Fortunate Wife

Chapter 187: Autumn

They are used to playing around together, so Li Shu naturally knows what these guys want to do, but his wife is different from other country women. There's nothing to be ashamed of, and sometimes it's something that makes some young people who haven't become a family feel ashamed to hide.

"Go and go, let's go work for me." While driving the crowd, Li Shu turned back to the house to get a shovel, "Brother, let's go first and come back after breakfast."

"Yeah." Li Mo also knew that these boys were here to mess around, and it would be better for Li Shu to take them away.

The yard soon became quiet again, Li Mo went to fetch water, and Li Yan went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the family.

Li Man fell back into the cage again, woke up again, and her spirits were much better. Looking at the familiar room, she felt more at ease.

Li Yan finished his breakfast and just opened the door gently to see if she was awake, when he saw her sitting on the kang with a foolish smile and came in, "When did you wake up? The meal is ready , get up and eat?"

"Yeah." Li Man stretched out his hand towards him, Li Yan smiled and gave her the clothes on the top of the kang, but just when she was about to pick them up, she got short, sat down on the edge of the kang, shook the clothes slowly, and helped her wear them. stand up.

Li Man blushed, "I'll do it myself."

"Didn't you say that your arms and legs were so sore that you couldn't move them last night? It's all right now?" Li Yan gently lifted one of her arms, and slowly helped her put on the sleeves.

Li Man blushed even more, "That's what I said, it's much better now." She hurriedly grabbed the clothes and put them on quickly.

"Heh." Li Yan chuckled, and sat on the side, watching her wear.

There was some noise at the door, and the door was pushed open again. Li Shu leaned over the door, saw the two of them, and was slightly taken aback, "Second brother, didn't you call your wife for dinner?"

"Oh, here we come." Li Yan responded, but didn't move. He only watched Li Man put on his clothes, got up and walked out with her.

After leaving the door, Li Shu glanced at Li Yan, frowned slightly, "Second brother, you are too clingy to your wife."

"Where are you going?" Li Yan replied with a smile. Li Shu was embarrassed, saw Li Man entered the kitchen, and hurriedly ran over and shouted, "Daughter-in-law, the washing water is ready for you, and it's over here."

Li Yan gave him a white look, and shouted so loudly, because he was afraid that no one would know how attentive he was to his wife.

Li Man came out, looking at the prepared face wash, and Li Shu's considerate smiling face, she felt warm in her heart. It's better at home, and the man at home is better.


Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, the hot summer finally came to an end in the autumn wind, and the two-story house of the Li family was finally completed not far from the Mid-Autumn Festival.

On the day it was completed, all the young and old in the village couldn't help but ran to see it.

Two-story small building with a unique room type, which is unique in Shennvgou.

Everyone said that the Li family had made it through, and there were still many good days ahead.

After the new house was completed, Li Man went there almost every day to clean up or clean up the yard in front of the door. It was okay, she planted two flowers and two grasses. She wanted to make the new house similar to a modern garden villa. Not only is it spacious, but it is also comfortable.

Since the completion of the new house, the Li family has been filled with a festive atmosphere, and everyone is more motivated than ever to work.

Li Mo and Li Shu are mainly responsible for the harvest in the field. Li Yan was originally in charge of the business in the store, but in order to move into the new home as soon as possible, Li Yan handed over the affairs of the store to Li Hua and Xiao Wu, and he himself I found two acquaintances who can work in carpentry, and we are in the new house together, busy making furniture every day.

In addition to the kang, Li Yan had to build some tables, chairs, benches, hanging wardrobes, shoe cabinets, etc. according to Li Man's request.

Li Man is also busy, and her feet don't touch the ground every day. Except for washing and cooking, when she is free, she cooks mung bean soup and the like, and delivers it back and forth to the new house and the field several times.

No, I took a nap at noon, and when I got up with nothing to do, Li Man made some pear soup again.

This pear was sent to Li Hua by the old lady of the Zhang family. In recent months, on the day the shop opened, she went to the old lady's place to pay her respects and stayed with her for a long time. Since then, she has never I have been to the town, but the old lady still treats her as always. There are delicious, fun, and useful things, and they are all sent directly to the small shop. Either Li Yan or Li Hua will bring them back to her.

Things are not too expensive, but Li Man has experienced the affection in the middle, and because of this, she decided that after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family moves into a new home, and people are free, so she will do a few I want to eat delicious snacks, and go to honor her old man.

This pear is big, sweet, and full of water. It's a pity that the men in the family don't seem to be in the habit of eating fruit. Even if the skin is peeled off and given to them, they will eat at most two bites. Most of them want to save it for her to eat.

In fact, she loves to eat fruit, but she can't eat so much. A small basket must contain at least ten catties of pears. Li Man eats one by herself every day. She is afraid that it will spoil after a long time, so she wants to cook pear soup for everyone to drink. .

Fortunately, the men are tired from work, this pear soup is like sweet water, and they like to drink it very much.

After cooking, Li Man put it into a clean jar and let it cool for a while. Then, she brought a few clean bowls, put them in the basket, and covered them with a clean cloth. went to the ground.

In the past few months, because Li Mo and the others are busy with work, she often has to deliver water and soup, so she is familiar with the environment of the village a lot. Although people can't fully recognize it, where is her home? , she is clear.

Carrying the basket, he saw Li Mo bending over to work from afar, but he didn't see Li Shu.

On the side, some other workers, who saw Li Man first, immediately laughed and joked, and shouted, "Da Lang, your wife is here to bring you food again? Hurry up and take a look."

Li Mo turned around and saw Li Man's slender figure walking on the ridge of the field, slowly walking towards him. He hurriedly threw the hoe, ignored everyone's envious eyes and joking words, and strode towards her. past.

"Man'er, why are you here again?" Even though he said that, Li Mo liked it very much in his heart. The wife's thoughtfulness to him is something you can't find in the village. Don't look at what those people say , I still don’t know why I am envious.

Li Man handed him the basket and rubbed his sore shoulders, "I asked you to bring some water when you work, so that you can drink it when you are thirsty. If you don't bring it, I will give it to you."

In fact, at the beginning, she didn't think of this, but once, she saw the brothers coming home from work, at that time, she also forgot to pour boiling water to cool down first, and they secretly went to drink cold water one by one when they were thirsty .

So, from then on, she always had to prepare water for them in advance, otherwise, she would deliver it in person while they were working.

I got used to it, sending water, soup, and other delicious things she made.

Li Mo smiled foolishly, carried the basket in one hand, and held Li Man's hand in the other, "Go, take a rest."

Li Man looked suspiciously at the field, "Where is Li Shu?"

"Going to fish." Li Mo smiled helplessly. The third brother likes to sweat, and he can sweat profusely when he does a little work. He likes to take a cold shower when he gets hot. It is every time I come out to work, and then take the time to go to everyone's pond to wash and play secretly.

They all grew up by the water since they were young, and Li Mo didn't worry about any accidents happening to him, so he didn't care too much.

"Fishing again?" Li Man muttered, "He loves fish so much, isn't it enough every day?"

"Let him do as he likes." Li Mo took her to an empty melon shed, put the basket on a table, and said with a smile, "Did you cook pear soup again today?"

"You have a bad nose." Li Man also smiled, took away the cloth, Li Mo carried the jar out, Li Man brought him a clean bowl, and let him pour a full bowl.

"It's still hot, let it cool for a while." Li Man put the bowl on the small table again.

"Sit down." Li Mo pulled her to sit on a small bench together, looking at her flushed face, she liked it more and more, "Are you tired?"

Although the home is not far from the field, it is not so easy to walk here with a basket of things.

"I'm so delicate." It's not like Li Man didn't notice how many girls were working in the field, even if some of them had bound feet, they would occasionally go to the field during the busy farming season Helping, so, compared with others, she doesn't know how much she enjoys.

Of course, there are many men in her family, and she doesn't need to reach out for these rough jobs.

Seeing that there was still a thin layer of sweat on Li Mo's forehead, Li Man naturally took out the handkerchief and gently wiped his sweat.

"Don't." Li Mo tilted his head back, avoiding the white and clean veil.

Li Man frowned, "Your face is covered with sweat, wipe it off."

"It's time to get dirty." Li Mo said with a blushing face. The fourth brother bought these handkerchiefs for her in the town. There are two in total. They are white and clean, soft and soft. When they bought them back, Li Man was overjoyed.

Li Man got up suddenly, hugged his neck with one hand, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead with the handkerchief in the other hand, "I'll just wash it if it gets dirty, otherwise this handkerchief will be just a decoration."

Li Man wiped off the sweat on his face three or two times, and Li Man was very satisfied. Looking at Li Mo again, his handsome face was flushed with honey.

In the distance, there seemed to be a burst of laughter, and Li Mo's face turned even redder, "Man'er."

Li Man didn't expect those people to be so inattentive at work, but, she just wiped off her man's sweat, it's fine, right? Besides, the villagers here are not as conservative and feudal as she imagined. At least, she has seen with her own eyes that a woman who has just given birth can sit in a crowd, lift up her clothes and breastfeed her child like no one else, and still be calm. Talking and laughing with a bunch of people.

"Drink it, it's time to cool down." Li Man turned around and brought the pear soup to Li Mo, and then gave him a pair of chopsticks, "You have to eat this pear too, it nourishes the lungs and promotes body fluids. It's the best season to eat."

"En." Li Mo responded, but he picked up a piece of pear and handed it to Li Man's lips first.

Li Man is also used to this. In the past, every time he delivered food, Li Mo's first bite would be delivered to her mouth first, and he could eat happily only after she finished eating.

"It's delicious, Li Mo, I have to finish it. I cooked a lot today, and I have a share." Li Man said while eating, got up again, and scooped some out of the jar, "Leave this for Li Shu. Yes, he will come back in a while, remember to let him eat."

After speaking, she put the jar into the basket and covered it with a dry cloth.

Li Mo swallowed a piece of sweet pear, looked at her, "Leave now?"

"I still have to give it to Li Yan and the others." Li Man leaned against the small table, looked at him amusedly, saw his eyes twinkle, and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, so he couldn't help laughing There was a sound.

"Fool." Li Man knelt down in front of him, with a childlike sly look in her eyes, "You don't want me to go?"

Li Mo was startled, and almost dropped the bowl in his hand, "I, no, no..."

"I'll wait for you to finish eating." Li Man reached out to hold his hand, met his embarrassed eyes, and smiled.

There was a round of smile on Jun's face, Li Mo said 'hmm', and under her affectionate gaze, a little uncomfortable, he ate pears and drank soup slowly.

When the bowl was finally empty, Li Man let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Brother, you look so refined when you eat today."

"Eh..." Li Mo was embarrassed again, does he usually eat rudely?

Li Man put away the empty bowl, turned to him and said, "If you take a break, the work in the field is not in a hurry."

"Immediately after harvesting, we will plant wheat." Li Mo said.

"Oh." Li Man didn't understand this, she just reached out to stroke his wrinkled skirt, "Then take it easy, don't get tired."

"Yeah." Her strokes made Li Mo feel extremely ironic. Some people who were working over there were laughing and calling Li Mo to work.

As for the work, whether it is field work or other work, those who deliberately said the most unknown, people daydream.

Li Man blushed slightly, but she gradually got used to it, and she didn't feel the embarrassment she felt the first time. After all, she had been around for a long time, and she also knew that it was just some harmless jokes made by the villagers when they were working, and the atmosphere became lively. , I am not tired of working.

Li Man took another clean bowl and put it on top of another bowl of pear soup just out of it, so as not to get ashes in it, she picked up the basket and said, "I sent it to Li Yan and the others, this, you can wait later Remind Li Shu to drink, I won't come to collect the bowl, you come back early at night."

"Yeah." Li Mo followed her out of the melon shed, watched her walk carefully on the narrow field ridge, and told her worriedly, "Slow down."

"Understood, come back early tonight." Li Man also instructed, and walked towards the road behind the mountain. In the past few days, Li Yan stayed there from morning to night to make furniture besides eating, which was also very uncomfortable. hard.

Li Man didn't go for long, Li Shu ran back from another road, swam a few laps in the pond, feeling refreshed and comfortable, and most importantly, he also caught two big grass carp. About ten catties, he twisted straw into a rope and put it on, and hurried to the field like offering a treasure, and showed off in front of his elder brother, to show that even if he was lazy to play, it was not without credit.

"Brother, look, I'm lucky. As soon as I got into the water, these two guys jumped into my arms, haha." Li Shu smiled proudly, and bent over to shake the two big fish in front of Li Mo's eyes twice. .

Li Mo was cutting corn stalks. Hearing this, he straightened up and smiled at him, "That's right, Man'er just left, otherwise, I should praise you."

"What?" Li Shu's eyes widened, "Daughter-in-law has come?"

"Well, I left pear soup for you. It's in the melon shed over there. Go and drink it." After Li Mo finished speaking, he went to work on his own, ignoring Li Shu's little eyes that missed his daughter-in-law's disappointment.

Carrying the fish, Li Shu hurriedly walked towards the melon shed, took two steps, and said, "Brother, well, I'll take the fish home first, so that my wife can cook it at night."

"She went to your second brother's." Li Mo replied.

Li Shu said 'oh', why does his wife always come here when he is not around? He heard that his wife also fed soup to his elder brother and second brother, but so far, she has not fed him.

A little disappointed, he walked to the melon shed and looked at the bowls and bowls on the simple table. Li Shu's heart suddenly softened. The wife is careful, so she won't be afraid of dust falling into the bowl.

Uncovering a bowl on the top, looking at a bowl of sweet and delicious pear soup, he picked up the bowl again, took a sip, the sweetness and moistness entered his heart even more.


Li Man came all the way to the new house again, and heard the sound of sawing wood and axes from a long distance. She reached the door, but did not go in, because there were too many sawdust in it.

"Li Yan." Li Man just stood at the door and shouted, and several workers inside stopped their work almost at the same time.

"Sister-in-law is here?" The young men who worked were all older than Li Yan, so there was nothing wrong with calling Li Man that way.

Li Man smiled at those people, "Well, I brought you some pear soup."

Li Yan had put down his work at this time, clapped his hands, walked out, and said with a smile, "I'm a little hungry."

"Hungry?" But pear soup doesn't matter if you are hungry, Li Man put the basket on a stone at the door, "I'll go home and cook in a while, you finish work early."

"Yeah." Li Yan squatted down, and shared the pear soup with her, and served two bowls for the two brothers who were working inside.

The two naturally thanked each other, and the envy in their eyes was so obvious.

Li Yan smiled smugly. Naturally, anyone with such a beautiful and considerate daughter-in-law would be happy in their dreams.

After the two of them settled down, Li Yan came out, took the bowl that Li Man handed him, and sat on a small stone beside him, eating and drinking, "Mmm, it's really sweet."

"Then drink more, there's probably a bowl left." Li Man shook the small pot and said, seeing some sawdust on his hair, she stood up, bent down, and twisted the sawdust from his hair bit by bit go.

Li Yan was drinking the soup, and the sweet scent rushed into his nose unexpectedly. When he raised his eyes, Li Man bent over, and happened to have a panoramic view of the beautiful scene at the neckline. His eyes turned hot, and he almost choked.

"What's the matter?" Li Man threw away the sawdust, then leaned against him, and patted his back lightly, "You eat slowly, are you so hungry?" I didn't see him at noon Eat less.

It seems that more rice is needed for dinner.

Li Yan's eyes were dark, he looked at her quietly, and didn't speak.

Li Man felt terrified when he stared at her, "What are you looking at me like that for?"

Li Yan pursed his lips, his eyes were filled with smiles, his heart was full of emotion and tide, but his words were perfectly normal, "The wardrobe you want can be finished almost tomorrow."

"Really?" Li Man didn't expect him to move so fast.

Li Yan smiled, "I need to put some more paint on it."

"Well, it's all up to you." Li Man only needs to use what's ready-made.

Li Yan nodded, and slowly ate pears and soup, and when he finished his bowl, Li Man picked up the jar and helped him pour it into the bowl.

At this time, the two people in the room had finished eating, and one of them brought out the bowl.

Li Man got up and took it.

The man smiled and boasted, "Sister-in-law is really capable, this boiled food can be so sweet."

"This pear is very sweet." Li Man smiled and put all the empty bowls into the basket.

"Blessed is Li Yan." The man looked at Li Man and then at Li Yan, feeling even more envious in his heart.

Li Yan looked up at him, and smiled, "Okay, go to work after eating, earn money, and marry a wife as soon as possible."

The man chuckled, "Forget it, I don't know which mother-in-law my daughter-in-law is in."

After speaking, he happily went in to work again.

Li Man was very surprised, that person looked older than Li Yan, "He hasn't married yet?"

"Oh." Li Yan responded casually. After eating, he handed the bowl to Li Man, "It's a mess here, I'll take you home first."

"No need to send it, I'll go back by myself." Li Man packed the basket and got up and said.

Li Yan grabbed her hand, took the basket from her hand, "Let's go, I'll see you off." It was getting darker day by day, and from here to the village, there was an uninhabited vegetable field. worried.

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