Fortunate Wife

Chapter 207 Let go.

Li Xiangcao just happened to enter the kitchen, and wanted to take a basket of clothes to wash in the pond, but happened to hear Aunt Zhao's words, and then saw Zhao Yun'er looking out the window, as if in a daze, and her heart skipped a beat.

As someone who has experienced it, she naturally understands what Zhao Yuner's eyes represent.

At the same time as he was stunned, an unspeakable anger welled up in his heart.

Yes, Li Xiangcao, who has always been indifferent and forbearing, was also angry at this time, but because of her personality, she couldn't be as aggressive as her sister, and she still had a gentle face, but her voice was a little cold.

She said, "Sister-in-law is being modest. Yun'er looks so good, so what's the difficulty in finding a good family? I know that Aunt Li and Man'er have a very good relationship, and she is a well-known matchmaker. Which one is there?" There is an unmarried Haoerlang, it is very clear. In my opinion, why not ask Aunt Li to touch Yuner?"

Hearing this, Li Xiangyu, Aunt Zhao, and Zhao Yun'er were all taken aback.

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry, I'm just coming back, we'll talk about it later." Aunt Zhao concealed her embarrassment and said with a smile.

Li Xiangcao couldn't laugh, she couldn't do it, and she couldn't do anything about someone trying to destroy the life of her nephew and niece.

She is also a woman, and her married life has been filled with other women, and she is in pain, so she naturally thinks that if there is another woman in the Li family, Man'er will suffer more than her.

"Why are you not in a hurry? Is Yun'er eighteen? As soon as the new year is over, she will be nineteen. If she doesn't marry again, she will be an old girl." As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help looking at Zhao Yun'er who was washing the dishes, "Sister-in-law, you Not in a hurry, isn't Yun'er in a hurry? A girl's good years are only a few years, if you delay it, I'm afraid it will be even more worrying."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun'er's heart sank, her eyes filled with endless sadness, she doesn't know how important a girl's age is, if it wasn't for that accident, she would have been the head young mistress of a wealthy family long ago, how could she be down in this poor mountain valley Washing dishes and watching people's faces?

Aunt Zhao seemed a little displeased by Li Xiangcao's words, she curled her lips and said, "My Yun'er family is filial, and she is also afraid of getting married, and her father and I will not be taken care of."

"Since that's the case, then let's take you to live together. There are such things." Li Xiangcao said.

Aunt Zhao looked a little ugly.

Li Xiangyu also looked at his sister dissatisfied, "Your brother Zhao and sister-in-law are reluctant to part with your daughter, why are you worrying about it? Besides, a good girl does not worry about marrying, and Yun'er is such a good girl, so you have to choose carefully. How can ordinary people deserve it?" superior?"

"Huh?" Li Xiangcao was a little confused when she heard what her sister said.

She is not familiar with Zhao Yun'er, and she only met her for the first time last night, so, apart from thinking that this girl looks pretty good, she didn't find anything else good.

In addition, the Zhao family has now been reduced to live under the fence and be helped by others. In terms of family background, Zhao Yun'er can't fall well. Unless the man finds it difficult to marry a wife for some reason, otherwise, few people will be willing. Marry a daughter-in-law and bring two burdens.

Second, Zhao Yun'er is indeed not young, no matter how beautiful a girl is, she can't stand the ravages of time, even if the difference is only two years, Zhao Yun'er and Li Man are still far apart.

If the two of them go there, anyone will feel that Zhao Yun'er is more like a married little woman, while Li Man is more like a pure and beautiful girl.

Speaking of this point, Li Xiangcao also felt a little strange, Zhao Yun'er was beautiful, but there was always a charming look in the corners of her eyes, not like a girl who hadn't left the court.

Feeling that someone was watching her tightly, Zhao Yun'er put down the rag, turned around, met Li Xiangcao's eyes, and lowered her head in shame, "Aunt Yu, Aunt Xiangcao, stop talking, I won't marry, I want to stay by my parents' side and serve them all my life."

Aunt Zhao was a little moved when she heard this, she called her over, touched her hand, and sighed, "Silly child, how can there be a girl whose parents don't marry when they grow up?"

"Mom, I won't marry, I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life." Zhao Yun'er squatted beside Aunt Zhao and said coquettishly.

Li Xiangyu laughed after hearing this, "Although Yun'er's words are childish, it also shows her filial piety."

"Who wants her to be filial? I just hope that she can find a good family and live a safe and happy life." Aunt Zhao said.

Zhao Yun'er lowered her head, her eyes flashed, and the appearances of the Li family brothers suddenly flashed in her mind.

Li Xiangcao watched from the side, unconsciously furrowing her eyebrows.


Li Xiangcao went to wash clothes by the pond, but Zhao Yun'er didn't follow, she knew that the eldest son of the Li family went to the field, the second and third child went to the town, the fifth and that bastard went out to play, and only the fourth child was left at home And Li Man.

For Li Man, besides being jealous, Zhao Yun'er also had a hint of contempt.

Just like what Li Xiangyu said, the Li family bought it for ten taels of silver. At that time, because the Li family was too poor, the brothers had no choice but to marry a daughter-in-law, so they regarded her as a treasure.

Although she is a bit stunning, Zhao Yun'er knows men too well. How many men in this world don't like the new and dislike the old? How many of them didn't eat from the bowl and look into the pot?

Therefore, it was only for a while that Li Man could win the favor of the Li family brothers.

Besides, her beauty is indeed outstanding in such a poor place as Shennvgou. Even she has to admit that Li Man is more beautiful than her.

But so what, the means for women to subdue men is not just beauty.

So, she said to go upstairs to see Li Man, wondering if she was feeling better, but she actually wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Li Hua.

Li Hua, when he went upstairs, Zhao Yun'er unconsciously flashed his elegant and gentle face, one year younger than her, this kind of boy seems to be still at the stage of blushing when he sees a girl, so, she thinks, It would be easy to take him down.

However, when she went up to the second floor and stood in front of the half-open window, the scene inside still deeply hurt her eyes.

On the rocking chair under the rear window, Li Man's small body was nestled comfortably in Li Hua's arms, with her head resting on his chest, her small hands wrapped around his waist, her eyes were narrowed, the corners of her lips were raised, and the warm sunshine came from her. The window lattice refracted down, and her already fair skin became more translucent and crystal clear.

But that heart-stirring young man had one arm around her waist, the other hand held a book high, and he read the contents of the book softly, apparently specially for her.

A strong jealous fire burned in her chest, her fingers pinched into her palm, she didn't even realize the pain, Zhao Yun'er just stood straight at the window, staring into it coldly.

Li Hua noticed something strange, turned his head slightly, and looked up at the window.

That glance came so fast that Zhao Yun'er didn't even have time to hide the emotion in her eyes, but she saw Li Hua put the book on the window sill, with her index finger on her lips.

Zhao Yun'er understood, Li Man fell asleep in his arms, was he signaling her to keep quiet so as not to disturb her?

"I—" Finally suppressed the evil fire, Zhao Yun'er put on a gentle smile, and just wanted to say that she came to see Li Man's physical condition, before she said a word, Li Huajun frowned , there was already a cold and displeased expression in his eyes.

This look made Zhao Yun'er froze, she was rejected, she didn't even enter this door, she didn't even say a word, she was left here.

Li Hua had already turned her head away, lowered her head slightly, resting her chin on Li Man's hair, hugging her in her favorite way to accompany her to sleep.

Zhao Yun'er's heart was on fire, it burned so badly, her whole body trembled, she gave the people in the room a cold look, and finally went downstairs resentfully without saying a word.

Li Xiangyu and Aunt Zhao have already returned to the room. Two old friends who have been separated for many years have endless words to talk about.

Zhao Yun'er walked in with a dazed look, which surprised the two of them.

"What's wrong?" Aunt Zhao asked.

Zhao Yun'er's cheeks were flushed, her eyes dodged, "No, it's nothing."

"Why is it all right? I see that your face is not right, is there something uncomfortable?" Aunt Zhao was worried about her daughter, so she quickly pulled her to sit down and asked worriedly.

Zhao Yun'er bit her lip, shook her head vigorously, but didn't speak.

Li Xiangyu felt that something was wrong, "Didn't you go to see that little fairy? Why, did she show you face?"

"Ah, no, no." Zhao Yun'er seemed to be afraid that Li Xiangyu would misunderstand Li Man, so she hurriedly explained, "I didn't enter the room."

Aunt Zhao was puzzled, "You child, you just lose face. Your sister-in-law is not in good health. It's okay if you go and have a look. Why don't you dare to enter the house? Has she rested?"

"Ah, oh..." Zhao Yun'er hurriedly lowered her head, her face blushing even more.

Li Xiangyu couldn't help but said, "Look, I just had breakfast and rested again. Our family is not marrying a daughter-in-law, but an ancestor, and we make offerings like this every day."

Zhao Yun'er opened her lips, as if she wanted to explain something, but her eyes showed shyness, and she didn't have the nerve to say it in the end.

Aunt Zhao said, "She's not in good health, so let's rest. I saw her complexion was fine when she was eating in the morning. There shouldn't be any serious problems. Don't worry."

"I have nothing to worry about." Li Xiangyu looked at Zhao Yun'er's shy and timid expression, then contacted her when she came back just now, and suddenly asked, "What is the fourth child doing up there?"

"Here?" Zhao Yun'er's lips turned white from being bitten, and he faltered, "Reading."

"The little goblin is here too." It wasn't a question, but an affirmation.

Zhao Yun'er doesn't seem to be able to lie, "How does Aunt Yu know?" After blurting out this, she realized that she said something wrong, and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, but she was afraid that Li Xiangyu would misunderstand, so she hurriedly explained, "I, what am I? I didn’t see it, that, I—”

"Okay, you kid won't lie, besides, don't I know what kind of virtue that little goblin is?" Li Xiangyu snorted contemptuously, and would use her beauty to seduce those brothers, shameless.

Zhao Yun'er didn't dare to speak, but looked at her mother timidly.

Aunt Zhao shrugged her eyebrows and said nothing more.

But suddenly, a mocking sneer at the door broke the silence in the room.


Li Xiangyu opened the door involuntarily, and shouted, "Who is talking outside?"

Zhao Yun'er felt a lump in her heart, she would never forget this voice even if it killed her, it was the brat who teased her in the morning.

Sure enough, she stretched out her head to see that the boy leaning against the stairs was not Xiao Wu.

At this moment, his eyes were also facing her, because the light on the stairs was dim, she could vaguely see the expression on his face, which was full of sarcasm.

"Little Five?"

"You're not worthy." Xiao Wu curled his lips slightly, but there was no smile in his long and narrow eyes.

"What?" Zhao Yun'er stood by the door, a little surprised.

Li Xiaowu's eyes were cold, and he snorted softly, "I feel dirty when you say the word Xiaowu out of your mouth."

Zhao Yun'er's heart shrank, and she suddenly had the thought of tearing the child into pieces.

The two people inside also heard it, and Aunt Zhao hurried over to support her injured daughter who was on the verge of falling, and looked at Xiao Wu dissatisfied, "Xiao Wu, how can you talk like this, a child? How did your sister Yun'er offend you? "

"That's right, Xiaowu——" Li Xiangyu also came out to accuse Xiaowu, but before he finished speaking, Li Xiaowu interrupted coldly, "My sister is only Li Man, don't all cats and dogs come to recognize my sister, it's not so cheap accounted for."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the three people who were dumbfounded, they walked towards the door in a swaggering step.


Zhao Yun'er cried, lying in her mother's arms, crying very sadly, no matter how Li Xiangyu and Aunt Zhao tried to enlighten her, it was useless, until Li Mo came back from the field at noon, her beautiful eyes were already red and swollen, and her eyebrows were swollen. The room was haggard, and she looked very cute and pitiful.

Yesterday, Li Mo and the others just came back from Fucheng, and they changed a lot of clothes. Li Xiangcao went to wash in the pond alone, so it would naturally take more time.

So, when it was almost noon, I couldn't rush back to cook.

Naturally, Li Man didn't want to cook. There were people she didn't like downstairs, and she didn't want to see them. Moreover, she nestled in Li Hua's arms, smelling the intoxicating fragrance of ink, and listening to the pleasant voice reading to herself. Writing a book, this kind of enjoyment, she is not willing to give up.

In fact, she didn't fall asleep, even if she was drowsy in his arms, she just didn't fall asleep.

So, when Zhao Yun'er came, she squinted her eyes to see it, and she also felt Li Hua's small movements, hehe.

Zhao Yun'er was so angry that her orifices were filled with smoke, but she enjoyed his thoughtfulness very much, and she pretended to sleep in his arms very sweetly.

As soon as Li Mo came back, he saw the cold pot and stove in the kitchen, so he didn't say anything, and went straight to the second floor, wanting to see Li Man.

Zhao Yun'er stopped him at the stairs, "Brother, are you back?" Her voice was slightly hoarse, and it sounded like she was crying.

Li Mo frowned slightly, but didn't want to delve into it. He just nodded and stepped forward.

"Brother, what do you want for lunch? I'll make it." Zhao Yun'er took two steps, and a small window on the stairway was lit by light, which could illuminate her face clearly, and people could see her crying at a glance. Red and swollen eyes.

Li Xiangyu and Aunt Zhao also left the house, looking at Li Mo, Li Xiangyu kept a straight face and said nothing, apparently still angry with him.

Aunt Zhao laughed and echoed her daughter's words, "Yes, boss, what do you like to eat? Let Yun'er cook for lunch?"

"No, sister-in-law will be back in a while." When he came back from the field, Li Mo met Li Xiangcao who was still washing clothes. The reason why he went to the kitchen as soon as he got home was out of habit, because he never came back from work. At home, Li Man either prepared the meals and waited early, or was busy in the kitchen. The smoky kitchen and that slender and busy figure are what he cares about the most.

After finishing speaking, Li Mo hurried upstairs regardless of what Aunt Zhao had to say.

On the second floor, on the rocking chair, almost half of Li Man's body was nestled in Li Hua's arms, as comfortable as a kitten nestled in a pile of firewood on an autumn afternoon.

Li Mo was also stunned by the window, wanting to get closer, but afraid of disturbing her.

At this time, Li Hua slightly raised his eyes and saw Li Mo, but he bent his lips and smiled, and gently brushed her hair scattered on his chest with his slender fingers.

Li Mo's heart moved, but he nodded, which meant to let Li Man continue to sleep.

He turned and left. Li Hua lowered his eyelashes, felt the stiffness of the little person in his arms, and patted her on the back lightly, "I'm tired this morning, let's take a rest."

Li Man's cheeks were flushed, but she obediently closed her eyes and continued to enjoy the cozy embrace.

For Li Mo, she loves him dearly, but for the time being, she doesn't want to get so close.

Sandwich cakes are difficult to make, but if he doesn't have a clear attitude, he will always be in such pain.

She had to let him make a choice.


When Li Mo went downstairs, he heard noises in the kitchen. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He walked to the door of the kitchen and saw Zhao Yun'er washing rice there. Li Xiangyu and Aunt Zhao were picking vegetables while talking and laughing.

This kitchen belongs to Li Man, and only belongs to Li Man. Anyone else in it makes him feel that what belongs to him has been taken by others.

"Put it down." As soon as the deep voice came out, it was indescribably cold and majestic, and the three people in the room were stunned.

In fact, Li Mo was also stunned for a while, he just couldn't understand that it wasn't his Man'er who was busy in the kitchen, even when Li Xiangcao was there, Li Man always participated, but this time, without Man'er, He felt that it was wrong, that it hurt his heart.

What I thought in my heart, I actually said it for a while.

"What?" Zhao Yun'er turned her head to see Li Mo standing at the door, her heart skipped a beat, and she showed her prettiest smile.

Li Mo pointed to the basin in her hand, "Put it down."

"Ah?" Zhao Yun'er was taken aback for a moment, and then thought, did he feel sorry for himself and didn't want him to work? Busy smiled and said, "Brother, it's okay, just cook a meal, you rest for a while, and the meal will be ready in a while."

"Yes, Boss, you are tired from work, go back to the house for a rest, let Yun'er cook at noon." Aunt Zhao also smiled.

Li Mo's eyes were indifferent, and he glanced at the few people, "You all put down your work, and I will do it when I come back later."

"Hey, Boss, we are all our own people, so it's okay to cook a meal. We'll be embarrassed if you see outsiders like this." Aunt Zhao's face was full of smiles.

Li Mo said directly, "It's not to see outsiders, Man'er's kitchen, I don't like other people messing around."

"..." The three people in the kitchen were stunned at the same time, Zhao Yun'er's red and swollen eyes were full of tears, and he was injured again.

Li Mo didn't care anymore, turned around and left. At this moment, he himself felt that it was too much, but, it was Man'er's kitchen, the pot Man'er used to wash rice, and the vegetables Man'er picked from the vegetable garden. …

Zhao Yun'er was holding the basin, and stood there in a daze, tears rolling down Peugeot's cheeks silently, the rice had already been washed and was about to go into the pot.

Seeing her daughter like this, Aunt Zhao immediately dropped the vegetables and came towards her, but suddenly heard a slamming sound, and saw the basin in Zhao Yuner's hand fall to the ground, spilling a lot of rice that had just been cleaned.

"Oh." Aunt Zhao felt sorry for her daughter at first, but when she saw her like this, she felt embarrassed and angry in front of Li Xiangyu, and reached out her hand to pat her twice, "You damn girl, are your hands so loose? I can't even hold a basin."

Zhao Yun'er just lowered her head and cried, the tears kept dripping to the ground like beads with a broken thread.

Li Xiangyu was also a little dissatisfied with her overturning the pot and spilling the rice. She came from a poor family, and the most distressed thing was the food, but looking at Zhao Yuner's grievance crying, and what Li Mo said just now really hurt people, no wonder the child was wronged cry.

So, she also persuaded, "Okay, sister-in-law, don't beat her, just pick up the rice and wash it."

"Hey, good." Aunt Zhao squatted down and put the rice on the ground into the basin with her hands.

Zhao Yun'er wiped away her tears, then squatted down to help her mother get rice.

At the door, Xiao Wu's figure approached at some point, looking at the mother and daughter fishing for rice on the ground, a mocking sneer spread from the corners of his lips presumptuously.

Zhao Yun'er raised her eyes, a trace of ruthlessness flashed from her eyes.

"Xiao Wu, come here." Li Xiangyu thought of Xiao Wu's rude words to Zhao Yun'er in the stairway just now, and began to settle accounts after autumn.

Xiao Wu pouted, but actually walked over and sat on the chair opposite Li Xiangyu.

Li Xiangyu felt a little better in her heart. Seeing Xiao Wu whose stature, appearance and even temperament have changed a lot this year, she felt a little uncertain again, but she still asked, "Tell my aunt, is it that woman?" Taught you to do this?"


I haven't asked for tickets for a long time, if you have any, please come here, \\(o)~

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