Fortunate Wife

Chapter 224 Compromise

"She... really had a baby?"

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao sat down next to the edge of the kang, looked deeply at her sister, and continued, "The doctor has already seen it, and Man'er is still pregnant with twins."

"Is that my cousin? She looks so beautiful." On the side, Tian Ningying thought of Li Man's appearance, her eyes glowed with surprise.

Li Xiangcao smiled, "That's right, your cousin-in-law is pretty, and anyone who sees her will say yes." Except for this stinky elder sister.

But Li Xiangyu still kept her eyes straight, as if she couldn't believe that Li Man was pregnant with a child, even with twins, "How is it possible? How could she be pregnant with a child?"

"Sister, what are you talking about? Why can't Man'er conceive a child?" Li Xiangcao was very displeased with the elder sister's reaction, her tone full of blame, "Before, when you were not pregnant, you always blamed her behind your back. Now that you are pregnant with a child, you say this again? Let me tell you, don't let the boss listen to this, otherwise, you really don't want to step into this house again in the future. "

"You think I want to come?" Li Xiangyu hummed hard.

Although Tian Ningying is not very old, she has seen the clues of the matter, "Mother, I think my sister-in-law is very nice, why don't you like her?"

"Which eye of yours can see her? Hmph, we're in trouble now, and she's probably feeling complacent." Li Xiangyu stared and yelled at her little daughter.

Tian Ningying pursed her lips, a little dissatisfied, "That's because mother is not good, you often speak ill of sister-in-law behind her back."

"You damn girl. Cough, cough, cough..." Li Xiangyu stretched out his hand to hit Tian Ningying, but when he moved a little, he couldn't stop coughing.

Li Xiangcao hurriedly helped her rub her back, angry and helpless, "Why are you so angry with a child? Besides, Yingzi's words are right, I don't understand, what's wrong with Man'er? Why do you have to target her everywhere?" she?"

"I'm targeting her?" Li Xiangyu swallowed violently, then felt better, and yelled at her sister again, "Didn't you see? She's already riding on my head, why do you still miss me?"

"I didn't see it, I just saw that you looked uncomfortable when you came here." Li Xiangcao also said angrily, now that Li Man is pregnant, if the eldest sister has always had this attitude, it would be better to let her go.

"You?" Li Xiangyu was so angry that she almost fell over, lying on the pillow again and coughing violently.

"Mother." Tian Ningying hurriedly patted her mother's back, her voice softened, "Mother, don't be angry, we won't talk, you should rest first."

Li Xiangyu coughed and her complexion was brownish red, and it took a while to recover, she only stared at Li Xiangcao, and then closed her eyes as if resigned to fate.

Seeing this, Li Xiangcao was also unhappy, but if her sister has been living here with such an attitude, it must be impossible. Li Man is pregnant now, and the doctor said, she must not be stimulated.

So, knowing that her sister didn't like to hear it, Li Xiangcao tried her best to slow down her tone and lay out the seriousness of the matter, "Sister, I don't care what you think in your heart or how you don't want to see Man'er. But, she is pregnant now. That's the queen of the Li family, no matter how dissatisfied you are, you have to endure it. If Man'er and the child have a good or bad relationship, it's not only the boss, but also the brothers, it's hard for you..."

Li Xiangyu opened his eyes suddenly, the bottom of his eyes were scarlet, after staring at Li Xiangcao, Fang Youyou said, "You think I'm so ignorant?"

Li Xiangcao breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she was soft and not hard, so she softened her tone again and coaxed, "I don't know about the eldest sister's temper? You want more with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, even for Man'er." Teach her that if you want her to be a competent daughter-in-law, you also hope that she can live a good life with the boss and the others, and the life will get better and better, right?"

These words obviously gave her the feeling of putting a high hat on her. How could Li Xiangyu not understand, she just snorted coldly and didn't answer. In fact, she knew very well in her heart that she really didn't mean much to teach Li Man. If you don't like it, you don't like it at first glance, because as soon as you see Li Man, it will remind her of Li Mo's mother, that is, her younger siblings.

For that younger brother and sister, after many years now, she can't tell what kind of feelings she has. At first, she just hated her hypocrisy and pettiness, and held her younger brothers tightly in her hands, and she was very incapable. Living life, she also knew that it was inconvenient for her as an elder sister to take care of this kind of thing, but her parents passed away early, and her younger brothers were also brought up by her, so she couldn't see the way that woman manipulated her younger brothers , Therefore, on weekdays, I often find that woman uncomfortable.

However, who would have thought that such a thing would happen later?

If it wasn't for that woman's waywardness, she ran away from home with her stomach full on a snowy day, how could her younger brothers die suddenly?

She hated that woman, and almost blamed all her faults on her, even in front of others, she believed that it was the woman's fault.

However, after so many years, when she dreamed back in the middle of the night, the regret and pain in her heart were not fake. If she had been able to bear it a little longer and hadn't quarreled with that woman that day, she probably wouldn't have run away from home. If she had If you don't leave, nothing will happen to your brothers.

So, after all, is it her fault?

However, she didn't want to admit that she was wrong, even though her internal organs were always hurt by that kind of pain and regret, she still didn't want to admit it.

Seeing that she didn't speak any more, Li Xiangcao pulled Tian Ningying over, "Yingzi, take good care of your mother, my aunt will be busy for a while, let's eat dumplings tonight."

"Well, auntie, you should be busy." Tian Ningying nodded sensiblely, and when Li Xiangcao went out, she obediently sat on the small stool by the kang, guarding her mother.

Li Xiangyu closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, but only she knew the torment in her heart.

Being tricked by Zhao's family, it was because she couldn't recognize people clearly, which made her feel like she had cut her heart out, but in the end she was trampled wantonly on the soles of her feet.

However, this pain is not the most severe.

After all, Zhao's family is an outsider, and hurting her is nothing more than a skin trauma. After a serious illness, after recovering from the illness, maybe after a long time, the family's ungrateful things will be forgotten.

However, the Li family is the eternal pain in her heart.

The Li family——, once, she felt that she was the benefactor of the Li family. After the death of her parents, she supported the family all the way, married the younger brothers, and had these nephews, but no one knew better than her. However, she is also the one who regretted the Li family.

In fact, she is the sinner of the Li family. If it weren't for her, the younger brothers would not have died, Xiao Wu would not have lost his parents as soon as he was born, and Li Mo and the others would not have endured the hardships of life at a young age. Yes, that woman...she died so tragically, she thought, she would never forget the woman's wide eyes and the teardrops that fell from the corners of her eyes after she died.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Tian Ningying asked in surprise when she saw the tears rolling down from the corner of her mother's eyes.

Li Xiangyu took a deep breath, turned over, pulled the quilt up to cover herself, she was very upset and hurt.


In one afternoon, Li Mo and others cleaned up the two rooms of the old house from the inside to the outside. Although it is simple, it is not a problem for people to live in.

After tidying up, Tian Ning'an went to the new house and moved all the bedding and other things there. Li Xiangyu also struggled to get up, helped her little daughter, and wanted to go to the old house together.

Li Mo tried to persuade Li Xiangyu to stay, after all, Li Xiangyu was ill.

But Li Xiangyu insisted. Later, seeing that she was not walking steadily, Li Mo had no choice but to carry her on his back, and sent her to the old house. Seeing that the quilt was thin, when he came back, he took another two-* thick quilt over there, and helped her spread it himself. up.

Li Xiangyu leaned on the top of the kang, saw him busy, and didn't say a word, but there were tears in his eyes.

Ever since she was kicked out by him, she has been blaming Li Mo in her heart, calling him a white-eyed wolf, but she knows better than anyone else how kind Li Mo is.

Li Mo made the bed, and helped Li Xiangyu to lean over. From the beginning to the end, he still didn't say a word, just silently doing what he should do.

After settling here, Li Mo left. Li Xiangyu watched eagerly, but since he left, he hasn't said a word to her.

Li Xiangyu opened her mouth several times to take the initiative to show affection to him, but in the end, due to her nature, she still couldn't open her mouth.

Forget it, just hate it.


It was getting late, and the sound of firecrackers sounded from time to time in Shennvgou, and the festive atmosphere suddenly became stronger.

The Li family is also ready, first to worship the ancestors, and then, the family will start eating reunion dumplings.

However, Li Xiangyu refused to come to the new house because he was not feeling well, so Tian Ning'an had to bring some cooked dumplings and returned to the old house, where the Tian family celebrated the New Year.

Regarding this, the Li family didn't say much. If they could come, they would eat together. If they couldn't, they would be more comfortable without Li Xiangyu.

The dumplings made by Li Xiangcao are delicious, including leeks, cabbage, shepherd's purse, meat, and all kinds of fillings, satisfying everyone's different tastes.

Everyone ate very happily. After the meal, everyone sat around the main room, and the men played cards for fun. Li Xiangcao and Li Man sat in the fire bucket and sewed small clothes for the children together.

Li Xiangcao said that when a child is born, he may often wet his clothes and pants, so it is always right to prepare more.

Li Man held the two sets of small clothes that Li Xiangcao had made, and thought they were very cute, but her sewing skills were not as good as Li Xiangcao's. She only sewed a small sleeve, and felt that the fabric was wrinkled. It was still disassembled and handed over to Li Xiangcao for reprocessing, while she yawned and felt a little sleepy.

Li Mo didn't know how to play cards, so he just sat aside and watched quietly. At this moment, he noticed that Li Man was yawning profusely, and hurried over, "Are you sleepy? I'll take you back to your room."

"But, don't you want to watch the year? What time is it?" Li Man was a little bit unwilling.

Li Mo stretched out his hand to help her get off the fire barrel, "It's getting late, I'll take you back to your room to sleep."

Li Xiangcao also started to pack her things at this time, "Yes, I'm sleepy too." While yawning, she also got off the fire bucket, hugged the small bamboo basket, and went straight to her room, "Man'er, I'll go to sleep first gone."

"Yeah." Li Xiangcao had left, and everyone else was playing cards, so she didn't feel like staying, so she took Li Mo's arm and went upstairs with him.

Leaving the main room, at the corner of the stairs, Li Mo hugged Li Man by the waist, Li Man was caught off guard, and let out an exclamation. Fortunately, the card games outside were lively, and no one might pay attention to this side.

"The stairs are dark." Li Mo explained that he had long wanted to carry her upstairs, but with so many people in the main room, he couldn't do such a thing.

"Yeah." Li Man also felt that her body was soft, maybe she had been sitting for too long, so she just leaned against his arms and was carried upstairs comfortably by him.

The small lamps upstairs are always lit, which is the custom here. On the night of the New Year's Eve, the lights are kept on until dawn. Li Man doesn't really understand why.

But when I returned to the room, the lights inside were harmonious, and it was very heart-warming.

Putting her gently on the kang, Li Mo asked with a smile, "Are you hungry?" Ever since Li Man became pregnant, she had an amazing appetite, and she was often hungry in the middle of the night, and the brothers were used to it.

It's okay if he didn't mention it, but when he mentioned it, Li Man really felt hungry, her eyes lit up, and she said to him, "I remember my sister-in-law left some dumplings, why don't you go down and warm them up for me."

"En." Li Mo said, and took out a large handful of walnuts from his coat pocket, and handed it to her, "Here, you eat this pad first."

Such a lot? Li Man took it happily, threw one into her mouth, and asked with a smile, "When did you peel it? It's delicious." She just said that day, eat more walnuts, and the child will be smart in the future. I went to the town to buy and bought a lot.

"I saw them peel it when they were playing cards." Li Mo replied with a smile, "You like it, I will peel it for you tomorrow."

"Hmm." Li Man suddenly caught sight of his red fingers with black lines all over his head, "Brother, you probably peeled it off with your hands, right?"

The walnut shells are so hard, these days, she wanted to eat them, but they were all smashed with stones.

"Yeah." Li Mo also wanted to hit the walnut with a stone, but he couldn't find the small stone that Li Man used to hit the walnut. Fortunately, when he tried hard, the walnut shell shattered, so it was not difficult. At that time, he quietly peeled a lot of them and put them in his pockets.

"Let me see." Li Man took his hand, touched his rough fingertips twice, and couldn't help admiring, "Your fingers are stronger than stones."

"Heh." Li Mo smiled, and retracted his hand a little embarrassedly. He was used to rough work since he was a child, and he can kill a wolf with one punch. Dumplings to go."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded, took off her cotton pants, got into bed, and waited for Li Mo while eating delicious walnuts.

Not long after, Li Man had just finished eating the walnut kernels, when Li Mo came up with hot dumplings, "Do you want me to feed them?"

"No need." Li Man quickly reached out to pick it up, but the first dumpling was caught by Li Mo first, "For your reward, don't squeeze walnuts with your hands tomorrow, it hurts so much, just hit it with a stone."

"It doesn't hurt." Li Mo refused to eat any more after taking one bite. He just watched Li Man eat. Every time she ate a dumpling, he felt more happy in his heart.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt, just in case you hurt your fingers." Li Man said distressedly. Afterwards, under his gentle eyes, she ate a large bowl of dumplings, and then burped comfortably, rubbing With a stomach full, he was a little dissatisfied, "What should I do? If I continue to eat like this, I will soon be the same as those two in the yard."

The two little piglets bought back in the spring are now so fat that they can hardly even walk. They were supposed to be sold at the end of the year, but after raising them for so long, Li Man suddenly couldn't bear it anymore. , So, it has been procrastinating, and it has been procrastinating until today.

Knowing that she was talking about two pigs in the backyard, Li Mo couldn't help laughing, "How can you be like them?" Don't say it's different, but it's far worse, okay? She's two months pregnant now, but not only her belly Not a little bigger, even the figure and waist seem to have not changed at all, they are a little anxious.

"Really?" Li Man pinched her cheek with two fingers, feeling fleshy, and frowned, "There's a lot of flesh, didn't you see it?"

"No." Li Mo put the dishes and chopsticks away, took off his shoes and cotton pants, got into bed, saw that she was still rubbing her cheeks, couldn't help feeling distressed, and pulled her hand down, "Don't pinch, pinch again Swollen."

"I really feel like I've gained weight. Do you think my eyes are smaller?" Li Man asked while hugging his neck.

Li Mo smiled, "You still have beautiful big eyes." Why didn't I realize that this little woman cared so much about her image before?

"Well." Satisfied, Li Man leaned into his arms and said softly, "If I get fat in the future, you mustn't dislike me."

"No matter what you become, you are my wife." In fact, as long as she doesn't dislike them, it's fine. How could they dislike her? He said this with sourness in his heart, "Have we made you feel insecure?"

The word sense of security was also mentioned by Li Man to them, but now, hearing what she said, Li Mo naturally thought that she was insecure.

"It's okay." Li Man bit her lower lip lightly. She may be a woman who is pregnant. She is sensitive and suspicious by nature. In this other world, she is alone, and all her happiness rests with the brothers of the Li family. Sometimes it is inevitable to be afraid. .

"Man'er." Li Mo hugged her tightly, "It's our fault."

"Cough—" She just said it so casually, did he actually take it seriously? "Don't, it's New Year's Eve, hehe, if I say you are not good, I guess everyone will say that it is unreasonable. Really, brother, it is worth it for me to be your wife for the rest of my life."

Li Mo still hugged her tightly, and wanted to say that it was worth it to marry her in this life, but in the end, he said this, "Auntie, I will take care of it, don't worry. "

"Oh." In fact, what Li Hua said at noon touched Li Man a lot. There is someone who loves her so much, why should she care about someone who doesn't want to see her? She doesn't like Li Xiangyu, so don't look at her, anyway, the men in the family are all good-looking, look at them, it's good to teach the children to recognize their father now.

"Okay." She simply replied with one word, and she didn't see the slightest bit of unpleasantness.

Li Mo smiled gratefully, "Man'er, you are so kind."

"Of course, but." Suddenly, Li Man raised her head, stared at Li Mo seriously with wide eyes, and said, "Brother, if next time, your aunt speaks out to humiliate me again, for example, what kind of scumbag am I?" Girl, it was bought by your family...Can you slap me back for me?"

"Ah?" Li Mo didn't expect her question to be like this, and immediately froze.

Li Man curled her lips, "Look at you, and you said you will handle it well."

"Man'er, I..." Li Mo felt ashamed, but promised, "I will never let her say that about you again."

"Heh." Li Man bent her lips and smiled, but then became serious again, "Okay, I know you won't hit her, but, brother, everyone has a bottom line, if she touches my bottom line one day, don't you dare to hit her?" Hit her, I will do it myself, then, what do you want?"

"Man'er?" Li Mo's expression became serious, "I won't let that happen."

"That person is your eldest aunt." Li Man felt that Li Xiangyu was very self-righteous and could do anything. The Zhao family could make her suffer, but she might not be able to gain wisdom.

Li Mo knew what she was worried about, held her hand tightly, and said solemnly, "No matter who she is, no one can hurt you and our children, otherwise—"

"How?" Li Man asked.

"You don't need to do it, I'll do it." Li Mo said.

"Oh." Li Man shrunk her head and rubbed against his neck, satisfied.

With Li Mo's words, forgive Li Xiangyu, even if she lives in Li's house, she won't be able to cause any trouble.

Facts have proved that Li Man really worried too much this time. I don't know whether it is because of illness or the blow from the Zhao family has not eased. Recently, Li Xiangyu has been listless. Never set foot in a new house.


This article will be finished at the end of the month.

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