Fortunate Wife

Chapter 208 It's a pity.

Xiao Wu heard the words, his eyes darkened, and he stared at Li Xiangyu closely, "Which woman?"

This look was like a thorn, and Li Xiangyu was really uncomfortable being stared at. He said, "Why are you looking at me like this? It's also that woman...that Li Man taught you?"

Xiao Wu's eyes were heavy, and he curled his lips mockingly, and said with a smile, "I need someone to teach me this? I really am a fool in the eyes of my aunt."

"What are you talking about?" Li Xiangyu was really angry, "Since when did Auntie think you are stupid? You are really going to hurt Auntie by saying such things so politely, Auntie..."

"Since he's not stupid, how can Xiao Wu not be able to tell right from wrong?" Li Xiangyu's mouth was blocked with one sentence.

Aunt Zhao listened to her, she couldn't help frowning, and began to teach a lesson like a child, "You child, what is right and wrong? Can you say such things to your aunt? Besides, who is black and who is black?" Bai? Auntie didn't blame you for the few times you took aim at your elder sister Yun'er in a good manner today."

"Mother, don't talk about it, Xiao Wu is still young, he is just playing with me, don't take it seriously." Zhao Yun'er picked up the rice on the ground, picked it up, and glanced at Xiao Wu, softly persuaded.

Xiao Wu turned his eyes around her face, and quickly looked away.

Aunt Zhao smiled gratifiedly when she heard that her daughter was so sensible.

Li Xiangyu gave Xiao Wu a hard look, and said, "Look, you sister Yun'er is so good, look at what you said before, how hurtful, even if your sister Yun'er doesn't care, you should pay for it. "

"Who is my older sister? Auntie, your memory is really bad. I said earlier that I have only one older sister, Li Man." When Xiao Wu said this, he saw Li Xiangyu's face suddenly changed, and smiled viciously, "By the way, She doesn't count either, because she will also be my daughter-in-law in a short time. "

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhao Yun'er from the corner of his eye. The meaning of the demonstration was obvious. Li Man would be his wife in the future, and anyone who dared to mess with her would definitely get it back.

Zhao Yun'er's heart skipped a beat, this kid's eyes are so sharp.

Li Xiangyu stared at the rebellious Xiao Wu and shook her head, "You brat, you were as obedient as a cat when you were young, but now with your temper... I don't know who you are like, your father, that is, your brothers. Not like you."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly dimmed, "Auntie."

His black eyes stared straight at Li Xiangyu, feeling sad and aggrieved, even more at a loss and bewildered.

The heart of Li Xiangyu, who was looking directly at her, suddenly softened. For Xiao Wu, she loves her more.

"What's wrong?" His voice softened unconsciously.

Xiao Wu's throat choked, and he said softly, "Auntie feels that Xiao Wu has changed. Xiao Wu also feels that Auntie has changed."

"Eh?" Li Xiangyu was taken aback.

Xiao Wu continued, "In the past, my aunt always had a smile on her face, and she always spoke in a soft voice when talking to others, and she never got angry with me and my brothers. But the last few times, everyone When my aunt comes, she loses her temper or quarrels, which is really scary."

Speaking of this, Xiao Wu's face turned pale, as if he was very afraid of Li Xiangyu's appearance now.

Under his terrified eyes, Li Xiangyu brushed her hair unconsciously, and rolled around on the ground last night, probably scaring Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, Auntie is not treating you."

"Why target my sister? What's wrong with her?" Xiao Wu asked directly.

Li Xiangyu choked for a moment, feeling a little annoyed, "What do you know as a kid? Don't worry about these things."

"I don't care if you target others, but Li Man will be my daughter-in-law in the future, and I will take care of it." Xiao Wu's face sank, his expression serious.

Li Xiangyu froze, but Aunt Zhao burst out laughing, "This kid is only so old, and he misses his wife all day long."

This made Li Xiangyu laugh too, "All right, all right, your daughter-in-law, why don't I recruit her?"

This was obviously a coaxing word for the child, Xiao Wu sneered mockingly, stood up suddenly, and said, "Auntie, I'm serious."

After leaving a word, he turned around and left.

The three people in the room were stunned.

"This—" Zhao Yun'er was the first to react, looking at the dirty rice in the basin, thinking about Li Mo's words before, hesitantly asked Li Xiangyu, "Aunt Yu, do you want us to cook this?"

Li Xiangyu's face also darkened. Li Mo's words just now were indeed hurtful. They had good intentions and helped with the cooking.

"Forget it, let it go."

Zhao Yun'er pouted, not letting it go, for fear of making her hands rough.

Not long after, Li Xiangcao came back after washing her clothes. Li Xiangyu looked at her and said angrily, "The boss said, let you cook later. We don't think our hands are dirty, so don't let us touch them."

Li Xiangcao froze for a moment, didn't speak, and went straight to dry the clothes, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

She wasn't quite sure if what the eldest sister said was true, but even if Li Mo said he wouldn't let them do it, would he really be sitting there as a shopkeeper? It's already lunch time, the rice is not cooked, the vegetables are not picked, if we have to wait for her to come, I don't know how long we will have to wait for lunch.

"What's the matter with this rice? Yun'er, wash it out again, and I'll light it up. Eldest sister, you and Aunt Zhao have picked that vegetable, washed it, and I'll fry it later." After Li Xiangcao gave her orders, she went to the stove Zhao Yun'er did not dare to leave the job of lighting the fire under the stage. She also saw the scene last night.

Zhao Yun'er looked at the rice and muttered softly, "Brother won't let me touch it."

Aunt Zhao also looked ugly, "Yes, the boss just spoke."

"It's a mistake to help with cooking, okay, he must wait for you to come back, so you can do it." Li Xiangyu was also not satisfied, this sister actually replaced her position in the hearts of her nephews.

Look at what that means, I really don't do anything, but is it because I am afraid of Li Mo, or because I am angry with Li Mo and quit?

Li Xiangcao felt that the latter was more, so she couldn't help getting angry, "Is that how you listen to the boss?"

Throwing away the hay in her hand, Li Xiangcao took the time to reason with them one by one.

"Okay, big sister, let me ask you, Li Mo told you not to embarrass Man'er, did you listen?"

Li Xiangyu's face suddenly changed, "After all, you all think that I am embarrassing her, why don't you say she is embarrassing me?"

Li Xiangcao ignored the eldest sister, and glanced at the mother and daughter of the Zhao family, "My eldest sister is straight-tempered, careless, and sometimes speaks and does things recklessly. But what about you? Even if a family of three wants to come and seek refuge, don't you have to say hello first?" Besides, my eldest sister quarreled with Li Mo and the others, what do you think is the reason?"

"This——, Miss Vanilla, my sister-in-law wants to make peace with this matter, but she can't get in the way." Aunt Zhao was wronged by what she said, and Zhao Yun'er's face turned green and pale.

"So?" Li Xiangcao is not good at getting angry, so even if she is angry at this moment, her face is still calm, and she still speaks slowly, one sentence at a time.

"Li Mo and my eldest sister are so stiff, you just let it go, if he says a word, will you all join my eldest sister to vent your anger?"

"This? How can we be angry? We're not afraid that the boss will be unhappy. He said this is Man'er's kitchen and we won't be allowed to touch it." Aunt Zhao said awkwardly.

Li Xiangcao was annoyed, "Then this is Man'er's house, don't you all sit here comfortably."

What she said was a bit heavy, but Li Xiangcao was really furious in her heart. Zhao Yun'er coveted Li Mo, which made her more angry when she was washing clothes. She instinctively thought of the woman brought back by Shen Runsheng Actually, she doesn't even count as a concubine, but because she is pregnant, she endured again and again, and even took care of her herself, but in the end, what she got in exchange for her blind tolerance was someone else's advancement, allowing her to even have a place in that house gone too.

Li Xiangyu's face trembled with anger, "You damn girl, have you had a firecracker? Are you so angry?"

Aunt Zhao also held back her breath, and smiled apologetically, "What's wrong with this? You two sisters, stop arguing, Yun'er, hurry up and wash the rice." She also hurriedly sat down to pick vegetables.

"Yeah." Zhao Yun'er bit her lip and said softly, "Aunt Xiangcao, I'm just washing rice."

Li Xiangcao gritted her teeth sorely, and when the three of them obediently followed her instructions, she sat down slumpedly, staring at the dark pot hole in daze, her eyes were astringent.

Li Xiangyu winked at Aunt Zhao to tell her not to take it seriously, but Aunt Zhao smiled and said she was fine.

Not long after, Li Man came downstairs and looked at the kitchen. The atmosphere was very depressed, and she couldn't help wondering, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Li Xiangcao shook her head, then looked at her worriedly, "Is it better?"

"It's much better." After a leisurely rest all morning, Li Man's complexion was very good at the moment. Seeing Li Xiangcao's question, she rubbed her stomach playfully, "I'm just a little hungry."

Li Xiangcao hurriedly said, "There are still snacks at home, you can eat some first, I'm afraid we will have to wait for a while."

Li Mo followed in, saw Li Man looking for something in the cupboard, and called out, "Man'er."

"Yeah." Li Man took out two cakes, took a bite out of one, and stuffed it into his mouth instinctively when he saw him coming, "Are you hungry too?"

Li Mo didn't guard against it. After eating it, he realized that he was a little embarrassed in front of others, but the corners of his lips still raised uncontrollably.

"Do you want more?" Li Man ate another piece, and then asked him, "There are more."

Li Mo shook his head, looking at her rosy cheeks and bright eyes, he felt a little relieved.

Zhao Yun'er poured the washed noodles into the pot, and then scooped up half of the pot of water. Li Man saw it and was surprised, "Is this going to be porridge?" But is there too much rice?

"Cooking." Zhao Yun'er's tone was a little blunt. The scene of her feeding Li Mo with snacks hurt her heart just now. How could she feed a man with a bite of snacks? And this man didn't dislike him at all, instead he looked shocked, who is really going to be mad at him?

"Ah?" Li Man almost choked on the snack, hurried over to take the gourd scoop in Zhao Yun'er's hand, and scooped out half of the water in the pot.

"You?" Zhao Yun'er was pushed aside and looked at Li Man unwillingly.

Li Man felt that the water was suitable, so she put the lid on the pot. Then she looked at Zhao Yun'er, biting her lip, obviously aggrieved, and couldn't help laughing, "Sister, you haven't cooked before, right? You don't even put in much water. Know?"

At this moment, Li Man really doubted whether the Zhao family had really fallen or what? Seeing that Zhao Yun'er is obviously like a lady from a wealthy family, she doesn't know how to fire, cook, let alone stir-fry, right?

"I, I didn't pay attention just now." It turned out that there was too much water? When Zhao Yun'er was pointed out by her, she inevitably felt a little guilty, but unconsciously glanced at Li Mo who was beside Li Man.

Li Mo's eyes sank slightly, not understanding what she was looking at him for?

However, Li Man was keenly aware of herself, and sneered faintly.

Aunt Zhao, who was sitting on the other side, heard what Li Man said, and hurriedly explained to her daughter, "Yun'er is really nervous. The boss came in just now and didn't let her do it. She is afraid of the boss."

What she said was too ambiguous, especially the last sentence, which still had such an indistinct tinge, Zhao Yun'er was afraid of Li Mo, why was she afraid?

"Oh?" Li Man looked back at Li Mo suspiciously, raised her eyebrows, and asked silently, what do you mean? Do you feel sorry for this little girl?

Li Mo's face darkened slightly. What Aunt Zhao said seemed to be right, but she completely misunderstood what he meant. "That's not what I meant. I don't want them to touch me."

"Okay, okay, Yun'er is a guest, you don't want her to go to the kitchen..."

"Big sister, Li Mo doesn't want her to mess up the kitchen, it's Man'er's." Li Xiangcao interrupted the big sister bluntly, and explained for Li Mo.

Li Mo nodded hurriedly, "That's what it means."

"Heh." Seeing his nervous look, Li Man laughed out loud, "You, the kitchen is used for cooking, who do you care about in it? Huh, I knew it, you just can't see me Two days free, right?"

"No." Li Mo grabbed her hand in a hurry and explained, "I felt weird when you weren't here just now, and I didn't want others to touch the things you touched. Now that you're here, you can do whatever you want."

Fool, "That depends on what you touch, doesn't it?" Li Man gave him a light look, for example, her man is naturally not allowed to be touched by others, but for cooking, others can come whenever they want.

She turned her head, looked at Zhao Yun'er who was aggrieved, and smiled gently, "Sister, don't mind, your elder brother is a rough man and can't speak. Otherwise, I will leave the meal to you at noon today. Let us have a taste of your craft."

Zhao Yun'er suffocated slightly, leave it to her? alone?

Aunt Zhao hurriedly said, "Okay, Yun'er, come and help mother pick vegetables."

"Heh, I want to try Yun'er's cooking too." Li Xiangyu also agreed, looking at Li Man provocatively. She knew that Li Man's cooking was delicious, but she felt that Zhao Yun'er still He came back from the county seat and stayed in a big place, so cooking some special dishes is naturally not a problem, so maybe Li Man could be compared to him.

Zhao Yuner nodded.

Li Man smiled, "That's hard work, girl." After speaking, she dragged Li Mo out of the kitchen.

"Come here." Li Man directly dragged him into the side room, Xiao Wu was lying on the kang, seeing such a tall elder brother being dragged into the room by Li Man, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Li Man didn't realize that there was someone in the room, and she didn't pay much attention to her little five for a long time, and suddenly she felt embarrassed, and gently stroked Li Mo's wrinkled skirt, "Well, your elder brother didn't wear this clothes Okay, I'll help him sort it out."

What a lame excuse, do you really think he's stupid? Xiao Wu's head was full of black lines, he sat up straight, didn't reply, only raised his eyebrows slightly, as if to say, and then?

"Xiao Wu, you go out first, I have something to say to your sister." Li Mo was straightforward.

Only then did Xiao Wu let out an 'oh', slowly got off the kang, and walked out beside the two of them.

As soon as he went out, Li Man's eyes became sharp, and Li Mo's heart suddenly lifted, "Man'er." Even his voice softened, and there was a hint of pleading. Man'er is not in good health now, and he doesn't know why Made her angry.

Li Man picked up his collar again with her little hand, and pulled his head down. He was too tall, and if he wanted to speak into his eyes, he had to bow his neck, which was too tiring.

But as soon as this action was completed, before he could open his mouth, Xiao Wu suddenly leaned in from the door, "Do you want to close the door for you?"

With black lines all over their heads, the two said in unison, "No need."

Li Mo kicked the door shut with his foot.

Seeing him like that, Li Man burst into laughter.

When she smiled, Li Mo's expression eased, "Man'er—"

"It's not over yet." Li Man quickly withdrew her smile, and asked calmly, "Tell me honestly, if you don't let Zhao Yun'er cook, do you really don't want her to touch my things, or do you feel sorry for others and don't want her to do rough work? "

Is there even a question? Who is Zhao Yun'er, why does he love her so much? "I don't want her to touch it."

"Really?" Li Man didn't believe it.

"Really." Li Mo was a little annoyed, and his tone increased.

"Oh, it's true, what are you in a hurry for? Then I'll ask you again." Li Man pressed his chest suddenly, her eyes turned, and she asked in a low voice, "Then do you think I'm more beautiful or Zhao Yun'er is more beautiful? "

"This?" Li Mo was stopped by this question, and did not answer immediately, which annoyed Li Man again, and angrily thumped his chest, "I knew that you men like the new and dislike the old, you must think she is better than you." I'm good."

"No way." Li Mo held her hand and explained in a panic, "You asked me which of the two of you is the most beautiful. I thought, in my heart, you are the most beautiful, but, Zhao Yun'er, I thought about it for a while , I haven't looked at her carefully, so it's hard to compare, but she's not as beautiful as you."

"..." Li Man stared blankly at Li Mo. He had a serious and sincere face, which made her angry and funny, but in the end it was sweet in her heart. He grabbed her hand and had to lower her head. The clothes bit him lightly on his chest, not a punishment, but...a reward.

But Li Mo misunderstood, thought she was annoyed and biting, and hurriedly said, "It's true, I didn't look carefully, I——except you, I don't like to look at other women."

What a fool, Li Man bit his chest again, this time with more force, and he grunted as if it hurt.

"Does it hurt?" she asked him looking up.

How could Li Mo dare to say it hurts, so he quickly shook his head, "It doesn't hurt. Man'er, don't be angry."

"Fool, do you think I'm angry?" Li Man's cheeks were red, and the bright smile in her eyes was more and more exciting, and Li Mo was fascinated by it.

Seeing his bewildered expression, Li Man teased, "However, I didn't know that you are so good at talking."

Although, he is honest and honest, what he said is not a word of love to him, and even, he really thinks seriously and answers the question that she deliberately made things difficult by playing the little girl like that.

Haha, haven't you read it carefully?

This is really a more beautiful answer than what he said, and it also satisfies her.

Li Mo is embarrassed, can he speak? What did he just say? Didn't she bite him angrily? But the expression on her face didn't look annoyed either.

"Idiot, you are not allowed to watch it in the future, you understand?" Seeing that he was silent, Li Man gently rubbed against his arms.

Li Mo hurriedly stated, "I don't want to watch it."

"Yeah." Li Man smiled like a flower, and helped him straighten his clothes again, "Let's go, sit with me in the yard."


Here, Li Man understood Li Mo's heart, and she was delighted.

But in the kitchen, it's not so good.

After Li Xiangyu picked the vegetables, she handed them to Zhao Yun'er. Today she also wanted to see Zhao Yun'er's cooking skills.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun'er is good at washing vegetables, but not at chopping them.

A pumpkin seemed to be eaten by the dog she was cutting, and her posture with the knife was not right.

Can't even hold a knife? Li Xiangyu was curious and wanted to ask Aunt Zhao. Aunt Zhao was also very depressed. She intended to help her daughter, but Li Xiangyu pulled her away and insisted that she wanted to see Zhao Yuner's craftsmanship today and asked her to perform well. Aunt Zhao was not good either. Help, but thinking, it’s just some vegetarian dishes, no more, with oil and salt, the fried ones shouldn’t be too unpalatable, and even if it’s unpalatable, at that time, she can also describe that it’s the first time Yun’er is in Cooking here makes me nervous.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that when Zhao Yun'er cut the shredded pumpkin, she accidentally cut her finger, and the bright red blood dripped on the pumpkin drop by drop.

She cried herself, and others only saw her frowning.

Li Xiangyu thought, what a pity to lose such a fresh pumpkin.

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