Fortunate Wife

Chapter 196 Inappropriate

Li Xiangcao was taken aback, with an embarrassed look on her face, "No, I've been in the room all the time."

"Oh?" Li Man found out interestingly that it wasn't just herself who would blush when she lied, but this young lady seemed to be even more so than herself. Seeing her lowered eyes, her eyes dodged, her face was even red like dripping blood.

Heh, anyone who looks at it will know that she didn't tell the truth just now.

"I, I..." Hearing Li Man snort suspiciously, Li Xiangcao raised her head anxiously, just in time to meet Li Man's playful eyes, she was embarrassed again, and said angrily, "Man'er, you Broken too."

"Hehe." Li Man smiled, and sat down next to her, "Sister-in-law, why are you blushing? I should be ashamed, shouldn't I?"

Li Xiangcao froze, lowered her head and smiled shyly, while explaining, "I just got off for a while, and I'll be up right away." It meant that she didn't hear much.

"Ha..." Li Man nodded knowingly.

Li Xiangcao felt more and more ashamed, "Man'er, why don't I sleep downstairs at night?"

"No." Li Man said hastily.

"What?" Li Xiangcao didn't expect her reaction to be so big.

Li Man laughed dryly, "Sister-in-law, you can stay with me for a few more nights, besides, there is no room downstairs."

"Let Xiao Wu sleep with Li Hua, Li Mo..." Li Xiangcao looked at Li Man, but she didn't say the following words, but the meaning was obvious, so Li Mo naturally came upstairs to tell her.

Li Man quickly waved her hands, she didn't want them to come up at night, the days when her waist and legs were sore from being tossed every night, and she couldn't get up the next day were not very pleasant.

With Li Xiangcao here, she can just avoid these things and live a more relaxed life.

"Sister-in-law, let me comb your hair." Li Man looked at her withered and yellow hair, which was only tied casually with a headband. It was loose and messy, and she looked more and more haggard and listless.

While speaking, she had already loosened her hair tie, picked up the wooden comb from the dressing table, walked behind Li Xiangcao, and gently combed her hair.

Li Xiangcao froze slightly. In her memory, since she was a child, no one has combed her hair. Her parents passed away early, and everything in the family was taken care of by her elder sister, but she was very busy all day long. Even if the hair is loose like straw, in the end, it can only grow up by itself and learn to comb.

Like at this moment, Li Man was standing behind her, brushing her hair lightly one by one, making her nose sore for no reason, and a warm stream overflowed her heart.

"Man'er, you are so kind."

Her voice was too soft for Li Man to hear clearly, "What?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Li Xiangcao shook her head with a smile, and asked curiously, "What do you want to comb for me?"

"It's pretty." Li Man's fingers were nimble, and quickly, she carefully fashioned her slightly messy long hair into a Japanese Japanese style, and then left her bangs a little, then curled and combed her hair with the wooden hairpin. Fluffy and light.

After she was done, Li Man held her small face and took a closer look. It's true that such a curly hair can highlight the delicate contours of Li Xiangcao's face, but...

Suddenly thought of something, Li Man put down the comb and said, "Wait for me, I'll be right back."

"What's the matter?" Li Xiangcao was wondering, but Li Man had already turned around and ran out the door, so she had to sit obediently, and suddenly she was curious about her hair, so she went to the vanity mirror to take a look.

This photo surprised even herself.

Soon, Li Man came running again, panting, holding an orange flower in her hand, "Come here, I'll put it on for you."

"Ah?" Li Xiangcao stared at the drops of water on the stalk, and asked, "Where did you pick it?"

"Xiao Wu picked it." Li Man smiled. Originally, she wanted to pick the roses in the yard, but there were thorns on them, and the color was not correct enough. Then she remembered that in the kitchen, Xiao Wu picked them every morning. Flowers, just pinch one and come over.

I feel that such a fresh and tender color is suitable for Li Xiangcao, at least it can cover up the gray complexion on her face.

Putting fresh flowers on her hair, Li Man pulled her to the mirror and said with a smile, "Look, sister, how pretty you are."

Li Xiangcao knew that she was coaxing herself. The woman in the mirror was thin, haggard and thin. Her big watery eyes were now like dry wells, which seemed unable to make any waves.

However, looking at the flower on the bun, she suddenly smiled, and this smile made the withered woman alive in an instant, like a dead tree being watered with holy water, sprouting and blooming again, She herself was also surprised to find a trace of girlishness from the woman in the mirror.

Li Man immediately yelled, "You look better when you smile, sister, you must smile often in the future."

Li Xiangcao turned her head away from the mirror. Now, she doesn't care whether she looks good or not, "Man'er, thank you."

"Thank you, if sister-in-law likes it, I will comb your hair every day from now on." Li Man laughed.

Li Xiangcao said sincerely, "Really, it's great that Li Mo and the others have you."

"Hehe." Li Man smiled embarrassedly, "It is also my good fortune to meet them."

Li Xiangcao saw it in her eyes and envied her in her heart. She once thought that meeting Shen Runsheng would be her life's blessing, but in the end, she would rather not meet him from the beginning.

Seeing the dejection in her eyes, Li Man knew what was going on, and persuaded, "Sister, forget about the past, you are still young, maybe better things are yet to come."

"Heh." Li Xiangcao smiled weakly, what future does an abandoned woman have? Now, she only thinks that not to hurt Li Man's family is God's greatest care for her.

Li Man was afraid that she would be thinking wildly while staying in the house, so she took her hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the vegetable garden to pick some vegetables, and we will do it tonight."

"Okay." Li Xiangcao wanted to do something, and readily agreed.

The vegetable garden of the Li family was still in the backyard of the old house, so Li Man carried a small basket and returned to the old house with Li Xiangcao.

It wasn't long before people lived there, and the three rooms in the old house looked dilapidated and withered. Fortunately, Li Mo often came to take care of the small vegetable garden in the backyard, and the few small vegetables grew very well.

The two picked some beans, peppers, and vegetables, and they were ready to go back.

As soon as he left the yard, he bumped into Xingniang head-on.

Xingniang's face still had some marks of injury, it was beaten by Li Xiangyu last time, and she hasn't recovered from it until now. At this moment, seeing Li Man and Li Xiangcao, her eyes immediately burst into flames.

"Shameless." She spat angrily, because her front teeth were knocked out, her words were still a little rough, and her articulation was very unclear.

Li Man ignored her, and directly pulled Li Xiangcao, bypassing her and going her own way.

Fortunately, this time Xingniang just cursed bitterly, but she didn't dare to do anything to them.

However, Li Xiangcao thought of herself because of her words. On the way back, her expression remained in a trance.

Li Man picked vegetables with her in the yard and said several words to her, but she was lost in thought.

Involuntarily, Li Man frowned. Thinking of Xing Niang's scolding, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Sister, that woman has a bad mouth. Do you see the wound on her face? And her teeth, I tell you, are big Aunt beat me."

"Ah? Big sister?" Li Xiangcao was surprised.

Li Man told her that Li Xiangyu taught Xingniang a hard lesson that day. Li Xiangcao was dumbfounded, and then smiled helplessly, "Elder sister is such a person, hey, she is so old, and she is still the same as before." , fighting at every turn."

Did Li Xiangyu love to fight? Li Man was also very surprised. She glanced at Li Xiangcao and felt that the two sisters' personalities were too different.

However, although Li Xiangyu hates her, Li Man thinks that if Li Xiangcao can learn a little bit about her, it would be good for her.

"Sister-in-law, I think auntie is right. That kind of person should be dealt with. You see, she dared to scold her today, and she didn't dare to do anything."

Li Xiangcao nodded, arranging Li Man's people at will, and she also felt that the eldest sister played well.

Li Man said again, "Little aunt, you should also learn from auntie, and be more ruthless to those who dare to hurt you."

Li Xiangcao paused, knowing what she meant, but how ruthless would she be? Shen Runsheng doesn't care about her at all. For a person who doesn't care about you at all, I'm afraid he doesn't care about what you do.

Seeing her gloomy expression, Li Man sighed helplessly, "Let's pick vegetables." I hope time can heal the wound in my sister-in-law's heart.

At dusk, Li Man was cooking dinner with Li Xiangcao in the kitchen. Li Shu came back from the town, and as soon as he entered the yard, he shouted excitedly, "Daughter-in-law."

"It's here." Li Man agreed in the kitchen, and turned around to see Li Shu rushing in eagerly. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Li Xiangcao burning under the stove. Man pounced and hugged her. ,

Li Man fried the vegetables in the pot a few times, then put down the spatula, and asked him, "What's the matter? Are you so happy?"

Li Shu came over, took out a bag of things from his arms, and said happily, "I bought it for you."

"What?" Li Man picked up the paper bag curiously, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, a pleasant fragrance came to her nostrils, "It smells so good."

"Well, you and sister-in-law each share." Li Shu said.

Li Man opened the paper bag and found two exquisite small boxes. When she opened it, she found that the rouge was soft and delicate, and it was really the best.

"Where did you buy it? It's really good." Li Man closed the lid, and felt that the box was exquisitely made, and she liked it very much.

Li Shu was very happy to see that she liked it, "Didn't you ask us to send dim sum to that little girl in Nuanxiang Building? Just happened to meet their buyer who came back from buying these. It is said that these are used by ladies and wives in the capital." , I asked them to distribute two boxes."

"Oh." Li Man wrapped the things again and asked, "Did you spend a lot of money?"

Li Shu shook his head with a smile, "Don't ask for money, anyway, the business has been going well these days, and the money I earned is more than enough to buy this thing."

"You can't spend it indiscriminately, so I'll take this, don't buy it in the future, you know?" In fact, Li Man usually doesn't wear makeup, so these powders are not of much use to her, but the one Li Shu brought back today, It's really cute, even if you don't use it, you still like it when you put it on the dressing table.

Li Shu nodded, and coaxed again, "Daughter-in-law, you accept this, remember to use it. It will definitely look better if you use it."

When he was in Nuanxianglou, he saw his wife dress up the girls as if they were gods, so he thought, if the daughter-in-law dresses up by herself, she will be even more beautiful than the gods.

"Understood." Li Man put away the things and quickly started cooking again.

Li Shu smiled in satisfaction, because of Li Xiangcao, he didn't feel embarrassed to continue rubbing in front of Li Man, secretly kissed her on the cheek, turned around and ran away.

Li Man blushed, rubbed her cheeks lightly with the back of her fingers, and then continued cooking.


In the evening, after washing up, Li Man gave the rouge to Li Xiangcao and asked her to rest first, while she went to Li Yan's room with the sketches she had revised several times during the day.

Li Yan had just taken a shower, and was leaning against the bed of the kang to wipe his hair with a dry towel, when he saw her come in, he sat up suddenly, his eyes were so bright that they could almost sting.

Li Man paused, regretting that he should not come to him at this time, but now Li Yan has a shop to take care of, and he has no other time except at night. He came here, and he didn't dare to do anything in such a short time.

"Let me show you this." Li Man handed him the drawing paper and explained, "It's the sewing machine I told you about last time. Take a look, can you make it? This is the frame, the main support Looking at the platen, the pedal, and the pulley, I want to step on the pedal, use the crank to drive the rotation of the pulley, and drive the machine head to rotate through the belt. Here are the needles and the conveyor belt. "

Li Yan didn't quite understand some of the terms she spoke, but he understood the basic principles through her explanations according to the drawings.

Li Yan's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he looked at her with smiling eyes, "Did you think of this thing yourself? Your did you come up with such a thing?"

Li Man felt guilty, "You just said if you can make it? If you can make it, we won't be afraid that we won't be able to supply the goods in the future."

"This—" Li Yan looked at the drawing again, and finally folded it up and stuffed it under the pillow.

Li Man was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

"Leave me here. I'll study it slowly when I have time." Li Yan said, suddenly stretching out his long arms, Li Man instinctively took a step back.

Li Yan chuckled, "What are you doing? I won't eat you again."

Li Man also felt that she was going too far, but it was completely an instinctive reaction to him, "Oh, it's getting late, I'll go upstairs first, you should rest earlier too—ah."

Before she finished speaking, Li Yan quickly grabbed her again and pulled her onto the kang.

Li Man exclaimed, "Li Yan, don't mess around, Li Shu will be here soon."

"What are you afraid of?" Li Yan threw the dry towel on the kang to her, and gave her a hard look, "I won't ask you to do anything else, just help me dry my hair."

Phew—— Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, and gave him a hard look, didn't he just wipe his hair? He said, it's not like she didn't follow suit, why did she drag her down on the kang, causing her heart to rise to the point of her throat in fright.

After getting off the kang and standing beside him, Li Man stroked a strand of his wet hair with one hand, and wiped it carefully with a dry towel in the other.

Li Yan also kept silent, just closed his eyes and enjoyed the tenderness of this moment.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard Li Man say, "Okay." He opened his eyes and looked at her delicate face with some confusion.

The water droplets on the hair were all wiped off, but it was still a little wet, Li Man instructed again, "Don't lie down now, wait until the hair is completely dry before going to bed, you know?"

"En." Li Yan nodded, suddenly touched a bracelet from under the pillow, grabbed her hand, and put it on her right wrist.

"Your reward."

"..." Before Li Man regained her composure, a green bracelet appeared on her snow-white wrist, which matched her skin very well.

"You bought this?"

Li Yan raised his eyebrows, "Do you like it?" From the look in her eyes, he knew that she liked it, but he still wanted to hear it from her.

"Hmm." Li Man stroked the table with her hands, smiling sweetly, "Thank you, it looks good."

The smile in Li Yan's eyes was even wider, he leaned lazily on the bed of the kang, and stretched out a hand towards her.

"Why?" Li Man blinked.

"Come here." Li Yan still stretched out his hand towards her.

Li Man's heart fluttered, her face blushed, and she placed her little hand in his palm.

"Heh." Li Yan curled his lips into a smile, gently moved her into his arms, looked at her moist lips, as if she was leaning towards her face, "Kiss."

"Kiss you?" Li Man reached out and poked him lightly on the face, "Stop making trouble, Li Shu will come in later."

"What are you afraid of? It's not like he hasn't seen it before." Li Yan didn't take it seriously, and held her waist tightly.

Li Man bit her lip, met his determined eyes, and quickly kissed him on the cheek, "Okay? I should go up, sister-in-law is still waiting up there."

"Perfunctory." Li Yan was very dissatisfied with her superficial touch just now, not to mention, she used Li Xiangcao as an excuse.

What is perfunctory? Where does she have it? Just when Li Man wanted to refute, Li Yan leaned forward and leaned closer to her, and the fiery kisses fell like raindrops, so eager.

Just like a traveler walking in the desert, when he finally met Gan Lin, Li Man felt that his soul was about to be sucked in by him.

How on earth is he so thirsty?

"Cough, cough, cough..." Li Shu suddenly coughed violently at the door.

Once again, the second brother didn't move, only heard the whining of Li Man, Li Shu had no choice but to beat the door with his hand, "Second brother..."

Only then...had some reaction, let go of Li Man, and Li Yan tidied up her clothes and hair, "Okay, let's go up first, go to bed early at night."

What is he? Li Man glared at him fiercely, and said that Li Shu would come, but if he didn't listen, he would be reconciled only if he was seen by others? scoundrel.

"What? Do you want to stay?" Seeing her sitting on the kang and staring straight at her, Li Yan reached out to touch her cheek wantonly, and at the same time told Li Shu by the door, "Third brother, you go to fourth brother's room at night. "

"What?" Li Shu was startled, the second brother was too shameless.

Li Man even jumped off the kang, and ran towards the door in a panic without waiting for him to say anything.

Li Shu was stunned, and just watched Li Man run away from his side. Finally, he frowned at Li Yan who looked disappointed, "Second brother, you are too shameless? You let me go In the fourth brother's house? Why don't you go?"

I knew that girl didn't have the guts to run away faster than a rabbit, but luckily he didn't take it seriously.

Li Yan took a long breath, turned over and lay down, ignoring Li Shu.

Li Shu was annoyed to himself, and suddenly thought of something, "Second brother, fourth brother sleeps alone at night."

Li Yan is so smart, he immediately realized something, just wanted to get up, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible, there was still Li Xiangcao in Li Man's room, even if the fourth brother was close to the water and got the moon first, there was nothing he could do.

Therefore, the fourth brother is nothing to worry about, the key is that my sister--


Li Man ran upstairs in one breath, just as Li Hua was about to close the door, seeing her stop at the stairs and panting, she couldn't help being curious, "Man'er, what's wrong with you?"

Looking downstairs worriedly, who kicked her out?

Li Hua? Seeing any of them at this time, Li Man felt flustered, and hurriedly said, "I'm fine, I'm going back to the room, and you should go to bed early."

With a perfunctory word, she hurriedly bypassed him and went back to her room.

Li Hua was slightly taken aback, thinking of something, smiled helplessly, then walked to her room, and gently closed the door.

When Li Man went back to the room, he also closed the door. The oil lamp was on in the room. Li Xiangcao was not asleep, she just leaned against the kang hair in a daze. Seeing her come in, she said hesitantly, "Man'er, why don't I move upstairs tomorrow?" go down."

Although Li Xiangcao is innocent, she is also a married woman after all. During dinner at night, when her nephews looked at Li Man, she could see what was going on.

She now eats and lives here, and I'm afraid it's not just for a while, if she stays in Li Man's room every day in the future, what will the brothers do?

It would be a big mistake to affect the harmony between their husband and wife.

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