Fortunate Wife

Chapter 206 Peace of mind (second more)

Li Man was stunned for a moment, but he really touched her. His knuckle fingers gently squeezed the soft waist twice, Junmei frowned slightly, and then smiled again, "You really have grown flesh."

"Really?" Li Man's face collapsed, and she freed up a hand to squeeze her waist, "Why do you feel chubby?"

Li Hua was amused to see how she disliked her little face, she would dislike herself like this, how could she let other women live?

"Okay, the chubby one is comfortable to hold." Li Hua winked at her and coaxed softly, "I like this."

Li Man froze for a moment, and saw his slender and beautiful hand touching her waist again, still reaching into her clothes, and pinching her flesh directly.

Poof——, the mouthful of rice almost sprayed on his face, "Did you do it on purpose?" Li Man slapped his hand away.

Li Hua smiled, her hands naturally fell on her calves, "No."

He's saying it wasn't intentional? Li Man didn't believe it, so she picked up the piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You eat too." Li Hua reached out and grabbed the chopsticks, grabbed a piece of meat, and quickly stuffed it into her mouth, "Don't spit, if you don't want to eat, I'll feed you."

The chopsticks are in his hand, isn't he the one feeding now?

Wait a minute, looking at the glint in his eyes, Li Man suddenly understood what he wanted to feed, her face became hot, and she said angrily, "You have learned badly too."

"What's wrong? If you don't eat, I'll feed you, isn't it good? You are weak, and if you continue to be picky eaters like this, you will become weak." Li Hua said, stuffing another piece of meat into her mouth, watching her frowning, and said seriously , "Eat, swallow."

Li Man was shocked by his stern expression, and even ate a few pieces of meat, "Well, give me some food too."

"En." Li Hua picked up a mouthful of rice and handed it to her mouth.

"There are also green vegetables, if you don't eat them, they will be cold." Li Man opened her mouth as she spoke.

Li Hua put the vegetables she had coveted for a long time into her mouth, and said with a smile, "You really belong to the rabbit."

"Rabbits are cute. They're not like you. The big bad wolf gave birth to them, and there's not enough meat for a meal." Li Man made fun of him while eating.

Li Hua's eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, and then he softly echoed, "Yes, even a moment is not enough."

Li Man didn't hear the implication of his words, seeing that he was only feeding herself, she said again, "Don't just talk about me, you eat too, bring me some water after eating."

"Okay." Li Hua guessed what she wanted water for without asking.

A bowl of rice, two people, you take a bite and I eat it up in a while.

"I'll go to Shengdian again." Li Hua said.

"I'm full. You can eat below, no need to bring it up again." Li Man said.

"Oh, sit down for a while, I'll fetch hot water later."

"it is good."

After Li Hua went out, Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little stuffy, and gently opened the back window, and the cool night wind came in, making people feel much more refreshed.

Not long after, Li Hua brought up half a bucket of hot water.

Li Man got off the kang, found clean clothes and towels, "Go out first, I'll be fine in a while."

"Well, don't worry, just take your time and I'll go down and take a shower too." He has been on the road for the past few days, and he hasn't had a chance to take a shower outside. When he comes back today, he wants to accompany Li Man tonight. Have to clean yourself up.

Li Hua turned around and went out, closing the door for her.

Li Man stayed in the house, poured the water from the bucket into a small basin, scrubbed her body briefly, and soon changed into clean clothes and went to rest on the kang.

Maybe it was because what happened tonight was too disturbing. After taking a bath, she felt comfortable and clean. Li Man lay down on the kang, feeling tired, and soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I only feel the sound around me, and the warm breath wraps me, very comfortable...

*No dream, at dawn, Li Man wakes up naturally, and when she opens her eyes, she meets Li Hua's elegant and jade-like face.

His skin is really good, even a small freckle can't be found at such a close distance.

His eyelashes are so long, densely covering the eyelids, like a small fan.

The color of her lips was light red, and from her perspective, she could see the crescent-like corners of her lips, and there seemed to be a sly taste in the harmless.

Can't help but think of the scene where he said he was going to be fed last night.

Does he want to mouth feed? Li Man blushed in thought and her heart beat. Looking at the beautiful lips, she seemed to feel the fullness and tenderness, and her throat couldn't help but feel a little tight.

Perhaps disturbed by her gaze, Li Hua snorted suddenly, and with a force in his hand, her body was lifted up, and she was looking up.

Being pulled up like this, and he lowered his head, it was a coincidence that her lips touched his.

Sure enough, the taste is still as good as ever.

But before she could stick out the tip of her tongue and savor it carefully, the boy's eyes suddenly opened on the top of her head, staring down at her with surprise, astonishment, and bewilderment.

A surge of hot blood rushed to the top of his head, Li Man didn't dare to look at him, what kind of eyes were there? Like she molested him while he was asleep.

However, even if she didn't mean to be indecent, the moment she opened her eyes, she really coveted his beauty, ashamed——

"Well, are you awake?" She quickly moved her head back, pretending that nothing happened. Also, he just woke up and was still in a daze. Do you know what happened just now?

With one hand still around her waist, Li Hua felt that she wanted to escape, so he tightened his arms and pulled her into his arms. With the other hand, he brushed away the hair that had fallen to her cheeks, making her delicate face completely exposed to their own sight.

At the end, meeting her clear smiling eyes, she asked softly, "Did you kiss me just now?"

"Eh?" Li Man's perfect expression cracked, and she said with a dry smile, "Are you dreaming? I just woke up."

"Oh." Li Hua pursed her lips slightly, as if wondering if it was a dream.

Li Man was about to snigger at his innocent reaction, but unexpectedly, he suddenly turned over from her side onto her body, and quickly pressed his soft lips towards hers.

"Why?" Li Man was stunned, why are all the brothers in this family like this? It seems that no matter when and where, such a thing can be done.

She just woke up, didn't brush her teeth, didn't wash her face, even, she wanted to go to the toilet to urinate, hoo hoo.

"Let me try, is it a dream?" Li Hua kissed her twice on the lips and licked her tongue twice with doubts, "Well, it feels as good as in the dream."

As she spoke, her dexterous tongue touched her lips as if she still couldn't finish it.

Li Man's eyes widened blankly, is he asking for a certificate?

Just as the kiss became deeper and hotter, and became more and more uncontrollable, Li Hua suddenly left her lips, rolled over from her body, and lay straight on the outside, panting heavily.

Gone? Li Man bit her lower lip lightly, and looked at him in bewilderment, feeling a little uncomfortable being overwhelmed by his kiss just now.

Li Hua also bit her lip, it could be seen that she was trying to suppress something.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Man asked softly.

Li Hua turned his head sideways, looked at her blushing little face and misty eyes, and reached out to ruffle her hair indulgently, "Wait until you get stronger."

strong? Li Man's head was full of black lines, "I'm not sick, yesterday—"

I just wanted to explain that I was faking it when I passed out yesterday, but she swallowed it back halfway through the sentence.

Such an explanation made it seem like she couldn't wait to think about him.

However, Li Huaxiang caught something and asked, "What happened yesterday?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Li Man gritted her teeth and replied, since she was worried that she was weak, why did she kiss her just now? When the kiss broke out, he took her off again.

Li Hua lowered her eyes to see her small appearance, and suddenly chuckled, "If I'm not mistaken, are you wanting or dissatisfied?"

"Ah?" Li Man wondered if he heard it wrong, was he talking about himself? he--

"Why are you so dissatisfied?" Obviously he was the first to...

"Heh." Li Hua stretched out his arms to wrap her in his arms, pressed his lips against her blood-red ears, whispered, and asked softly, "Can you bear it?"

"What?" Li Man felt that his breathing was heavy again, and asked in surprise.

Breathing the fragrance of her hair, Li Hua couldn't hold back, and gently kissed her earlobe, her voice was hoarse and low, "I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

After going out for a few days, he would miss her every day, and he was afraid that she would not be able to bear the longing for the past few days.

Her heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and his words rang in her ears, like a fire burning, instantly burning all her reason.

She reached out and hugged his waist, and pressed her face against his generous chest. The familiar fragrance of ink lingered in her nose, making her heart flutter.

"Huh?" Enduring the pain, but before she nodded, he would rather endure the pain and suffer.

fool! Through the shirt, Li Man bit his chest lightly, and at the same time as he groaned, she said in a low voice, "Once."

"Once?" Li Hua didn't hear it clearly, but when she saw her shyly bury her face in his chest, Mao Sai burst out and smiled, "Okay, once."

Once, endless joy and beauty bloomed in the morning sun!


Due to Li Man's poor health, Li Xiangcao took the initiative to take on the housework, and got up early to make breakfast at dawn.

The Zhao family also got up very early, and arrived at Li's new house early.

What are you doing here? Apart from living in the old house, there is nothing to eat, so I naturally want to come here to eat.

Li Xiangcao also lived in the Li family, but seeing the three members of the Zhao family, she still felt a little uncomfortable, secretly annoyed that the eldest sister did not consider the consequences.

It's okay to sympathize with others and want to help, but push the whole family to Li Mo and the others, what should I do? Will it be for people to eat and drink in the future?

These days are better now, if in the past, they can't even get enough to eat, so what should they do?

"Aunt Xiangcao." Zhao Yun'er saw Li Xiangcao carrying the straw into the kitchen, rushed a few steps, and shouted enthusiastically.

"Here we come." Li Xiangcao responded lightly, turned around and went to the kitchen.

Zhao Yun'er followed in, "Aunt Vanilla, let me make breakfast for you."

"You will?" Li Xiangcao put the handle under the stove, clapped her hands, and asked.

Zhao Yun'er looked embarrassed, saw the vegetables in the small vegetable basket on the pot table, and hurriedly said, "I'll wash the vegetables."

"I just washed it, and I will fry it later." Li Xiangcao said.

Aunt Zhao was at the door, thinking that her daughter could get close to Li Xiangcao more, but she was a little dissatisfied when she heard Li Xiangcao's words were estranged on the outside.

Back then, when she married into Zhao's family, Li Xiangcao was almost ten years old, and the two families had a good relationship, so she should remember things, why did she forget them now.

"Aunt Xiangcao, let Yun'er do something for her. You see, our family eats and lives here with you. If you don't let us do something, we will feel sorry." Aunt Zhao came in and said to Li Vanilla said, looking around the kitchen, the windows are bright, especially there is a large bouquet of flowers grown in vegetable jars on the window sill, which is very nice.

"Sister-in-law Zhao." Sitting under the stove, Li Xiangcao took a handful of hay, lit it and stuffed it into the pot hole, then said slowly, "It's really nothing, just make breakfast, I'll do it by myself, Besides, Yun'er doesn't know how, does she?"

"Oh, this girl just can't cook, everything else is pretty good, Yuner, why don't you just go and sweep the yard." Aunt Zhao said, and took a broom from the door to Zhao Yuner.

"Don't." Li Xiangcao stopped immediately, "This yard is cleaned every day, so it's not dirty."

"It's okay, I'll sweep as I please." Zhao Yun'er was about to go out with the broom.

Li Xiangcao called her again, "You can't. The yard is full of flowers and plants, and it will be even worse if the dust you sweep is everywhere."

Zhao Yun'er paused, and stood awkwardly at the door, "I'll sweep gently."

"That's right, isn't Yun'er good at sweeping the yard so big?" Aunt Zhao curled her lips, a little displeased. In other words, Li Xiangcao had a mild temper back then and was the best at talking, but now she has completely changed.

Li Xiangcao smiled and replied, "Man'er is careful, she has her own way of cleaning the yard every time, where to start first, sprinkle water and sweep the floor, everything in the yard can't be messed up. How about it, Yun'er, if you are free, just clean the yard. Get some pig food, and help me feed the pigs in the backyard. Last night——, I forgot to feed, listen, now I’m screaming with hunger.”

Feed the pigs? Zhao Yun'er's eyelids trembled, and she looked at her mother.

Aunt Zhao also twitched her eyes. She was such a precious girl, she was beautiful since she was a child, and she held her in her hands and raised her like a lady from a rich family. They also soared into the sky.

Well now, feed the pigs?

"What's the matter?" Li Xiangcao got up, went to the pot, poured some oil into the hot pot, and glanced at Zhao Yun'er.

Aunt Zhao smiled immediately, "Where is the pig food? I'll feed it."

Li Xiangcao subconsciously took another look at Zhao Yun'er, the scene of her throwing grass last night was still vivid in her memory, "Yun'er can't feed pigs?"

"Feed the pigs, what's wrong?" Aunt Zhao laughed, and hurriedly bent down to pick up the slop bucket, "Where is the pig food?"

Li Xiangcao is speechless, is it in her hands? She got it all done, what else do they need?

"Aunt Zhao, put it down, I'll feed you later."

"What's wrong?" Aunt Zhao faintly sensed that Li Xiangcao's mood was wrong, "You're not an outsider, why are you being polite to me?"

"I'm not being polite." Li Xiangcao had no choice but to pour the vegetables into the pot, fry them a few times, and then said, "Sister-in-law, we are very happy that you can go back to your hometown this time. It's just a few days, don't feel sorry gone."

Aunt Zhao's complexion changed, and Li Xiangcao said she would stay for a few days, but they clearly wanted to...

"Oh." She laughed dryly, put down the slop bucket, and asked again, "How is Aunt Yu? Last night she cried so sadly, I'll go and see."

"She's still asleep." Li Xiangcao only replied.

Seeing Li Xiangcao's indifference, Aunt Zhao couldn't help curling her lips secretly, thinking, but she was also a dependent and divorced by her husband's family. If it was in the past, she would never talk to such a woman, let alone let her daughter be with her. Talking, because of bad luck.

But at this moment, Li Xiangcao treats them like this, it's really hateful.

Aunt Zhao didn't say anything else, she just pulled Zhao Yun'er, "Let's go, see if Aunt Yu is awake."

In her opinion, Li Xiangyu's influence on this family is far greater than that of Li Xiangcao, who was cowardly and soft-tempered since childhood.

Li Xiangcao didn't stop them either, and after they left, she was busy making breakfast by herself.

Neither the eldest sister nor the Zhao family is in her control. The only thing she can do is to do as much as possible in this family, so as not to burden Man'er and the others.

Aunt Zhao knew Li Xiangcao's bedroom, so she took her daughter to knock on the door.

"Come in." Li Xiangyu's hoarse voice came from the door, thinking she cried a lot last night.

Aunt Zhao opened the door and went in, and when she saw Li Xiangyu's face, she cried out in surprise, "Oh, Aunt Yu, what did you do? You look so bad, you must be sick too?"

I cried and made noise last night, and I was so stuffy that I couldn't sleep all night. In addition, I am getting older, so my complexion is not much better now.

Seeing that it was the two of them, Li Xiangyu sighed softly, "Even if I'm sick, no one will take care of me."

"Don't say that, I think the boss is still a simple and honest person, and he won't ignore you." Aunt Zhao comforted her while sitting on the edge of the kang.

Li Xiangyu shook his head, "He wants to take care of it, but he can't stand being stopped. Let's not mention it, have you all settled down?"

"Yeah." Aunt Zhao nodded, "The boss helped us settle down last night. Speaking of which, the boss is really good, but, hey, I can't blame him. The brothers and sisters have only one daughter-in-law, so naturally they love her more. "

"Is that more pampering? It's just—" Li Xiangyu became angry when she said this, "Sister-in-law, look, is there anyone who loves his wife so much in this world? As soon as the new house is built, the brothers live downstairs, and she is better off as a woman, living upstairs alone, doesn't she want to put pressure on the brothers' heads for the rest of her life, making them unable to stand up?"

Even in this kind of backward rural area, there is a big difference in respect between men and women, with men at the top and women at the bottom, even when sleeping.

Li Man's practice of sleeping upstairs is obviously a thorn in Li Xiangyu's heart, making her always think of her nephew being crushed by this woman.

Aunt Zhao looked worried, "Yeah, this is really not good, but what's the use, Aunt Yu, if we can ignore the affairs between husband and wife, let's leave it alone. "

Li Xiangyu was about to cry again when she heard the words, "Yeah, what do I care? Even if I give my heart to them, they will think that I am harming them. You all know that the little goblin has been married for so long, and she still has a little stomach." Nothing happened."

Aunt Zhao nodded, "I can see this too, this girl looks good, but she is not strong."

"The beginning and the end are not strong, I'm afraid she won't be able to give birth." Li Xiangyu couldn't help but sigh heavily. Last time, Li Man and Li Xiangcao went to the town to see a doctor. She knew about it. From then on, she I know that this niece and daughter-in-law are the same as my sister, and I am afraid that they will not be able to have children.

She would feel sorry for her own sister, but for Li Man, she felt that it was her fault that she couldn't have children. She couldn't just watch this woman make their Li family have no descendants.

"How come?" Zhao Yun'er cried out.

Aunt Zhao glanced at her, "You're a girl, don't ask around."

Li Xiangyu curled her lips and said with a sneer, "Why not? It's been more than half a year since they got married, and the four of them...their stomachs haven't moved at all. If they can give birth, can they still be like this?"

Zhao Yun'er pursed her lips, and Aunt Zhao stopped talking.

Li Xiangyu looked at the mother and daughter, especially Zhao Yun'er, and said slowly, "I'm to blame for this too. When I found out that they bought that little goblin, I should have come and brought her back. Now I regret it to death." gone."

"Heh, Aunt Yu, you don't have to do this. Even if this girl can't have children, so what? The boss and the others are still young, and now the family is well-off. The brothers are all good-looking. If you want to marry a few more women At home, it's not difficult. At that time, she won't be able to have children, and she will have other wives." Aunt Zhao comforted, this man has money, and marrying a wife and concubine is not only normal in her eyes, but also justified The thing is, since ancient times, which family does not ask for more children and more blessings? The more women you marry and the more children you have, the greater the blessing.

Li Xiangyu shook her head lightly, "If only their brothers could think so."

Zhao Yun'er changed her mind, and naturally thought of how the Li family brothers treated Li Man, with such tenderness and consideration, it seemed that she was everything to them.

I couldn't help being envious and jealous in my heart, what if she could be treated like this by them? How happy she should be.

Aunt Zhao suddenly smiled, "Aunt Yu, you really worry about it. We are all from here, don't you know? This man is always looking fresh. Right now, this girl is young and beautiful, and their brothers will naturally hold it in their hands, waiting for time It's grown, and once the freshness wears off, do you think it's still the same? At that time, I'm afraid they will make things up for themselves without your help. Man, who doesn't want an heir?"

Li Xiangyu listened, and felt that what she said was reasonable, but after all these things, she felt a murmur in her heart.

Is it really fresh?

If it was just an ordinary man's feelings for a woman, why did these brothers bully her like this? This is something that she didn't have before, she even used it for throwing and rolling.

"Mother, you guys are chatting, I'll go to the kitchen to see if Aunt Vanilla has finished breakfast." Zhao Yun'er blushed, these words should not have been said in front of a girl who is not out of the court, but now, she listened, naturally It should be conscious avoidance.

Aunt Zhao joked with a smile, "Look, this girl is shy again, let's go and have a look, I'll talk to Aunt Yu again."

"Yeah." Zhao Yun'er turned and went out.

Li Xiangyu looked at her back and said with a smile, "I just like her solemn appearance, unlike that one who clings to men all day long, like a seductress, a goblin."

When Aunt Zhao listened, she smiled.

Zhao Yun'er came out of the house, just walked to the gate, suddenly an unknown object hit her, she had no time to dodge, her face felt pain, a smell of lust came to her nostrils, she lowered her eyes and looked intently, It was a big pile of mud, which hit the middle of the bridge of her nose.

"Oh." Xiao Wu stood in the flower garden with a flower shovel in his hand, stared at Zhao Yuner dumbfounded, with a face full of bewilderment, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

It wasn't intentional, but how could he throw mud on her face so accurately? Zhao Yun'er didn't believe it, but looking at Xiao Wu's harmless and innocent face, she immediately held back her anger, wiped the mud on her face with one hand, and forced a smile, "It's okay, I'll go wash it."

"Oh, the water is here." Xiao Wu was fine, he threw away the flower shovel, jumped out of the flower bed himself, and went to the side of the well to fetch water for her.

Zhao Yun'er was overjoyed, and thought to herself, maybe he really misunderstood this kid, and seeing his sincere attitude in admitting his mistake, and taking the initiative to fetch water for himself, it shows that he has a good impression of him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun'er was very satisfied, walked to the well, held the clear water to wash her face, and then raised her lips to Xiao Wu, showing what she thought was the most beautiful smile, and her voice became softer and softer.

"Thank you, Little Five."

"You're welcome." Xiao Wu stood up, suddenly stretched out his fingers, pointed at her neck tremblingly, and exclaimed, "Ah, what is that?"

Zhao Yun'er suddenly felt something soft twisting around her neck, and it was still wriggling along her neck toward her chest. Immediately, her hairs stood on end, and she screamed in fright.

"Ah, help." She grabbed into her clothes with both hands, and accidentally caught a black earthworm that was still stained with mud, and immediately flung it out in fright.

But after knowing that it was an earthworm, she was even more frightened out of her wits, and there was still in the clothes.

The other brothers from Li's family who just got up, as well as Li Xiangyu, Uncle and Aunt Zhao, all ran out in frightened by her screams.

Then I saw Zhao Yun'er jumping and jumping around the side of the well like a monkey, with his hands in his clothes trying to grab something, looking extremely painful.

When Aunt Zhao saw it, she was terrified, and hurried over, "My son, what's wrong with you? Ah."

"Earthworm, mother, save me." Zhao Yun'er's face turned pale, and her sharp voice was full of misery.

Aunt Zhao finally heard it clearly, and then realized that there were earthworms in her daughter's clothes, she hurriedly dragged her back to Li Xiangyu's room, helped her take off her clothes, and shook off those evil things.

Zhao Yun'er, who was naked, looked at the marks left by earthworms on her body, and cried in disgust.

Aunt Zhao shook off the clothes and put them on her body.

"I don't want to wear it." The clothes were full of the smell of that disgusting thing, and she couldn't wear them.

Aunt Zhao knew about her daughter's obsession with cleanliness, so why not, "I can't be naked like this, we'll change it later when we go back."

Zhao Yun'er also knew that this was not the time to mess around, so she endured her nausea and began to wear clothes while crying.

Seeing her daughter in a panic, Aunt Zhao couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter? Why did this good thing get in the clothes?"

Zhao Yuner stared at the distorted earthworm on the ground, her heart bursting out with anger, that brat must have done it, but she thought he knew his mistake.

"What did Xiao Wu do?" Aunt Zhao asked, just now she only saw Xiao Wu standing aside.

Zhao Yun'er nodded, brat, let's see how she punishes him in the future.

Aunt Zhao was also full of anger, but she still ran her fingers through her daughter's hair and coaxed, "Forget it, he's a child, now is not the time for us to get angry with him."

"En." Zhao Yun'er understood the pros and cons of it very well, so she straightened her clothes immediately and came out with her mother.

Li Xiangyu and the others were all in the yard. Seeing her two come out, they asked, "What happened just now?"

"I, I got bugs in my clothes, which surprised everyone." Zhao Yuner glanced at Xiao Wu with red eyes, her eyes aggrieved, but she still graciously didn't say anything about him in front of everyone.

Xiao Wu curled his lips and looked mockingly.

And since she was fine, no one else cared about it anymore, the Li family brothers went their own way, and only Li Xiangyu came over and asked, "Did that bastard Xiaowu do it?"

"Aunt Yu, don't blame him, he's still a child." Zhao Yun'er hastily persuaded, and this persuasion naturally came true, because she was framed by Xiao Wu.

Li Xiangyu frowned, "I knew that was the case, that boy, I don't even know him anymore in the past year, hey, what a good boy he used to be, since that little fairy came, he's been like this."

Aunt Zhao and Zhao Yun'er didn't speak.


Li Xiangcao's breakfast is ready.

Li Man did not lie down on the kang, but got up with Li Hua and went downstairs.

"Man'er, why don't you rest on the kang, I'll bring you breakfast." Li Xiangcao said, but Li Man's complexion is good, especially between the eyebrows and eyes, there is a smell, which makes her look more and more charming.

It's so beautiful, even after getting along with her these days, Li Xiangcao will still be amazed by Li Man's beauty from time to time.

Li Man smiled slightly, "I'm much better, besides, the more I lie down, the more I feel weak, and the more I move around, the more relaxed my body will be."

When she said this, Li Hua on the side smiled unconsciously, it was the activity.

"Then eat it." Li Xiangcao filled it for Li Man, and then filled it for others.

Originally, the kitchen was quite big, but the Li family originally had a large population, plus sister Li Xiangyu and the three members of the Zhao family, all of a sudden, more than a dozen of them crowded into one room, and it seemed much more crowded.

Fortunately, Li Mo and others took their bowls to the yard to eat, and the kitchen became empty.

Uncle Zhao also went out with a bowl, and moved to Li Mo's side, trying to talk to him.

Li Mo didn't talk much at all, and when he had something on his mind, he talked even less. When Uncle Zhao talked to him, he would nod his head at most, which made the old man feel uncomfortable. Well, there is no one in this family except Li Mo who still pays attention to him.

Uncle Zhao was very annoyed. After breakfast, he put down the bowl and went to the old house alone with his hands behind his back.

Here, Aunt Zhao and Zhao Yun'er both volunteered to clean up the dishes after eating.

Li Man didn't care, she was a patient, she went to rest after eating, but Li Xiangcao couldn't hold back her mother and daughter, so she let them go.

Zhao Yun'er was washing the dishes, and Aunt Zhao and Li Xiangyu were sitting on chairs chatting. At this time, Li Mo came in to get a hoe.

Li Xiangyu seized the opportunity and said loudly, "Look at our Yun'er, we work really neatly. Hehe, in this future, I don't know who will be blessed to marry her."

Zhao Yun'er was ashamed, and peeked at Li Mo, but Li Mo looked like a normal person, carrying a hoe, finding a whetstone, and went out.

Li Xiangyu pursed her lips, annoyed by Li Mo's lack of response, but seeing Zhao Yun'er staring at Li Mo's back, she couldn't help laughing again, touched Aunt Zhao with her arm, and then pointed at Zhao Yun Son.

Aunt Zhao understood, laughed silently, and sighed, "I don't know if I, Yun'er, have such a blessing. The boss is really good. I just watched it when I was a child. I still remember that time, I joked with her mother. Ah, if I want to give birth to a daughter, I will be his daughter-in-law."

Li Xiangyu turned her eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "It's not too late now. Hasn't Yun'er talked about him yet?"

When Zhao Yun'er heard the words, the rag in her hand suddenly dropped, but she listened carefully to the words of the two behind her.

Aunt Zhao nodded, "That's right, I'm also worried. I just hope that one day she can find someone like the boss. Even if she can't find it, it would be nice to have a boss who is half-steady and kind."

Zhao Yun'er bit her lip slightly, listening to her mother's words in her ears, but unconsciously looking out through the window.

In the yard, Li Mo was squatting in the corner, sharpening his hoe with a whetstone. His broad back for no reason reminded her of the feeling he had walking beside her when he led their family to the old house last night.

Very reassuring!

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