Fortunate Wife

Chapter 225 Reciprocation

The Li family doesn't have any relatives, only two aunts, and they are all living in the Li family now, so in the first month, the matter of leaving relatives is also saved.

However, on the third day of the third day, the old lady of the Zhang family sent people to bring many gifts, so on the fifth day of the fifth day, Li Man, along with her family, prepared some gifts and prepared to go to the Zhang family to visit the old lady.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, the weather was excellent, and the bright sun was shining warmly on the body, which made people feel the breath of early spring.

Li Man also walked slowly with the five brothers. From her point of view, this was a rare opportunity to travel, and that winter really suffocated her.

Along the way, you can see a lot of dead trees, and new buds have sprouted. The originally bare hillside is also covered with a layer of shallow green clothes, and everything looks full of vitality and spring.

Li Man thought that in the future, if she has free time, she can come to this mountain for more outings and get close to nature, which is definitely good for the baby.

"Daughter-in-law, the flowers are all in bloom." Li Shu was restless by nature, and he walked dishonestly. When he saw that the forest was full of dense small yellow flowers, he ran over and grabbed a lot when he was excited. He came here to present treasures to Li Man. He remembered that when he first moved into his new home, Xiao Wu went to the back mountain to pick flowers every day, but he really liked Li Man.

Li Man took it over, tidied it up again, and sniffed at the end of her nose, a faint fragrance lingered around her nose, and said with a smile, "Yes, this smells very good."

"Is that right? Daughter-in-law, I'll put it on your head, okay?" Li Shu hadn't seen his daughter-in-law wearing flowers yet, so on a whim, Li Shu pinched two twigs from her hand and was about to put them on Li Man's head.

Li Man was frightened and hurriedly hid behind Li Mo, this flower was fine to play with in her hands, but it would be funny if she wore it on her head, and there was still moisture on the flower branches, probably the dewdrops hadn't dried last night.

"Daughter-in-law, let me see if you wear one." Li Shu wanted to wear it for her, but Li Man didn't want to wear it, and the two started to play with Li Mo separated.

Li Mo was worried that Li Man was healthy and didn't dare to let her run too happily, so he held Li Shu back and forbade him to make trouble with Li Man again.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu spotted a gray and white fat rabbit carefully looking for food in the forest, so he picked up a stone from the ground and quietly tried to catch the rabbit from behind.

At this time, a small stone flew out with a whizzing sound, and landed just under the fat rabbit's feet, scaring it away.

Xiao Wu turned around and saw that his elder brother Li Mo was clapping his hands. He was a little annoyed, "Brother, why are you scaring away my rabbit?" He didn't think that his elder brother wanted to help him catch rabbits, because with his hunting skills for so many years, he had to catch rabbits. It was too easy for a rabbit. The small stone he threw out clearly made the rabbit run away.

"Why do you want rabbits? Don't you have them at home?" Li Shu asked with a smile, feeling that Xiao Wu is still just a child. "If you want to play, I'll catch two for you some other day."

"It's nothing, just look at the chubby one that was fun just now." Xiao Wu was a little disappointed, the rabbits caught by his brothers were not as interesting as the ones he caught himself.

"The one just now?" Li Shu frowned, looked at his elder brother Li Mo, and shook his head helplessly at Xiao Wu, "Don't even think about it, elder brother won't let you touch it."

"Why?" Not only Xiao Wu, but others also became curious.

Li Man also looked at Li Mo, wondering if there was anything special about that rabbit just now? But I can't tell, the coat color is not as good as the little white rabbit raised by Li Xiangcao at home.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Li Mo looked a little embarrassed. Li Shu shrugged his eyebrows, helped him out, and asked with a smile, "Didn't you realize that the rabbit was pregnant just now?"

"Huh?" Everyone was even more surprised.

"Pregnant? Little rabbit?" Xiao Wu asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Li Mo replied, "I think the little rabbit will be born in a few days."

Xiao Wu is still a little puzzled, the little rabbit is about to be born, so he can't catch that rabbit? He didn't mean to kill it....

"So, big brother won't let you touch it, hehe." Seeing that Xiao Wu was at a loss, Li Shu patted his head, laughed twice, and explained, "This is the rule of big brother, you must not touch it." Don't do it again, otherwise, big brother will spank your ass."

"Brother spanked your ass?" Xiao Wu reacted quickly and looked at Li Shu suddenly.

Li Shujun's face was flushed red, "Stinky boy, nonsense, brother never spanked me...butt."

"Haha, I must have fought." Xiao Wu was already leaning forward and backward in joy. He didn't catch the rabbit, but he knew about the embarrassment of the third brother, haha.

"Stinky boy, if I say no, I won't. Today I must spank your ass." Li Shu was in a hurry, chasing Xiao Wu and hitting him.

"Okay, okay." In the end, it was Li Mo who intervened, "Xiao Wu, I have never spanked your third brother...ass."

Xiao Wu pursed her lips, still just laughing, because the elder brother explained so reluctantly.

Li Shu glared at Xiao Wu fiercely, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard." Xiao Wu pouted, "I haven't hit you..."

Li Shu was really angry, Li Yan stopped him, "If you make trouble again, everyone will know about it."

"Ah?" At this time, Li Shu realized that a group of people were coming to meet them, and they looked familiar, "Who are they?"

Li Yan shrugged, "You'll know if you don't see it yourself."

Two sturdy bearers, a maidservant and two women, came to the front, the sedan chair stopped, and the maid opened the curtain of the sedan chair, only to see a plump and beautiful little woman stepping out of the sedan chair, with a pair of Shui Mou glanced at everyone, and said with a slight smile, "Brother Li, Brother Li Yan, where are you and your family going?"

Li Man didn't recognize this little woman as Mudan at first, because the difference was too great. In her memory, Mudan was a slender and shy little girl, but now, she was a gorgeous little woman dressed in silk Appearance, the most important thing is that when she was standing, she supported her waist with one hand and supported the maid beside her with the other. Looking at her bulging belly, she must be at least seven or eight months pregnant.

Although she was asking Li Mo and Li Yan, her eyes were fixed on Li Yan.

However, it was not Li Yan who answered, but Li Mo, "It's Peony, we have something to do in town."

"Oh, is that right? The town has been very lively these few days." Mudan slowly turned her gaze away from Li Yan, and then slowly landed on Li Man, "Sister-in-law Man'er."

"Hehe." Li Man spread her lips and smiled, her eyes fell on her deliberately high belly, "Are you going back to your mother's house?"

"Well, it's a good day today, I want to come back and have a look." When Peony said this, she seemed a little disappointed, "I haven't been back for half a year since I got married. However, I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Nothing has changed."

Her eyes fell on Li Man's flat belly intentionally. It seems that what Mother said last time was correct, this woman cannot give birth. Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little complacent and gloating, and glanced at Li Man out of the corner of her eye. I don't know if he regrets it now.

Li Man naturally knew that what she said was not only referring to her own appearance, but also to other things, especially when she looked at Mudan's hand supporting her lower back, stroking her belly from time to time, as if she was showing off something to her, she just I think it's funny, she has children too, it's just that the moon is a little younger, and now she wears a lot of clothes, she just doesn't show it at all.

However, using her own child to show off to others, Li Man can't do it, she is still smiling, as if she didn't hear Mudan's point, "Sister Mudan has gained weight, I look at this body, Is it about to give birth?"

"Oh, yes, it's about July, and I should meet my baby." Mudan caressed her belly with her mother's brilliance, looking at Li Yan from time to time, resentful in her heart, do you regret it? If he hadn't been so determined to not want her back then, then, now, this child is his...

"Oh, congratulations." Li Man said sincerely, the time between her and Li Yan has long been in the past, and now, seeing her like this, she should be doing pretty well.

"Where is sister-in-law?" Seeing that Li Man didn't seem to be affected by her pregnancy at all, Mudan seemed a little reconciled, and simply said, "Sister-in-law got married earlier than me, this child...huh?"

"Oh, ours is still early." Li Man also touched her stomach instinctively. Her two babies will have to stay in her stomach for a while.

Mudan smiled, "It's getting late, even if sister-in-law is not in a hurry, Brother Li and Brother Li Yan should be in a hurry."

"Are you in a hurry?" Li Man turned to look at Li Mo and Li Yan.

Li Mo smiled, "It's ripe." He thought she was asking about the birth of the child, since it was already there, he was not in a hurry for them to come out as soon as possible, as long as the children were safe and sound.

Li Man chuckled and said to Mudan, "Look, they're not in a hurry at all."

Mudan's complexion changed slightly, looking at the expression of the man from the Li family, it was obviously the same as before, she still felt pain for this Li Man, and she didn't know what was right and what was wrong, but could she bear it even without a child?

"Sister Mudan, you have such a big belly, are you tired from standing? Why don't you sit in the sedan chair. We just have to hurry, so let's go first." Li Man said, grabbing Li Mo with one hand and pulling Li Mo with the other. Say, go forward.

Several other people nodded to Mudan as a greeting, and left immediately after.

Leaving Peony in place, full of resentment.

"Auntie, get on the sedan chair quickly." The little maid beside her said while supporting Mudan.

Mudan turned her head and watched the Li family's group disappear downhill in front of her, then she flicked her sleeves and got on the sedan chair angrily.


Li Man didn't take Mudan's story to heart, but wondered whether Li Mo had spanked Li Shu's ass, she pulled Li Mo to walk ahead, and asked him in a low voice, "Brother, did you really spank Li Shu's ass?" ?”

"..." Li Mo's face was embarrassing, "That doesn't count either."

"That means you have beaten him?" Li Man suddenly had a little urge to gossip, and continued to ask, "Why did you hit him? How did you hit him?"

Li Mo was embarrassed, and looked behind him, Li Shu and Xiao Wu were walking behind, seeming to be arguing about something, one of them was blushing, the other was pretending.

"Well, I want to hear it." Li Man shook his arm coquettishly.

Li Mo smiled, and had to tell the truth, "Actually, it's not a fight, but once I took him up the mountain to hunt, and he killed a doe."

"A pregnant doe?" Li Man guessed it was this.

"Yeah." Li Mo nodded.


"what why?"

Li Man looked at him sideways, "Are you sympathetic to that doe who has a child?" This man is really a representative of the complete opposite of appearance and heart. As rough and cold as he looks, he is as kind as he is inside. Soft.

Is it sympathy? Li Mo felt that he really had no mercy, otherwise, when hunting in the mountains, except for those pregnant mothers and cubs, he had never been soft-hearted.

"It doesn't count."

"Then why do you still want to hit Li Shu?" Li Man became curious.

Li Mo thought for a while, and he didn't know how to answer. He only knew that he couldn't kill them all. The mother beast and its cubs were the continuation of the life in the forest. If he killed them, he felt it would be a crime.

Seeing his troubled look, Li Man raised her eyebrows, "Fool, you are softening your heart. But, you really spanked Li Shu's ass for a doe? How old was Li Shu at that time?" Did he take off his pants or beat him? ? Li Man secretly asked the latter sentence in his heart.

"I——" Li Mo thought of that time, and in a rage, he slapped Li Shu's butt twice with the body of the arrow in front of the other villagers. I have lost face all my life, and I want to run away from home.

"Just a couple of light touches."

Li Man was very suspicious of his words, and lightly touched him twice. Was Li Shu's reaction so intense just now? However, Li Mo didn't elaborate, so she made up her own mind.


Behind them are Li Yan and Li Hua.

Li Yan was pushing the cart, looking forward, but his gaze was always on the woman who was talking and laughing.

Li Hua walked beside him, glanced at him from time to time, and said suddenly, "Second Brother, do you feel that Sister Mudan seems to have changed?"

"Oh." What does it have to do with him that the woman doesn't change? He feels that the woman in front of him has changed. She didn't talk to the elder brother very much before, and she seemed to be afraid of the elder brother. When did she become so courageous and act like a baby? Pulling his arm, holding his small fist coquettishly and beating his chest for a while, holding his arm again, and sticking his head in his embrace...

"She hasn't given up on her second brother, has she?" Seeing Li Yan staring at Li Man all the time, Li Hua said this straight to the point.

Sure enough, Li Yan tilted his head and stared at Li Hua suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Finally changed your mind? Li Hua slightly hooked her lips, "It's nothing, I just think that Sister Mudan seems to have an unforgettable old love for you."

"So what?" It was other people's business that others liked him, and he didn't feel that he was responsible for it.

"It's not that bad, just chatting casually with my second brother." Li Hua shrugged, as if chatting about family matters.

In fact, he also has his concerns. Just now, there was a sense of hostility in Mudan's words and expressions. Li Hua is not afraid of anything else, but he is afraid that the woman will not give up on the second brother, and something will happen again. .

The second brother is a smart man, he reminded him so casually just now, I believe he can hear it in his heart.

However, Li Yan threw the car into his hand, "Fourth brother, come here."

Turning around, he strode forward, walked to Li Man's side, and pulled half of her body off Li Mo's body, "Can't you walk anymore?"

"Ah?" Li Man was a little surprised by his sudden intrusion.

"Do you want to carry it or hug it?" Li Yan asked directly.

"I, go by myself." Li Man replied, "What are you doing?"

"I think you can't walk well, and you just walk like that. You're hanging on the elder brother, and the elder brother is tired." Li Yan put his arm around her waist, and domineeringly pressed half of her body against him.

Li Man was speechless, "It's even harder for me to walk like this."

"Then I'll carry you." Li Yan squatted forward, took her arm, and carried her on his back.

"Don't." Li Man lightly thumped him on the shoulder twice, looked at Li Mo who was embarrassed, and was angry with Li Yan, she was whispering to Li Mo just now, why did he suddenly make trouble?

Li Yan didn't care about her, and ran down the hillside with her on his back. Li Man was so frightened that he hugged his neck tightly.


Walking slowly on the road, it was already afternoon when we arrived at Zhang's house.

Mrs. Zhang was very happy and warmly entertained them, and even asked the opera troupe who had finished singing in the morning to start singing for them again in the afternoon.

It was the first time for Li Mo and others to listen to an opera, and they were all very excited.

Mrs. Zhang enthusiastically kept them staying for a few more days, but worried that Li Xiangcao was the only one in the house, Li Man and the others decided to stay overnight and leave after breakfast the next day.


Here, Li Man and others accompanied Mrs. Zhang to watch a play lively. On the Li family side, Li Xiangcao felt tired after doing some needlework in the morning because the family members had gone to town. , I wanted to have a meal with my sister's family in the old house, but there was Zhang Ben at home, so she had to cook his meal first.

After these days of recuperation, Zhang Ben’s leg injury is much better, and he can basically walk slowly without relying on crutches. However, Zhang’s house has collapsed, and now it’s the first month of the month, and he has nowhere to go home He wanted to build a house, but at this time he could not find manpower, so the Li family invited him to stay. After the first month passed, the weather would be better and people would be free, so it would not be too late to go back and build a house.

Originally, when the Li family was at home, Zhang Ben saw Li Xiangcao working, so he could go over to help naturally, but today, all the Li family members went out, knowing that Li Xiangcao was cooking in the kitchen alone. At this time, Zhang Ben He hesitated, wanted to help, but dared not.

In this way, he hesitated in the room for a long time, until Li Xiangcao called him to eat from the kitchen, and then he came out happily.

"Little...Vanilla." Seeing Li Xiangcao by the pot, helping him with rice, he suddenly changed his words. In fact, when Li Man suggested him to call him last time, he also wanted to change it. However, in front of Li Mo and others, he was used to addressing them like them, so he was embarrassed to change his words. Today, this was also the first time.

After shouting, his heart was pounding and he panicked, for fear that this shouting would annoy Li Xiangcao again.

But he forgot that Li Xiangcao was even more timid than him. Li Xiangcao froze when he said 'Vanilla', and she froze when she thought of the two of them being alone in the same room. As soon as the bowl of rice was ready, he put it on the pot, turned around, and ran outside.

run again? Just like the first time he gave her a hairpin, she turned around and ran away as soon as he finished speaking, and then ignored him.

Today again? Wouldn't it be a waste for him to get along with her every day these days?

When Zhang Ben panicked, he instinctively stretched out his hand to grab her, and grabbed Li Xiangcao's sleeve. Li Xiangcao was anxious and shook her hard. For some reason, Zhang Ben slipped on his foot and fell to the ground leaning against the door frame, still eating. He grunted in pain.

"Ah, you?" Li Xiangcao was taken aback. Seeing his frowning in pain and rubbing his injured leg, she was frightened and squatted down, "How is it? Did you fall?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ben comforted her with a pale face, "It's okay, just a little pain, help me up and sit for a while, and I'll be fine in a while."

How can it be all right? Li Xiangcao clearly remembers that the day he was just brought here, the gauze on the thickly tied leg was stained red with blood. Later, she saw Li Yan changing his dressing, but that leg was also covered with blood. What, it hurt such a long and deep big gash.

"Can you get up?" Li Xiangcao was about to cry. Zhang Ben recovered from his injury and was able to walk slowly. If he fell, what if he broke his leg?

Hearing the cry in her voice, Zhang Ben's heart moved, and he hurriedly coaxed, "Don't be afraid, I can get up."

As he spoke, he supported the door frame with his hands, and stood up hard, "Look, I can stand up."

"Don't be brave, I'll help you sit." Li Xiangcao took a deep breath, supported his arm, let him sit on a chair beside him, then squatted down, trying to lift his trouser legs to check.

Zhang Ben's face became hot, and he hurriedly blocked the way, "Don't."

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