Fortunate Wife

Chapter 190 Angry

"Daughter-in-law, are you angry?" Li Shu grabbed Li Man and asked worriedly after leaving the door.

Li Man was surprised, "Why am I angry?"

"Auntie said that." It's only a few catties of meat. Since I bought it, it's for everyone to eat, but I think my daughter-in-law cooked it all. It's really nitpicking.

Li Man purposely glanced at him sullenly, "Am I that stingy?"

"No." Li Shu shook his head immediately.

"That's it." Li Man smiled, and dragged him to take two quick steps, "Let's go, call Xiao Wu to come back for dinner."

"Why are you in a hurry? Are you afraid that the little devil has nothing to eat? Maybe he has already eaten at someone's house." Li Shu curled his lips and said that Xiao Wu's temperament has changed a lot in the past half a year. Shi, now he is more courageous and thick-skinned. He has made a lot of friends in the village. They play hard and are often reluctant to come back. They sometimes eat at other people's homes.

Li Man thought about it too, but they came out to call Xiao Wu home for dinner.

"Daughter-in-law, let's sit down." Li Shu suddenly pulled her to sit on the grass under a tree.

The new house was originally at the foot of the back mountain, surrounded by a large piece of wasteland or vegetable fields, and there were few people coming and going, so it was not easy for the two of them to be found when they sat there.

"You don't want to go home early to eat meat?" Li Man looked at his tense handsome face and asked with a smile. Anyway, she herself didn't really want to see Li Xiangyu's picky face.

Li Shu stretched out his arms to wrap her around her body, looked at her delicate face, was so distracted that he blurted out, "I want to eat you."

"..." Li Man's face was burning hot, she avoided his dark eyes, coughed lightly, and was about to get up, "Let's find Xiao Wu, brother—"

"Don't mention elder brother." With one hand, Li Shu pulled Li Man, who had just straightened up, into his arms. Because of the excessive force, Li Man couldn't prevent her, and her forehead directly hit his shoulder. Just turn in the eye socket.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu was shocked, and hurriedly hugged her into his arms, checking her face, "Where did it hit? Let me see."

Li Man rubbed her forehead with her hands, and stared at him tearfully, "Why are you dragging me?"

"I..." Li Shu felt guilty, and it was rare for him to have a chance to be alone with her. Whenever she mentioned his eldest brother, he became anxious.

In fact, since she came to this family, he can feel how she treats their brothers.

She is considerate to her eldest brother, submissive to her second brother, tender to her fourth brother, and even loves her little fifth, but what about him...

Hey, why did he only think of one word - perfunctory.

Even in that matter, he also felt that she came from the heart and instinct more because she was his daughter-in-law than how much she really loved him.

For this reason, he was very frustrated, always thinking of ways to please her, coax her, and attract her attention, but her eyes never seemed to really fall on him.

Just like at this moment, she bumped her forehead sorely, and her eye sockets became hot for a while, and then she wanted to pull him up, "Okay, I'm fine, let's find Xiao Wu and go home quickly, big brother and big aunt are still waiting for us at home Let's eat."

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu felt extremely wronged suddenly, and refused to let go of her while holding her.

"What's wrong?" Li Man was horrified when he heard that his tone had changed.

"Sit down." Li Shu pulled her to sit beside him again, and stared at her resentfully before she spoke, "Can't you spend more time with me?"

"..." Li Man was even more stunned, "What's wrong with you?" Aren't they together every day?

"What, what, I'm going to die." Every time she did this, she couldn't see through his heart, or in other words, she didn't want to treat him like other brothers.

Li Man was taken aback, "Why... so well..."

"Daughter-in-law, you are biased." Li Shu grabbed her hand and squeezed it hard, "You know the elder brother and the second brother in your heart, you should also look at me more, am I not good-looking? Am I not good to you? You Can't you like me more?"

"..." Where did he start with these words? Li Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she went out to find Xiao Wu in such a good manner, how did she get rid of his complaints?

"Okay, who said that you are not good-looking? You are very good-looking. I know how good you are to me." Li Man coaxed softly, "But, we can't just sit here all the time, there are guests at home Well, you also know that your aunt is very picky, if we don't go back, what will she say?"

See, that's it - perfunctory.

Li Shu was very disappointed, "You said I was pretty, when did you take a serious look at me?"

"——" Li Man was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect him to be so serious, her hand hurt from pinching her, "Li Shu, you... what's wrong with you, you suddenly became so serious?"

"I want you to look at me, love me, and care about me." Once excited, Li Shu's voice became a few degrees higher, and his handsome face even had a somewhat ferocious expression.

Originally, it was nothing, but for some reason, when she said "big brother" just now, it stung his originally numb nerves, and after being stimulated by her like this, he couldn't stop it.

As soon as the words came out, Li Shu himself was stunned for a moment, and immediately, ignoring Li Man's astonished eyes, he suddenly cupped her face, and imprinted a fiery kiss on her.

On another secluded path, several children opened their eyes wide, covered their mouths and sniggered, "Look, there are two people—"

Because the weeds were overgrown around the big tree, it was hard to see who it was, but it was still possible to distinguish a man and a woman from their respective clothes.

"What are they doing? Come on, let's go and have a look." Huzi immediately widened his eyes, bent over and wanted to peep.

Xiao Wu didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw the wooden hairpin in the woman's hair, his brain buzzed, he suddenly reached out, and slapped Hu Zi hard on the back of the head, "What are you looking at? Get out of here."

Huzi felt a pain in the back of his head, and wanted to have an attack, but he was a little bit taken aback by Xiao Wu's yell, so he just covered the back of his head and stared at Xiao Wu in surprise.

The other children followed suit, "What's wrong? That person..."

"Go, go, didn't you say you're hungry? Hurry up and go home for dinner." Xiao Wu stretched out his hand and pushed a group of friends without giving them a chance to speak.

"Let's take a look." Huzi's half-grown boys are in a physiologically sensitive period, and they are even more enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

Xiao Wu was so annoyed that he broke off a branch, waved it and rushed towards several people, while still grabbing Wen Ci, "Zi said: Don't look at evil, if you dare to peek, I will tell my sister right away, she will be angry .”

As soon as Li Man was mentioned, the boys all froze, a little disappointed, and walked to the village with their own baskets.

Turning around at every step, I really wondered what the men and women in the grass were doing, but Xiao Wu stood there like a guardian angel, staring straight at their figures at the entrance of the village, and walked towards the grass with a cold face.

Li Shu's strength was very strong, Li Man was restrained by him, unable to struggle at all, and could only let him get what he wanted, and when his body softened and almost fainted due to lack of oxygen, he let her go anyway.

"Daughter-in-law, I..." Li Shu looked at her suffocated flushed little face, and just wanted to explain with self-blame, but Xiao Wu, who was a foot away, was startled in his eyes.

"Xiao Wu?" Why is he here? And what does that kid look like?

Call Xiao Wu at this time? Is he blaming himself and wanting to change the subject? Li Man rubbed her swollen lips, and just about to scold him a few words, she heard Xiao Wu's cold snort behind her.

Li Man looked back in shock, and saw Xiao Wu running without looking back, "Little Wu?" She stared at Li Shu suspiciously, "Why is he here?"

Li Shu shook his head, "Don't worry about him, as long as you don't lose it."

Looking again, Li Man's moist lips were red and swollen, annoyed that she was too rough just now, "Does it hurt?"

He reached out to rub her.

Li Man blocked his hand, his fingertips were rough and strong, if he rubbed her, would she want to eat?

"Let's go back too." Otherwise, Xiao Wu has already arrived home, and they haven't returned yet, so I'm afraid it will make people suspicious.

Li Shu kissed her fiercely just now, and he was a little satisfied in his heart, but he didn't want her to go back in such a hurry, and he was a little disappointed, "Daughter-in-law, let's stay later, there is no one here."

No one is scary? As soon as Li Man remembered his ruthlessness just now, she quickly pushed him away, got up and ran, "Li Shu, hurry up, go home and eat meat."

Seeing her fleeing figure, Li Shu was very helpless, and chased after her, shouting, "Don't run, be careful of falling."

Li Man ran out of the wasteland and was relieved when she came to the road. She planned to wait for Li Shu, but she didn't want a cold voice next to her ear to make her heart tremble.

"Sister is so comfortable!"

Xiao Wu stood behind her at some point, and made a cold and quiet sound like that. Li Man trembled in fright, and when she turned her head, she met his cold eyes.

Don't think about it, it must have been when Li Shuqiang and kissed him just now, this little guy bumped into him, hey, it really is...

"Xiao Wu, where have you been? Your third brother and I came out to look for you to come home for dinner."

"Look in that field?" Xiao Wu scolded.

Li Man's face turned pale and she was ashamed, "Xiao Wu, just was a misunderstanding."

"You don't need to explain to me." Xiao Wu glanced coldly at Li Shu who was chasing after him, then turned around and walked towards his own direction.

Li Man was stabbed severely by his attitude, this little thing...a hedgehog?

"What's the matter? What did Xiao Wu tell you?" Seeing Li Man's pale face, Li Shu asked worriedly.

Li Man shook her head lightly, "It's nothing, let's go back too."

"Yes." Li Shu nodded.

When the two returned home together, they saw Li Xiangyu and Li Mo were already eating, and Xiao Wu stood silently by the pot to serve the meal by himself.

"I'm back. I'm afraid the food will be cold. I poured it into the pot just now." Li Mo explained that before Li Man left, he filled out the food for several people, but they went out to find Xiao Wu, and they didn't come back for a while. Li Mo poured the rice into the pot again.

"It takes a long time to find someone." Li Xiangyu finished eating the last bite of rice in the bowl, then raised her head and glanced at Li Shu and Li Man.

Xiao Wu was carrying the meal, and gave the two of them a cold look, before sitting at the table to eat.

"Xiao Wu, why don't you call me aunt." Li Mo vaguely felt that something was wrong with these three people, especially Xiao Wu.

"Auntie." Xiao Wu raised his head and called out to Li Xiangyu.

Li Xiangyu only thought of him as a child, so she didn't mind his attitude that much, she just asked suspiciously, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? I think your little face is not right when you come back, is it outside?" Being bullied?"

Xiao Wu didn't say a word, Li Shu took the meal from Li Man, sat down at the table, and replied with a smile, "He's doing well in the village now, who dares to bully him?" here I am.

Li Xiangyu looked at Li Shu, narrowed his eyes suddenly, reached out and picked a weed off his clothes, "Where have you been?"

Li Shu chuckled, turned his head to glance at Li Man who was sitting next to him, and then put a piece of meat in her bowl, "Daughter-in-law, eat more."

Li Man knew that he was pleasing herself for what happened just now. In fact, she was not really angry, but she didn't understand why he was so aggressive just now. Seeing that he was fine now, she didn't take it to heart. Helped him pick up a piece of meat, "You eat too."

"Oh." Li Shu nodded happily.

However, Li Xiangyu keenly sensed something from the interaction between the two, especially when she looked at Li Man's slightly red and swollen mouth with her eyes, she couldn't help but think of something, and her face suddenly darkened.

She is someone who has been there, so of course there is no need to guess about this matter, but it is too disrespectful to be a vixen, her family Li Shu has so many obedient children, but she was hooked up by her... ..

Hey, Li Xiangyu sighed heavily, got up and walked outside.

"Auntie." Li Mo called out.

Li Xiangyu waved his hand, "I'll go for a walk in the yard."

Li Mo didn't speak anymore, his eyes swept over the other three people in the seat, "What's wrong with you?"

"What's the matter?" Li Shu was puzzled, they were doing very well, and brought some food to Li Man, "Daughter-in-law, eat."

At this time, Xiao Wu suddenly picked up the rice so hard that he choked on a few mouthfuls of rice, put down the bowl and walked out.

Li Mo called to stop him, "Xiao Wu, can you just eat a bowl?" It seemed that he hadn't seen him eating vegetables yet.

"I'm full." Xiao Wu walked out without looking back.

"What's wrong with Xiao Wu?" Li Mo asked Li Shu, but his eyes were on Li Man.

Li Man was a little annoyed, Xiao Wu was at a sensitive age, how should I explain this kind of thing to him?

Li Shu didn't take it seriously, "Brother, don't worry about him, he will naturally know how to eat when he's hungry."

But Li Mo felt that something was wrong. In the past few months, he was busy every day, so he forgot to discipline Xiao Wu. Suddenly, he realized that the youngest brother's temper seemed to have changed.


Xiao Wu walked to a bedroom on the south side, and saw that the room was tidy and tidy, and the quilts on the kang were also laid out neatly. Before that, Li Man even made a soft bed for each of their brothers. Pillow.

He lay down on the kang, picked up a pillow casually, and stared blankly at the roof. What he couldn't get out of his mind was the scene he saw in the wild grass just now.

Compared to the scene I saw in the middle of the night last time, it was even more heart-piercing.

After all, the last time was in the middle of the night, he was in a daze, and he still felt like he was dreaming, but today, he was so close...

Li Manjiaoli's face flashed in his mind again, he shook his head suddenly, wanting to wave it away, and even punched the kang head with a fierce annoyance.

With a sound of bumping, Li Man, who stepped into the threshold in shock, froze, "Xiao Wu?"

Tilting his head slightly, Xiao Wu's red eyes stared at the little woman who was obviously frightened at the door, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a half-smile, "What are you doing here?"

What tone is this? Li Man was embarrassed by his evil eyes and tone for a while, "You, you didn't eat much just now, I left some rice and vegetables for you."

"I'm not hungry." Xiao Wu snorted, hugged the pillow, and lay upright again.

"Xiao Wu, did you see just now..."

"Get out." Xiao Wu suddenly turned sideways to face the wall, leaving only a back view for Li Man.

Li Man didn't realize it for a moment, but when he did, his nose was sour. He...has always been obedient and sensible, and he likes to cling to her, but at this moment, he actually coldly asked her to go out?

"Xiao Wu..." She tried her best to bear the disappointment in her heart, only thinking that he was just childish.

But Xiao Wu ignored her, hugged the pillow, and snorted again, "Go out."

This time, Li Man finally heard clearly and understood at the first time, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Oh." She replied sadly, stepped back gently, and helped close the door.

The moment she closed the door, Li Xiaowu suddenly turned his head. He would not see her cautious figure in the future, but he seemed to be choked with sobs when he heard her final response just now.

Is she sad? He had never spoken to her so coldly and distantly.

However, he was not happy.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu buried his face in the pillow, not wanting to watch or listen, sleep!

"What's Xiao Wu doing?" Li Shu was packing the dishes, when he saw Li Man coming in with a little dismay, he asked curiously, "Did that kid stab you?"

When he was outside just now, when he was chasing after him, he heard that kid speaking in a rather rude tone, but he didn't quite know what he was talking about.

"No." Li Man looked at the large bouquet of Zhengyan flowers on the window sill, and remembered the way Xiao Wu gave her flowers in the morning, how pleasing it was then.

Hey, she comforted herself again and again, forget it, it's just a child, he will be fine after he gets angry.


After lunch, Li Xiangyu had nothing to do, so she went to the village by herself. She grew up with the village head, and even after she got married, she often came back. In the past, her natal family was poor, so she was lazy Those neighbors in the neighborhood, but now that the Li family has built such a big house, her married daughter also has a bright face. No, she wants to visit the homes of familiar old neighbors and show off...

With her gone, the house was quieter.

After feeding the pigs and chickens, Li Man went upstairs to her room and lay down on the kang, wanting to take a nap.

Li Shu pulled Li Mo, desperately wanting him to arrange the bedroom next to Li Man upstairs for him.

Li Mo was very embarrassed about this. Not only Li Shu wanted to live in a room so close to his wife, but the brothers in the family were also thinking about it. If he suddenly gave it to the third brother, it would be difficult to explain to the second and fourth brothers.

Therefore, Li Mo finally proposed that when Li Yan and Li Hua came back from the town, the five brothers could draw lots, and whoever captured the house would own it.

Although Li Shu didn't like this proposal, but thinking of his second and fourth brothers, he had no choice but to agree.

In the afternoon, the two brothers went to work in the field as usual, but before they could do it for a while, they saw Li Man rushing over to tell them: My aunt had a fight with someone in the village.

As for who to fight with, in fact, Li Man didn't know herself, but when she was still sleeping on the kang, two little girls, Da Ya and Er Ya, suddenly ran over and called Xiao Wu, saying that it was him. My aunt got into a fight.

Xiao Wu hurriedly ran to the village with the two little girls. Li Man wanted to follow, but after thinking about it, she went to the field first to find Li Mo and Li Shu.

Li Xiangyu was not a good-tempered person in the first place, and it was very possible to fight with others. Li Mo immediately took the hoe and ran towards the entrance of the village.

Li Shu and Li Man followed closely.

Li Mo suddenly turned around, "Third brother, take Man'er home."

"I also--"

"No need." Li Mo felt that it was enough for him to go alone, and besides, he didn't want Li Man to see other people fighting.

Li Shu looked at Li Man.

Li Man shrugged, "Why don't you go, I'll go home."

"Forget it, with my elder brother here, I am not afraid that my aunt will suffer. Let's go, let's go home." Li Shu still decided to send Li Man home.

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