Fortunate Wife

Chapter 197 I don't remember.

"Sister-in-law, let's talk about moving downstairs in a few days. You can live in my room with peace of mind now. I still have a lot of private things I want to tell you." Li Man said, and went to bed. Kang lay down on the outside, looked sideways at Li Xiangcao, and continued, "You know, I don't have a natal family. When I married here, I didn't even have anyone to talk to except my elder brother. They all It's very good to me, but after all, it's a man's house, so some words are still inconvenient."

"Oh." Li Xiangcao thinks about it too, but, "But I'm always in your room, Li Mo and the husband and wife—" She is ashamed to speak if it delays the love between their husband and wife, but what does it mean? But obvious.

Li Man smiled embarrassingly, "We are not husband and wife for the first day, and the future will be long, so what are you afraid of?"

What's more, apart from wanting to take this opportunity to rest and recuperate, she also felt that Li Xiangcao was still unable to extricate herself from that man's injury. If she was left alone in a room, it would be inevitable that she would cry every night, so she might as well be with her and talk After a long time, her mood will naturally improve.

"This—" Li Xiangcao couldn't think of a rebuttal.

Li Man immediately changed the subject, "Sister-in-law, at noon today, my eldest brother discussed with me about buying land. Hehe, maybe by this time next year, our family will have a hundred acres of fertile land. You have a lot, what should we plant?" OK?"

A hundred acres of fertile land? Li Xiangcao was really shocked by this figure, is the Li family so rich?

"Hehe, forget it, we don't care about these, anyway, big brother knows more than us." Li Man doesn't know much about farm work, the reason why she talks about this is purely to brighten up the atmosphere, find some topics, and let Li Xiangcao not mess up Just think about it.

Li Xiangcao originally wanted to ask how the Li family had such economic strength? But after thinking about it, I felt that it was not appropriate to ask directly, so I just kept silent.

Seeing her drooping eyebrows, Li Man suddenly shook her arm and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, why don't you tell me about elder brother's childhood?"

"Ah?" Li Xiangcao had already recalled what happened when they were young, and she didn't know where to start.

Li Man was full of interest, "Yes, tell me, I want to hear it."

Unable to dampen her interest, Li Xiangcao thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, but I don't remember many clearly. It's just..."

Suddenly thought of something, Li Xiangcao pursed her lips and smiled, "Speaking of it, it turns out that the boy's university also has eighteen changes. I remember that Li Mo was very handsome when he was a child, his eyes were big and bright, and his skin was also good. Sister-in-law I like to dress him up the most, hey..."

As if thinking of something embarrassing, Li Xiangcao blushed slightly, and continued, "I was stupid at the time, but... I didn't know he was a boy until he was five years old."

Poof, isn't it? Li Man stared at her in surprise.

Li Xiangcao also felt embarrassed, and explained, "I am five years older than Li Mo, and I was younger at that time. When he was born, I still have some impressions. However, my sister-in-law has always wanted a girl. After Li Mo was born, My sister-in-law raised him as a girl, with the same bun as mine and the same flowered clothes as me, plus, he was really beautiful at that time, I really always thought he was a little niece."

"Li Mo was raised as a girl?" Li Man racked her brains to think and think, but she still couldn't connect this burly man who looked like a hill with that kind of loli girl.

If it is similar, Li Hua is the only one in the family who has the most potential.

"Well, later, it was once again—" Li Xiangcao was embarrassed to say, it was when Li Mo was standing there once when she was a child, she realized something was wrong, at that time, she was shocked like something, and she still pulled Look at Li Mo, and tell him that girls can't stand up, or they will pee on their pants, and they are also very indecent.

Afterwards, Li Mo ignored her for a long time, and it seemed that since then, he didn't want to be manipulated by his sister-in-law, and he refused to wear any flowery clothes.

Li Xiangcao shook her head and stopped mentioning that embarrassing incident.

"What about Li Yan and Li Hua?" Li Man felt that these two people looked alike when they were treated as girls. Li Shu was too tall, well-defined, and so frizzy and mischievous. Even if he was raised as a girl, he would still be treated as a tomboy. of.

Li Xiangcao shook her head, "Because of that incident, Li Mo's temper became very strange for a long time, so, later on, Li Yan and the others, the brothers did not allow the sister-in-law to mess around."

"Oh." Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, sighing secretly in her heart, if she had a camera at that time, she really wanted to see the cute little girl Li Mo who wore a flowered dress and combed her hair when she was a child.

"What about Li Yan and the others?" Li Man asked curiously again.

Li Xiangcao blinked, tried to think about it, and said, "I really can't think of Li Yan. He was a stuffy gourd when he was young. He didn't like to talk. Even his sister-in-law said he was old-fashioned, and he didn't like to play with the children in the village. , but it's also strange that children who are as old as him like to play with him, especially girls, they like to get close to him."

"..." Li Man stared blankly at the roof of the tent, and couldn't help but think of a picture in his mind. In the summer when the wind blows, the boy in white embraces his hands, leaning coolly on the tree trunk, and the breeze blows through his ink. Hair, caressing his sharp and mocking eyes.

Not far away, a few young girls who are in their cardamom years are tentatively approaching with joy but cautiously——

Hehe, would Li Yan be like this before?

"No." Li Man suddenly denied it again, remembering the days when she just passed through, Li Yan gave her the impression that she was gentle and refined, with a comfortable and reassuring smile on her face all the time.

Uh... But, thinking about it now, Li Man suddenly felt that there were more other meanings in his smile? For example, a cunning fox sees its prey...

"What's wrong?" Li Xiangcao suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

Li Man's heart was hot, and she shook her head in panic, "It's nothing, Li Yan likes girls, I know."

"You know?" Li Xiangcao seemed to smell a hint of sourness in her words, and hurriedly explained to her, "Did you mean Peony?"

"You also know?" Li Man was still very strict about that matter, and besides, didn't Li Xiangcao get married very early?

Li Xiangcao nodded slightly, "However, Li Yan has always regarded Peony as his younger sister."

"Oh." Li Man knew all this.

Li Xiangcao thought she was being overwhelmed, and hurriedly said, "It's true, Mudan likes Li Yan, we have already seen it, and Li Yan knows it too, and then I didn't talk to Mudan much. But, that child Mudan—— "

"Hehe, she is married, do you think I will be jealous of her?" Li Man laughed.

Li Xiangcao thought about it, and then laughed, "It's strange to say that he used to be the least talkative, but he was the one who attracted girls the most in this family. If you want me to say, Li Shu is much better than him. Here, children from any family can play together. However, it is also a headache, and I have almost fought with children in the village, hey."

Li Man could almost think of that scene. Thinking of Li Shu, she couldn't help smiling.

The aunt and nephew were chatting without saying a word, the time passed unknowingly, and the two of them didn't know when they fell asleep.


The next morning, while eating, Li Yan told Li Man that he had studied her blueprint last night and was not sure if it could be made into her sewing machine. He could try it, but, Right now he has to do things in the store every day, so he doesn't have much time to do it, so he plans to find an acquaintance to help him do it first.

Of course Li Man accepted that the sewing machine was out of the plan, it would be best if it could be made, and if it couldn't be done, it shouldn't delay the business.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the morning, a young man came to the house, saying that Li Yan asked him to come here, as if he wanted to order some kind of machine with some drawings.

Li Man looked at him and felt familiar, as if she was one of the two guys who helped Li Yan make furniture last time.

"You are?" Li Man put down the broom and said with a smile, "You are the friend Li Yan mentioned? Do you want the drawing of the sewing machine?"

"Yeah." The young man grinned, showing his white teeth, "My name is Zhang Ben."

"Brother Zhang, sit down, I'll get you the blueprint." Li Man greeted, then went to Li Yan's room to look for the blueprint, remembering that he put it under the pillow last night.

Zhang Ben nodded, and sat on the chair in the main room waiting, but at this moment, Li Xiangcao ran back from the outside excitedly, still holding two eggs that had just been taken out of the chicken coop.

"Man'er, Man..." After stepping through the threshold, seeing a strange man in the main room, Li Xiangcao panicked, turned her head and wanted to run out.

Zhang Ben recognized Li Xiangcao, but he didn't expect that such a sweet girl in memory would seem to be thinner now, so he couldn't help asking in surprise, "Sister-in-law, is that you?"

Sister? Li Xiangcao turned her head in astonishment, and then dared to look at this person carefully, could it be a relative of her own family? "You are?"

"I'm Zhang..." Zhang Ben got up, and just about to introduce himself, Li Man came out from the side room and handed the blueprint to Zhang Ben, "Here, take a look first, if you have any questions, you can ask I."

Li Xiangcao was standing at the door, seeing the two of them talking, she consciously wanted to go out, but was stopped by Zhang Ben, "Sister, I'm Zhang Ben, don't you remember?"

For Li Xiangcao not remembering, Zhang Ben seemed a little disappointed, but his eyes were full of smiles and expectations. He just looked at Li Xiangcao like that, as if patiently waiting for her to remember him.

Li Man looked suspiciously at Li Xiangcao, then at Zhang Ben, this guy actually looked at Aunt Li Xiangcao familiarly? Then presumably there was a lot of relationship before, right?

However, it's a pity that Li Xiangcao doesn't seem to remember this person very much, "Are you...?" Thinking about it, she felt wrong, and the Li family didn't have any relatives.

"Hehe, don't you remember? When I was young, I used to play with Li Yan and Li Shu." Zhang Ben introduced, remembering that they were still young at that time, Li Yan was naturally silent, and he, because his parents He died young, lived with his grandfather, and had a very withdrawn personality. He seldom interacted with others, but because of a trivial matter, he later got together with Li Yan and Li Shu.

And he remembered Li Xiangcao, mainly because every time it was time to play, the little girl would come out to find the two brothers to go home for dinner, and he remembered who came and went.

"Oh." It turned out to be Li Yan and Li Shu's playmates when they were young, so why did they also call her sister-in-law according to their seniority? Li Xiangcao just woke up and smiled politely at him, but she still couldn't remember him.

Zhang Ben didn't take it seriously, and continued, "Did my sister-in-law come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival? Alone?" I remember that she seemed to have been married for many years? What's more, she didn't go back to Li's house very often these years.

Li Xiangcao's eyes were suffocated, and Li Man hurriedly said, "Yeah, my sister-in-law will be staying for a while when she comes back. Brother Zhang, take a look at the drawing. I don't understand it very well, so I drew a rough model, and I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Oh, you're welcome." Zhang Ben realized that something was wrong with Li Xiangcao, so he wisely didn't continue. He simply unfolded the drawing and glanced at it without asking any further questions. Then I'll go back first, this, I'll do it first, if you don't understand, I'll come back and ask you."

"Okay." There was no man at home, and Li Man couldn't keep him anymore, so she sent him out.


In the evening, Li Man told Li Yan about Zhang Ben's past, Li Yan nodded, and got some things out of the car, saying that the old lady of the Zhang family sent someone to the store, and they were also some delicious snacks. I want Li Man to try it too.

Li Man took out the snacks from the food box, and put them one by one on the bottom shelf of the cabinet.

Li Yan leaned next to her, watching her work.



"Don't go up at night?"

"What?" Li Man asked suspiciously after closing the cupboard door.

Li Yan stretched his arms around her slender waist, looked down at her delicate face, moved his throat, and coaxed, "At night, I will let the third brother go upstairs to sleep with the fourth brother."

This again? Li Man's heart beat a little faster, she pushed her fingers on his chest, and smiled at him, "Can you convince Li Shu?"

Li Yan smiled, "As long as you agree, I will take care of the rest."

"..." Alarm bells rang in Li Man's heart. She knew Li Yan was cunning, but who knew what methods he would use to coax Li Shu into submission.

"Huh?" Seeing her silent, Li Yan tightened his hands anxiously, and squeezed her waist, "Should I answer?"

Li Man blushed, bit her lips slightly and said angrily, "It's only been a few days, and you're like this? Besides, if I sleep downstairs, sister-in-law will feel uncomfortable."

"What's wrong with her?" Li Yan laughed, "She's not your husband-in-law, it's me who suffers, okay?"

Not serious, Li Man gave him a look, "You know, sister-in-law is in a bad mood recently, I want to spend more time with her and enlighten her."

"Excuse." Li Yan pulled out his hand, gently pinched her delicate lips, and said with a smile, "Could it be that you don't want me to touch it on purpose?"

Said so directly? Li Man hurriedly looked at the door. Fortunately, there was no one else in the yard, so she was not afraid that his words would be heard.

"Okay, that's it. You go to take a bath, and I'll find my third brother." Li Yan let go of her and went outside.

Li Man grabbed him violently, "It's settled? I didn't mean, wait for my sister-in-law to feel better..."

Li Yan turned around abruptly, pushed her to the kitchen door, and said in a low voice, "Silly girl, sister-in-law's affairs won't be resolved in a day or two, do you want me to just endure it?"

"I didn't." Li Man was aggrieved, Li Xiangcao had only been here for two days, what was meant by constant, besides, she was not idle in just these two days.

"That's it." Li Yan said, "You also want my sister-in-law to live comfortably here, right? But if she lives with you every day, don't you think she is under a lot of pressure?"

"Why?" Li Man was puzzled.

"Stupid." Li Yan tapped her forehead angrily, "You don't even have to think about it? When she comes, our husband and wife will sleep in separate rooms. What will she think? Besides, she is in a bad mood , can it really be useful for you to accompany her? In my opinion, it's better to let her be more calm and calm by herself, she figured it out by herself, it's better than how much saliva you waste. "

"..." Is he too eloquent or is he really not thoughtful? Li Man couldn't find any words to refute at this moment.

Li Yan looked at her stunned look, and then smiled softly, "Fool, if you want her to live comfortably in this house, then be natural, what we did before, and what we are doing now, don't deliberately do something. Otherwise , the most uncomfortable is her."

"Ah? Then I..." Li Man tried hard to recall, has she been deliberate these days?

"You're fine." Thinking of Li Man's kindness, Li Yan also felt comforted in his heart, "However, you don't know Sister-in-law yet, the more you try to do everything for her, the less she will bear it, maybe you will. Want to escape. So, let’s just do it when we’re thinking about it, we don’t need to put all our thoughts on her, paying too much attention may remind her of the hurt she has suffered..."

"—" Li Man seemed to understand, and nodded slightly.

Li Yan smiled with satisfaction, "There is hot water in the pot, you go take a bath first, then go back to your room and wait for me, I will go find my third brother."

Saying that, ignoring Li Man who didn't react, she hurried to find Li Shu.

Li Man was stunned. She only agreed with what he said about Li Xiangcao, but she didn't agree to take a bath and wait for him in the room, right?

Hmph, no wait, just no wait.

Li Man turned around, mixed the bath water, and took a bath in the small bathroom next door.

After tidying up, she was ready to go upstairs and go back to her room. As for Li Yan, she didn't care. If she agreed to him tonight, then tomorrow night, night after tomorrow, and every night after that, she would have to be the same as before, every night I have to stop.

Unexpectedly, just two steps up the stairs, a figure suddenly sprang up from behind, and attacked with tremendous force, Li Man only had time to cry out in surprise, and the whole person was carried on his shoulders by the waist.

"Hey, Li Yan, let me down." She was very familiar with his breath.

But Li Man didn't expect that he would carry her directly to his room in such a way of grabbing her.

"Not good." Li Yan carried her back into the house and put her directly on the kang, "Didn't I tell you to go back to the house and wait for me?"

"Me?" Li Man got up, facing his displeased eyes, a little short of breath, "I didn't agree."

"Huh?" Li Yan raised his eyebrows, stepped back to the door, and closed the door tightly, "Then what?"

Li Man's heart clenched, every time he had such a half-smile expression, it made her nervous.

"Li Yan, sister-in-law is still waiting for me upstairs, she..."

"I told her, you stay with me at night." Li Yan approached her step by step.

Li Man was surprised, "You even said that? You..."

"Sister-in-law said, let me take care of you at night, kicking the quilt too hard." Li Yan walked to the table, looked at the oil lamp, and asked with a smile, "Will the lamp be lit?"

Nonsense, she doesn't want to light the lamp and quilt, so what? "Blow."

After the words fell, the oil lamp was blown out, and the room was shrouded in darkness. Li Man's heart tightened again, and suddenly thought of a very serious problem, about Li Yan.

Based on her past experience, she knew that this person was good in everything, except for one thing, that was, he couldn't suffer, that is, he couldn't hold back. After a long time for him, she was the only one who suffered in the end.

Li Man's mind was buzzing, counting subconsciously, how many days have passed since tonight? Should he want to...

But before he could count them all, this man was already impatiently lying on the kang!


Life seems to be back on track again, and Li Xiangcao's mood has improved a lot in recent days. Perhaps, the comfort in her natal family and the heartfelt affection of her natal family have given her almost withered heart a little life again.

After all, she moved downstairs, the room next to the stairs, where Li Xiangyu lived before.

However, now, after carefully arranged by Li Man, it has become Li Xiangcao's cozy and warm boudoir.

Li Xiangcao felt that during this period of time, she seemed to have returned to the time when she was a girl at home, so carefree and carefree.

However, she still had to face what she had to face. On this day, she mustered up the courage to go back to the Shen family to find Shen Runsheng and Li with her natal family.

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