Fortunate Wife

Chapter 195: Discussion

Li Xiangcao didn't pay attention, just took the clothes and wanted to put them on.

"Wait." Li Man grabbed her hand suddenly, and quickly pushed up the sleeves of her jacket. On her thin arms, the swollen marks as thick as thumbs made her eyes hurt more and more.

"Oh, I—" Li Xiangcao pulled down her sleeve in panic and tried to cover it, but Li Man quickly grabbed her other wrist, rolled her sleeve and looked, her eyes hurt again.

"That bastard man hit him?"

Li Xiangcao lowered her eyes, pulled down her sleeves in a panic, and quickly put on her clothes.

"It was that man who beat her, right?" Li Man hates men who beat women the most. At this moment, her emotional voice trembled a little. For a woman like Li Xiangcao who looks weaker and helpless than she looks, that man How did you do it?

Moreover, looking at the scars, it seems that they were beaten with a wooden stick without any scruples.

"Are there any other places on your body?" Li Man asked anxiously, bending over to check her.

Li Xiangcao hurriedly turned her back, and replied uncomfortably, "No, it's just on her arm."

"Sit down, let me see if there are any medicines at home." Li Man turned around and rummaged through a small drawer in the closet. She remembered that there were ointments and medicines for reducing swelling and blood stasis at home, but because of moving, she did not Can't remember exactly where I put it.

"You don't need to look for it, it will be fine in a few days." Li Xiangcao didn't want to mobilize the crowd. Li Mo and the others didn't know about this injury, and Li Yan and Li Shu only saw her being beaten yesterday, so they didn't know what was wrong with her. What kind of injury, if they find out, she is afraid...

Yesterday, Li Shu and Li Yan beat Shen Runsheng severely. When they left, he was still paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up, and he didn't know what was going on now.

"How can this work?" Li Man didn't see her body, and she didn't know what the injury was, but she couldn't find the ointment, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, so she said, "Let's go down to eat first, and I'll let elder brother go to Xu Bo's house to get some medicine return."

"No, no, this is too troublesome, I'm really fine." Li Xiangcao hurriedly persuaded.

Li Man didn't talk too much, anyway, after dinner later, it would be good for Li Mo to go to Xu Bo's to get the medicine, and she might not need it when the medicine came back.

After getting dressed, Li Xiangcao got off the kang, looked at Li Man, and said hesitantly, "Man'er, can you not tell Li Mo and others about this injury on my body?"

Li Man thought for a while, nodded, and stepped forward to take her hand, "Okay, I won't say anything, let's go down quickly, I have already prepared breakfast, and there are egg pancakes, which are still warming in the pot." , it’s delicious, you can try it later.”

"Yeah." Seeing Li Man's sweet smile, Li Xiangcao couldn't bear to brush off her kindness.

The two went downstairs together. Li Mo and his brothers had already washed up, and they were just standing in the yard, chatting about something. When they saw the two of them coming down, they stopped talking.

Li Man took Li Xiangcao to the kitchen, helped her wash her face, and then brought out the hot egg pancakes from the grate in the cauldron, and told Li Mo and the others, "Stop standing still, let's go inside and eat."

Li Xiangcao was washing her face by the side, watching a few brothers come in obediently, one by one, like children, took the rice bowl from Li Man, and then sat down obediently at the big table to eat, she couldn't help but smile, and at the same time, Very envious.

She knows that her nephews are good people, but Li Mo Xiaowu is easy to talk about. I have to admire Li Man's way of controlling her husband.

After all, just a beautiful face is not enough to make these brothers so docile.

"Sister, are you ready to wash? Come and eat." Li Man brought Li Xiangcao's portion to the table.

Li Xiangcao responded, poured the wash water, and sat next to Li Man, first ate the good-looking omelette, took a bite, and found it very delicious, couldn't help but took another big bite, and said, "It's really delicious."

"Heh, eat more if it tastes good, I cook a lot in the morning." Li Man said with a smile, she knew that Li Xiangcao didn't eat much last night, she must be hungry in the past, but she can eat like this , I think the road to the future will not be too difficult.


After breakfast, Li Yan and Li Shu went to the town. Li Xiangcao took the initiative to prepare the pig food and went to the backyard to feed the pigs. Li Man took this opportunity to pull Li Mo to the main room and whispered, "Brother, you Uncle Xu is there, bring me some medicine to reduce swelling and blood stasis."

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?" Li Mo was startled, and couldn't help but look at her.

"It's not me." Li Man explained, and cast a defensive look at the door. Li Xiangcao was probably still in the backyard, so she continued, "Brother, sister-in-law is injured, and she was beaten by your uncle."

"What?" Li Mo was shocked. He used to know that Shen Runsheng was becoming more and more indifferent to his sister-in-law, but no matter how you look at it, he is also a scholar, and he doesn't look like he can beat women.

Afraid that he would not believe it, Li Man said again, "I saw it with my own eyes this morning, and she won't let me tell, so you can pretend you don't know, and go secretly to Xu Bo's to get the medicine later, and then give it to me, you know?"

Anger welled up in Li Mo's heart, "Is the injury serious?"

"Skin wounds are easy to heal, but I'm afraid the wounds in her heart are hard to heal. Forget it, don't think too much. Since she won't let me tell you, she's probably afraid that you guys will know. Just pretend you don't know, and let her relax a bit. Hurry up." Afraid that Li Xiangcao would come over, Li Man urged her gently.

Li Mo nodded, his eyes full of gratitude, "I'll leave it to you."

"I know." Li Man nodded. At this moment, Li Xiangcao passed the door with a bucket of slops. Seeing the two of them in the main room, she was slightly taken aback.

Li Man pushed Li Mo lightly, "Okay, you go to the ground, finish the work as soon as possible, and come back early at noon."

"Yes." Li Mo agreed, and came out to explain to Li Xiangcao, "Sister, the family will be left to you and Man'er."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao nodded slightly, watching Li Mo go out with a hoe on his shoulder.


In the morning, Li Man took the drawing of the sewing machine that he hadn't finished a few days ago to his room again, and continued to perfect it.

Li Xiangcao sat aside, watching curiously, "Man'er, what are you drawing?"

"Machine," Li Man looked up at Li Xiangcao. Seeing that she was at a loss, she explained again with a smile, "a machine that can make clothes."

"Can this be made into clothes?" Li Xiangcao stared at the drawing paper with her eyes wide open, in disbelief.

Li Man scratched her head, and smiled dryly, "Actually, I'm not sure whether it will be finished in the end, let's try, anyway, I'm fine at home now."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao looked at the drawing paper, suddenly nodded vigorously, and encouraged, "I think you can do it."

Li Man also gained confidence, and said with a smile, "When the machine is really made, I will teach you how to use it."

"Me?" Li Xiangcao was slightly stunned, can she do it?

"Yeah." Li Man said eagerly, "Sister-in-law, when the time comes, we will learn together, and we will be able to make beautiful clothes for ourselves after learning."

Li Xiangcao smiled shyly, "I'm so stupid—"

"Me too." Before she finished speaking, Li Man said empathetically, "Look, Li Hua helped me make the clothes on me."

"Oh?" Li Xiangcao seemed to be interested, tugged on Li Man's sleeve, looked at the stitches, "It's really good, Li Hua's hand is really clever, better than other girls."

"That's right. So, we have to learn, we can't be compared, hehe, when we finish learning, we will make clothes for them." Li Man is actually looking forward to it, the men in the family will wear the clothes he sewed by himself, that way What love.

"Okay." Li Xiangcao's heart was moved, and her originally dark eyes gradually brightened.


After retouching the drawing twice, it was noon, and the aunt and nephew went downstairs to the kitchen to make lunch together.

Although Li Man is young, she is thirty years old in modern times, which is about the same as Li Xiangcao now.

Therefore, when the two are together, there is no generation gap at all, but after getting along for half a day, they seem to become a pair of boudoir friends who cherish each other.

Li Man washes rice, Li Xiangcao goes to pick vegetables, Li Man stir-fries, Li Xiangcao takes the initiative to light the fire.

In fact, Li Xiangcao can also cook, but after eating the food made by Li Man on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, she dared not show her skills.

As soon as the food was ready, Li Mo came back from the outside and quietly gave the medicine to Li Man.

Li Man put the medicine in her arms, and only waited for the meal before rubbing the medicine on Li Xiangcao.


After the meal, Li Man tidied up briefly, then took Li Xiangcao back to the house, and took the ointment to give her medicine.

Li Xiangcao was shocked, "Did you ask Li Mo to buy medicine?"

"No." Li Man hurriedly denied, "I used to have this medicine at home, but it was in Li Yan's house. I found it before eating."

"Oh." Li Xiangcao breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that Li Man would tell Li Mo about this.

Seeing that she believed her so easily, Li Man frowned slightly. This little aunt is as innocent as a girl, so it may not be a good thing.

After smearing medicine on both of her arms, Li Man wanted her to lift up her clothes to see if there was anything on her body, but Li Xiangcao was shy and refused to take off her clothes, and kept saying that she was not hurt.

Li Man didn't believe it, if she was beaten with a stick randomly, she would definitely not be spared, but she couldn't help Li Xiangcao's shyness, she couldn't force it.

"Okay, sister, I'll keep the medicine here. If there are other injuries, you can wipe it off yourself, and I'll go down and wash your hands first." Li Man said and went out.

Li Xiangcao looked at the closed door, then picked up the ointment in a daze, lifted the hem of her clothes, revealing the bruise on her waist.

"How is it?" Li Mo waited at the stairway, and when he saw Li Man coming down, he asked worriedly, "Are there any other injuries? Do you want a doctor to check?"

Li Man shook her head, "She won't let me see, but she must be hurt. Forget it, I left the medicine in the house, she should wipe it off by herself."

"Oh." Li Mo was relieved a little, and suddenly grabbed Li Man's hand and hugged her tightly, "Man'er, thank you."

"Thank me?" Li Man struggled in his arms, looked up at him, and blinked, "Okay, why thank me?"

Li Mo lowered his head, his eyes enveloping her softly, "You are very kind to my sister."

"Oh, that's all." Li Man leaned into his arms with a smile, and then sighed softly, "She is a poor woman, we are her natal family, if you treat her badly, it will be unreasonable. "

Hearing this, Li Mo hugged her even tighter, because he knew that not everyone's natal family is so sensible and understands the family relationship. Most of them, the daughter-in-law can't live in her husband's house, and she can't go back to her natal family. What's more, this person is their sister-in-law, and in terms of seniority, it's not their business.

But Li Man took care of it, which made him feel extra comforted.

"Okay, okay," his arm is strong. Even if he deliberately controlled the strength, Li Man felt panicked. She gently pushed his arm and said softly, "Let's take a nap at noon. Isn't life almost the same?"

Isn't it all right after the wheat is planted?

"Man'er, I want to discuss something with you." Xu was excited, and Li Mo's arms tightened again, pulling her closer to him.

Li Man groaned from his chest, and thumped his chest lightly, "Take it easy, you want to strangle me?"

"Oh, huh." Her coquettish eyes made Li Mo feel happy, and the strength of his hands did not relax at all, so he simply hugged her horizontally into his arms.

Li Man was shocked, when did this Li Mo become so enthusiastic and bold? He is not afraid of being seen?

"Little Wu and Fourth Brother are writing upstairs, so they can't see them." Li Mo seemed to have guessed her concerns, smiled, and carried her straight to his bedroom.

Li Man was still very uncomfortable, being carried around in broad daylight was very embarrassing, and her small hands pinched his arms twice in annoyance, and when she arrived in the bedroom, when he put herself directly on the kang, something in her mind Alarm bells were ringing.

"Brother, aren't you..." Is there anything that makes people blush and heartbeat in broad daylight?

Li Mojun was embarrassed, coughed lightly, and sat down next to her, "Man'er, I want to buy some more fertile land."

Ga? Are you talking about business? Then why did you carry her to the kang? Li Man's small face was also hot, avoiding his slightly playful eyes, and said softly, "You can decide this matter."

"So, you agree?" Li Mo pressed her shoulders excitedly, forcing her to face him.

Li Man nodded. Since ancient times, land and land have been the basis of life. "However, how much do you want to buy?"

"This?" Li Mo thought for a while, and said excitedly, "It will cost ten acres, right? I can do it by myself. Besides, Xiao Wu is grown up, and the third and fourth brothers can occasionally help."

Does he want to be a farmer by himself? Are you really not afraid of suffering? Li Man shook her head, she was reluctant.

Seeing her shaking her head, thinking that she disagreed, Li Mo became a little anxious, "Then, eight acres? It won't cost much money."

"It's not about money." Li Man looked at him, suddenly stretched out a pair of small hands, and gestured twice in front of his eyes, "If you want to buy it, let's buy a big one, first buy a hundred acres, and let's be a landlord, how about it?"

"One, one hundred mu?" Li Mo was quite surprised, looking at Li Man's excited little face, he secretly thought that this girl really dared to think, how much money would she get for a hundred mu of fertile land? If it is six taels per mu, it will cost six hundred taels.

Twenty taels is enough for a large family in the country to live comfortably for a year, and six hundred taels is enough for thirty years.

"Well." Li Man had already calculated in her heart that the one thousand taels she earned in Nuanxiang Building last time, after all the expenses, there were more than eight hundred taels left. In the past few months, Li Yan and their business It is also showing a hot trend, and you can earn a net silver of four to fifty taels a month.

Therefore, one thousand taels of silver is completely available at home now.

Six hundred taels of silver bought fertile land. She wanted to build a big farm. In the future, Li Mo will mainly manage it. As for the specific affairs, it is entirely possible to hire someone who understands farm work to take care of it.

She told Li Mo this idea, and Li Mo was very pleasantly surprised. If there was such a big farm to manage, he would not be free to go to the field to pull weeds every day. He is also happy to earn money at home.

Moreover, he felt that he was also a good hand in farm work. If so many fertile fields were entrusted to him, he would be able to do well.

However, the only worry is that if they invest so much at once, will the second brothers agree?

Seeing his worries, Li Man comforted, "This matter, take your time, Li Yan and the others, don't worry, as long as you think you can do it, they will definitely support it."

Li Man is quite sure about the brothers' feelings for the elder brother.

"Yeah." Li Mo thought for a while, and felt that it was she who said it, and a nice smile appeared on his honest face, "Man'er, I will definitely be able to do it well."

"Of course, big brother is the most capable." Li Man praised without losing the opportunity.

Li Mo smiled embarrassedly, his gaze became hotter and clingier.

Li Man smelled a hint of danger, and hurriedly pushed him away, "Is there nothing else to do? I'm going to wash my hands, and I'll go up to accompany my sister-in-law later."

"Man'er." Li Mo grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit down again, "Stay with me for a while."

"..." Li Man was a little startled. If the other three were like this, she thought it was very normal, but the slightly coquettish tone of the boss Li Mo's pleading made her feel that it was unusual.

"Anything else?"

Li Mojun blushed and stared at the door. When he carried Li Man in just now, he purposely fastened the latch so that no one would break in. Besides, no one would break in at this time.

He can rest assured, "Man'er, I..."

"You?" Seeing the unnatural blush in his eyes, Li Man was startled. Doesn't he want to be at home in broad daylight?

Li Mo stretched out his arms, took her into his arms, and carefully kissed her with excited and trembling lips.

Li Man originally wanted to push him away, but when he saw his forbearance and entanglement with a hint of flattering eyes, his heart softened and he agreed.


Upstairs, after Li Xiangyu applied the medicine herself, her hands were sticky from the ointment, so she also went downstairs to wash her hands, but when she walked into the main room, she heard a strange sound.

Low and depressing...

She came from here, how could she not understand, her little face turned red, and she hurriedly ran upstairs again.

When I got to the house, I sat on the kang, my heart was beating wildly, unable to slow down.

Those are Man'er and Li Mo, they are really... enthusiastic.

Li Xiangcao thought about it and covered her heart and smiled again. They are husband and wife, so it is normal, but she came by herself, and occupied Li Man at night, making their brothers suffer, right?


She didn't dare to be too casual, and only let Li Mo taste the sweetness a little bit. Li Man quickly tidied herself up and went back upstairs.

Seeing Li Xiangcao sitting on the kang, staring out the window in a daze, she coughed lightly, "Sister-in-law, won't you sleep at noon?"

"Oh," Li Xiangcao turned her head and looked at the blush on Li Man's cheeks. Thinking of what she heard just now, she blushed for nothing, "I, I slept a lot last night, so I wasn't sleepy."

"Sister-in-law, why is your face so red?" Li Man keenly sensed that something was wrong with her.

Li Xiangcao was even more embarrassed about being caught on the spot for doing something bad, so her little face turned even more red like blood, "No, it's probably hot, oh, the room is very stuffy."

Seeing her dodging eyes, as if she didn't dare to look at herself, Li Man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, her ears burned.

Li Xiangcao must have gone downstairs just now.

Well, it's embarrassing.

Li Man was also very embarrassed, but she still pretended to be calm and changed the subject, "Oh, just now, my elder brother told me about buying fertile land."

"Oh." Li Xiangcao nodded blankly, "Okay, okay."

"......" The elder brother was mentioned again, Li Man was embarrassed, but found that Li Xiangcao was even more shameless than the client, and found it funny.

She really doesn't look like a daughter-in-law who has been married for many years, but like a little girl who hasn't left the court.

Thinking about it, Li Man actually had a mischievous cunning in her heart, "Sister, did you go downstairs just now?"

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