Fortunate Wife

Chapter 204 Coercion

"This?" Zhao Yun'er looked at Li Xiangcao hesitantly.

When Li Xiangcao heard the movement of the two people inside, she was embarrassed at first, and then saw Zhao Yun'er like this, she laughed lightly and shook her head, "It's okay, the relationship between them is good, you just get used to it."

"Oh." Zhao Yun'er laughed unnaturally.

Li Xiangcao coughed lightly, and first shouted outside the door, "Man'er, is the food ready? I'll help you."

With such a shout, the two people inside naturally separated first.

"Not yet, I'm about to get hot." Li Man blushed slightly, and unconsciously glanced at Li Yan. It was all his fault, and someone must have heard it just now.

Li Yan still had a pleasant smile on his face, and he didn't care at all that his intimacy with his wife was looked at by others, "Sister-in-law, I'm here, and you and auntie haven't seen each other for a long time, go chat with her .”

Li Xiangcao just laughed helplessly, how could the elder sister have the right to speak for herself, besides, the eldest sister would not listen to what she said, just so happened, Zhao Yun'er offered to come over to help, she had seen Li Yan come here first, afraid of inconvenience, He hurried over with her.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and looked at Zhao Yun'er by the door, "Yun'er, let me tell you, as long as Man'er and I are here, you are a guest, go to the main room and rest."

Zhao Yun'er bent her lips and smiled, revealing two beautiful pear dimples, "Aunt Vanilla, I'm not tired." Then she turned to Li Man, "Sister, is this dish not hot yet? Let me do it."

You come? Li Man also smiled, "Wait."

"Huh?" Zhao Yun'er was puzzled.

"Call sister-in-law." Li Man stared at her suspicious eyes and said directly.

Zhao Yun'er was taken aback, "This—"

"Yes, you should call sister-in-law." Li Xiangcao also said, "Otherwise, Li Mo and the others, your elder brother and second brother shouted, Man'er, you are a younger sister again, and that would be a mess of generations."

Zhao Yun'er hesitated, Li Man raised her eyebrows slightly, and waited quietly.

"Sister-in-law." Zhao Yun'er shouted out of embarrassment, as if she was not used to it.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, "Okay, then you can help heat up this dish."

Zhao Yun'er's expression froze. She didn't expect Li Man to be so straightforward. Did she not treat her as an outsider, or did she not take her seriously at all?

"Yun'er, light the fire, I'll heat it up." Seeing that Zhao Yun'er didn't move, Li Xiangcao urged her.

Zhao Yun'er let out an 'oh', and hurried to the stove, picked up hay and prepared to light a fire.

Li Man glanced at her, then looked away, and pushed Li Yan, "Don't stay here, there are guests in the main room, you should sit with me."

"Understood." Li Yan rubbed her hair submissively, and went out obediently.

In the kitchen, there were only three women left. After getting along these days, Li Xiangcao has gradually gotten used to the way they get along as a husband and wife. Occasionally seeing those intimate scenes, she just smiled knowingly.

But Zhao Yun'er's eyes were a little straight when he looked at it, and his heart seemed to be rolled over by fire oil, which was particularly unpleasant.

"What's the matter?" Li Man turned her head and looked directly at Zhao Yun'er, seeing her holding the hay in a daze, then looked at her thin white hands, and said with a smile, "Miss Yun'er can't do it, can she?"

"Oh, how come, I often cook at home." Zhao Yun'er laughed dryly, and hurriedly lit the fire, who would have guessed that the fire pocket spewed out a little spark, which splashed on the dry grass, and the dry grass burst into a small flame, scaring She quickly threw the hay in her hand to the ground.

Li Man was stunned, she really didn't know how to do it?

Zhao Yun'er was also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly fetched some hay again.

"Forget it, I'll do it." Li Man hurried forward to stop her, not afraid of anything else, but afraid that she would accidentally burn her new kitchen down.

Zhao Yun'er stood up in embarrassment, since she was a child, she had never done such rough work.

"That, I..."

"If you're okay, just sit by the side for a while." Li Xiangcao stood by the pot and said to her.

Zhao Yun'er's pretty face flushed, and she nodded slightly.

After Li Man and Li Xiangcao heated up the dishes, they helped bring the dishes to the table.

Seeing that the food on the table has not been added, Li Xiangyu looks very displeased, "Why don't you make some more, it's not enough."

Li Man only held her own bowl, and ate by herself. Anyway, she couldn't think of herself, but she only thought of herself when she ordered her to work? She shouldn't.

On the side, Li Xiangcao hurriedly explained, "Sister, I don't know that you came here suddenly, and the vegetables at home are gone. Now it's dark and it's not easy to go to the vegetable garden to pick them."

"Forget it, we're not hungry, it's really okay, I'm causing you trouble." Aunt Zhao was quite sensible.

"There's no food, why can't we cook more rice?" Li Xiangyu stared at Li Man, seeing her eating like no one else, made her even more annoyed, "I know I'm eating, and everyone in this room hasn't eaten yet?"

"Auntie." Li Mo couldn't stand it anymore, and stopped Li Xiangyu.

Li Xiangcao hurriedly said, "Sister, add rice to the pot and cook."

"Hmph, there are no rules." Li Xiangyu still snorted coldly, and looked at Li Man dissatisfied.

Li Man swallowed a mouthful of food, raised her eyes, looked at the other people, and then at Li Xiangyu. She seemed to realize something, and said with a smile, "You were talking about me just now?"

Involuntarily, she glanced at the others resentfully, "What are you doing? The food has finally been heated up, let you eat it. Look, if you don't eat, I don't have anything to eat."

As she said that, she put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and looked at Li Xiangyu eagerly, who looked like a little daughter-in-law suppressed by her mother-in-law.

Li Xiangyu was choked and immediately annoyed, "What do you mean? Throw the bowl and show me face?"

Li Man's complexion changed, and just about to refute, Li Mo said in a deep voice, "Auntie, are you here to quarrel? Man'er brought all the food to you, what else do you choose? Besides, this is our own house , What happened to her throwing a bowl at her own home? Anyone who doesn't want to watch it, whoever goes out."

"..." Li Xiangyu was dumbfounded.

Everyone was shocked by his ruthless words, but Li Man was warmed by his words.

Originally, she still had to look at people's faces in her own home. Will she be allowed to live this day?

"Boss—" Li Xiangyu couldn't wake up for a long time, she just felt that the words should not have come from Li Mo's mouth, her eyes were red, her voice was choked with strange sharpness.

"Are you going to drive me away? Well, I know, you, and you, have grown up, your wings are stiff, and you think I'm an aunt. Okay, I'll go, I'll go... ..”

"Sister, what are you doing?" Li Xiangcao held her back, dissatisfied with her but still persuaded helplessly, "Li Mo has no other intentions, don't think too much, it's so late, where can you go?" ?”

"Where can I go, even if my aunt dies in that mountain, no one cares." Li Xiangyu cried with tears.

Aunt Zhao and Zhao Yun'er also hurried over to persuade, "Oh, what happened, it's all our fault, it's all because of us, we shouldn't come back."

"It has nothing to do with you guys, how much they dislike me." Li Xiangyu was still crying, and then began to scold, and from beginning to end, how much she had worried about their brothers since the death of their parents, one by one accusing.

"That's enough." Li Mo didn't want to listen any more, and said directly, "Auntie, if you feel that you have suffered a great injustice in our house, then I will send you back right now."

Li Xiangyu, "..."

Li Xiangcao hurriedly persuaded, "Li Mo, big sister has such a temper, don't be angry." She also knows Li Mo's temper. Although he usually doesn't talk much, he looks simple and easy to talk, but once he gets angry, he can be fierce .

"Aunt Yu, don't be angry. They are all children. Usually, you always praise them in front of me, saying that you treat you better than the children with your own hands. What happened tonight is also a misunderstanding. This" Zhao As she spoke, the aunt glanced at Li Man, and seemed to help explain, "I'm afraid this kid didn't hear what you said just now. Besides, he has already cooked in the pot, so don't be as knowledgeable as children."

Her words clearly brought the conflict between their aunt and nephew to herself. Li Man immediately glanced at Aunt Zhao, only to see that the woman had kind eyes and kind eyes, and she spoke softly. Unexpectedly...

Li Man smiled coldly, and saw Li Xiangyu suddenly slapped her own face with her hands, cursing while beating, "I'm also a bitch, I don't always have a long memory, she is the lifeblood of your brothers, how could I forget?" What? I shouldn't have said her, should I compensate her..."

As she said that, Li Xiangyu tried hard to break away from the crowd, and was about to kneel down towards Li Man, staring angrily at her with red eyes, while shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Good niece and daughter-in-law, please forgive me this time? How can I not let you eat? If I don't let you eat, the boss will have to peel off my skin and eat me first... "

"Auntie, stop making trouble." Seeing Li Xiangyu being so reckless, Li Mo personally stepped forward and grabbed her arm, fearing that she would scare Li Man.

"Who made trouble? Boss, your aunt personally kowtowed to your daughter-in-law to make amends, are you satisfied?" Li Xiangyu slapped her face again and tore her hair, looking very embarrassed. What about Li Xiangcao and others? He couldn't pull it, but the back of his hand that was accidentally scratched by her was covered with marks.

"Oh, she, Aunt Yu, please stop humiliating yourself like this. How can the elders kowtow to the younger generation? You are not afraid of offending them. It's just a moment of anger, so don't take it seriously." Aunt Zhao tried hard to persuade, seeing Li Xiangyu refused to listen, and then lay down on the ground and howled dryly, and had no choice but to persuade Li Mo, "Boss, why don't you pay your aunt quickly? If this continues, it will be bad for people."

Seeing Li Xiangyu like this, Li Mo's heart softened, but...

Just when he was about to subdue and appease Li Xiangyu, who was almost insane, Li Man suddenly closed her eyes and her body went limp.

"Daughter-in-law." On the side, Li Shu had sharp eyes, supported her, immediately panicked, and shouted, "Daughter-in-law, wake up, are you alright?"

With his exclamation, he immediately drew everyone's attention.

"Girl," Li Yan hurriedly stretched out his hand to hug Li Man from Li Shu's arms, while rushing towards the second floor.

Li Shu hurriedly chased after him.

Li Hua's face turned pale in a hurry, and she only yelled at Li Mo, "Brother, Man'er has passed out, hurry up and ask the doctor to come over and have a look."

Li Mo's heart tightened, Xiao Wu had already grabbed his hand, dragged him and ran out, "Brother, hurry up, sister suddenly passed out, it won't be like last time, right? Let's go find a doctor."

What else can I think about at this time? Li Mo couldn't help but push Xiao Wu's hand away, and said anxiously, "You're at home, I'll go."

He ran out in a hurry, and Xiao Wu ran out while shouting, "Brother, wait for me."

In the room, the brothers of the Li family and Li Man suddenly disappeared, and for a while, after the noise, there was an eerie silence.

In particular, Li Xiangyu, who was rolling around on the ground, opened her eyes wide at the moment, as if she hadn't reacted to the sudden change.

Aunt Zhao's hand was still stretched out. Just now, she was pulling Li Mo to persuade him to apologize to Li Xiangyu. In the end, Li Mo threw him away and ran out.

"That—" Zhang Ben, who had always been regarded as air, said awkwardly at this moment, "Are you okay?"

He walked towards Li Xiangcao, his eyes fell on her small white hand, there were indeed a few finger marks on the back of the hand, he couldn't help looking at Li Xiangyu.

"Auntie, it's cold on the ground, if you lie down again, you should be sick."

Li Xiangyu's heart sank, and she glared at Zhang Ben, "What do you want to say?" However, the audience was all gone, and it was meaningless for her to continue making trouble, so she sat up depressed.

Aunt Zhao and Zhao Yun'er quickly helped her up and sat on the chair.

"The doctor will come later, and you want him to prescribe some medicine for you." Seeing the injury on the back of Li Xiangcao's hand, Zhang Ben secretly felt distressed.

Li Xiangcao didn't doubt that he was there, but just regarded it as a general concern, "It's okay, I'm really sorry tonight, I let you watch a joke, and there is no food for this meal."

"Heh." This seemed to be the longest sentence she said to herself, and Zhang Ben suddenly smiled happily.

Li Xiangyu was sitting on the chair, still panting out of breath, this was too much, once the little goblin passed out, all the men in the family dispersed.

She's still lying on the ground crying, okay?

Conscience, even Xiao Wu...the child she loved the most since she was a child, went out to chase his elder brother without even looking at her, and wanted to call a doctor for that little goblin?

Why don't they care about her?

Thinking about it, Li Xiangyu wept sadly again.

Li Xiangcao looked at her helplessly, and finally looked at Zhang Ben, and said apologetically, "I'm afraid I won't be able to eat tonight, so you should go back first."

"Here?" Zhang Ben was worried. After he left, what would happen if Li Xiangyu went crazy again?

Li Xiangcao shook her head, "It's okay, you can go back, change the sky, you can come to eat at home again."

"Hmm." Is this her invitation? Zhang Ben was very happy in his heart. Of course, before he left, he still reminded Li Xiangcao, "My sister-in-law passed out, and I don't know what happened? It's not convenient for me to go up and look, so you can take care of it."

"Oh," this reminder, Li Xiangcao's face became anxious, "Okay, you go back first, I'll go up and see Man'er."

After speaking, he hurried upstairs.

Here, Zhang Ben is relieved. He can see whether Li Man is really sick. Moreover, with Li Yan and others around, he believes that she will be fine, and Li Xiangcao is with them, so he will not be affected by Li Xiangyu. Will be madly poisoned at any time.

Zhang Ben left.

Li Xiangyu and the Zhao family were the only ones left in the main room, and the atmosphere reached freezing point for a while.

About an hour later, Li Mo came back with Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu. When they entered the door, they were obviously taken aback when they saw those sitting in the main room.

But Li Mo didn't have time to explain, so he just invited the two of them upstairs, "Uncle Xu, Man'er is up there, follow me quickly."

Aunt Xu Boxu hurried to the second floor.

Look at that, it's really urgent, Li Xiangyu's heart thumped, and Zhao Yun'er became uneasy, "Aunt Yu, what's wrong with sister-in-law? Why did she pass out so well, will she be okay?"

Aunt Zhao patted her daughter's hand lightly, and comforted her, "Don't worry, you're still fine when you eat, there shouldn't be any major problems, Aunt Yu, don't worry, the doctor is here."

At this time, Xiao Wu ran in behind and wanted to run up, but was called to stop by Li Xiangyu.

"Little Five."

"Why?" Xiao Wu looked at Li Xiangyu indifferently.

Li Xiangyu's heart tugged, but she held back and said, "Come here, aunt has something to ask you."

"Sister passed out, I don't worry, you can ask tomorrow if you have anything to say." After Xiao Wu finished speaking, he ran upstairs quickly.

Li Xiangyu's breath was blocked in his chest, and it took a while to recover. He pulled Aunt Zhao and cried, "Have you seen it? Now everyone is like an enemy when they see me. It's just this little one. I saw you before." How dear I am, now I am completely denied by that little goblin."

"Aunt Yu, please don't say a few words." Aunt Zhao hurriedly persuaded her, her voice lowered a lot, "Didn't you see that these few were suppressed by that little daughter-in-law, this... .Hey, if you want me to say, just turn a blind eye to you, a nun, hey."

Li Xiangyu refused to accept it, but she had no choice but to gnash her teeth and curse, "Hmph, fainted? Sick? I think she's just pretending to show me, and they are the only fools who believe it."

Zhao Yun'er was on the side, listening to Li Xiangyu's words, she felt refreshed, but when she saw Li Mo and others' attitude towards Li Man, her heart sank a little bit.

Suddenly, Li Xiangyu grabbed her hand, "Our Yun'er is a blessed one, we won't be like that sick child."

"Heh." Aunt Zhao also looked at her daughter most lovingly, and sighed softly, "It's just that life is a little bit hard. With such a brother and sister-in-law, his father and I have saved so many years of dowry for her. They were all detained by those inhuman things. Now, this girl is getting older, but my father and I don't even have a place to stay. In the future... Yun'er I don't even dare to think about this marriage, hey, we are the ones who delayed her."

"Mother, don't talk about it." Zhao Yun'er persuaded her mother, but her own eyes were full of tears, and she looked even more pitiful.

Li Xiangyu also sighed, "That's right, that's the same, I'm not sure, if you could come back a year earlier and let Yun'er be my niece and daughter-in-law, how could these things happen?"

"Aunt Yu." Zhao Yun'er turned her face away in embarrassment.

Aunt Zhao laughed, and then sighed again, "Actually, it is also her blessing that Ruo Yun'er can give the boss and the others as daughter-in-laws."

"Mother." Zhao Yun'er annoyed her mother and refused to let her speak.

Aunt Zhao could only smile and said, "Forget it, this girl is thin-skinned, okay, don't talk about it, but you still pay attention to her Aunt Yu, girl Yun'er, and if you meet a good person, you can also help us talk about it." Said, really, this child is really a good child, we can't delay her life just because of our old couple."

Zhao Yun'er lowered her head and said nothing, as if she was thinking about something.

Li Xiangyu looked at her, but he had another calculation in his heart.


Upstairs, I don't know how busy it was, but no one came down, and the people downstairs couldn't be resettled, so they had to wait.

It was so easy, and after staying up almost midnight, Li Mo sent Aunt Xu Boxu down.

As soon as Aunt Xu arrived in the main room, she looked at Li Xiangyu unkindly, "I'm getting old, I can't stay at home, so I went to someone else's house to trample people?"

"Who are you talking about?" Li Xiangyu frowned immediately.

"Auntie, please calm down." Li Mo gave her an unhappy look, and then comforted Aunt Xu, "Aunt Xu, it's late at night, so stay here tonight and go back tomorrow."

"Stay here? Do you think there are too few people?" Aunt Xu suddenly rushed towards Li Mo angrily.

Li Mo blushed, "I'll arrange it."

"You arrange it? You just let your wife be bullied like that?" Aunt Xu scolded Li Mo, squinted at Li Xiangyu and the others, and said loudly, "I can tell you, Li Mo, don't think that the girl has no family. , you guys team up to bully her. She doesn’t have a natal family, what about me and you Uncle Xu? If your family dislikes her, I will take her away when she recovers. If you think she ate too much food , Come to our house, such a beautiful and capable girl, we can't even think of it, but when she comes to your house, she is still bullied to death, this heart will be eaten by dogs."

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