Fortunate Wife

Chapter 219 There is.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, seemed to think for a while, and suddenly said, "So, you really want to be touched by me?" His voice was full of surprise and enthusiasm.

Li Man took a deep breath, what kind of thinking was he, and how did he get there? He hurriedly grasped his wrist, fearing that he would act recklessly, and hurriedly shook his head, "That's not what I meant."

"Huh?" Li Yan didn't seem to believe it.

Li Man blinked her eyes, wondering, how could such a smart person not understand her?

"I mean." His face was a little hot, and in the dimness, feeling his scorching gaze, Li Man turned around abruptly, and said with a sigh, "I won't tell you." I knew he did it on purpose.

"Heh." Li Yan leaned against her back, stretched out his hand to brush away the hair on her face, leaned close to her ear, and murmured softly, "When you have a child, I will endure it and won't touch you. "

Unexpectedly, when Li Man heard this, she immediately frowned, turned around suddenly, and hit Li Yan's chin with the top of her head, only to hear him grunt.

Li Man didn't feel bad at all, she clenched her small fist and beat him on the chest, angrily complaining, "You don't love me!"

For the sake of the child, he could bear it, but every time she said she couldn't bear it and begged him, why didn't he bear it once, but it got worse?

For the first time, she felt that she didn't miss the child so much. In their hearts, the child was more important than her.

Li Yan was also stunned for a moment, enduring the pain in his chin, and asked suspiciously, "Why do you say that, you don't know whether I love you or not?" He almost cut his heart open for her to see.

"I thought I was clear before, but now I don't." Li Man said angrily.

Li Yan got clues from her annoyed words, and laughed, "Fool, could it be that you are still jealous with our child?"

"Who is jealous?" Yes, how about being jealous? Treated differently, and the difference is too big.

"Childish." Li Yan stretched out his hand to rub her heart, and smiled softly, "Then, when you have it, I can't bear it, so I'll give it to you lightly, okay? But, you can't ask for more, it's not good for the baby." OK."

"..." Li Man wanted to bite him to death, but she didn't mean that at all, okay? It's as if she's so dissatisfied.

"It's because you want too much, okay?" Li Man yelled at him, and then beat him on the chest a few times.

"Hehe." Li Yan didn't care about his strength at all. He let her beat her a few times, and when he had vented enough, he took her hand and nestled in his arms, "It wasn't like a sleepy cat just now. Is that how strong you are?"

The implication of this is that since you have strength, why not do some more strength work? Li Man's heart shrank, and she quickly pushed him, "I want to sleep."

With his chin resting on the back of her neck, Li Yan smiled softly, "Of course I'm sleeping, otherwise what else can I do on the kang?"

Li Man pursed her lips and didn't say a word. When she thought of a person like him who could bear it for the sake of her child, she felt bad, but it didn't seem good to be jealous of her own child.

However, thinking of the child, one second she didn't want to see him, but the next second, Li Man suddenly thought that even Li Yan had said that when she had a child, she would resist touching her, so others would be even more reluctant. Having said that, then, does it mean that as long as she is pregnant with a child, she can relax for a while.

Well, it is said that she is pregnant for ten months, from her conception to giving birth, and then to raising the child, haha, at least one or two years, they can't touch themselves.

Thinking about it, Li Man laughed out loud again, imagining a picture in his mind - the painful scene of Li Yan holding back his internal injuries, well, remember what he said today, if he regrets it in the future, he will use this to block him Q.

"Hehe." Thinking of the future where Li Yan would suffer, Li Man was so happy that she laughed unconsciously.

Behind him, Li Yan, who was close to him, smiled from the corner of his lips, "What's the matter smiling so happily?"

"I won't tell you." Now that I've said it, what if he regrets it?

"Heh." Li Yan lightly smiled and bit the back of her snow-white neck.

Li Man shrank his neck, but it was also strange that he really didn't seem to do much tonight.

"Sleep, I'll just hug you like this." Sure enough, Li Yan just pressed against her like this, and there was no other irritating movement.

Li Man was even more surprised. Has this person changed? Carrying her back from Li Xiangcao's house in such a domineering manner was simply—sleeping?

"What's the matter? Don't you think so?" As if sensing her strangeness, Li Yan smiled wickedly in her ear.

Li Man quickly denied, "Sleep." Anyway, it's good to be able to sleep peacefully for a night.

"Well, go to sleep." Li Yan didn't tease her anymore, hugged her gently, and closed his eyes. These days, she was indeed exhausted. Seeing her walking these days, her legs were shaking, He knew that some things had been done, and after dinner, he also discussed with his eldest brother, third brother and fourth brother. In fact, it was also a warning, that is, let this girl rest and not empty her body.

Li Man didn't think of anything else. It's rare to enjoy Li Yan's thoughtfulness. She just needs to sleep peacefully. Maybe it's because she hasn't slept well for many nights. After knowing that there is no danger, the drowsiness soon hit her, and she really fell asleep. caught.

Listening to her rhythmic breathing, Li Yan took a deep breath. It was a long night, and it seemed that he had to do something with her every night to fall asleep, but tonight he simply hugged her like this, felt her body temperature, and breathed her breath. Scenting, listening to her breath... This feeling seems to be very good!


What Li Man didn't expect was that in the next few days, Li Shu, Li Hua, and Li Mo didn't make things difficult for her. At most, they just kissed her gently, and then hugged her like a baby.

Therefore, after resting for several days, Li Man's physical strength gradually recovered, and while recovering, she secretly calculated in her heart.

She is already a normal woman now, and she is almost never free during the days of ovulation, so, could there be a seed of life that has germinated in her body?

These days, Li Man has been living in tension and anticipation. She always feels that her child is close to her. Moreover, when the second menstrual event comes, the aunt does not arrive as expected, and Li Man is suffering. I have endured it for seven days, but I haven't waited, and I finally feel that a happy event is approaching?

After breakfast that day, when the men were busy, they secretly took Li Xiangcao and went out together.

Now that Li Xiangcao is at home, Li Man is willing to mention many matters between women. For example, if the menstrual event did not come this time, she dragged Li Xiangcao to accompany her to Xu Berna for an inspection, because she was not sure whether it was true or not. She was pregnant, she had read many books about pregnancy, compared it secretly, and found that she didn't meet any of the other items except menstruation.

Therefore, she didn't dare to look for Li Mo and the others, because she was afraid that, like the previous few times, she had given them hope and finally let them down.


When we arrived at Uncle Xu's house, Uncle Xu was seeing a patient. Aunt Xu brought them into the room, chatted for a while, and praised Li Man for getting fatter, looking better than before, and her little face was more beautiful. When it grows, it looks like a beautiful and blooming flower.

Li Man was a little embarrassed to be praised, but fortunately, Aunt Xu was sensible, and finally praised Li Xiangcao again.

Aunt Xu had a relationship with Li Xiangcao because of the conflict between Li Man and Li Xiangyu last time. Although she had a bad impression of her sister, she felt good about Li Xiangcao. People feel very comfortable.

Knowing that Li Xiangcao and Li were at home, Aunt Xu looked at her and wanted to introduce someone to Li Xiangcao. She said that there was a young man at the foot of the mountain who was quite good, but the family was a little poorer and she was still unmarried. , but the younger generation will definitely not treat her poorly. Moreover, they are all young, and the hard days will pass sooner or later, and there will be more sweetness in the future.

Li Xiangcao knew that she had good intentions, and even though she had no intention of getting married, she listened quietly.

At this time, Li Man thought of Zhang Ben. It's strange to say that since Li Xiangcao came to the house, Zhang Ben would visit Li's house every now and then, sometimes almost every day for several days in a row. I also vaguely thought that Zhang Ben was originally a member of this family.

But since the last time I was deflated at Li Xiangcao's place, she also told him to make a new hairpin to coax Li Xiangcao. However, I don't know what happened to that guy, but since he left last time, he has never been to Li Xiangcao again. Family.

Because of the menstruation and being pestered by men every day in those days, she also forgot about Zhang Ben. Now that she thinks about it, Zhang Ben should not have shown his face for more than a month.

She couldn't help looking at Li Xiangcao, but Li Xiangcao's face was calm, and she couldn't see anything strange at all.

Could it be that Zhang Ben was frustrated by Li Xiangcao and just gave up?

Without allowing her to think too much, Xu Bo sent away the outside guests and came here to check Li Man's pulse.

Li Man was very nervous, too nervous to ask, Aunt Xu patted her hand lightly, and asked for her, "How is it? Is it Ximai?"

Uncle Xu shook his head, but his face showed joy, "Although it's not a happy pulse, Man girl's body has basically recovered now, and it's not difficult to want a child. It's a matter of timing."

"Really?" Aunt Xu was pleasantly surprised. Compared to the news in the first half of the year that it was difficult for Man girl to conceive and have a child, this is undoubtedly great news.

Not pregnant? Li Man felt a little disappointed, but it was soon replaced by surprise. Uncle Xu said that her body is normal now, and she may become pregnant at any time, it's just a matter of timing.

She thought, maybe her child is shy and not ready yet, she can give him more time, ha ha.

"By the way, Man'er's menstruation didn't come this time, what's the matter?" Because Uncle Xu is a doctor, Li Xiangcao is less shy as a woman in front of the doctor. Manlou asked, and asked quickly.

Uncle Xu smiled, "It doesn't matter. Man girl is young and has her menarche. It's normal for her menstruation to be unstable. When she gets older, she will naturally become regular. However, she can't take it lightly."

Next, Uncle Xu explained some taboos and precautions. One of the things that made Li Man bleed the most was that Uncle Xu warned her that when she got home, she would tell those men that intercourse was forbidden during menstruation.

Well, she wrote them down one by one.

At noon, Aunt Xu wanted to keep them for dinner, but because she didn't tell her family that she was going to buy meat, she was afraid that the family would worry if she didn't return, so after Li Man checked, she and Li Xiangcao went to Chencun meat again. stall, bought some meat and went home.


In the evening, Li Man casually asked Li Yan about Zhang Ben. At first, she thought that if Zhang Ben didn't dislike Li Xiangcao's second marriage and age, their future might be a good story. If Ben gave up easily just because Li Xiangcao rejected his hairpin, she thought, even if Zhang Ben regretted it in the future, she would not approve of Li Xiangcao marrying such a man.

But Li Yan said that he was not very clear about it. He only knew that Zhang Ben left home about a month ago. As for where he went, the neighbors around him didn't know. Never come back for a lifetime.

So, Li Man stopped asking questions, and could only sigh softly in her heart. In other words, a woman's mind is the most sensitive. For more than a month, although Li Xiangcao's face was calm, Li Man felt that something was going on in her heart. Several times, When the two were working together, Li Man saw her in a daze from time to time.

There is a situation, Li Xiangcao definitely has a situation, but is it related to Zhang Ben?

Now, one closes his heart, and the other leaves home with unknown whereabouts. Li Man doesn't dare to think about such two people. Therefore, he doesn't dare to do anything to match the two. He is afraid that in the end, the bamboo basket will fetch water and let Li Xiangcao No matter how sad you are.


Day by day, I live in peace and happiness day by day. Before I know it, the end of the year is approaching, and Shennvgou also ushered in the first snow at the end of the year.

On this day, since Li Yan came back from the town to check the accounts, the snow has been falling, but in half an afternoon, the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow, and all the houses and trees were covered by snow , wrapped in silver.

In the past, Li Man was very afraid of the cold, especially in that kind of wet and cold weather. She almost always hid in the house and never went out, but now, looking at the snow-covered world outside like a fairy tale world, her blood boiled inside her body. They dragged it so that they would not go out to play in the snow at that time, but the first thing she did when she got up early the next morning was to open the window, hold the snow on the window lattice with her hands, and squeeze it in her hand. Formed into small balls, and then mischievously smashed at the branch in the backyard, the snow on the smashed tree fell like a rain of pear blossoms.

"With the windows open, aren't you afraid of the cold?" Li Hua sat up, and hugged her, who was only wearing a jacket, into his arms, and wrapped the thick quilt around the two of them.

In this way, Li Man couldn't play anymore, turned around in his arms, and suddenly reached out to touch Bai Xi's cheek, "Is it cool?"

There is still snow on the palm of my hand, which is wet and cool.

Li Hua didn't think her face was getting cold, but pulled out her hand, took a towel from the locker, and helped her dry the snow on her hands.

"Have you never seen snow?" He looked at the surprise in her eyes with a smile.

"Not much." Li Man honestly admitted that in modern times, she had seen snow when she was a child, but when she grew up, it was difficult to see snow once a year due to geographical constraints. Places that are too cold specialize in snow appreciation, so here, seeing the thick layer of white snow, from a distance, it looks like a layer of goose down quilt, Li Man is happy, childishly happy.

"Li Hua, let's get up." After a while, she wanted to build a snowman, five of them, just like the five of their brothers, hehe.

"It's too early." There was a cool wind blowing in. Even through the curtain, I could still feel the coolness and the slight dampness in the air. Li Hua leaned over and closed the window tightly.

The room was quite dark, "It's still early, listen, it's quiet, the rooster is still sleeping."

Li Man leaned into his arms suspiciously if he didn't hear the rooster crowing, "But, it's already so bright." She really wanted to go out, and tried to step on the thick snow, soft and comfortable. Creaking, small footprints one by one, printed on the white snow, like a painting, great.

"No, it's because of the snow outside." Li Hua explained, putting his arms around her body and pressing down, fearing that her shoulders would be exposed to the outside and get cold.

"Oh." It seems that Li Hua still doesn't want to get up so early*, "Then I'll get up first, and I'll cook."

"Sleep with me again." Li Hua yawned, and didn't lie down, but leaned against her body, lowered her head to her shoulder, and closed her eyes slightly.

Li Man squinted at his closed eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Li Hua, are you sleepy?" Even though she slept late last night, the night is so long now, she should sleep enough, besides, she wasn't too tired So sleepy.

"Yeah." Li Hua snorted softly, holding her little hand with both hands under the blanket, it was still very cold.

"Okay then, let's lie down and sleep again." Li Man is very considerate, especially in terms of basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. She is very considerate to men. If he is sleepy, she will definitely sleep well with him.

As soon as her words fell, Li Hua hugged her and lay back. He was already behind, so when she lay down, most of Li Man's body was on top of him, and she hurriedly moved to the side, "Press Is it with you?"

"Heh." The corners of Li Hua's lips raised slightly, and she really wanted to say that she likes the feeling of being pressed by her, but forget it, sometimes, even teasing her, she can't do anything, and in the end, it's only her who suffers .

Seeing him like this, Li Man thought he was still sleepy, so she didn't make a sound, and lay obediently in his arms, smelling the pleasant smell on his body, listening to the wind blowing outside and the sound of snowflakes rustling, just I think time is quiet.


Originally, she only planned to sleep with Li Hua and not herself, but in the end, she fell asleep again without knowing it, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Li Hua's smiling face, "I told you not to sleep in the morning." Sleep well, see if you are sleepy?"

In fact, he didn't feel sleepy while holding her, but he didn't expect that she, who was very playful at the beginning, would fall asleep in his arms, which stunned him.

It seems that after this winter, Li Man, like a certain kind of small animals that hibernate in winter, has become more and more sleepy and lethargic.

Often, at night, she was still talking one second before, and the next second, she had already fallen asleep sweetly.

Hehe, reaching out to rub her soft long hair, at that time, my heart was really soft.

"Huh?" Li Man took a while to react, "Is it dawn?" Rubbing her head, why did she fall asleep again?

"It's early morning, do you want to get up?" Li Hua asked with a smile. It's cold now, and there's nothing to do when she wakes up. If she is willing to lie down under the covers, he doesn't mind just being with her like this.

"Well, get up." Li Man kicked the quilt under the quilt, because his hand was held by him.

But Li Hua immediately put one leg over her and pinned down her two little feet, "Don't kick around, the heater in the bed has been kicked away."

"Get up." Li Man looked sideways at him. She also wanted to go out to see the snow scene, build a snowman, have a snowball fight, and do all the things she never did when she was a child.

Naturally, there is one last reason, which is - she is so hungry, she obviously ate a lot last night, but now she is hungry and flustered, is it because the night is too long?

"En." Li Hua responded, but he didn't let go, and he didn't intend to get up. Under the quilt, his naughty toes gently scraped her smooth and smooth feet.

"Well, itching." Li Man is the most ticklish, as long as a certain part of her body is gently scratched like a feather, it will itch.

She shrank her feet, curled up her legs, and instinctively pushed Li Man away.

"Hehe." Li Hua smiled happily. She is ticklish, which is something everyone in the family knows, but the more itchy she is, the more he wants to tease her.

Under the laughter, both hands came to her armpits, but before they touched her, Li Man seemed to sense it, and immediately shrank into a ball, her threatening voice always had a pitiful tone, "Don't tickle me, otherwise , I ignore you."

"I didn't scratch you, look." Li Hua suddenly raised his hands to show her, and when she looked at him with wide eyes, he suddenly touched her shoulder socket lightly again, teasing Li Man all over. Trembling, breathing unsteadily called him 'bad guy'.

Li Hua is very innocent, "I really didn't scratch it just now, but now I'm scratching it now. You wronged me just now, and I'm just demonstrating it to you."

"Bad guy." One by one, there is always a reason. Li Man managed to calm down the feeling, shrank her body into the bed, and tried to keep a little distance from him.

"I won't scratch you anymore, really." With the distance, Li Hua regretted it again, and still likes the feeling of being close, soft and fragrant, and warm in winter.

Li Man glared at him angrily, but didn't approach him, full of resentment in her heart, she had always been ticklish, but she didn't expect that she would still have this problem after changing her body.

There are many people who are ticklish, but who would have thought that ticklishness has become a weakness of hers.

It has to be said that it's not that the whole family doesn't come into the family, these brothers are all equally bad, they just like to bully her no matter how weak she is, they know that she is ticklish, so they tickle her when nothing happens, damn it!

"Heh." Li Hua stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms, "Are you hungry? How about I bring you breakfast?"

With her current state, he really didn't want to let her sleep. Why don't you wait a little longer after breakfast.

"No." When it came to breakfast, Li Man felt even hungrier. She lifted the quilt and was about to get up. Li Hua hurriedly sat up and pulled the quilt to wrap her around her. "I'll bring your clothes first."

His padded jacket was on the locker, and hers was taken off to the chair yesterday by her.

Li Hua put on a cotton-padded jacket, got off the kang, and took all her clothes, "Just sit under the quilt and put them on, and then get off when you're done."

"Yeah." In fact, Li Man was still afraid of the cold, and she couldn't help shivering when she lifted the quilt violently just now, so she obediently put on her clothes under the quilt, and then got out of the kang.

The two packed up and went downstairs together.

Downstairs, Li Mo and Li Shu were shoveling the snow at the door with a shovel, and there was already a small snowdrift in the corner by the flowerbed.

"Daughter-in-law, slow down, the road is slippery." Seeing her coming down, Li Shu hurriedly threw away the shovel in his hand, walked up to her, squatted down, "I'll carry you to the kitchen."

"Such a few steps, no need." Li Man smiled and patted him on the back.

Li Shu stood up straight, looked at his fourth younger brother who looked like a picture, and suddenly stretched out his hand, and directly hugged Li Man into his arms.

"What?" Li Man exclaimed.

Li Shu smiled, "If you don't want to carry it, then hug it."

Li Man pinched his arm, helpless, is there a ten-step walk from the main room to the kitchen?

When they got to the kitchen and put her down, Li Shu looked at Li Man cheerfully, "Daughter-in-law, you've gained a lot."

"I wear a lot of clothes." The cotton-padded jacket and trousers were put on, so it's no wonder it wasn't heavy.

Li Shu looked at her face, her little face seemed to be rounded a lot, "Hee hee, daughter-in-law, you are still fat."

"Me?" Seeing the dense sweat on Li Shu's forehead, Li Man was terrified. She must have hugged her, right? Such a little way.

At this time, Li Xiangcao finished her breakfast, turned her head to look at Li Man, and smiled, "Not to mention, she seems to be a little fatter than before, but she looks better when she's fat."

Do you look good even if you are fat? Li Man instinctively stretched out her hand and pinched her cheeks. It was indeed a little fleshy. It seems that she is eating at home every day, sleeping and sleeping, and she really grows fleshy fast.

Exercise after eating.

After a brief wash, Li Man didn't care about others, just took a steamed stuffed bun and ate it with a bowl of porridge. After eating, she only felt a little better in hunger, but she wasn't full and wanted to eat.

So, Li Man drank another bowl of porridge, ate a boiled egg, and ate a leek bun and two pickled cabbage buns, and then put down his chopsticks in satisfaction.

"Heh, this girl is good at eating." Li Yan watched Li Man waddling out like a duck with a funny face.

Li Hua smiled, "My sister-in-law's buns are delicious, she loves to eat them."

"Well, there is still some meat at home, how about I make some at noon." Li Xiangcao said.

"Okay." Li Shu nodded immediately. It seemed that he hadn't eaten much meat for a few days. It wasn't that they didn't buy it, but Li Man said that it's good to eat something light in this winter, such as this pickle, which is delicious. , much stronger than that meat.

Everyone in the family shook their heads when they heard this. They dare not say this out loud. If they let people know that his women love to eat pickles and even dislike meat, they might say behind their backs that their family's life is getting better and they are rampant.

However, Li Man did not lie. The last time Li Yan bought the meat, she said it had a strange smell and she didn’t like it. Recently, she seems to prefer to eat the sour pickled cabbage, which made the brothers feel distressed. died.

Later, I also bought meat a few times, but every time it was ready, Li Man didn't move her chopsticks very much.

So, since she loves steamed stuffed buns, it seems good to make steamed stuffed buns with meat.


After Li Man finished eating, she went out, happily took Li Mo's shovel for shoveling snow, stepped on the soft snow, walked to the corner of the house, shoveled up the snow one by one, and tried hard to build a snowman. .

The others have had breakfast and have nothing to do. This period is the most leisure time for country people. Apart from doing New Year's goods, there are no other big things.

Therefore, Li Mo and the others came to help Li Man because they were fine. They thought she was shoveling snow, but in the end, she saw that the snow pile was getting higher and higher. Then, she took Li Yan's small carving knife, and a little Little by little, it was modified on the snowdrift.

Finally, a handsome young man appeared.

Li Mo gathered around to look, and recognized who it was at a glance, and all looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu blushed, and looked at Li Man in surprise, "Sister, is this me?"

"Well, it's you." Recently, for some reason, this little guy has some troubles with her. She was the first to build a snowman like him to please him. After all, after the new year, he She was about to go to the academy to study, and she wanted to take advantage of the present to build a good relationship with him, so that this kid would not go to school with emotions.

Xiao Wu was even more pleasantly surprised when he heard that, a smile almost overflowed his delicate face.

"Didn't think you would do this? Heh." Li Yan stood aside with his arms around him, a little critical of Xiao Wu's snowman, "No hair, no clothes, heh, he's naked."

Li Man has a chill, and everyone else has black lines all over their heads, can this be seen?

Xiao Wu didn't take it seriously, it wasn't the first day he knew the second brother, the second brother was obviously envious and jealous, hehe, sister doesn't want to build his snowman, right?

"You don't like it?" Li Man seemed a little surprised, looked at Li Yan with a little disappointment, "Then I won't make yours."

"What?" Is there his share? A smile appeared on Li Yan's face instantly, annoyed that he was in a hurry this time, "Hehe, forget it, you'd better make one, otherwise, it would be ugly to let Xiao Wu here alone."

"It doesn't matter, daughter-in-law, let me be naked, you can pile me up." Li Shu said shamelessly.

Li Man gritted her teeth and glared at him, "Who is naked? Not naked." She had already carved the clothes with a carving knife, but they couldn't see it with their clumsy eyes.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I look good with clothes on and naked." Li Shu stretched his lips and smiled triumphantly.

Li Man gave him a white look, and then excitedly said to the others, "Then you all come to pile up, and I will draw, okay?"

"Okay." Everyone immediately agreed, and after a while, the kitchen was cleaned up, and Li Xiangcao also came out to join the snow shoveling team.

Everyone had a great time, especially Li Man, who had a few of them in his mind and carved them one by one on the snowdrift.

Li Mo's ignorance, Li Yan's charm, Li Shu's handsomeness, Li Hua's elegance, and Xiaowu's youthful youthfulness were all polished so meticulously that after Li Man made it, the brothers gathered around the snowman to watch. It's been a long time.

So, is that what they are like in their daughter-in-law's heart?

That's great, have they all left a deep imprint on the daughter-in-law's heart?


After playing for half the morning, perhaps it took too much energy, and Li Man was hungry again, so while their brothers were still playing childishly outside, she went into the kitchen by herself.

It seemed that she couldn't wait for lunch, and she wanted to find something to eat first.

Fortunately, when it first snowed that day, Li Yan came back from checking the accounts in the town and brought a lot of her favorite snacks.

She took a box of sesame halva, poured herself another cup of hot water, and sat on a chair to eat by herself.

After a while, Li Xiangcao also came over. Seeing that Li Man hadn't come out, she thought she was cooking, so she came to help. When she came in, she saw that Li Man was eating, and she was slightly surprised.

She knows Li Man's appetite. It used to be not that big, and a bowl of rice was about the same. Occasionally, it would be a big deal to have more than half a bowl. But recently, especially this morning, she really ate a lot. It seems to be two or three times as much as before.

"Sister-in-law, here." Seeing him coming in, Li Man handed her a piece of crispy candy.

Li Xiangcao didn't answer, but sat beside her and looked at her suspiciously, "Man'er, are you hungry?"

"Yeah." Why eat if you're not hungry?

The corners of Li Xiangcao's eyes twitched, "But what about you in the morning?" You obviously ate a lot, and it's only halfway through this morning.

Li Man heard what she meant, and smiled embarrassedly, "That's right, I ate a lot in the morning, and I don't know what happened. I eat a lot recently. Could it be that I really gained weight? Has your appetite increased?"

As she said that, she became a little worried again. If she eats like this, one day she will be the same as the two in the pigsty in the backyard. I remember that when I bought them, they were still so small that she could hold one in one hand. , but now, look at that fat body, one or two hundred catties, right?

When Li Man thought that her body shape would probably swell and expand horizontally under the current eating method, she immediately trembled, she didn't want to become a fat pig.

However, looking at the crispy candy in her hand, why did she feel even hungrier, and she still wanted to eat it.

"Man'er, do you want to eat anything else?" Li Xiangcao asked, "I'll make it for you at noon."

"Anything is fine, I don't care." Li Man said, and couldn't help stuffing halva into her mouth. Forget it, I have a good appetite in winter, and I will get fat if I get fat. Anyway, I have clothes to cover it. I really can't watch it. I will lose weight in spring.

Seeing her blinking, Li Xiangcao ate two more yuan with relish. Suddenly, something flashed in her mind, and she asked in surprise, "Man'er, how long has it been since you came?"

"Which one?" Li Man was stunned for a moment, and Li Xiangcao reminded, "It's that one. Let me think about it. It seems that you haven't asked me to give you a menstrual belt for a long time."

"Ah?" Li Man's face turned hot, and she smiled, "Yes, yes..." She thought for a while, and it seemed that it had been more than two months, almost three months, since the last time.

"It's almost three months?" Li Xiangcao also calculated carefully and asked directly.

"Yeah." Li Man nodded. As usual, she would definitely be nervous if her menstrual period did not come for three months. It took more than 40 days after menarche came, and the second time, and this time, after three months, she also felt normal.

It seems that, after thinking about it hard, in modern times, after menstruation at the age of fifteen, it seems that half a year has passed before the second menarche occurs.

Therefore, Li Man didn't take this thing that didn't come after three months at all.

However, Li Xiangcao was not calm anymore, her eyes lit up with surprise, "Man'er, you have it, this time, you must have it."

"What's the matter?" Li Man started to stop thinking about the child after she lied about the military situation one after another, because this time was the same as last time, except that her aunt didn't come, and she didn't have any other reactions.

"My child." At this moment, Li Xiangcao admired Li Man a little. The first few times, when there was a slight disturbance, she seemed to be nervous or something. Why is she so stupid this time?

It's also her fault, why didn't I find out a long time ago, she loves to eat, especially sour ones, and she has gained weight......

"Child?" Li Man was a little surprised by Li Xiangcao's reaction, "How could it be? I didn't feel it." At least, she knew that most people would vomit when they were pregnant. How could she eat so happily like her? of?

"Fool." Li Xiangcao decided not to talk nonsense with her, immediately got up, ran out, and before reaching the corner of the room, she called to Li Mo and the others, "Li Mo, Li Yan, Li Shu, Li Hua, come on, Man'er is here!" .”

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