Fortunate Wife

Chapter 221 Naming

Sure enough, seeing Li Man nodding shyly, Li Mole went crazy, and unconsciously tightened his arms around her, "I knew it was mine, ha ha!"

He knows? Li Man's head is full of black lines, dare they all know it, but she doesn't know?

Well, let them think what they want, just hope that there will be no fights in the future.

"Man'er, let me touch it." After Li Mo warmed his hand, he reached into her clothes, touched her almost flat belly, and couldn't help frowning, why is this the same as before?

"He's still young." Even she couldn't feel it, let alone him.

"Man'er, I need to eat more in the future." Li Mo rubbed her flat and smooth belly with his palm, feeling anxious in his heart. There are two babies inside. According to Li Man's usual food intake, even if she has grown a little recently, she still can't bear it. How is it enough?

By the way, the stomach is still so small that I can't touch anything at all. Could it be that the two babies are not hungry for long in it?

"Man'er, are you hungry?"

"Ah?" Li Man was taken aback, "Didn't we just have dinner?"

"But, after you eat, you still don't know if the children are full." Li Mo was very worried, even if they hadn't eaten well, they wouldn't say anything.

Seeing his nervous expression, Li Man wanted to laugh, "Fool, if I'm full, they'll be full."

"But, you only ate your portion at night, and the two of about I make some for you in the afternoon?" Li Mo suggested.

Li Man hurriedly grabbed him, "Don't, I've eaten enough tonight."

Originally, she has a lot of food recently, and she is pregnant, and she is pregnant with two, not only them, but she herself is also very careful, for fear that if she eats too little, she will treat the child in her belly badly, so dinner is a big deal. They ate hard, ate two bowls of rice, and drank a bowl of broth. Even so, they were still not satisfied, and finally ate two more boiled eggs.

So, she is really not hungry.

Li Mo lowered his head and stared at her lower abdomen, looking very tangled.

"Don't look." Li Man hugged his neck, pulled the quilt up, and said with a smile, "It's useless to be anxious, no matter how anxious they are, they won't come out to call your father in advance."

"Heh." Li Mo smiled lightly, laughing that he was so happy that he was dizzy, and now he was expecting the two children to come out and call him father, but after thinking about it, he became anxious again, and hurriedly told Li Man, " Man'er, don't worry, you've said it's ripe, but don't let them out before the time comes."

"I know, but, it's not entirely up to me, right?" Li Man said anxiously. Before, she didn't have children and wanted to have children. Now that she has, she suddenly became afraid again, saying that a woman giving birth is tantamount to walking away from the gate of hell. One circle, and the medical conditions in ancient times are so poor, by the way, there is no hospital at all, so she will hire a midwife in the future?

"Brother." Li Man suddenly hugged Li Mo tightly, feeling scared in her heart.

"What's wrong? Is there any discomfort?" Sensing her trembling slightly, Li Mo asked nervously.

Li Man rubbed against him coquettishly, "No, I'm just a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Li Mo gently stroked her back, trying to calm her restless emotions.

Li Man pouted, "I have never conceived or given birth to a child. Of course I am afraid. Besides, there are two more in my stomach, and there is no caesarean section here. will I give birth by then?" ?”

"Cesarean section?" Li Mo didn't understand, and asked suspiciously, "What is that?"

"It's to help women give birth." Li Man explained simply, her little hand also touched her stomach, but she can't feel it now, but when they grow up day by day, can her stomach hold it?

She is too small now, and it is not easy to give birth to a child. Will the two be in danger now?

Li Mo's heart tightened. In fact, he is more afraid than Li Man, but he can't be afraid at this time, "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side, everything will be fine, and our children will be obedient , won't hurt you."

"Won't it hurt? Nonsense, how can giving birth not hurt?" Li Man curled her lips and sighed softly, "Actually, it doesn't matter if it hurts, I'm just afraid..." Unknown dangers, especially for people with poor medical conditions In the age, it is not easy to have a child.


"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Suddenly, feeling a tightness in her lower abdomen, Li Man felt that her nervousness was transmitted to the child in her belly, so she stopped immediately, not wanting to talk about this topic.

"Well," Li Mo hugged her tightly, stroking her cheek, "I won't let you have anything to do with the child."

"..." Li Man didn't say anything, the one who should come will come sooner or later, all she has to do is to maintain the best state to welcome the child, all those worries, worries and fears will be sent to the eighteenth floor of hell.

"Brother." After being silent for a while, Li Man felt a little sleepy, but when she closed her eyes, it was easy to think of some bad things, so she spoke softly to Li Mo, "I want to hear a joke."

"..." Li Mo was slightly taken aback, "A joke?"

"Ah?" Realizing that asking Li Mo to tell a joke could be regarded as a joke in itself, Li Man smiled lightly, and changed her tune, "Tell a story, I want to hear a story."

"I—" Li Mo was very embarrassed, and tried hard to think for a while, but he still couldn't think of anything.

"Just tell the story I told you before." Li Man reminded.

Li Mo, "...Once upon a time, a crow was thirsty and found a bottle. It didn't drink the water in the bottle, and died of thirst."

"Huh?" A one-sentence story? Doesn't seem right? "You're telling the story about the crow drinking water?"

"Oh, that's right, that's what you said before, so you told the crow to drink water." He thought about it for a long time just now, but he only thought of the general outline of the story, but he couldn't remember the name, um, the crow drinks water, so I wrote it down this time , When the children are born in the future, he will tell the children.

Li Man's eyelids trembled, "Are you sure that's what I told you before?"

Li Mo was not sure, "Isn't it?"

"Did I tell you that the crow is dead?" What a pity for that clever crow. He obviously struggled to pick up a lot of stones, then made the water in the bottle rise, and finally managed to drink the water.

"Oh." He remembered that he was dead.

"What about the story of the Han Haoniao?" Li Man was almost certain that he had confused these two stories, because he had done such a thing more than once.

"Horror bird?" Li Mo pondered for a moment, then excitedly said, "Is that the little bird that doesn't build a nest?"

"Yeah." Li Man nodded.

Only then did Li Mo remember something, and said with a dry smile, "It was the Han Haoniao who froze to death without building its nest."

"Yeah." Ruzi is still teachable, "Then tell me the story of Han Haoniao."

"Oh." Li Mo, "Once upon a time, there was a frigid bird that froze to death without building a nest."

"..." Li Man waited for a moment, then asked, "No more?"

"No, no more." Li Mo remembered that the story was like this.

Li Man almost cried, "Did I tell you that before? And the most classic joke, ouch, the cold wind froze me to death, and I will build a nest tomorrow--you didn't say it once." It would really ruin her classic.

Li Mo bit his lip, deeply ashamed, "Why don't you tell me again, Man'er, and I will remember it clearly this time."

"I don't believe it." Li Man gave him a look, not daring to expect too much from him. In fact, telling a story can only be interesting if it is vivid and lifelike, but Li Mo obviously doesn't have such a sense of humor. He now remembers the outline of the story. Well, it's like this, after he writes down the whole story, he might say it out in such a rigid manner, just like an endorsement.

"Hmm—" Li Man breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't count on him anymore, she laid her small body in his arms, closed her eyes and hummed, "Sleepy, you pat."

"Yeah." Li Mo immediately breathed a sigh of relief, wrapped her waist with one hand, and gently patted her back with the other to comfort her to sleep.

Because he has done this kind of thing many times, so he is familiar with it and doesn't find it difficult. Anyway, it is much easier than telling jokes and telling stories.

It was also after the quarrel just now that Li Man really fell asleep in a daze. Hearing her rhythmic breathing, Li Mo's heart was as soft as a pool of spring water. Squeezing it behind her ears, revealing her fair and delicate cheeks, she couldn't help lowering her head slightly, kissed her softly, and then tried to hug her body carefully and help her lie flat.

She has always liked to sleep in her arms, and he is also willing to be her cunt, but now it is different, she is pregnant, and if she lies on her stomach like this again, he is afraid that he will crush the child in her stomach, so, wait for her When she was fast asleep, let her lie on her back, while he nestled beside her, holding her small hands with one hand, and continued to pat her gently with the other hand, like putting a baby to sleep.

He knew that this would make her sleep more securely!


Sure enough, I slept well. The next day, the weather was exceptionally good. The bright sun shone on the earth, the ice and snow melted, and the air was filled with a refreshing smell, which was extremely comfortable.

However, the temperature seemed to be lower. Yesterday at least I played with the snow for a while. Today, Li Man was ordered to stay at home. At most, she could only sit in the fire bucket and read a book to pass the time.

As for Li Xiangcao, she was alone in the room last night, looking for several pieces of unused fabric, and as soon as she was free today, she began to ask Li Man for advice on making small pockets, jackets, and quilts for the children. What.

Li Man calculated the date by himself, at least the birth will be in September and October of the next year, and it is too early to prepare those things, but Li Xiangcao felt that it was not too early, and said that she would prepare it early and put it away when it was time to use it. Can't catch it.

Li Yan and Li Shu went to the back mountain pond early in the morning, where it had already been frozen, and Li Man didn't know what method they used. Anyway, when they returned home, they each slipped a fat fish in their hands. .

"Daughter-in-law, I will make your favorite pickled fish for lunch." Li Shu put the fish away, rubbed his hands together, and rubbed them next to Li Man. Son, "Daughter-in-law, let me touch my son to see."

"No." Li Man pushed away his hand, pulled down the skirt, and glared at him coquettishly.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu begged, "I haven't touched it all day, so let me touch it. Our son misses his father. If you don't believe me, just ask him."

"Nonsense." Li Man was amused by his serious tone, but she was still not allowed to touch her. Since she found out she was pregnant yesterday, each of them has touched her belly. If this continues, they will be touched several times a day. Well, she's not annoying, the children should be too. Besides, the children are still in the growing period and need an absolutely quiet environment for them to grow well. They will disturb the children if they touch and fumble around like this every day.

"Daughter-in-law." Li Shu still wanted to plead, but Li Man took out her trump card, "If you don't touch it, you don't touch it. If you touch it, you won't be able to pay for it."

"..." Li Shuhan groaned, he is not allowed to touch his baby?

Li Xiangcao couldn't help laughing when she heard Li Man's childish words.

Sure enough, Li Shu didn't dare to touch it anymore, and went out to pick up the fish. His wife wanted to eat pickled fish, so he wanted to eat it too. Moreover, his favorite dish was the pickled fish made by his wife.

On the other hand, he also felt that what the daughter-in-law wants to eat is what the children want to eat, and the children want to eat sauerkraut fish, but it tastes the same as him. Sure enough, it is his species, haha, the taste is so the same.

As soon as he went out, Li Yan came in again, took the book out of her hand, "Take a break, my eyes are tired from reading too much."

"Just read it." Li Man said, reaching out to take the book.

Li Yan didn't give it. He just flipped through the pages of the book. He couldn't understand most of the contents.

"Idle books." Li Man said casually. In fact, they were indeed idle books. She asked Li Hua to buy them from the town. They were all stories about gods and ghosts.

"Just let her watch it, she likes to watch it." Li Xiangcao couldn't bear to see Li Man's look of helplessness, and persuaded Li Yan.

"Oh." Li Yan couldn't understand the book, so he had to give it to Li Man again, "Just read it, you can only read three books a day, too many."

"Why?" Now that she has nothing to do every day, she just points to these books to pass the day, and if she is not allowed to read, she is not bored to death.

"Watching too much is bad for your eyes." Li Yan said, "By the way, how much did you read this morning?"

"Ah, I just read it." Li Man hurriedly denied that she had already read a dozen or so books. With her reading speed, half a book in a morning would not be a problem.

Li Yan glanced at her and didn't say anything, just sat next to her and looked at her.

Li Man was speechless, flipping through the book and reading, it was no longer the feeling she had just now.

Moreover, as soon as the fourth page was turned, the book was taken away, and Li Yan put it in his arms, got up and left.

"Hey, I won't read it, you can't take the book away."

"If you want to read it tomorrow, I'll give it to you." Li Yan replied, and took the book into the side room.

Li Man hurriedly got off the fire barrel, wanting to see where he was hiding. At this moment, Li Hua and Xiao Wu came back from the outside happily.

It turned out that after breakfast, the two went to the butcher's shop in the neighboring village. Besides the meat, they also bought some fruit. It is said that the family had come back from a peddler and wanted to sell it in the town, but it was snowing heavily. , I have no choice but to sell them at the door of the house.

Li Hua knew that Li Man loved to eat fruit, and that it would not be easy to spoil at home this winter, so he bought a lot.

Li Man saw that the basket that Li Hua brought back was full of bright red fruits, and immediately salivated, "What kind of fruit is this?"

Li Hua didn't recognize it either, so he just smiled and said, "They all said it was delicious, Xiao Wu and I tasted one, it was so sweet. I'll wash two, you can eat and see."

"Well. I'll do it myself." Li Man picked a few big ones from the basket and prepared to go to the kitchen to wash them.

Xiao Wu stood at the door and immediately took it from her hand, "Let me go." He turned around and ran away.

Li Man was slightly stunned, Li Hua put down her things, came over and patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Let him go, the snow is melting outside, it's very slippery, you stay here."

"Oh." Soon, Xiao Wu washed the fruit, put it on a big plate, and brought it over.

Li Man took one, and then asked the others to eat.

Li Xiangcao also took one, took a bite, and found it sweet and delicious, refreshing and juicy, and only praised it as delicious.

Li Man also thinks it's good, the key is that it's very watery, it's a bit like a pear eaten in modern times, it's very good, "Where's the eldest brother?"

"Oh, there was a lot of snow in Dahei and Xiaohuang's hut yesterday, and my brother is cleaning it up there." Li Hua said.

Li Man slapped her head and thought immediately, "Are those bastards cold?"

Xiao Huang gave birth more than a month ago, three fluffy little black dogs, all of them look like Da Hei, they are so cute.

"Don't worry, the thick hay inside is warm." Li Hua smiled, remembering that when Xiao Huang was born, Li Man took good care of it, and even carefully boiled bone soup, saying that it is easy to milk... ...

In fact, there is no need for them to take care of Xiao Huang's life. Dahei doesn't need to hunt with his big brother anymore. Those three puppies are doing great.

"En." Li Man was relieved now, thinking that with Li Mo around, how could Da Hei Xiao Huang's family suffer? Hehe, sometimes, Li Man suspects that Dahei is actually Li Mo's brother of a different species. Often, the time they spend together is longer than the time he spends with other brothers.


At noon, Li Man originally wanted to cook a delicious meal for herself, but during special times, let alone cooking, even touching the spatula is not allowed.

In the end, Li Yan carried her to the kitchen. Under her guidance, Li Xiangcao successfully cooked a delicious pickled fish.

Everyone ate very happily.

During the meal, Li Xiangcao saw that Li Man liked to eat sauerkraut, and she could not close her mouth from ear to ear. "They say sour is hot, but Man'er loves sour so much. I think both of them must be sons."

"That is." The brothers were very happy.

Li Man didn't think so, she thought it was unscientific to say something sour and spicy. Besides, she also likes spicy food. She even ate a piece of chili in her mouth. The spicy taste made her very addicted and her appetite was huge open.

Xiao Wu looked at her, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then he saw several brothers scrambling to get food for Man'er, and suddenly, he laughed twice.

"Sister-in-law, you said it's sour and spicy. But my daughter-in-law likes both sour and spicy food, so what should I do?"

"Ah?" Li Man was taken aback, and blurted out, "Could it be neither male nor female?"

"Haha——" Xiao Wu laughed loudly, but he only laughed twice before Li Shu slapped the back of his head severely, "Stinky boy, get a beating."

"How can it be neither male nor female, it should be a male and a female." Li Yan smiled and picked up a piece of fish for Li Man, and thoughtfully helped remove the thorns.

"That's right, twins." Li Xiangcao also thinks so.

Li Man's eyes narrowed when she was told that, in fact, she always wanted a daughter, but since men eat one son every day, she also accepted the idea of ​​having a daughter. At this moment, listening to the matter of a man and a woman , Thinking, I also have a daughter in my belly, I feel very satisfied.

"Brother and sister, that's good." Li Hua also felt that this combination was the most satisfying.

Li Shu was a little displeased, "Isn't it better for a brother to be a younger brother? There is a helper in a fight." He can take care of his son, but he is really afraid to touch his daughter after she is born. A wife is already delicate enough. Daughter, he doesn't dare to touch that delicate one, he still likes his son, who is as strong and powerful as him, hehe.

"I know how to fight, my son will not fight randomly in the future." Li Man gave him a look.

Li Xiangcao suddenly said pleasantly, "Why don't we give the children a name now?"

"Now?" Li Man was stunned, "I don't know about boys and girls yet."

Obviously, everyone couldn't wait any longer, and offered their names that they thought were good-sounding.

But what makes Li Man feel sad, can they stop cutting corners so much? Do you think that if you take one word from each parent's name and arrange and combine it, it will be the child's name?

Li Moman, Li Yanman, Li Huaman, Li Shuman? They all have a Chinese character, that's a girl's name, okay? Also, it doesn't sound good.

The most frightening thing is that Li Xiaowu also appeared later.

Nonsense, Li Man resolutely vetoed, give me all over again, think carefully!

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