Fortunate Wife

Chapter 189 Visit

However, an ordinary pickle jar, washed and filled with water, put a large bunch of flowers on it, put it on the window sill, facing the morning breeze, but it also exudes a different beauty.

"Not bad." Li Man was very satisfied. From now on, when I cook every day, I can still enjoy the flowers, which is very pleasant.

Xiao Wu leaned on the side of the pot, looked at Li Man with joyful eyes, and felt a strange feeling in her heart. Unknowingly, her eyes moved up and landed on the top of her head.

Visually, he is almost half a head taller than her now.

"What are you looking at?" Li Man sensed his gaze and couldn't help but glance at him curiously.

As soon as Xiao Wuer's root became hot, he immediately turned his eyes away, "I'll go see how big brother and the others are doing." After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

"This little guy." Li Man laughed softly, not doubting him, and cooking and spreading cakes on her own, and breakfast was ready in a short time.

For breakfast, the whole family gathered around the new table and chairs and ate the food cooked in the new pot. They all felt that the taste was better than before.

After breakfast, the men went to work on their own. As for tidying up the new house, it naturally fell on Li Man alone. Fortunately, she never tired of it.

The new home is a small two-story building with five rooms in total, three on the first floor and two on the second floor. There is also an empty terrace. Li Man thought, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole family can sit on the terrace and eat moon cakes Moon appreciation.

Of the five rooms, only four are habitable, and one is a hall, which is used for receiving guests like ordinary people.

Of the four rooms, she occupied one on the upper floor, and the remaining three rooms belonged to the five of them. Li Man only tidied up the beds and so on. As for how the five of them would sleep in these three rooms, they decided to go. She doesn't care.

Originally, this new house was carefully cleaned by Li Man and others before moving in. Therefore, if you live in the first day today, you only need to reset the things you moved from the old house.

After tidying up the bedding and clothes in several rooms, Li Man went back to the kitchen, took out all the pots and pans in the basket, washed and cleaned the ones that should be washed, and then put them back in various places.

She was busy all by herself, when a figure appeared at the door unexpectedly, her piercing gaze made her jump, she instinctively raised her head, and saw a middle-aged woman standing at the door, staring at herself coldly.

"You..." Li Man put down the plate in her hand, stood up and looked at Li Xiangyu who came suddenly, and was speechless for a moment.

Li Xiangyu came in directly, enlarged the bag of things in his hand on the table, sat down on the chair carelessly, and asked directly, "Where are the family members?"

Isn't she? Li Man blinked innocently, and of course knew that in the eyes of this aunt, she was never a member of this family.

"Li Mo and Li Shu went to the field, Li Yan and Li Hua were in the shop in the town, where did Xiao Wu go to play?"

She gave a very specific answer, and as she spoke, she poured Li Xiangyu a bowl of hot water naturally and politely, "Auntie, drink some water."

Li Xiangyu didn't move, she just looked at Li Man, she didn't expect to see her in a few months, the family has changed so much, even this little girl's demeanor is becoming more and more exciting.

She couldn't help but frowned, "Go and call the boss back to me."

"Oh." Li Man also felt uncomfortable being alone with this picky aunt, so Le De went out to find Li Mo back, "Then sit down first, and I'll call."

"Yeah." Li Xiangyu snorted, didn't look at Li Man again, and looked around the kitchen critically.

Li Man didn't say anything, just rubbed her hands and went out.

Li Mo and Li Shu are digging the ground so that they can plant wheat in the future. It is not far from the new house to her own field. When she was on the second floor, she could see two figures working in the field.

Li Man walked very fast, and arrived in about half an hour. The two of them were immersed in their work and did not notice her, but other farmers nearby saw her and yelled, "Dalang, Sanlang, you two!" The daughter-in-law is here."

Only then did Li Mo and Li Shu turn around, and saw Li Man standing on the other side of the field ridge.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here?" Li Shu hurriedly dropped his hoe and ran towards her, and Li Mo also followed.

Li Man didn't go to the field, but just stood on the ridge of the field and waited for them to come over.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Li Man's drooping little face, Li Mo asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Li Man nodded, "Auntie is here."

"Auntie?" Li Shu looked at Li Mo in surprise, "Why is she here again?" Wasn't the daughter-in-law angry enough last time? It's only stopped for a few months, what's going on?

"She brought that charcoal over again?"

Black charcoal? Li Man naturally thought of the girl Li Xiangyu brought last time, she laughed and shook her head, "She's the only one."

"What is she doing alone? Brother..." Li Shu looked at Li Mo who had been silent.

Li Mo threw the hoe to Li Shu, "You do it first, I'll go home."

"No, I want to go back too." Otherwise, my aunt will bully our daughter-in-law again, what should I do?

Li Mo didn't speak, and walked ahead on his own. Li Shu hurriedly went to the field, picked up his own hoe, carried it on his shoulder, and chased after him.

Li Man followed Li Mo naturally, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say. For Li Xiangyu, she was Li Mo's aunt after all. Even if she didn't want to see her, she couldn't deny this blood relationship. .

So, what to do, let Li Mo and the others handle it themselves, as long as it is not too much, she will not wrong herself to care about it.

When we got home, Li Xiangyu wasn't in the kitchen, so Li Mo yelled in the yard downstairs. In the end, Li Xiangyu came out from the room on the second floor and lay down on the balcony looking down. He seemed to feel that he was a little taller, so he quickly backed away After a few steps, "I'll come down right away."

Li Mo was waiting downstairs, watching Li Xiangyu come down the stairs, and greeted him politely, "Auntie, you are here."

"Yeah." Li Xiangyu came over, took a look at Li Mo, and said sincerely, "Your new house is well built, and it is also stylish. Unexpectedly, after only half a year's work, you are so promising that you can build such a big house. .”

Li Mo led Li Xiangyu to sit on the chair in the main room, "It's all thanks to Man'er, she earned all the money in the family."

"She earned it?" Li Xiangyu's face darkened immediately, and she asked in displeasure, "She's a woman who can't lift her shoulders or hands. Thanks to what you said, she earned it?"

Li Mo's face darkened slightly, "It's really her."

"Okay, don't coax me either. Li Hua has already told me what you said several times. Hmph, I don't know what you're thinking? Don't you just want me to treat her better?" Li Xiangyu With a cold snort, he looked like he had seen through their tricks.

Li Mo pursed his lips and didn't speak any more. He was silent for a while, then got up and said, "Auntie, why did you come here alone? Why didn't you come with my second brother?"

"The two of them are busy in the shop, and they probably won't be able to come back until dark. I was waiting there anxiously. It happened that there was an acquaintance in Chencun who was shopping in the town, so I came with his ox cart." Li Xiangyu said.

"Oh, auntie, I'll get you some water, and I'll ask Man'er to add a few more dishes for lunch." Li Mo said and walked out.

Li Xiangyu also hurriedly got up, "Oh, I almost forgot, I brought some meat, let her clean it up, don't cover it."

She followed into the kitchen and saw Li Shu squatting on the ground, helping Li Man wash the dishes. She couldn't help but sulk again, "Old man, isn't there still work in the field? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Aren't you here, auntie?" Li Shu shrugged his eyebrows.

Li Xiangyu was choked, and Li Mo hurriedly said, "Auntie, you go to the main room for a rest, and leave the matter here to Man'er."

"I want to take out the meat." Li Xiangyu picked up the basket on the table, opened the top layer of paper wrapping, and took out a large piece of meat, which weighed about four to five catties.

She put it on her nose and sniffed it, and said with a satisfied smile, "I bought this at the vegetable market a long time ago, look, what a good meat, it's still fresh, um, you... I will tidy up and do it for Da Lang and the others."

Saying that, he threw the meat into the basket again, and handed the basket directly to Li Man.

Just as Li Man was about to reach out his hand, Li Shu cut it off halfway and put it on the ground aside, looking at Li Man with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, make braised pork for lunch."

"Okay." Li Man nodded, such a large piece of pork belly, if you want to cook only braised pork, it will be a big pot. Fortunately, there are many men in the family, so I am not afraid that I will not be able to eat it.

Li Xiangyu glanced at Li Shu, "Let your wife clean it up, what are you doing with it? You should wash it quickly, the meat will stink after a long day."

"Yeah." Li Man responded, got up, and said to Li Shu, "This bowl is clean, just clear it with a little water, and put it in the cupboard later, be careful not to break it."

"Daughter-in-law, I'd better wash it." Li Shu stood up and took the basket in her hand. The meat was very greasy. He knew that his wife didn't like to wash these things, so the family usually eats meat, fish, and a little meat. He is basically the one who cleans up the meaty things.

Li Xiangyu stopped, "You are a big man, wash this thing? Can you wash it clean?"

As soon as Li Man heard it, she knew that the aunt wanted to wash it herself, but she didn't care, so she wanted to take the basket in Li Shu's hand.

Li Shu carried the basket in one hand and the vegetable bowl on the chopping board in the other, and went into the yard.

Li Xiangyu was stunned for a moment, "This brat."

Li Man lowered her head and smiled, continuing to work on her bowl.

Li Mo looked at Li Xiangyu and said with a smile, "Auntie, let me walk around with you."

"What are you talking about? I've seen it all. It's not bad, it's magnificent. By the way, those tables, chairs, and wardrobes are all made by Erlang?" Li Xiangyu became a little interested.

"Yeah." Li Mo replied while leading her out, "It's all for my own use at home, and my second brother doesn't feel at ease handing it over to others, but I also hired two helpers."

"Erlang is really good at this skill. Tomorrow, when your cousin is going to start a family, let me see if I can ask him to do the same thing as upstairs." Li Xiangyu said enviously.

Li Mo smiled, "Of course it's okay, has my cousin already made an appointment?"

"The horoscope has not been written yet." Li Xiangyu said with a sigh, "That child seems to be about the same age as Saburo, right? I was going to call him a wife a few years ago, but he has a high vision, and he has to be good-looking and good-natured." Yes, you have to read and know how to read, you said, marry a daughter-in-law who can give birth to a baby for you to pass on to your family, and if you look good at reading and reading, can you eat as a living?"

Li Mo smiled foolishly at the side, and did not answer, only to hear Li Xiangyu complaining helplessly, "No, I don't know how many times I have said these years, my eyes are all blurred, and in the end, I am not a bachelor. He is getting bigger and bigger, he is not like Li Hua in his studies, he spent so much money in vain, and he didn't even pass the exam as a scholar, hey, I just thought, no matter what, he must get married this year."

"Oh." Li Mo just listened to the matter of the aunt's house, didn't express his opinion, and didn't want to participate. Seeing her talk for a while, he sighed again, and just pushed the water on the table to Li Xiangyu's side. "Auntie, drink water."

"Hmm." Li Xiangyu took the water and drank it all in one go, at the end, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, he looked straight at Li Mo, and asked in a low voice, "I just looked at it, and your wife's stomach didn't seem to move at all. "

Li Mo's eyes darkened, and he pretended to be relaxed, "Man'er is still young, I want to wait for her to grow up."

"Small? Usually girls can marry and have children at the age of fifteen, right? Your aunt and I gave birth to your cousins ​​when she was about the same age as her." Li Xiangyu said.

Li Mo didn't want to bring up this topic, "Auntie, why didn't Sister-in-law come with you this time?"

"She's busy at home, so she can't leave." Li Xiangyu looked a little annoyed, but didn't say much, just looked at the house again, nodded repeatedly, and sighed, "If only a house like this could have been built a few years earlier , you brothers are afraid that you won’t be able to find a wife? Why bother with a few..."

"Auntie, sit down first, I'll talk to my third brother about something." Li Mo got up quickly, not wanting to talk about these things.

Li Xiangyu curled her lips, "It's alright, alright, can't it be okay if I don't tell you?" Since the last time, she also knew Li Man's status in the hearts of the brothers, and she was also angry for a lot of days after returning home, but After all, I still woke up, saying that my own sons all married wives and forgot their mothers, not to mention her aunt, she is only an elder, and she can't bear the sight of a junior daughter-in-law being used to by those brothers. That's all.

This time, the Li family built a new house, so it is considered filial piety to invite her over, she understands, so, she bought meat early and came to celebrate, along the way, she also secretly resolved to talk less and be less picky, but all the time Seeing Li Man, she gets angry for no reason, especially when she sees their brothers defending her like that, hey.

Li Mo smiled lightly, "I really want to talk to my third brother. Last time I asked him to find someone to buy wheat seeds. I don't know if he did it."

"Oh." Li Xiangyu felt better, "You don't have to take care of me, and I'm not an outsider. I'll go to the kitchen and see if I can help."

"Auntie." Li Mo hurriedly stopped her, fearing that she would cause trouble with Li Man, "You have come all the way, what can you do, just take a break."

Li Xiangyu had no choice but to ask, "Are you still afraid that if I eat her, I won't succeed?"

Li Mo could only smile apologetically, "Auntie, what did you say? I'm afraid you'll have to work hard all the way."

"Okay, okay, I'll just sit here." Li Xiangyu sat down again.

Only then did Li Mo go out in peace, and went all the way to the kitchen.

Li Man had already packed the dishes and was sitting at the door of the kitchen picking leeks.

Li Mo squatted beside her, helped her pick vegetables, and said softly, "Man'er, Auntie... is here to congratulate our family."

"Yeah." I can tell, I bought such a large piece of pork belly, which is better than the pig's head last time.

Li Mo looked up at her, and found that she didn't look too unhappy, so he was relieved, and confessed honestly, "Actually, I asked the fourth brother to invite my aunt and sister."

"Oh?" Li Man paused, staring fixedly at Li Mo with his dark eyes, he was a little panicked when he looked directly at him, and then chuckled lightly, "Well, what's wrong? You did the right thing. "

In the countryside, human relations are the most important thing. The Li family has very few relatives, only two aunts, Li Xiangyu and Li Xianghua, and such a big event as building a house and moving to a new house is very grand in the countryside, so it is not too much for him to invite them over.

"You don't blame me?" Li Mo's eyes were filled with surprise and emotion.

See him like this? As if she was such an ignorant daughter-in-law, Li Man shot him a look, and swipe his eyebrows with two fingers mischievously, "What are you blaming? Our family is growing up now, let my aunt stay for a few more days, and she will soon be gone." It’s almost Mid-Autumn Festival, and I still want to make some mooncakes myself, and let my aunt try it.”

Li Mo was astonished, and his heart was full of joy. It really was his woman, kind and generous. Last time, she was still like this when her aunt bullied and picked her like that. It's really rare!

"Man'er, don't worry..." Before he could finish his sentence, Li Shu came back with the cleaned meat, "Yeah, big brother, why are you squatting at the door if you don't talk to auntie?"

Li Mo backed in, and it was not easy to say emotional words in front of Li Shu, so he just glanced at Li Man with gentle, dripping eyes, "Man'er, I'm going to Auntie's side first."

"Well, let's go." Li Man said, and when he just got up, he suddenly pulled his arm, "Wait." Then she wiped his left eyebrow with the back of her finger, teasing him with her finger just now, no Keep some marks.

Li Mo is very useful, being gently caressed by her, he feels that every part of his body is incomparably ironed.

"Go." Seeing him standing still, Li Man gave him a slight push, then turned her head and told Li Shu, "Cut the meat into pieces, and I'll do it later."

"Okay." Li Shu is very good at cutting meat, not to mention, with his wife by his side, he is a hundred times better than usual in everything he does.

Seeing Li Shu pulling up his sleeves, chopping meat like a butcher, Li Man's hair was full of black lines, but she couldn't help laughing, "Li Shu, take it easy." It hurts.


After making lunch with Li Shu, Li Man set the table and chopsticks in the kitchen, and Li Shu went to the main room to call for someone to come over for dinner.

Li Xiangyu went into the kitchen with Li Mo, and when he saw two large bowls containing braised pork on the big table, he couldn't help but blush, "Then you cooked all of these meats?"

"Ah?" Why don't you keep it? Didn't she say that it will stink after a long time?

Li Shu smiled from the side, "There are so many people in our family, are you afraid that we won't be able to eat it? By the way, we have to save some for the second and fourth brothers."

Li Xiangyu sat down at the table and looked at the meat with a distressed look on his face, "Meat can't be eaten as a meal, so many of them can be refined into a lot of oil."

"Our family has oil." Li Shu said.

Li Man tugged at Li Shu's sleeve, signaling him to stop talking.

"Where's Xiao Wu?" Li Mo quickly changed the topic.

Li Man hurriedly walked towards the door, "Maybe at someone's house? I'll look for it."

"I'll be with you." Li Shu hurriedly followed her, saying that he was also quite bored eating with his aunt.

Seeing that both of them had left, Li Xiangyu looked at Li Mo innocently, "I didn't say anything, did I?"

Haven't said anything yet? Li Mo smiled helplessly, sat with him and said, "Auntie, let's eat first."

"Why eat first? Wait for them to come back." Li Xiangyu insisted, thinking that as an elder, he should also look like an elder.

Li Mo knew that Li Man and Li Shu wanted to avoid her, so he smiled and said, "It will get cold in a while, let's eat first, just leave some for them."

Li Xiangyu was really hungry at this time, and smelling the braised pork, it was indeed delicious, so he said, "Okay, then let's eat first, you take the meat back on a plate and keep it for them."

"Well," Li Mo agreed, then sat back and took the initiative to pick up some food for Li Xiangyu, "Auntie, try it, Man'er's cooking is pretty good."

Li Xiangyu ate a piece of braised pork, and suddenly felt that it was rich, soft and delicious, and couldn't help nodding, "Not bad, delicious."

Li Mo finally stretched his brows and eyes, "Really, Man'er's cooking skills are very good, not only this meat, but she can also cook many delicious dishes."

Li Xiangyu glanced at him, and gave him a piece of meat, "Okay, let's eat, a grown man knows how to praise his wife, and he's not afraid of spoiling it, hey."

Li Mo smiled.

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