Fortunate Wife

Chapter 227 Obedient

"Heh." Li Man laughed dryly, picked a fruit from the fruit plate and ate it into his mouth.

"Don't believe me, when you meet that girl in the future, you will know if what I said is true." Seeing her like this, Mrs. Zhang looked serious.

Li Man really didn't believe it. After all, there are too many people who look alike in this world. From the old lady's tone, it seems that Zhang Jingxuan just wanted her to look like him. This is too unfair to others.

So, Li Man peeled an orange for the old lady, and just changed the subject in a gag, "Grandma, this orange is so sweet, you can try it."

The old lady ate it and smiled, "It's quite sweet, you can eat it too." She glanced at Li Man's lower abdomen, "Why can't you see it at all? Are there really two?"

Li Man glanced at the old lady lightly, rubbed her belly and said, "Of course, the month is young now."

"Hehe, Man'er is amazing." The old lady looked a little envious, and then sighed, "If my old lady met you first, it wouldn't be the turn of those boys. , should be my great-grandson."

Li Man was almost choked by Tangerine, "Grandma, why are you bringing this up again? Isn't he also your great-grandson now? Why, don't want to admit it?"

Although the two are not related by blood, Li Man has long regarded Mrs. Zhang as her own grandmother in her heart, and she firmly believes that the old lady loves her more than her own granddaughter.

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhang was overjoyed, and laughed, "Yes, yes, he is also my great-grandson."

Li Man smiled, and peeled two more tangerines for the old lady.

While eating, the old lady said happily, "Girl, when Jing'er gets married and has a baby in the future, shall our two families get married?"

"Huh?" Li Man was speechless, "Baby dear?"

"Yeah." The old lady was very interested, and stared at Li Man with burning eyes, "In the future, if you give birth to a girl, and if our Jing'er gives birth to a boy, let your girl marry into my family. If your child is Boy, my family is a daughter, so let my daughter marry into your family, how about it?"

Li Man laughed, "What if, both of us are boys or girls."

"That's easier. If they are all boys, then they are brothers. If they are all girls, they are sisters. However, it is impossible. Think about it, you will definitely have more than one child in the future. You are still so young. Boys and girls always have to Have more babies, right?" The old lady said cheerfully.

Li Man's head is full of black lines, think of her as a pig.

"Let's talk about my family, anyway, it's impossible to give birth to only one child. While I'm still healthy, I can take care of their children. No matter what, I have to give birth to ten or eight children. So, don't worry. , whether you have a boy or a girl in the future, there will always be someone in our family who is worthy." The old lady was very confident.

Li Man was amused by the old lady's words, and secretly rejoiced that she was not the granddaughter-in-law of the Zhang family, otherwise how would the ten or eight children be born? She didn't expect her own situation at all, five husbands, even if each of them has five husbands, accidents can't be ruled out... For example, now, she has two stomachs.

The two chatted for a while. On the stage, Wu Song killed the tiger and was surrounded by people and returned to the city.

As the sky gradually darkened, Mrs. Zhang ordered someone to tidy up the garden, while she and Li Man went back to her bedroom, had a short rest, and then had dinner together.

The dinner was served in a warm pavilion, only the old lady and Li Man and his wife were together. The food was rich, but the taste was light. The old lady said that Li Man is pregnant now, so it is not suitable to eat heavy food. For example, things that are too spicy, too greasy, and too cold should be avoided in the end.

The old lady is an elder, and the brothers of the Li family felt that her words must be true, so they secretly wrote it down, thinking that Man'er must pay attention to her diet in the future, she is addicted to spicy food, so she has to change.

Li Man thinks it's nothing. In modern times, she has also paid attention to the diet of pregnant women. There are not too many taboos. Moreover, there are some things that you can't eat even if you want to eat them. It doesn't matter if you eat more of these ordinary foods.

Fortunately, although the food is light, it tastes great. Li Man ate very well. After the meal, the men go to the guest room to rest. She will rest with the old lady at night, so there is nothing to do. I accompanied the old lady for another walk in the yard.

"Man'er, when you're full from now on, walk around slowly like you are doing now, don't be lazy." The old lady told Li Man in the tone of someone who had come here while helping her for a walk.

"I know." Li Man understands this, more exercise for pregnant women is good for the fetus, and it is also conducive to future childbirth.

But the old lady only thought that she was a child who hadn't grown up, especially when she saw that she was thin and not half pregnant. Take care of yourself."

"What?" Li Man thought she heard it wrong, and said with a dry smile, "I can take care of it at home." Besides, she is in good health. I heard from my sister-in-law that when her mother-in-law was pregnant with Xiaowu, she vomited water when she drank water. It's so miserable, she is now eating well and sleeping soundly, and she seems to be more energetic than usual, there is no need to be so nervous.

"How to deal with it? What can a room full of men know?" The old lady felt bad when she thought of the five men in the Li family, and there was no elder like a mother-in-law. Li Man was too young, and she was pregnant with a child for the first time. , What can you understand? There are too many things that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy and childbirth, so she is worried.

"In this way, I'll tell them tomorrow that you can stay here with peace of mind. If they miss you, they can come and see if it's okay."

Poof, Li Man didn't dare to tell her husbands that it was wishful thinking to let her stay alone. She was afraid that once Li Mo and the others knew that the old lady had such thoughts, she would not be allowed to come here in the future.

"Grandma, don't worry. My sister-in-law lives with me. She is careful and takes good care of people." Li Man said.

"Your sister-in-law?" The old lady looked at her suspiciously.

Li Man had no choice but to briefly mention Li Xiangcao's matter, but to her surprise, the old lady didn't feel that this matter was absurd like ordinary people, and felt that Li Xiangcao was at fault, but was really angry, " It doesn't matter if you are reconciled, you just can't have such a bastard man."

"Well, that's how I feel." Li Man was very excited as if meeting herself. In fact, since Li Xiangcao divorced, she was also under pressure.

After all, in Li Xiangcao's reconciliation, she had a lot to do with it, and in this era when men are superior to women, it is very common for men to have three wives and four concubines. Women can only bear it obediently. Not only must they endure it, but they must also show extra generosity. This looks good to outsiders.

Therefore, when people knew that Li Xiangcao reconciled because her husband married a concubine, they all said it was her fault, that she couldn't have children, and couldn't tolerate her husband marrying a concubine and having children. Such a narrow-minded woman would not be tolerated.

Therefore, Li Xiangcao and Li stayed at home for such a long time, and no one came to propose marriage. Although there is a shortage of women in the Goddess Valley, it is not uncommon for women to remarry.

If Li Xiangcao lived alone for the rest of her life because of this, Li Man would have some doubts about whether her original actions were correct. She is a woman and has been in love. She must not be able to bear the feeling of suddenly losing love and being alone. So, later, she Seeing Zhang Ben's affection for Li Xiangcao, his mind became alive.

"By the way, do you want me to help your sister-in-law pay attention? By the way, there is a young shopkeeper in Jing'er's shop. The last time I came to deliver things to me, I met him once. He is in his twenties. It's also Zhou Zheng, who doesn't seem to be married yet, I think that child is not bad." The old lady started to talk about Li Xiangcao's affairs.

Sure enough, do you have to worry about these things when you are older? In the past, when she met her for the first time, she wanted to be her granddaughter-in-law, but now, when she mentions sister-in-law, she starts to talk about it again.

Li Man was moved by the old lady's warm heart, but felt that it was not the right time. Besides, the young shopkeeper in her twenties didn't know her character. Woolen cloth.

According to her observation these days, Zhang Ben is very concerned about Li Xiangcao, even a blind person can feel that his eyes are almost always glued to Li Xiangcao.

Later, through Li Yan, she learned some secrets. It seems that Zhang Ben liked Li Xiangcao very much when he was very young. However, after Li Xiangcao got married, his thoughts gradually faded away, but Over the years, I have never said oh dear.

If the family is too poor, it is also one of the reasons, but at least he has only himself, which is better than the five brothers who are difficult to marry. Therefore, Li Yan told her that Zhang Ben has not been married for a long time, maybe he has been worried about him all the time. with sister-in-law.

After Li Man knew about this, she couldn't help admiring that the ancient children seemed to mature more precociously than the modern children. If it was true as Li Yan said, Zhang Ben's heart belonged to Li Xiangcao since childhood, this time, she will have to do whatever she wants. Give him a chance, let him get the moon first.

"Not yet." Li Man said to the old lady with a smile, "My sister-in-law is currently recovering from her injuries. Wait until she gets out of that shadow completely before thinking about other things."

The old lady couldn't understand her words, "What healing period?"

"It was that relationship that hurt her. Now, she is slowly repairing the hurt in her heart. Let's wait until she recovers." Li Man explained.

"Oh, you girl, you understand quite well." The old lady teased her with a smile, "What about you? You are pregnant with a child and you are inconvenient, so you can rest assured about your husbands?"

"What are you worried about?" Li Man was puzzled.

The old lady teased her eyes, "Haha, I just thought you were smart, but now you are stupid again, what else could it be? Your husbands are young and full-blooded. Now that you are inconvenient, they will Can you survive?"

"Oh." This old lady, Li Man was blushing when she said it, but she was not as shy as ordinary daughter-in-laws. She just laughed twice and said, "No, if they dare to act like monsters, I will Let my sons and daughters not call their fathers."

This trick is effective against them. She knows that these men are almost obsessed with their children since they became pregnant. Even Xiao Wu, who has grown up, has become a favorite in the eyes of those four men. Oh, it seems that I have gone through the childhood period of being loved like a child again, and Xiao Wu is very uncomfortable now, announcing all the time that he has grown up and is an adult...

"Oh, that's it. I was thinking that if it's inconvenient for you, I'll give them a few beautiful maids." The old lady looked disappointed.

"Grandma." Li Man was speechless and amused, sometimes she wondered if this old lady was also a modern bold and unrestrained girl? Talk too fiercely.

However, this kind of thing seems to be quite normal in ancient times. Some women even got pregnant by themselves. They were afraid that other women would steal their status, so they would arrange confidants or close girls to approach their men, so as to win people's hearts...

Khan, she thought too much, the old lady was just a joke, she didn't have to take it seriously, the old lady also patted her hand lightly, and said with a smile, "You are very good like this, you are a man, you can't get used to it."

"Oh, then you still wanted to reward their maids just now?" Li Man pretended to be dissatisfied.

The old lady Zhang smiled, "How could they be better than you? Even if they really rewarded you, it would be good for them to know you. But girl, tell me, if I really find some beautiful maids for them, will they take them? "

"Grandma, when will Young Master Jing bring her daughter-in-law back?" Li Man felt that the old lady must be bored and ruthless, so she thought about these crooked ideas. Instead of her man being played by her, it is better to let his grandson and grandson-in-law Come back and play with her.

Hehe, Mrs. Zhang's attention was turned away, "He, I'm afraid he won't come back so soon. I stayed at home for half a year last year. It's hard to go out this time. I haven't had enough fun. Can he Are you willing to come back?"

"Then get them married as soon as possible, so that you can have a great-grandson, and when the time comes, my son and daughter will have playmates." Li Man urged.

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang looked down at Li Man's stomach again, thinking it made sense, "Yes, you have everything. If my Jing'er doesn't hurry up, she will fall down. No, I'll send someone to send a letter tomorrow." , It would be great if the wedding can be done on the Dragon Boat Festival. Then, by this time next year, maybe there will be a great-grandson, who is not much younger than your family, so we can play together."

"Yeah." Li Man nodded repeatedly.

It was getting dark, and the steps were almost gone. Li Man helped the old lady back to her room.

This was the first time she rested in the old lady's room. At night, with her arms around the old lady's arm, and listening to her talking about her past, Li Man was in a daze, as if she had returned to her childhood, on her grandmother's bed, Listening to grandma tell stories is the same, that feeling is great.

She is very fortunate that she met Mrs. Zhang in this life, which made up for her lack of family affection.

That night, she also had a strange dream. In the dream, she was as fresh as ever, staying with her parents, learning how to cook from her grandmother, and even having a scene of that man.

It's just that it's not like the indifference and alienation she used to be, nor the discouragement and resentment she later had.

In short, it was a big scene, and the people she was familiar with and close to were all so peaceful.

It only makes her feel relieved!


And this night, because it was really inconvenient considering that there was only Zhang Ben and herself at home, so in the evening, Li Xiangcao wanted to ask Tian Ningying to accompany her, but the little girl was very filial, Li Xiangyu was sick every day, and seemed to always be sick It's not a good look, sometimes when you have to get up in the middle of the night or something, you need someone to wait on you, so she can't come.

For this reason, Li Xiangcao was so entangled to death, never thought that Li Man and the others would not come back tonight, and there were only her and Zhang Ben at home, which made her very uncomfortable and flustered.

Failed to call the little niece, Li Xiangcao had to think of other ways, fed the pigs and chickens early, made dinner early, and after they ate silently with Zhang Ben, she burned some heat water to wash him up, and he cleaned up the kitchen as quickly as possible.

After tidying up, she saw Zhang Ben coming out of the bathroom through the small window, and waited for a while, thinking that he had returned to the room, so she took water and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, she didn't wash the dirty clothes by hand as usual, she was afraid of delaying too long, so she wanted to tidy up everything before it got dark and go back to her room to sleep.

After closing the bathroom door, I was about to turn around when the person behind me jumped, "Why are you standing there?"

The sky was dark, and Zhang Ben stood behind her at some point. Li Xiangcao almost bumped into him, her heart pounding.

Hearing her complaining tone, Zhang Ben felt a little aggrieved. Originally, he also felt that it was inconvenient for them to be alone at home. He also wanted to go back to the room early, fearing that she would be embarrassed.

However, he couldn't sleep in the room either, because it was still early after all, and as the sky was getting dark, she still didn't move at all.

Women are timid, and the two women in this family, Li Man and Li Xiangcao, seem to be afraid of the dark.

He was afraid that she would be scared, so he came out to have a look. When he got to the kitchen, he saw no one, so he guessed that she was in the bathroom, so he waited outside the bathroom door. She didn't see him when she came out.

"Well, I'll lock the door for you."

"I've locked it." Li Xiangcao's voice was a little cold, as if she wanted to use this to hide her inner panic.

But Zhang Ben didn't understand why a woman turned her face faster than turning a book. It was clear that the two of them had dinner together well at night, and they were also well when they boiled hot water to wash him, and told him to go to bed early.

At this moment, he was just behind her and didn't make a sound in time, so she was so angry? But he was really wronged, he was so big standing at the door, thinking that she would see her as soon as she came out.

"Oh." Hearing Zhang Ben's words, he looked at the sky innocently. It was so dark that he couldn't even find half a star. He suddenly ran to the gate of the courtyard and closed it.

Seeing his move, Li Xiangcao felt her heart constrict, but she didn't say anything, just stood there.

Zhang Ben closed the courtyard door and walked towards her, "Is it done? Let's go back to the house."

What a shame to say that, fortunately, the sky is dark, and the blush on Li Xiangcao's face is not easy to be seen by others.

She sideways walked around him, and trotted towards the gate as if fleeing.

"Slow down." Zhang Ben hurriedly followed. I don't know if it was what he said. In the darkness, Li Xiangcao stumbled on the threshold and staggered forward, but the expected pain did not appear. , but something under her body hit her arm.

There was a muffled groan in his ear, and a scorching breath sprayed on his face, "Are you all right?"

It was Zhang Ben's voice. At this moment, he was being pressed under her body as a pad.

She was stunned, and couldn't see his face clearly in the dim light, but... the touch of his hand was so obvious, with strong muscles, full of masculine breath.

Li Xiangcao panicked and withdrew her hand, but she didn't want the weight on her body to get heavier, which caused Zhang Ben to snort in pain again. She hurriedly got up and pulled him, but just now, Zhang Ben was inconvenient in order to save her. The action was a little more hasty, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden, and was pressed heavily by her again, making the injured leg a little numb.

She reached out to pull him, and he wanted to get up with her, but he didn't want to, his legs went numb, and he instinctively fell to the ground again, and she was pulled into his arms so naturally.

At that moment, he and she froze at the same time. In the darkness, strange things spread, and both of them seemed to be able to hear each other's rapid breathing and heartbeat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Zhang Ben was afraid that she would get angry, so he hurriedly explained, but the hand held hers instead and forgot to let go.

Li Xiangcao's mind was buzzing, she completely forgot whether he was doing it on purpose or not, she just pinched his hand in a panic, and when he let go, she quickly got up and stumbled towards her room.

Zhang Ben stayed where he was, with the fragrance of her hair still lingering in his nose, and her soft touch seemed to be in his arms, but...

He shook his head violently, what time is it, dare to think about it? She must be angry, do you think he is an apprentice? Do you think he is bullying her?

He also panicked, even though his legs were still a little uncomfortable, he got up quickly, hopped to Li Xiangcao's door, and knocked lightly on the door.

Inside, Li Xiangcao was sitting on the kang, when she heard the knock on the door, her heart skipped a beat, she stared at the door, even more flustered, what is he going to do?

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I..." Zhang Ben faced the door stupidly, annoyed, but he didn't know how to explain it. There was no movement at all inside. He guessed that Li Xiangcao must hate it to death him.

But what to do?

After much deliberation, Zhang Ben made a decision, facing the door, he said loudly and firmly, "Vanilla, it was my fault just now, don't worry, I will take responsibility."

Responsible? Inside, Li Xiangcao was stunned when she heard this. What is he responsible for?

Isn't that what she meant? That's too... She wanted to go out and ask for clarification, but she didn't have the courage.

Outside, Zhang Ben lost his voice after saying this, but it was easier to speak out because of the words that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

But Li Xiangcao did not respond, which also encouraged Zhang Ben somewhat. In his opinion, as long as Li Xiangcao did not refuse aloud, it was tantamount to acquiescing.

Well, he will be responsible for it!

Turning around, he walked to the main room, closed the door, and then went back to the side room silently, lying on the kang, thinking in his heart, when Li Mo and the others came back, how would he marry Li Xiangcao's idea of ​​marrying Li Xiangcao? they said.

Across the main room, Li Xiangcao was still sitting stupidly on the edge of the kang, her mind kept circling the scene of falling on him just now, and what he said before leaving. It's an indescribable feeling, very messy.


This *, Li Xiangcao didn't sleep soundly, she had messy dreams one after another, and didn't wake up in a daze until dawn.

After waking up, she realized that the door of the house was open, and the sound of chickens flying and dogs crowing could be heard in the yard. She struggled to get up. She didn't sleep well last night, and now she was a little dizzy.

After finally getting dressed and getting up, as soon as he opened the door, his heart shrank in shock from the people beside the door.

"Xiangcao, are you up?" Zhang Ben's originally troubled face squeezed out a big smile the moment he saw her.

Li Xiangcao endured the beating of her heart and glared at him, "What are you doing squatting at my door this morning?"

"Oh, I've made breakfast, and I don't know if you're up yet, so I'm waiting here." Zhang Ben said.

"You made breakfast?" Li Xiangcao was suspicious.

"Well, are you hungry? Let's go eat." Zhang Ben looked at her expectantly, but the gaze was so enthusiastic that Li Xiangcao couldn't help thinking about what happened last night, and couldn't calm down, but so what? Drive this man out? But this is not her home, she is not qualified.

Just as she was hesitating, Zhang Ben lowered his head, leaned close to her face, and said flatteringly, "I also made your favorite egg pancakes. Usually when my sister-in-law makes them, don't you always say they are delicious?" I often make it today, by the way, I also baked two sweet potatoes, which are cooling down there, come with me."

Xu Shi was too eager, Xu Shi made the decision last night, Zhang Ben actually forgot to estimate, so he took Li Xiangcao's wrist and led her to the kitchen.

However, his legs and feet are inconvenient, and he still limps when he walks. Li Xiangcao thought that he fell to the ground with a light shake at noon yesterday. At this moment, she tried her best to endure it and followed him obediently to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there was a strong aroma. It was a mixture of several kinds of food. She thought about it, he said egg pancakes and roasted sweet potatoes, and...

Looking at the pot table, a small plate of fried salted beans, fried with some spicy peppers, seemed to suit her appetite.

"Come on, you wash up first, and I'll serve the porridge." Seeing her standing aside, Zhang Ben helped her prepare the washing water and handed it to her.

Li Xiangcao was stunned for a moment, he gave her face wash?

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ben tried the water with his hands, and said with a smile, "It's not hot, it's warm, just right."

Li Xiangcao's nose suddenly became astringent. This was the first time since she could remember that she was served by someone like this. Even when she and Shen Run had a strong relationship, she was doing these things for him. At that time, she was doing these things. Sometimes, he is happy and joyful, and even feels honored to be able to do something for him.

Seeing Zhang Ben's happy expression at the moment, she thought of herself in a trance.

"What's the matter? Are you still angry about what happened last night?" Seeing that she was still motionless and her expression was not very good, Zhang Ben became anxious and explained in a panic, "I really didn't mean it. At that time, I saw you When I stumbled, I rushed over to pull you, but I didn’t expect that I also stumbled, "

Only, when he tripped, one of his arms blocked her, so he fell down and she fell on top of her.

"Then, you pull me up. It's not that I don't want to get up. It's because my legs are numb that I accidentally fell down again. I really didn't mean to hug you in that way."

This last sentence of explanation successfully drew back Li Xiangcao's attention, and also made her face completely flushed, and her eyes stared at him like fire, "Don't say it, don't mention it."

Then, with water in hand, I hurried to the yard to wash up.

Zhang Ben was stunned, what he didn't want to mention, it wasn't that she was worried, he had to explain, otherwise, she kept ignoring him, what if he was a bad person?

After washing, Li Xiangcao went back to the house. Zhang Ben had already put breakfast on the table, a bowl of white rice porridge, a plate of fried beans, and a plate with two egg pancakes. Roasted sweet potatoes with browned and fragrant flesh inside.

"Try it quickly, it's hot and delicious." Seeing her sitting down, Zhang Ben handed her chopsticks graciously.

Li Xiangcao was not used to his hospitality, but she was good-tempered and used to it. The first time she refused someone in her life was probably when she reconciled with Shen Runsheng.

"Hehe." Seeing that she didn't refuse, Zhang Ben smiled, took his chopsticks, and sat next to her to eat, but seeing that she didn't move the chopsticks for a long time, he became anxious again, "What's wrong?"

"Zhang Ben——" Li Xiangcao felt that there were some things that had to be explained to him clearly. He was a good guy, and there would be better girls to match him. She didn't want him to waste unnecessary energy on herself.

However, she didn't think about how to word it.

Looking at her expression, Zhang Ben seemed to realize that what she wanted to say might not be what he wanted to hear, so he hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, let's talk about it after dinner."

After finishing speaking, I buried myself in the porridge.

He drank so much that Li Xiangcao was stunned. The porridge he just took out of the pot was very hot. Even through the bowl, she still felt that her fingers were hot, but he just gulped down cold water like that. Yes, don't you think so?

Suddenly, the words I wanted to say were stuck in my throat, and I couldn't say anything.

"You, eat slowly." She couldn't bear it.

"Oh." That's it, Zhang Ben's nervous heart fell back a little, and because of this, he felt that his mouth seemed to be on fire, and it hurt a little, as if he was about to be scalded and blistered.

Seeing him grinning sadly, Li Xiangcao got up, took a clean bowl and silently poured him a bowl of warm water and put it beside him.

"Drink it."

Zhang Ben was stunned for a moment, but soon, under her concerned eyes, he took a sip of warm water, and the burning feeling in his mouth seemed to be better.

"Drink a little, don't swallow it, just keep it in your mouth." Li Xiangcao ordered again, then took a bite of the egg pancake with chopsticks and took a bite. It tasted good, and it was a little saltier than Li Man's, and more delicious. It suits her taste.

So, she ate one bite after another, one piece of omelette, and she ate it up without knowing it, and the other piece, she didn't eat, because the aroma of roasted potatoes was also very attractive to her, so she put down her chopsticks and picked up The peeled roasted potato, with a small bite, is sweet, soft and glutinous, and tastes really good, even more delicious than her and Li Man's roasted ones.

Zhang Ben had warm water in his mouth, and he could no longer feel the burning pain. He stared at Li Xiangcao for a moment, seeing her eat the food he prepared for her, his heart was full of something, really I hope that time can be fixed at this moment. How happy it would be to see her happily eating the things she made for the rest of her life.


Li Mo and the others arrived home at noon. As soon as they got home, Zhang Ben dragged Li Mo and Li Yan into a side room. Li Shu also wanted to go in, but Zhang Ben blocked the door.

It's not because Li Shu is afraid of knowing, but because of Li Shu's temperament, once he knows, everyone in the world will know. But now, he still has nothing, and he doesn't want to make it public that the whole world knows before he reaches the final step.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Zhang Ben was so cautious and pushed Li Shu away, Li Yan asked amusedly, as if he had guessed something in his heart.

Li Mo also looked at Zhang Ben with the same curiosity. Zhang Ben had always had the best relationship with his second and third brothers, but today he came to him for something, which was a bit strange. He couldn't help but wonder what it was?

Looking at the two brothers, Zhang Ben said directly, "I want to marry Vanilla."

"Who?" The two brothers were taken aback at the same time, because Zhang Ben used to call Li Xiangcao Aunt directly, but today's change of words made them both unresponsive.

"Your sister-in-law, Li Xiangcao." Zhang Ben repeated.

Li Mo and Li Yan looked at each other, Li Mo's face was heavy, "Do you want to marry my sister-in-law?"

His expression made Zhang Ben's heart skip a beat. He knew that his conditions were not good, but after finally finding a woman he liked, he couldn't give up like this.

"Yes, I want to marry her." Zhang Ben bit the bullet, but his voice was firm.

"Heh." Li Yan chuckled, did this kid finally have the patience to speak out? However, there were no signs before yesterday? That's all I said today, maybe last night they... couldn't help but stared at Zhang Ben carefully.

The two have been friends since they were young. Zhang Ben could understand Li Yan's eyes, and immediately rejected it, "Li Yan, don't guess, there is nothing between me and your sister-in-law."

"There's nothing, why are you in a hurry to marry her?" Li Yan raised his eyebrows and asked mockingly.

Zhang Ben's face froze, and he said, "I, I just want to marry her."

"It's useless for you to tell us, my sister-in-law may not want to marry you." Li Mo said calmly.

Zhang Ben was stunned for a moment, a little bit shocked.

Li Yan glanced at his elder brother, and sighed secretly in his heart. Except for his daughter-in-law, this insensitive elder brother's reaction to other people and things is really astonishing.

Whether Li Xiangcao is interested in Zhang Ben, he has already seen it, maybe, he has a deeper opinion than Li Xiangcao himself.

However, Li Yan also followed Li Mo's words and said, "Yes, my elder brother is right, my sister-in-law's affairs are not easy for us juniors to manage."

That means, Zhang Ben, if you want to marry a wife, you can do it yourself.

Zhang Ben understood, and finally smiled in relief, "Okay, as long as you don't object."

"What are you going to do?" Li Yan asked.

Zhang Ben didn't hide it, "I'll go home later, build the house first, and then marry her."

"Cough..." I'm really anxious, now I want to build a house, and then marry a wife, but before that, doesn't he have to get that daughter-in-law first? Otherwise, the house is ready, what should the wife do if she doesn't want to come in?

However, Li Yan didn't take care of this matter lazily, anyway, he didn't marry a wife, he just needed a wife to hug him.

After Zhang Ben told the two of them about this decision, he got their support again, and he became more confident. After going out, the way he looked at Li Xiangcao changed a little. Li Xiangcao was inexplicable and a little flustered by the momentum that was bound to win. .

Li Shu watched from the side, and secretly smiled. Just now, he was lying at the door, but he heard their conversation clearly, hehe, unexpectedly, that kid Zhang Ben would think of my sister-in-law?

"Big Brother, Second Brother." When the two older brothers came out, Li Shu hurriedly went up to meet them, looking at the two of them, "You two just sold my sister-in-law like this?"

At least you have to be more reserved, let that boy Zhang Ben suffer a little, feel a little embarrassed, and then marry my sister-in-law, so that you will know how to cherish it in the future.

"What's for sale?" Li Xiangcao happened to enter the door. Hearing this, she asked suspiciously. Just now, she also saw Zhang Ben dragging Li Mo and Li Yan into the side room. Could it be that they were discussing about selling themselves?

Her heart tightened, she was a little flustered, but then she felt ridiculous, how could the Li family sell themselves? Think too much.

Li Yan immediately glared at Li Shu, and then said with a smile, "Sister-in-law is missing, we bought something for sister-in-law in the town yesterday, and he asked me if I gave it to you."

"Oh." Li Xiangcao nodded, thinking of the dressing set that Li Man gave her just now, and smiled, "Man'er just gave it to me."

"Yeah." Li Yan nodded. Li Mo looked at Li Xiangcao's simple and easy-to-deceive appearance, and was worried. When she returned to the room with her things, he looked at Li Yan worriedly, "Should I ask sister-in-law first?" the meaning of?"

"If you want to ask, it's not our turn to ask. Let him handle that guy's affairs." Li Yan smiled and patted his elder brother on the shoulder, signaling him to rest assured.

In fact, Li Yan was helping Zhang Ben by not asking Li Xiangcao, because he knew Li Xiangcao's temper, so if he asked her straightforwardly like this, her answer could only be one-deny.

It's better to let Zhang Ben do enough, and talk about it later.


After lunch, Zhang Ben simply tidied up and said goodbye to the crowd. Because there were so many people, he couldn't say anything to Li Xiangcao alone. He just gave her a deep look, then turned his head and left.

At that moment, seeing his leaving back, Li Xiangcao felt empty in her heart. She regarded it as a habit, and felt that it was the getting along with her these days. She regarded Zhang Ben as a member of the family. Just not used to it.

However, in the next few days, there was no sign of that person, and Li Xiangcao's heart was still empty. In the morning, no one prepared her face wash and breakfast, and when she was working, no one suddenly came over. He rushed to help her, and didn't see the man's flattering smile when he urged her to do otherwise.

Li Man could see it, and she also learned from Li Yan that Zhang Ben went home to build a new house. She endured a few days and didn't tell Li Xiangcao, just to see her reaction. Sure enough, the little girl was in a trance Bar? Ha ha.

"Sister-in-law." After breakfast that day, Li Man moved a stool and sat under the flowerbed with Li Xiangcao, seeing her silent and worried expression, "I see that you have eaten less and talked less recently. , Laughing less, what's going on? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No." Li Xiangcao immediately recovered and shook her head in denial.

Li Man didn't believe it, "It's really all right? Are you worried about Auntie's side? Don't worry, Auntie's body, didn't you ask the doctor to look at it? It's all right, and there is also news from the yamen, saying yes I found the Zhao family, how to deal with it, haven't there been results in the past few days?"

"Oh." Li Xiangcao was obviously not interested in these questions.

Therefore, Li Man was even more sure, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and she pretended to ask casually, "By the way, I don't know how the house of Brother Zhang's house is built."

Sure enough, Li Xiangcao was taken aback and asked, "Is he building a house when he comes home?"

"Yeah. Didn't he tell you?" Li Man looked at her and smiled from the bottom of her heart. She didn't respond much to the question about her body just now, but she still didn't have much expression when she asked about Li Xiangyu. All the attention is here, there is drama!

Li Xiangcao didn't understand Li Man's little thoughts, so she simply shook her head, "I didn't say anything."

"Oh, brother Zhang is really, I thought he told you about such an important matter."

Li Xiangcao shook her head again, seeming a little lost, yes, such an important matter, but the man just didn't tell her.

"It seems that a house has been built to marry a wife." Li Man said again.

Li Xiangcao's complexion changed, and after a long time, she said, "That's fine."

"Yes." Seeing the change in her expression, Li Man was determined in her heart, and asked again, "Sister-in-law, do you want to go and see her someday?"

"I'm going?" What is she going to do? What does it have to do with her to build a house and marry a wife.

"Of course you go, otherwise, what should you do if you are not satisfied with how the house was built?" Li Man's words were straightforward enough, but Li Xiangcao was still immersed in the shock of her other words and didn't notice them at all. No, just said, "What's the use of being dissatisfied with his house."

Li Man burst out laughing, sister-in-law is really simple, does she want to be more direct? Well, let's be more direct.

"Future hostess, if you are not satisfied, what's the point of building his house?"

"What?" Li Xiangcao was stunned for a while, and after a while, she understood some meanings from Li Man's narrow eyes, blushing with embarrassment, and said angrily, "Damn girl, you are talking nonsense, are you making fun of me?"

"Oh, dare not dare, sister, I really don't have the guts to make fun of you, I'm serious." Li Man hastily begged for mercy, while explaining, "Sister, did Brother Zhang really not tell you? He wants to wait After the house is built, I will propose marriage to you."

"Ah?" Li Xiangcao was startled, such a big matter, that person didn't mention it to her?

Oh, no, I mentioned it, that night when the two of them were alone, he said at her door that he would be responsible for her, is that the case?

She never expected him to be so bold.

"Sister-in-law." Seeing her face change slightly, Li Man was afraid that she would want to be a coward again, so she hurriedly took her hand and asked, "Sister-in-law, it's just the two of us here, can you tell me honestly, what are you going to do to Zhang? Brother, what do you mean?"

"Me?" Li Xiangcao bit her lip and didn't know what to say. She just shook her head and said, "It's impossible for me to be with him. I'm so much older than him, and he's also Li Yan's friend."

"What's the matter, as long as you really love each other, nothing else is a problem." Li Man said.

Li Xiangcao just kept shaking her head, "Impossible, really impossible, people will gossip about it."

"What can you gossip about? You guys are unmarried and girls are unmarried. Being together won't interfere with other people's affairs. Why should they gossiping." Li Man encouraged, "Sister, don't be afraid, just tell me, do you treat him well?" How do you feel?"

"Me?" Li Xiangcao was also confused. She thought that after experiencing Shen Runsheng, she would never love again. However, she had an indescribable feeling about Zhang Ben. with.

"Ha, you still feel a little bit?" Seeing her hesitation, Li Man spoke for her, and then, holding her hand tightly, said, "Sister-in-law, you have to fight for happiness by yourself. You are still so young. Look at Brother Zhang, he is honest, honest and hardworking, even though his family is poor, but with your hard work, I believe that life will be better."

Besides, with the help of their family, their future life will definitely not be a problem, but Li Man didn't mention this because he was afraid of hurting his face.

Li Xiangcao's face was hot when she said it, and she lowered her eyes and said in embarrassment, "Look at what you said, it's true, people build a house, don't know why? Even if you want to marry a wife, it may not be... ...not necessarily me."

"Sister-in-law, do you want him to propose to you in person?" Li Man laughed, grabbed her hand, and pulled her up, "Come on, let's go to Zhang's house now."

"What are you looking at?" Li Xiangcao panicked, she couldn't go to the man's house carelessly like this, let alone, in what capacity would she go?

"Look at how the house is going. Hehe, we can also give suggestions." Li Man was bored at home every day, so she wanted to go for a walk, and it happened that the Zhang family was also a place to go.

"I won't go." Li Xiangcao broke away from her hand and refused.

Embarrassed, Li Man snickered, "Okay, let's not go to Zhang's, but I want to eat salt and pepper pork ribs at noon, let's go and buy some?"

"Want to eat ribs?" Thinking of Li Man's body, Li Xiangcao finally nodded, "Okay, wait a minute, I'll take the basket."

"Yeah." Li Man took advantage of the time to go upstairs and told Li Hua that he was going out. Hearing this, Li Hua hurriedly put down the book and followed suit. He couldn't rest assured that she would go out alone. In his heart, having one more Li Xiangcao would not help. These two women were worse than children in some matters.

Li Hua wanted to follow, Xiao Wu naturally couldn't stay any longer, and hurriedly put down his pen, clamoring to be together.

"Are you all going? Then there is no one at home. Besides, Xiao Wu, in a few days, you have to go to the academy to take the exam. Why don't you study at home?" Li Man wanted Xiao Wu to stay.

Xiao Wu looked at her with lowered eyebrows, "I'm so stupid, I have to study more for an exam? If I don't review, I won't pass the exam?"

The one who chokes? Li Man's face darkened, "Isn't that for your own good?"

Xiao Wu shrugged his eyebrows, ungrateful for her, "What's wrong with me? Why don't you want me to follow?"

What you said makes it even more... let people think about it, okay? No matter how it sounds like a jealous husband.

"Okay, let's go, so much nonsense." Seeing Li Man deflated, Li Hua glared at Xiao Wu angrily.

Xiao Wu raised his eyebrows, knowing that protecting his daughter-in-law is also his daughter-in-law, okay? How can he be embarrassed to protect him like this every day?

Li Man had no choice but to say, "It's okay, let's go." Anyway, if there are many people, going to Zhang's house will not cause any gossip.

Downstairs, Li Xiangcao took a small basket and waited again. Seeing that Li Huaxiaowu followed her downstairs, she smiled. Sure enough, all the men in her family were clingy to their wives. It seemed that they had never seen Li Man. It's empty, so I'm going out to buy some meat, not to mention, she's still here.


Thinking about it, Li Xiangcao was extremely envious of Li Man's good fortune, and thought of Zhang Ben for no reason, going home to build a house and marry a wife... Her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly took a step ahead, walking ahead.

Li Man followed, "Sister-in-law wait for me."

"Oh." Li Xiangcao was waiting for her at the gate of the courtyard.

The four of them went all the way to Chencun, passing by Zhang Ben's village on the way. When they arrived, Li Man deliberately asked Li Hua, "I heard that Brother Zhang's house is nearby, isn't it?"

"Well," Li Hua is so smart, he immediately understood what Li Man meant from her eyes, and he deliberately led the way, pointing to the first family in the east of the village and said, "That's it, the house used to be all It was pushed down, and now it needs to be re-covered."

Li Man followed his fingers and saw four or five laborers working there. She couldn't help being curious, and pulled Li Hua, "Come on, let's go and see, Brother Zhang's house is built, and I don't know if we can help. .”

She and Li Hua went there naturally, as if they were passing by, and Xiao Wu followed closely, leaving Li Xiangcao standing alone on the side of the road, feeling bad, so she bit her Gritting his teeth, he followed.

The foundation of the Zhang family is not small. From her point of view, at least five rooms can be built. However, Li Man did not find Zhang Ben among the workers, so she couldn't help being curious, "Li Hua, are you right? There is no big brother Zhang."

When the people at work heard her calling Brother Zhang, they couldn't help but look up, and saw two extremely beautiful girls, immediately became happy and talked a lot.

"Are you looking for Zhang Ben?"

"Yes." Li Hua replied, "Is this his home?"

"Yes." Those people replied, "He has gone to the hut over there, and he will be back in a while, do you want to go to his shed to rest first?"

"Shed?" Li Man noticed that just a few feet away from the new foundation, there was a small hut made of thatch, and some living utensils could be seen inside. She couldn't help but dragged Li Hua over there. , I saw a small shop in a small shack, and a small stove by the door, which was obviously used for cooking. Next to the small stove, a vegetable pot and a pair of bowls and chopsticks were placed on the ground just like that.

The environment here is extremely simple.

Li Xiangcao stood at the back and saw the conditions in the shed. She couldn't help frowning, her nose felt sour. Zhang Ben's family was poor. It's better, at least she has brothers and sisters.

"Ah, you're here?" Zhang Ben appeared from behind holding a few big logs, his eyes lit up in surprise when he saw them, he hurriedly gave the logs to the workers, clapped his hands and came running.

"Brother Zhang." Li Hua greeted him politely, "We have something to do, we happened to pass by, so let's take a look."

"En." Zhang Ben nodded, but his eyes fixed on Li Xiangcao's face eagerly. Unexpectedly, she lost a lot of weight after not seeing her for a few days. Did she not eat well? Still sick?

"Cough," Xiao Wu looked narrowly at Zhang Ben, coughed lightly, and said, "Brother Zhang, why are you looking at my sister-in-law like this? Does my sister-in-law have words on her face?"

Zhang Ben and Li Xiangcao froze at the same time, both of them were extremely embarrassed.

Li Hua and Li Man gave Xiao Wu a hard look.

Xiao Wu didn't take it seriously, didn't they all treat him as a child? As for children, what are they doing so seriously? Tongyan Wuji, don't you understand?

"Brother Zhang, do you live here every day? Are there any mice at night? What if it rains?"

Zhang Ben calmed down his embarrassment, he didn't dare to look at Li Xiangcao anymore, he just answered Xiao Wu's words honestly, "There are no mice, the weather is fine these days, and it hasn't rained."

"I'm asking, what if it's going to rain?" Xiao Wu was very persistent.

Zhang Ben was stunned for a moment, scratching his head, "If it really rains, hehe, just drench, this shack can at least keep out some rain."

"When the wind blows, your shack will fall apart." Li Man said, looking at Li Xiangcao, wanting to see her expression, but Li Xiangcao's eyes are lowered at the moment, only looking at the ground, so she can't see the expression clearly .

However, Li Hua's words made her very satisfied.

"Brother Zhang." Li Hua said, "Why don't you live in my house while you're building the house. It's really inconvenient to live here. If it really blows and rains, it will be really troublesome."

"No, no, it's enough to bother you." Zhang Ben was really sorry, and he also wanted to use his own efforts to build a shelter for his woman. Every day, he looked at the house a little bit The cover is covered, and my heart is also happy.

Xiao Wu curled her lips, "Yeah, the troubles are already over, what are you afraid of, it doesn't matter if you have more troubles, it's better than someday, you get sick from the rain, and let us take care of you."

Knowing that what Xiao Wu said was for his own good, Zhang Ben hesitated for a while, yes, if he fell ill, the progress of the house would be delayed.

"That's it, let's listen to Xiao Wu." Li Man said.

Li Hua also said, "Brother Zhang, then you are busy. We are going to buy some meat. In the evening, your work is closed, so just go there."

What he said undoubtedly meant that Zhang Ben had agreed to go to the Li family.

Zhang Ben was full of gratitude in his heart, but he never gave an affirmative answer. He only looked at Li Xiangcao, "Little...I'll go, can I?"

Li Xiangcao was taken aback, in front of so many people, he asked her like this?

"Is it okay?" Seeing her startled, Zhang Ben asked cautiously again.

On the side, Li Man and Li Hua Xiao Wu, the three of them all focused on Li Xiangcao, without making a sound, acting as an invisible person in a tacit understanding.

Li Xiangcao was so embarrassed, she stared at Zhang Ben, "I'm asking you if you want to go, what do you want me to do?"

"Then I'll go." Zhang Ben was happy, as long as she didn't object, he naturally wanted to live with her under the same roof.

Li Xiangcao was even more embarrassed, wishing she could find a hole in the ground and go down, this person is really bad.

But Xiao Wu, at this time, still reluctantly added, "Brother Zhang, you really——listen to my sister-in-law."

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