Fortunate Wife

Chapter 188: The Vase

Li Man looked up at Li Yan's serious look, and wanted to laugh, "I've walked this road so many times, are you afraid that I won't get lost?"

"It's not too far away, let's go." Li Yan grabbed her hand, led her and walked home.

Li Man had no choice but to obey him. After all, this kind of scene had happened many times in the past few months. Every time he came here and wanted to go back, he had to send her home to be at ease, just like if If you don't send it, there will be monsters along the way to snatch her away.

As soon as the two reached the entrance of the village, they ran into Li Shu.

Li Shu held two empty bowls in one hand and two grass carp in the other. When he saw the two of them, he exclaimed happily, "Daughter-in-law, look, the fish I caught."

"It's so big." Li Man opened her eyes wide in surprise to see that the two fish were still alive, and after being shaken by Li Shu like that, they immediately struggled on the straw rope.

"Well, how about cooking fish with pickled cabbage at night?" Li Yan approached with a smile.

Li Man's head is full of black lines, this guy is too obsessed with sauerkraut fish, he never gets tired of eating it.

"A piece of braised in soy sauce." Li Yan said from the side, he likes to eat braised in soy sauce.

Li Shu didn't mind at all, "Daughter-in-law, that one is made of sauerkraut fish, and the other is braised in soy sauce, hehe." Thinking of the delicious food tonight, Li Shu smiled from ear to ear.

"Well, okay." Li Man reached out to take the fish in his hand, but Li Shu avoided it, "I'm just going home, I'll just take it."

"You don't want to go back to work in the field?" Li Yan looked at him.

Li Shu smiled, "I don't have much work left, my eldest brother came here alone. Daughter-in-law, let's go home and I'll cook for you."

Li Man looked at Li Yan, and Li Yan snorted softly, "Then you go back with the third brother, I'll be busy for a while, and I'll come back after dinner."

"En." Li Man nodded, and Li Yan handed the basket to Li Shu.

Li Yan turned around and went to the new house, Li Shuben also wanted to walk like the second elder brother just now, holding Li Man's hand, but now both hands were carrying things, so he could only pout at Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, let's go home. "

"Well, I'll carry it." Li Man took the basket from him, not because he was afraid that he would carry too much, but because Li Shu's character was a little edgy, and she was afraid that he would accidentally break the jars and bowls inside.

As soon as I got home, I saw Aunt Li looking around at the door of her house.

Aunt Li is the mother of the eldest girl and the second girl. Because these two girls often learn to read at Li Man, her relationship with Li Man has gradually become closer. past.

"Man'er, you're back."

"Aunt Li, what's the matter?" Li Man handed the basket to Li Shu and asked him to take it back to the kitchen, while she took Aunt Li back to her room to talk.

As soon as Aunt Li entered the room, she took a few glances at Li Man's lower abdomen, and Li Man, who was looking directly at her, felt guilty, "Aunt Li, what are you looking at?"

"No movement yet?" Aunt Li asked.

Li Man blushed slightly, "What's going on? Me, we..."

"Hehe, don't worry, my aunt is here today to tell you good news." Aunt Li said excitedly, "Remember what I told you last time, there is a woman from my natal family who married five or six years ago. It's been a year, and my belly hasn't moved, I went back yesterday, what's the matter with you?"

Li Man blinked, "What's wrong?"

"He gave birth." Aunt Li clapped her hands excitedly, "A white and chubby boy, he will be full moon in a few days."

"Oh, that's great." Li Man was also happy for that woman.

"Really." When Aunt Li talked about Xingchu, her voice became a lot louder, "Man'er, do you know how she got pregnant?"

"Cough..." Do you even need to ask?

There was no need for Li Man to answer. Aunt Li said excitedly, "I asked for you. This is also your blessing. Hurry up and give me your birth date."

"Why?" Li Man was completely confused by what she said, and besides, she didn't know her birthday.

"Oh," Aunt Li explained, "I got a secret recipe for giving birth from her. It is said that I want your birth date first, and then give it to a witch in Yujiawan. Don't worry, that witch is very spiritual. As long as you have you I can help you do it with your birthday horoscope, and I begged to give you a boy and a half girl."

"..." Li Man was stunned, "Witch? Is this a superstition? You can't believe it."

"What superstition?" Aunt Li didn't understand, so she urged, "Aren't you literate? Just write it to me. I have to go back to my mother's house tomorrow morning. I just asked someone to help you bring this thing over, hehe, You just wait at home, maybe next year you will be able to embrace the big fat boy."

Seeing that Aunt Li was even more excited than herself, Li Man couldn't resist the kindness of others. However, she really didn't know the horoscope of her birthday, so she had to say in embarrassment, "Aunt Li, to tell you the truth, I really don't remember my birthday. It's a birthday."

"Ah?" Aunt Li was surprised.

Li Man hurriedly said again, "Actually, it's nothing. I'm still young when it comes to having children, so I don't want to be burdened so early."

"What is a drag? It's only natural for this woman to have a baby. Besides, you have been in Li's house for half a year, and your stomach has not moved. People will gossip." Aunt Li was worried for her. In fact, the gossip has already Yes, it's just that Li Man doesn't go out often, and doesn't get along with the women in the village, so naturally she doesn't know that others gossiping on his wife's tongue behind their backs.

"What does it matter if I have children or not?" Li Man was really speechless. In modern times, at least she is so old. After ten years of marriage and no children, others gossip. But now, she is not even twenty. To be exact, even if she could have a child, she would not want to have it so early. She thinks the best age for a woman to bear children is after her twenties. Moreover, by then, the family's financial situation and various conditions should be good. up.

"Hey, people have a mouth, how can you control it?" Aunt Li sighed, "But, you really don't remember?"

Li Man shook her head.

Aunt Li was very depressed, but thought that Li Man would be even more sad, so she tried to comfort her, "Don't worry, I will go to Yujiawan tomorrow and ask the goddess to see if there is any other way."

"No, I really don't need to be busy." Li Man didn't believe in witches at all. Besides, she had seen a doctor herself and knew her body well. Now she took medicine to recuperate, and she thought it was more reliable.

Aunt Li said, "Aren't you busy here? By the way, besides, you are here alone, and you don't even have a family. Since you call me aunt, I have to take care of these things for you." Worrying."

As she said that, Aunt Li lowered her voice again, and persuaded, "Man'er, don't say that you don't want children in a hurry. Don't think about it. You are young. How old is the boss? When he was about his age , the children can run all over the place.”

Li Man paused, yes, she was not in a hurry, but what about Li Mo, she thought, every time afterward, he secretly glanced at her belly, he must have been looking forward to it.

"Well, I know." Li Man nodded guiltily. According to her physical age, Li Mo is seven or eight years older than her. If she wants to have a child in her twenties, Li Mo will be almost thirty by then?

In other words, in this day and age, it is normal for someone in their thirties to be a grandfather.

"En." Aunt Li nodded in satisfaction. In her eyes, a woman is only complete if she has a child. Li Man is good at everything. If she has no children for a long time, she has no family to rely on. , I can't guarantee what will happen in the future.

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll ask you again tomorrow."

"Then, thank you, Auntie." Li Man escorted her to the door.

When I came back, I saw Li Shu picking up fish by the well, so I walked over, "How is it?"

"It's almost there." One fish has been washed and placed on a plate, and the other is washing the gills.

Li Man saw that he washed it carefully, smiled, and took the washed one, "Then I'll go back to the house and cook the rice, and you will come over and light the fire for me later."

"En." Li Shu replied, washing the fish with both hands.


For dinner, these two pots of fish are enough, and a big pot of rice is enough.

As the sun set, Li Mo and Li Yan came back together, but Li Huaxiaowu hadn't come back from the town yet, so Li Man only put the dishes on the table, but didn't start the meal.

It was getting dark gradually, and at this time in the past, Li Hua should be back.

Li Man couldn't help feeling worried, and went to the gate of the courtyard alone, looking towards the path home.

Li Mo came over, "Man'er, you go back to the house first, the fourth brother Xiaowu might be home soon, I'll go to meet you."

"Oh." I hope so.

Li Yan came out of the house at this time and shouted, "Brother, let me go with you."

"Okay." Li Mo and Li Yan went out of the yard directly and walked towards the back mountain.

Li Shu lit the lamp in the kitchen, stood under the eaves and called Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, go back to the house, it's okay, the fourth brother is very familiar with this road. When he was studying, he would go back and forth twice a month." , and often belong to one person, not to mention, there is still Xiaowu now."

"Xiao Wu is still a child." Besides, in fact, Li Hua should be regarded as a child according to modern times. After all, he still has to be eighteen years old to become an adult.

"The eldest brother and the second brother are welcome, don't worry." Li Shu came over and led her to the kitchen.

The two sat on the small stool at the door of the kitchen and waited. They thought they would come back soon, but they waited for more than an hour.

The dishes on the table were already cold, and Li Man's eyes were a little bit wrong, "Li Shu, there must be some accident, right? Your eldest brother and second brother didn't come back either."

"This—" Li Shu was at a loss. If the elder brother and the second brother returned late, he would be fine, but the fourth brother and the fifth brother, it's really hard to say what will happen.

"Why don't we go to the entrance of the village to meet him?" Li Man suggested, waiting at home is really frustrating.

Li Shu got up, "Okay, let's go to the entrance of the village to meet him, maybe we have already returned, and we are on the way."


The two immediately closed the door and went out. At this time, it was already dark, and there were no street lights in the village. Every household was lit with the kind of lamps the size of soybeans, which could not illuminate the outside at all.

Fortunately, the moonlight is good tonight, and in the dim light, the road can still be discerned vaguely.

Li Man supported Li Shu, and walked cautiously towards the entrance of the village.

The two were waiting under the sacred tree at the entrance of the village, looking around anxiously. After a while, they really saw a few vague shadows walking towards this side.

Li Shu shouted excitedly, "Brother..."

Hearing the voice, the figure over there couldn't help but quicken his pace, "Third brother."

Li Shu took Li Man, and the two stood there waiting. After a while, Li Mo and the other four brothers hurried over.

"Why did you come out?" In this mountain, as soon as autumn comes, the night is very cold. Li Yan stretched out his hand and touched Li Man's arm, and he knew that she was wearing thin clothes, and the village has a lot of wind.

"Let's go home quickly." Li Mo said.

"Yeah." Li Man glanced at Li Hua and Xiao Wu next to her, convinced that they were safe, and she finally felt relieved.

When we got home, before Li Man could ask, Li Shu couldn't help but asked Li Hua, "Fourth brother, why is it so late today? We are so worried."

Li Hua was also a little bit sorry, "I should have come back long ago, but something happened on the way."

"What's the matter?" Li Mo asked, holding back on the road just now, because he received two younger brothers, and he wanted to rush home with all his heart, fearing that Li Man would be worried.

Li Hua and a few others sat down at the table, and Xiao Wu said first, "We were closed and wanted to go home after closing the door, but when we went out, we found an old man fell at the door, and fourth brother sent the old man with me." In the medical center, the old man's leg is broken, there is no way, my fourth brother and I sent him home again."

"Oh." It turned out to be this matter, no wonder, Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, and removed the dishes from the table, "It's cold, I'll reheat it."

"I'll help you." Li Hua got up instinctively.

Li Shu pressed him down, "Okay, look how tired you are, sit down and rest, I'll come."

Only then did everyone realize that Li Hua's face was tired, his clothes were wrinkled, and he looked a bit embarrassed.

Li Hua smiled awkwardly. In fact, Xiao Wu said that the man was an old man, but he just looked at him with a beard and an old-fashioned appearance. In fact, the man was very burly, and he was three points stronger than his elder brother. He really used it It was only with the strength of breastfeeding that he was carried to the hospital, and later, he had to be sent home. During this period, he almost fell down several times.

After the man's work was done, he and Xiao Wu rushed home again, no, both legs were numb.

Li Yan poured two bowls of water for Li Hua and Xiao Wu, "Drink some water first."

"Thank you, second brother." Li Hua took the water, drank it all in one gulp, and asked casually, "Is the furniture almost finished?"

"Well, it can be painted tomorrow." Li Yan said with a smile.

Li Hua nodded, "That's good." Li Yan is the only one in the clothing store. Although he is good at making clothes, he is really not as good as the second brother when it comes to selling clothes.

After a while, Li Man heated up all the dishes, served them up and asked Li Shu to bring them to the table, and served them herself.

"Wow, it smells so good." Xiao Wu stared at the delicious pickled cabbage fish, almost drooling. Like Li Shu, he liked this dish very much.

Li Shu brought two bowls of rice pots, "Hey, kid, it's because of your third brother's favor. Look, this fish is so fat and tender, it was caught by third brother himself in the water."

"Third brother is amazing." Xiao Wu praised Li Shu generously.

Li Shu raised his eyebrows proudly.

Li Man brought over all the remaining bowls of rice, and the whole family sat around, eating warmly and cheerfully.

Xu Shi was hungry. He expected that there would be leftover rice and vegetables, but he ate them all.

At the end, Li Man cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, looked at the sauerkraut fish bowl, even the soup was poured out by Li Shu and the others, and she couldn't help laughing.

Well-fed men.


The weather was getting cooler and cooler, and on a crisp autumn day, Li Man and the others got up early, moved out all the clothes and bedding that had been packed in advance, and piled them on the cart. In addition, pots, pans, and the like were put into the basket , Li Mo picked it up.

Besides, the two pigs, Xiao Wu, Da Hei and Xiao Huang are responsible for driving.

Li Yan carried a chicken cage full of chickens.

Li Hua and Li Man, two hands-off shopkeepers, followed behind.

Originally, there were not many things in this house, and besides, the furniture and the like were all newly built in the new house, so it was really easy to move this house.

The road is not very far, and everyone walked from the old house to the new house like a leisurely stroll.

The two-storey building has a beautiful wall around it, and a lot of vines climbed on the wall. Once you enter the yard, the flowers and plants waft a moving aroma.

Li Man was the first to rush into the house, then went up to the second floor, and chose one to be her master bedroom.

The front and rear windows were all open, and the water-blue curtains were swaying in the wind.

The kang is very big, and the dressing table is also good, especially the mirror is so big, at least half of her body can be seen, and the wardrobe is made of natural and pure wood, and it exudes a woody fragrance. Open a cabinet door, inside There is a lot of space, and according to her instructions, Li Yan partitioned a small drawer for her, and there is also a small railing on top of it, so that clothes can be hung upright, so that they are not afraid of wrinkles.

"Do you like it?" Li Yan sent over all her bedding and clothes at this time.

Li Man turned her head, looked at him and smiled, "I like it, I like it so much." She casually picked up a few wooden hangers hanging in the cabinet, "This thing is also exquisitely made, Li Yan, your hands are so skillful. "

"That's up to you to say." Li Yan glanced at her, seeing her happy, he was also happy, and when he was happy, he picked up her quilt and helped her spread it on the kang like a mother-in-law.

Li Man hurried over, "I'll do it myself."

"Didn't you say you're moving to a new house, and you want to start a stove here? It's getting late." Li Yan said with a smile.

Li Man slapped her head, she was too busy looking at her new bedroom, and forgot to make breakfast, "I'll make it now."

"Slow down, don't run when going down the stairs." Li Yan told him worriedly, he had never lived in such a building, so when going up and down the stairs, he always felt as if he could roll down if he ran, so he especially Worried about Li Man.

However, Li Manren ran downstairs in a hurry. Downstairs, the Li Mo brothers were packing up their things.

"I'm going to cook first." She confessed, and went out to the small kitchen.

The current small kitchen is built separately on one side of the whole building, and it is also very spacious and bright. The pots, stoves, tables, chairs, and cabinets inside are all new, and there are rice, noodles, and vegetables in the corner on the side.

As usual, Li Man washed the rice first and prepared to cook the porridge.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu brought in a basket at this time, which contained clean bowls and chopsticks, as well as chopping boards and kitchen knives.

Li Man looked at him and smiled, and put the cleaned rice into the pot, "Li Shu, please help me cook the porridge first, we'll clean up after breakfast later."

"Okay." Li Shuzheng didn't know how to deal with it, but lighting a fire was fine.

With him lighting the fire, Li Man picked up a handful of vegetables in the corner, went out to the yard to wash them by the well, and planned to fry them.

"Sister." Suddenly, Xiao Wu's sweet voice sounded behind her, Li Man turned her head, and the first thing that caught her eyes was a large bouquet of fiery red flowers, and then Xiao Wu looked at her little face askew.

"What is this?" Li Man smelled the flowers quite fragrant.

"Flowers." Xiao Wu stuffed a large bouquet of flowers into Li Man's arms, "Do you like it?"

"Yeah." Li Man handed the vegetable basket to Xiao Wu, and slowly stood up holding the flowers, "Where did you pick this? It's pretty pretty."

"It's in the back mountain, there are plenty of them over there." Seeing that she likes it, Xiao Wu was very happy. Anyway, he is not needed for such things as moving and cleaning up, so as soon as he arrives here, he runs away. Go to the back mountain to pick flowers.

"Well, it's so pretty." Seeing the flowers, the color is as bright as fire, Li Man couldn't help laughing, "Let's go, let's find something and plug it in."

"Yeah." Xiao Wu happily went back to the kitchen with Li Man.

Li Man wanted to find something to grow this flower, but there was no vase at home, not even a cup. If she used a bowl, the flower branches would be long, unless all the flowers were picked off, but then there would be no flower branches and green leaves to set off. At least five points will be lost.

"Sister, use this." Xiao Wu suddenly found a jar in the basket on the ground.

Li Man looked at it, and the corner of her mouth twitched, but she also smiled, "Okay, just use it, go get some water."

In other words, this jar is the jar of pickles at home. Later, after she finished eating the pickles and washed them, she used this jar to keep soup and water for the working men.

Well, now it's a vase.

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