan Dan had already stood up, her slender and straight figure was much taller than her, so when he stood in front of her, she immediately felt pressured.

"Come with me." Yan Dan glanced at her indifferently, then turned and walked towards the bedroom inside.

Li Man didn't know that it was a bedroom, so she thought he was looking for a convenient place, so she followed in, and when she saw the big bed inside that could sleep three or four people, she froze for a while.

"Young master?"

The corners of Yan Dan's handsome lips twitched slightly, she turned around and walked to the side, "Shall I take it off myself, or will you help me take it off?"

"What? Take off..." Li Man was in a daze. This was the first time she entered a man's bedroom in this age. In Li's house, several men lived in a small thatched hut. It wasn't a bedroom at all, but at this moment, the furnishings in this room, as well as the tea-like aroma in the air, were telling her a dangerous message, this was a man's bedroom.

Yan Dan narrowed her eyes slightly, "Are you sure you know what disease I have?"

"Eh..." Li Man was stunned. It seemed that Uncle Xu only told her that the patient was not sick, but he didn't teach her to make up a disease. The patient thinks he is sick, so you have to pretend to be sick Look at it, but since it's like this, I have to say something wrong.

What disease? Mental illness? Will it be chopped up and fed to the fish?

"Huh?" Seeing her half-closed eyes, seeming to be thinking hard, Yan Dan snorted again impatiently.

"Yes, I know." Li Man said hurriedly.

Yan Dan twisted her face with sharp gaze, "What's wrong?"

"Yes, it's... **-type sexual psychological disorder." Li Man tried her best to search for the name of the disease in her mind, and in a hurry, she made up one.

"What kind of disease is that?" Yan Dan looked at her strangely, could it be her original invention? Give such a strange name to this man's disease?

"That's the disease." Li Man babbled around. Anyway, he had never heard of the name, so he couldn't point it out.

The corners of Yan Dan's lips twitched, and a smile filled his eyes, "Well, you can help me treat it."

"Yeah." Finally, Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, put the medicine bag on the table, and took out a box of silver needles from it.

The silver needle shone faintly, and the smile in Yan Dan's eyes disappeared in an instant, replaced by a bottomless black mist.

Li Man didn't notice, and said to herself, "My lord, in fact, your disease is not difficult to treat. You only need acupuncture and moxibustion for a few days, and you can be cured."

"How many days?" Yan Dan stared at her closely. Such a small face is not much different from when she was a child, but when she saw him again, she was completely unfamiliar...

"Huh?" Li Man thought for a while, the time was too long, and she suffered for it herself. She wished she could finish the piercing for him today and not come tomorrow, but if the time is too short, the patient will inevitably not believe it, and might think she is a charlatan .

"Seven days." After thinking about it, Li Man still felt that this number was relatively good.

"Seven days?" Yan Dan narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing her walking towards him, twitched the corners of his lips, smiled wickedly, fell back, and lay on the bed with his hands behind his head.

Li Man stood by the side, completely stunned, "You, what are you doing lying down?"

"Why not? Stand? Sit?" Yan Dan looked at her.

Li Man didn't notice the undercurrent in his eyes, but felt that this person was really uncooperative, no wonder Uncle Xu couldn't do anything about it.

"I can't give you acupuncture while you're lying down, and besides, the room is dark——"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Dan suddenly smiled, "Do you still want to open the window?"

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