Fortunate Wife

Chapter 220 Two.

"Li Mo, Li Yan, Li Shu, and Li Hua, come on, Man'er is here."

Li Xiangcao's voice was very loud, and it rang clearly over the courtyard. The Li family brothers were still discussing who was better around the snowman, and they were all stunned by his shout.

"What's the matter?" Li Shu was the first to ask nervously, worried about his wife.

At this time, a figure rushed past him, and Li Yan was seen heading towards the kitchen at an extremely fast speed, and then, Li Mo, Li Hua, and Xiao Wu, who reacted a little slower, all rushed towards the kitchen at an astonishing speed , leaving Li Shu confused, and then terrified again.

What's wrong with the daughter-in-law?

"Li Shu, Man'er is here." Seeing him in a daze, Li Xiangcao pointed at his stomach, then turned around and walked back.

Li Shu seemed to realize something, but couldn't think of what it was, his mind suddenly went blank, and he could only instinctively

He took a step and ran towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Li Man was startled by Li Xiangcao's exclamation, and then surrounded by several men who suddenly squeezed in, she was even more nervous.

"You guys?" Seeing their strangely shining eyes, Li Man's little heart shrank hard, swallowed the pastry in her mouth, and hurriedly explained, "Don't listen to my sister's nonsense, I don't feel it."

He said that he has a child again. There are too many stories about this kind of wolf. I'm really afraid of hurting them.

"I really don't feel it?" Li Yan squatted down by her feet, and gently stroked her lower abdomen with his palm. She was wearing too much clothes and couldn't touch anything at all.

Li Man nodded, "I don't feel it, except... except that I didn't come, but Uncle Xu said last time that it's normal to be irregular now, so this abnormality is actually normal."

Moreover, not coming to a big aunt cannot be used as a sign of pregnancy.

"What do you mean, does the wife have children?" Li Shu, who realized later, was holding on to the door frame, nervous and unsteady on his feet. Is he going to be a father? Yeah?

Li Man's head was full of black lines, and just about to deny it, Li Mo gave a heavy 'hmm', Li Yan raised his eyebrows and looked back at Li Shu, Li Hua looked nervous, his clenched palms were full of sweat, Xiao Wu looked strange staring at Li Man's stomach.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Li Xiangcao could only answer on her behalf, and said with a smile, "This time there must be, Man'er, don't believe it, or let's go to the doctor to see it now."

"But me," Li Man stood up hesitantly. Seeing the expectant faces of these men, I really couldn't bear to be shocked, but what if the doctor still didn't see it?

"Why don't you wait a few more days?" The pregnant person should have some reaction, so let's wait for her reaction to be obvious. Now, she really feels that she doesn't feel anything at all.

"What are you waiting for? Eldest brother, you and the third younger brother should go and invite Uncle Xu here." Li Yan hugged Li Man and gave orders to the elder brother and the third younger brother.

At a time like this, it's freezing outside, so it's not appropriate to take Li Man out to see a doctor, so she can only invite her back home.

Li Mozheng had this intention, so he nodded and said good-bye, "I will leave Man'er to you, take good care of it." After speaking, he excitedly dragged Li Shu out, who was also excited and didn't know what to do.

Li Man was a little speechless, "If there is no such thing, wouldn't it be too...too bad?"

"No." Li Hua walked beside her, holding her hand, her excited voice changed a little, "I was dreaming last night, dreaming about our child."

"Ah? What does it look like?" Li Man couldn't help looking at Li Hua.

Li Hua smiled like the wind, "Naturally he looks like me."

Li Yan glanced at him sideways, didn't speak, just hugged Li Man, quickened his pace, and ran upstairs.

In the room, Li Yan gently put her on the kang and helped her take off her shoes.

Li Hua hurriedly took off her shoes and climbed onto the kang.

Li Yan glared at him, "What are you doing up there? Man'er is pregnant, so you lie down, what is this? Excuse me?"

"It's cold in the bed, I'll help her cover it." Li Hua had a good reason, and she was not afraid in front of people, and directly took off her cotton jacket and trousers.

Li Xiangcao was a little embarrassed, the house was full of Li Man's husband-in-law, she hurriedly said, "Man'er must be still hungry, I'm going down to make lunch first."

After finishing speaking, he happily went downstairs to prepare lunch. It would not be enough to eat only steamed stuffed buns for lunch. Man'er is a healthy person now, so what should she eat?

As soon as she left, Li Hua got under the blanket and patted the place beside her, "Man'er, come in quickly, I'll cover you, I'm warm."

"I'm not cold either." Li Yan stood on the edge of the kang and took off his padded jacket.

Seeing them like this, Li Man wanted to get off the kang to put on shoes.

"Man'er." Li Hua hurriedly hugged her, "Don't bend down, what are you going to do, just tell me."

"Put on your shoes." Li Man gave him a white look, she is not sleepy at all now, why is she on the kang again.

"What are you wearing shoes for?" Li Yan had already taken off his cotton-padded jacket, and was about to undo the belt of his cotton-padded trousers.

Li Man said unhappily, "I'm a small Kang, so I just sleep with you two."

"It's young." Li Hua glanced at Li Yan, "Second Brother, what are you doing so blindly, I'll let Man'er take care of you, don't come up."

Li Yan saw Li Hua hugging Li Man's shoulders in such a domineering manner, and frowned displeasedly, "Come down."

"I'll go down." Li Man struggled again in Li Hua's arms, "I haven't had lunch yet, so I'm going to lie down now, what should I do if I fall asleep later?"

"Then sleep, sleep well, I'll bring you the meal." Li Hua said with a gentle smile.

"Then you'll become a pig." At the tip of the kang, Xiao Wu had been leaning there, and when he heard this, he chuckled.

"Xiao Wu." Li Yan and Li Hua glared at Xiao Wu displeased, but Li Man agreed with his words. Although it was not pleasant to hear, she just lay down when she had nothing to do, and even had to eat on the kang, which is the same as in a pigsty. Some two are really the same.

In fact, even if she is really pregnant, she doesn't want to spend every day on the kang.

"I won't lie down." Li Man insisted on getting off the kang.

Li Yan and Li Hua looked at each other, and they reached an agreement.

"Hey, sit if you don't lie down, it's always warmer in the bed." Li Yan coaxed.

Li Man retorted, "I'm not cold." She was already wearing a lot of clothes, and she was still sweating outside after a long time of activities.

"Then I'll talk to you while sitting down." Li Hua coaxed, "You're not feeling well right now, it's very slippery outside, what if you accidentally knocked, bumped and fell?"

When she is made of paper? Li Man was helpless, "I will be careful, besides, it is not certain whether there will be children."

"It's always right to be careful." Li Yan said.

"Yeah, wait for Xu Bo to come, and I'll check it out for you." Li Hua agreed.

Li Man looked at the persistent eyes of the two of them, and knew that it would be useless if her mouth was worn out, so she leaned on the bed of the kang and kept silent.

child? Is there really one? She didn't feel it at first, but being tormented by these few made her feel strange, as if there was really a little life in her body.

She pulled the quilt to cover most of her body, stretched her hand into the clothes unconsciously, and touched her lower abdomen through the underwear, yeah, it's fleshy, it seems...

Just as she was amazed at how quickly she grew flesh, she touched it with another hand. She froze and met Li Hua's delighted smile, "I touched it."

"What did you touch?" Li Yan and Li Man asked in surprise in unison, Xiao Wu couldn't help but leaned over half of his body, looking curiously.

"The child is moving." Li Hua said excitedly, Li Yan immediately lifted the quilt, and his big palm touched her belly from under her clothes.

Li Man's head was full of black lines, and she directly pushed the two of them away, "Idiot, even if he really has a child, he is probably about the size of a peanut, so how can he move?"

"Peanuts?" Li Hua was obviously very dissatisfied with being so young. In his dream, the child had a tiger head and a tiger brain, and he would call him daddy.

Li Man nodded expressionlessly, "Maybe even smaller." She once had a best friend who took a B-ultrasound when she was two weeks pregnant, and the BB-ultrasound showed that it was even smaller, maybe even the size of a peanut. no.

"Why is it so small? I think other people's children are born this big." Xiao Wu thought, the last time sister Huzi came back with a child, that child should have——, he gestured with his hand.

Li Man had no choice but to explain, "Everyone's children are born, so of course they're grown up, aren't we just starting to grow up?"

"No hurry, no hurry." Li Yan sat down next to the kang, comforting her gently, "In the future, if you eat more, the child will grow up fast. But—"

Li Yan's gaze involuntarily sized up Li Man.

Although she is much rounder than before, but her body is thin, and she is incomparable with those strong women in the village. Besides, she doesn't seem to have grown much. A year has passed, and Xiao Wu is even taller than her Half a head taller.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Li Man seemed to understand the emotion in his eyes, pouted and said, "If you dislike me, then find someone else to give birth to you."

"How can you dislike it? I think you are too young, and I am afraid—— that it will be difficult to have children in the future." Li Yan expressed his worry from the bottom of his heart.

Li Man didn't take it seriously, "It's ripe."

"Oh." Li Yan smiled lightly, "Okay, it's ripe." After finishing speaking, he suddenly leaned over, put his face on Li Man's lower abdomen, and said softly, "Son, be good, you are in your mother's belly. , You have to eat well and sleep well, so that you can grow fast."

"Hey, second brother, that's my son." Li Hua corrected Li Yan, since he had that dream last night, he felt that Man'er didn't have a baby in her stomach, and if she did, it must be his.

"Heh." Li Yan looked up, staring at him with a half-smile, "Your son? You call one, and he promises to be yours."

"..." Li Hua froze for a moment.

"Laughing." Li Man gave Li Yan a white look, and suddenly said worriedly, "You two have a son, what if it's a daughter?"

"A daughter is better. I've always wanted a daughter who looks like you." Li Yan immediately said happily.

Li Hua also nodded, "If it's a daughter, it's not bad to be like me. I will make beautiful clothes for her and teach her to read and write."

"Unfortunately, whether it's a son or a daughter, he can only have one father." Just as the two elder brothers were thinking about it, Xiao Wu really couldn't see it, and coolly said a hard-hitting fact.

Sure enough, Li Yan and Li Hua's complexion changed, but Li Yan's next sentence irritated Xiao Wu so much that he wanted to scratch him.

Li Yan said, "This father has absolutely nothing to do with you anyway."

Then, Li Hua continued to mend his wound, "Yes, by the way, Xiao Wu, you have been calling Sister Man'er all the time, then, when the child is born, what should I call you? Uncle or Uncle?"

"I want to be a father." Xiao Wu yelled at them angrily, even though the child is not his, but the title cannot be lost, "Call me Xiao Dae."

Seeing his annoyed look, Li Yan and Li Hua smiled happily.

Li Man gave the two of them a hard look, teasing a child is really...too idle.


At lunch time, Li Mo brought Aunt Xu Bo and Xu.

As soon as Xu Bo came, he didn't even care about drooling, and under the impatient urging of everyone, he took Li Man's pulse.

"How is it?" Seeing Uncle Xu get his pulse, he frowned and remained silent for a while, everyone in the room raised their hearts in their throats, and in the end, it was Aunt Xu who couldn't help but ask first.

"Hmm—" Xu Bo frowned, glanced quietly at the faces of the men, then pondered again, without speaking.

Aunt Xu patted the back of his head anxiously, "What's going on, talk."

Li Man's heart was also pounding anxiously, but she still pretended to be nothing, and comforted everyone, "It's nothing, I said it was gone, and you don't believe it. It's all right now, I can get off the kang." "

"Who said there is no more?" Uncle Xu glanced lightly at Li Man, and Aunt Xu patted him again after hearing what he said, "Damn old man, can you finish your speech at once, whether you have it or not?"

"Yes, I have."

"What's the matter?" All the men couldn't bear it one by one, and shouted at Uncle Xu in unison.

Xu Bo's beard trembled, and he said in a trembling voice, "It's the joy pulse!"

Everyone's faces were dull, as if they didn't react at once, should they be shocked or happy? What should I do?

Aunt Xu was overjoyed, and patted Uncle Xu again, "Damn old man, if it's Ximai, just say Ximai. If you don't speak for a long time, who do you want to scare to death? See if I don't take care of you when I go back."

that is! Everyone else in the room had the same thought, Xu Bo, who didn't speak in time, should clean up.

Yes, do you really have children? Li Man was stunned for a moment. In the previous life, she had been looking forward to it for many years, and in this life, she also lingered for a long time amid expectations and disappointments, but, did she really have it?

She was at a loss, and looked up at Li Mo and the others, only to find that they were more dazed than she was, and even more at a loss, staring at her blankly, as if they couldn't even speak.

Li Xiangcao was the first to weep with joy, and walked over to hug Li Man, "Man'er, our Li family has a queen."

"One more thing." At this moment, Uncle Xu spoke again.

Everyone's hearts were raised again, and so was Aunt Xu, "What are you talking about? If you dare to say that there is something wrong with the child in Man'er's stomach, I will kill you alive."

"There is a problem." Xu Bo tremblingly said.


"Don't be in a hurry, listen to me slowly." Seeing that everyone really wanted to swallow him alive, Uncle Xu quickly explained, "I showed Man'er just now, it seems—"

"Seems like what?"

"There is more than one child."

"What's the meaning?"

"It should be two." Xu Bo said, holding up two fingers.

"Two?" That's twins?

There was silence in the house, but surprises surrounded everyone.

Xu Bo quietly looked towards the Li family brothers, "I don't know which one of you belongs to them, but you have this—blessing."

"Haha, it's mine." Thinking about the dream, Li Hua stepped forward to bear it without hesitation, but immediately aroused crowds of coaxing.

"Nonsense, those are my son and daughter." Li Shu hurriedly said, afraid that if it was too late, the child would be snatched away by others.

Li Man leaned against Li Xiangcao's arms, seeing the men making noise like children, she suddenly smiled.

Aunt Xu praised excitedly, "Man'er, you are really good, you can do it if you don't want to get pregnant, you can have two when you get pregnant, you have surpassed all other women."

Li Man's face changed slightly when she heard the words, but Li Xiangcao patted her hand lightly, and said with a smile, "It's okay, Man'er, I'm so happy, really. From now on, when the baby is born, I'll help you take it with me. OK?"

"Of course it's fine, I'm still worried that I won't be able to bring it." Li Man smiled, two...does she really have two babies in her belly? What will they look like? Are you in the same mood as your parents at the moment? Surrounded by happiness?

"By the way, Uncle Xu, who is the father of the child?" Xiao Wu, the dead child, spoke again in an unsightly way.

The noisy people were taken aback, and they all looked at Uncle Xu.

They all want to know too.

However, Uncle Xu was in a dilemma, and said to the men with a dark face, "How do I know about this? Ask your wives."


"daughter in law."

As a result, Li Xiangcao was pushed away, and the four of them squeezed beside the kang, staring at Li Man expectantly.

Li Man felt dizzy for a moment, and suddenly thought, why there are only two, if there are four, they will be one for each of them, so there is no need to talk about it, but how to divide the two?

The point is, menstruation is irregular, and she doesn't know the ovulation period, and she... really doesn't know who the baby's father is.

"I don't know." She answered honestly.

Men, you look at me, I look at you, a little disappointed, but at the same time relieved, don't know, it's better than knowing it's not yours.

"It's okay, Man'er, are you hungry? I'll go and bring you food." Li Hua said.

"No, I'll go by myself." Li Man said and was about to get off the kang.

Just as the men wanted to stop her, Uncle Xu said, "Let her do it by herself, it's just a pregnancy."

"Not one, but two." Li Shu glared at Uncle Xu.

Uncle Xu couldn't bear it, these brats were just rude to him, if it wasn't for him, would they have known that Man'er was pregnant with twins?

However, after all, Man'er is his goddaughter, and she has to be instructed, "She is still a month old, so it's right to pay more attention, but she can't lie down all day, it's not good for her and the baby. Appropriate activities."

"Oh." Everyone nodded, wanting to move.

Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, Li Yan helped her get the shoes and put them on for her.

At noon, Aunt Xu Boxu stayed and had lunch together.

After the meal, Li Man didn't go back to the house, but went to Li Xiangcao's room to talk with her. The two of them had nothing to do, so they sat in the fire bucket and discussed what to buy for the unborn baby.

And the brothers of the Li family didn't bother them any more. They were very busy one by one, buying meat for meat, sweeping snow in the yard, and decorating the house. In short, they wanted to create a warm environment for Li Man. In such a beautiful environment, they must welcome their two children in the best condition.


In the evening, under the expectant eyes of everyone, Li Man reluctantly drank a bowl of bone soup and ate a few pieces of meat.

Li Xiangcao asked her what she wanted to eat tomorrow.

Li Man suddenly wanted to eat spicy food, so she said she wanted to eat sauerkraut fish, hehe, there is not only my favorite sauerkraut in it, but also a lot of spicy peppers, killing two birds with one stone.

Li Shu immediately agreed, saying that he would go to the pond to break the ice and catch fish early in the morning.

Li Man is looking forward to it, thinking about eating pickled fish tomorrow, her mouth is watering.


In the evening, Li Mo personally served her on the kang. It is not an exaggeration to say that he served her. He helped her take off her clothes and shoes, and the quilt was warm. He held her in his arms again, not daring to be like before. Put your arms on her body, afraid of pressing her stomach.

Li Man felt his thoughtfulness, nestled in his arms, her body and heart felt warm, and when she thought about it, there was still a child in her belly between the two of them. To be precise, a family of four was lying on the same kang Ah, that feels so good.

However, soon, Li Mo's words made her entangled again.

"Man'er, the child is mine, right?" He asked straightforwardly and pleaded again. Obviously, his long-awaited wish finally came true, and he really wanted to confirm it from her.

Li Man really didn't know, but facing his eyes, she couldn't bear to say no, she just nodded shyly.

Sure enough, Li Mole went crazy!

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