Fortunate Wife

Chapter 205 Afraid of Getting Fat (Part 1)

Li Xiangyu heard that every word of her words was aimed at herself, and her body trembled with anger, "Who are you? When will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks about our Li family?"

"Your Li family?" Aunt Xu sneered, "You are so old, don't you know the water thrown by your married daughter? Since, you also know that this is a matter of the Li family. Don’t you find it ridiculous that an old girl who has been here for decades has come back to point fingers at this family?”

"You?" Li Xiangyu was so angry that she had the urge to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Aunt Xu, this room is fine. I'll clean it up. You and Uncle Xu don't leave at night." Hearing Aunt Xu's words, Li Mo thought it was right, but seeing Li Xiangyu's embarrassment at the moment, he couldn't bear it. , quickly change the subject.

After all, that person was his elder aunt, his father's own sister, and he would not forget that before his father died, besides asking him to take good care of his younger brothers, he also told him not to hold grudges against his elder aunt.

He also knew that his grandparents died early, when the young and strong elder aunt sacrificed her own happiness for the sake of her younger siblings and married the current crippled uncle, who had been looked down upon by that family for decades.

Aunt Xu looked at Li Xiangyu coldly, "Forget it, I have a family with your Uncle Xu, so what's the matter with relying on you?"

She pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, making Li Xiangyu's pale face swell with anger, "Who is to blame? Can you speak clearly?"

"Heh." Aunt Xu laughed, "Aren't you very clear? Do you want me to point it out?"

"You?" Li Xiangyu trembled angrily. Aunt Zhao supported her, but she also blamed Aunt Xu, "Sister, you speak too badly..."

"Yeah, who's your sister? I've lived so old, I didn't know there was a sister like you." Aunt Xu glanced contemptuously at Aunt Zhao, and Zhao Yun'er who was staring at her beside her. I couldn't help but toss it off, there is a bit of beauty, but compared with Li Man, that beauty is more than one level worse, just like this, you can find quite a few in Shennvgou.

Aunt Zhao also blushed from choking and was speechless.

Zhao Yun'er was also angry, "Ma'am, my mother just wanted to persuade a fight, why do you..."

Are the tears of grievance coming out? Aunt Xu simply ignored her, Aunt Xu answered what her mother said, and Aunt Xu simply ignored what Zhao Yuner said, and gave Li Mo a direct look, warning.

"Li Mo, what I told you just now was not to scare you. If you dare to let Man girl be bullied even a little bit, I will come and take her away immediately. How many people think about your family's dislike, such a beautiful and capable Daughter-in-law, are you afraid that she won't find a better family?"

Li Mo's face was gloomy and terrifying when he heard that, "Aunt Xu, Man'er is mine, and I won't let her be bullied. It's impossible to find another family for her."

Uncle Xu saw that Li Mo was annoyed, so he teased Aunt Xu, "Okay, your mouth is so unforgiving, can't we see his heart for the girl? Don't get in the way here, He will take care of Man girl later, let's go, let's go home."

Aunt Xu glanced at Li Mo, "Hmph, if you're a man, keep your word."

Li Mo didn't say a word, but he didn't dare to keep Aunt Xu anymore, fearing that there would be trouble again, so he had to walk ahead, "I'll send the two of you back."

"Forget it, the two of us are not afraid of anything. Besides, the road is not too far away. I just happened to watch the moon and stars with you, Uncle Xu." walking.

Li Mo was worried. After all, Xu Bo was old and it was difficult to walk at night. "Let me see you off."

He followed out the door, and Aunt Xu glared back at him, "Go back as soon as I tell you, Man'er is still aggrieved, and those few are still there. Don't you want to deal with it quickly?"

"I'll send you off first—"

"Come on, I understand what you mean, don't worry, we're not old enough to fall when we walk, the moonlight is fine tonight, I'll just walk back slowly with you, Uncle Xu," Aunt Xu said.

Li Mo glanced at Aunt Xu gratefully. Although she spoke powerfully, she was thinking of him, and he understood.

"Aunt Xu, thank you."

Even though Aunt Xu spoke rudely to Li Xiangyu, it was to help Li Man, and he felt a little closer to her in his heart.

Aunt Xu looked at him helplessly, hating him for causing Li Man to be bullied, but seeing Li Mo's attitude at this moment, she couldn't say anything more cruel, so she could only say, "Okay, go back to the house quickly, and treat Man girl kindly." ,do you know?"

"En." Li Mo nodded vigorously, watching the Xu family couple leave.

At this time, there was a mournful cry in the main room, Li Mo frowned deeply, and he didn't want to control it, but he still couldn't control his heart, and finally turned around and entered the main room.

"Boss, hurry up and coax your aunt, her eyes are not good, and if she cries again, her eyes will be ruined." Aunt Zhao hurriedly called him to stop when she saw him coming in.

Li Mo walked over, seeing Li Xiangyu's disheveled hair and clothes, and face covered with tears and snot, his heart was complicated, but he still endured it, and only said to Aunt Zhao.

"Aunt Zhao, please go to the kitchen and boil some hot water. Let her wash it later."

Li Xiangyu looked at him with tears in his eyes, "You don't even want to call aunt?"

Li Mo turned around and turned his back to her, "Man'er just woke up, I don't know what happened, I'm going to see her."

After speaking, he went straight upstairs, and Li Xiangyu didn't answer no matter how much he shouted.

He couldn't agree, he knew his aunt's temperament, as long as he softened his heart, she would immediately get worse.

Li Xiangyu slumped down in the chair, this time she didn't even have the strength to cry to Aunt Zhao.

"Aunt Yu, don't be angry, I'll go and boil some hot water for you to wash up."

"Yes," Aunt Zhao also persuaded, "They are all juniors, whether they call you aunt or not, you are their aunt, this relationship will not change even if the sky falls, even if they are really with you Take it easy, it's only temporary."

Li Xiangyu was discouraged, and waved her hands weakly at her, Aunt Zhao didn't say anything anymore, she just let Zhao Yun'er look after her, and went to the kitchen to boil water by herself.


When Li Mo arrived on the second floor, Li Man was lying on the kang, his eyes still closed and he didn't want to open them. Li Yan and others were sitting beside him. When he came back, no one said a word.

The atmosphere inside the house is also depressing.

Li Xiangcao looked at the crowd, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked Li Mo, "How is Eldest Sister?" She heard Eldest Sister's cry just now, it was quite miserable, and she couldn't bear it.

"You go down and see her." The whole family was upstairs, leaving only Li Xiangyu crying downstairs. Li Mo actually felt uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable he was, he had to bear it. This time, he had to stand in front of Li Xiangyu. Correct your attitude.

Li Xiangcao let out a 'huh' and hurried out.

Li Mo just walked to the bedside, looked at the pale Li Man, felt pity in his heart, and wanted to call her, but his lips moved, but he didn't call out.

What happened tonight made him even lose the courage to call her.

But suddenly, Li Man's eyes opened at this moment, they were surprisingly bright, and the light in her eyes enveloped Li Mo's body in an instant, with watery light moving.

"Brother—" Her voice was slightly hoarse, showing weakness.

Li Mo's heart throbbed in pain, he quickly bent down and held her hand, "Man'er, I'm sorry."

"I'm fine." Li Man looked at him distressedly. She knew Li Mo's sandwich cake situation very well.

Li Mo's eyes were sore, "It's my fault that made you feel wronged, I..."

"I understand." Li Man didn't let him blame himself any longer, "Brother, I'm really fine, really."

This is true, Li Man thinks that although her body is a little weaker now, she is not weak. The fainting just now was also a reaction in a hurry. She can't just watch Li Mo being held by Li Xiangyu again.

But in Li Mo's ears, her words were purely to comfort herself.

She was so weak that she still didn't forget to reassure herself, Li Mo felt more and more ashamed of her, and her heart ached.

"Brother, let's take care of Man'er, you'd better go down and resettle Auntie and the others first." Li Hua suggested from the side.

No matter how unpleasant the quarrel is, things have to be dealt with as they should be dealt with, we can't just leave everyone there, the whole family can't go down the stairs.

Li Mo raised his eyes, looked at his younger brothers, and finally landed on Li Yan, "Second Brother, what do you say about this?"

Li Yan's gaze was always on Li Man, and he said slowly, "Other matters are easy to discuss, but you should know that Man'er's body can't be stimulated."

Li Mo understood, what the second brother meant was that if Li Xiangyu and the others wanted to stay, they had to be honest and settle down.

"Well, I see."

After finishing speaking, he gently shook her hand, and said softly, "Man'er, you rest first, I will come as soon as I go."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, seeing his tall back slumped out, suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

She has always known how kind this man is. How much he wants her to live in peace with Li Xiangyu. Last time, when she was sick, Li Xiangyu helped her with housework and took care of her. At that time, Li Mo's eyes were warm , is satisfied, but now, his expression is complicated and painful.

Both of them are his relatives, and he feels bad about whoever is wronged.

"Man'er, do you want some water?" Li Hua saw her biting her lower lip with her white teeth, and asked distressedly.

Li Man shook her head and looked at them, "It's getting late, why don't you go to bed too."

"Daughter-in-law, I'll sleep with you." Li Shu sat at the end of the kang and leaned over to this side.

Li Man smiled, because she saw the look in Li Hua's eyes, and she probably wanted to stay.

"You all go, leave me alone for a while."

"No." Li Yan directly denied it, "You are not feeling well, you need someone to take care of you at night."

However, these days, he has been by Li Man's side. Even though he still wanted to stay, looking at his two younger brothers, he finally endured it. He got up, patted Li Shu on the shoulder, and then looked at Xiao Wu.

"You two, go out with me, let the fourth brother stay and take care of me tonight."

"Ah? Why?" Li Shu immediately refused to accept it. He is older than the fourth brother, so it should belong to him.

Li Yan glanced at him, "Do you know how to take care of people?"

"Why not, why don't we just serve tea and water." Li Shu disagreed.

"Come out with me until she gets well. If you are with me, I can't run away." Li Yan directly grabbed one of them with one hand, and carried out Li Shu, who was screaming, and Xiao Wu, who was silent and indifferent, not like a child.

Seeing that scene, Li Man couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile. In fact, her men are very nice, really nice.

Seeing that she could still laugh, Li Huaxin breathed a sigh of relief, and silently poured her a bowl of hot water.

Li Man sat up by herself, took the hot water, and drank it all in one gulp. She was really thirsty.

"Do you want more?" Li Hua asked standing on the kang.

Li Man handed him the empty bowl, wiped her lower lip, and said, "No more, but..." She rubbed her stomach, forgetting it, the food might have cooled down early.

Li Hua smiled, "I'll go down and serve hot food."

"Ah, don't." It was only because of eating that we got into trouble.

Li Hua looked at her and rubbed her stomach, "I seem to be a little hungry."

"Oh, then you go, go." Li Man said hastily, "By the way, let Li Yan and the others eat some too, but you should keep the food warm, don't let them eat it cold."

"Well, then you lie down for a while, I'll be right back." Li Hua leaned over and helped her lie down as if she were a patient.

Li Man felt a little sorry, "Li Hua, actually I..."

"Stop talking, just rest obediently, I'll be right back." Li Hua settled her down, turned around and left, in fact, he could guess what Li Man was going to say.

In fact, no need to guess, he saw it early on.

His Man'er didn't really feel unwell and passed out, so he felt distressed, but he wasn't in a hurry.

The second brother is probably the same as him, even Xiao Wu.

It's just that I'm sorry for the eldest brother and the third brother, especially the eldest brother, I'm afraid he must be in a hurry, but in the current situation, he doesn't want to explain the truth to his eldest brother at all.

After Li Hua went out, Li Man turned over, buried her face in the pillow, and cried out, "Woman, I can't live without war anywhere."

However, she has to fight this battle, she can't let history repeat itself, she can be blind and deaf in modern times, but now, this Li Xiangyu has brought other women into the house, she must have her own attitude.


Li Hua went downstairs, but there was no one in the main room.

Li Mo personally sent the Zhao family to the old house. In the other room, Li Xiangyu had already washed up and was just sitting on the kang in a daze. Li Xiangcao stood behind her and helped her wipe her wet hair.

Li Xiangyu still had tears in her eyes, and choked up from time to time, "They're all white-eyed wolves."

"Sister." Li Xiangcao helped her comb her hair, then sat down next to her, and sighed, "You shouldn't say that, they are not like this."

"Why not? Didn't you see what they did to me?" Li Xiangyu immediately directed her anger at her sister.

Li Xiangcao was not surprised by this, and tried her best to persuade, "Sister, you shouldn't treat Man'er like that."

"What did I do to her? Did I beat her or scold her?" Li Xiangyu yelled at her.

Li Xiangcao frowned, and looked at her sister helplessly, "Your words are worse than beating her and scolding her. In front of outsiders, you say that she bought it. Besides, don't you know what you think about her?" ? She eats, what do you think she does? It’s not a child bride who was raised since she was a child, she eats at her own home, and you don’t care..."

"Are you facing her too?" Li Xiangyu glared at her younger sister, with a look of resentment, "She caused you to be divorced, and you still help her speak, are you stupid?"

"Sister." Li Xiangcao's face turned cold suddenly, "I have not been divorced, and Shen Runsheng and I have reconciled."

"Heli? It sounds good, you are still alone now." Li Xiangyu said coldly, "Hmph, I see, you have to stay here now, so you naturally have to please that little fairy."

"You?" Li Xiangcao stared at her sister in disbelief, unable to speak for a long time.

"What? I guessed it." Li Xiangyu thought about how her elder aunt was treated like this in this family, and her younger sister who was a softie, how she would be manipulated by Li Man, and immediately said angrily , "I just said that little goblin is a disaster. A girl whose parents are too beautiful must not be a good thing. They didn't say that they harmed the boss, and now they are here to harm you—"

"Enough." Unexpectedly, the more she said the more outrageous, Li Xiangcao couldn't listen anymore, and directly warned, "The matter of reconciliation is my own idea and has nothing to do with anyone. Besides, Man'er is not a fairy. She is beautiful and kind-hearted, if you think this is wrong, then there is something wrong with you, eldest sister."

Li Xiangyu choked, "My fault? Have you forgotten what happened back then? If it weren't for that woman, would your brothers have disappeared one by one?"

Speaking of this, Li Xiangyu became emotional, and her eyes became fierce.

Li Xiangcao also said angrily, "Sister, it's been so many years, what are you talking about? Besides, it's not sister-in-law's fault at all, and sister-in-law herself—"

"Hmph." Li Xiangyu snorted coldly, "Whether it's her or someone else, the second brothers have been good since they were young——"

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm tired." Not wanting to mention any more sad things, Li Xiangcao put the dry towel away, took off her coat, and climbed into the kang.

Li Xiangyu stared at her, but didn't speak any more.

Li Hua was heating up the food in the kitchen. After a while, Li Mo came back and went into the kitchen.

"Brother, the food has just been heated up, so hurry up and eat some." Li Hua said.

Li Mo shook his head, "No, I'll go and see Man'er."

"Brother." Li Hua immediately called to stop him, "Man'er is asleep, you can watch it tomorrow."

"—" Li Mo could see that the fourth brother didn't want to get close to Li Man.

Li Hua explained, "Brother is also tired today, so I'll rest early after dinner, and I'll take care of her at night."

"Oh." Li Mo didn't eat, he didn't have any appetite at this moment.

Seeing him go out lonely, Li Hua felt uncomfortable, but she didn't call him again, but straightly packed the food and carried it to the second floor, while calling several people in the next room to go down to eat.

Pushing open the door, Li Man was still lying there.

"Man'er, are you asleep?" Li Hua's voice was very soft, if Li Man really fell asleep, let her sleep.

But Li Man raised her little head a little, and seeing him bring a bowl of hot food to the side of the kang, she immediately felt even hungrier.

"For me?" Li Man sat up.

"Well, eat while it's hot." Li Hua sat on the edge of the kang and fed her.

Li Man reached out to pick up the bowls and chopsticks, "I'll do it myself."

"Is it okay?" Li Hua looked at her.

Li Man glanced at him with a smile, "Where is it so weak, have you eaten?"

"No, you feed me." Li Hua put the bowl and chopsticks in her hands, opened her mouth slightly, and asked her to feed.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, "Is your patient my patient?"

"Then I'll feed you, why don't you want it?" Li Hua felt wronged, seeing that she had picked up a piece of vegetable, she hurriedly opened her mouth to swallow it.

Li Man smiled, took another chopsticks of rice and handed it to his lips, "Really, I can't eat downstairs and come up here."

"You're here, it's delicious." Li Hua pointed to a piece of bamboo shoots in the bowl, "I want to eat this."

"Oh." Li Man thoughtfully pinched it, and put it into his mouth.

Li Hua looked at her while eating, "Don't just feed me, you eat too."

"Yeah." Li Man picked up a piece of meat, and suddenly remembered that morning, when Li Yan pinched her waist and said that she had gained some meat, she couldn't help but put the meat down, and picked another vegetable and ate it into her mouth.

"Why don't you eat meat?" Li Hua was suspicious, knowing that she didn't like fatty food, but he picked lean meat, and he couldn't find even a little bit of fatty meat.

Li Man curled her lips, "I'm afraid of getting fat."

"Fat?" Li Hua glanced up and down at her several times in astonishment, "Where is it fat?" She doesn't match that word at all, okay? Even the place where the most flesh should grow is just plump, not so plump yet.

Sensing that his gaze fell on her chest, Li Man quickly covered it with her arms, "Li Hua, don't look around."

Li Hua was embarrassed, but smiled, "I'll look for it again, why are you fat?"

"If you are fat, you will be fat." Li Yan said so, and she also felt that she had grown flesh on her waist.

"Really? I can't see it, why don't you touch it." Li Hua smiled slyly, and suddenly reached out to touch her waist.


There are two more in the afternoon, probably after six o'clock.

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