Fortunate Wife

Chapter 228 Means

"Brother Zhang, you are really listening to my sister-in-law." Xiao Wu looked at Zhang Ben and said with a sly smile.

Zhang Ben stretched out his hand to pluck his hair twice, staring at Li Xiangcao, and smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, he is obedient, how about you? You know how to talk to others, but why don't you know how to be obedient?" Li Xiangcao gave Xiao Wu a hard look, brat, he is only too old to meddle in things.

Xiao Wu chuckled, leaned on Li Man's body, and deliberately touched her with his elbow, and said with a wry smile, "I listen to my wife. As a man, it's better to listen to my wife."

Is this abducting yourself again? Li Man pinched the boy's arm hard, but he didn't refute, because he said Zhang Ben listened to his sister-in-law before, and now he said it's better to listen to his wife. Li Man understands the reason.

Li Xiangcao and Zhang Ben also understood, and both of them had a big blush.

"Xiao Wu already knows to listen to his wife." Fearing that Li Xiangcao would run away in embarrassment, Zhang Ben wanted to change the topic, but he went around and listened to his wife.

The little five thieves smiled, "Yeah, so, brother Zhang, you have to work harder, don't let my son run off in the future, and you are still a bachelor, shame on you."

Zhang Ben, "..." looked expectantly at Li Xiangcao.

Li Xiangcao met his gaze, but Mou Ranru was struck by lightning, his whole face turned pale, he turned around and walked away.

Everyone is strange.

Wasn't it fine just now? Even if Xiaowu, a brat, made fun of them, although Li Xiangcao was embarrassed, she seemed to accept it happily. Why did she suddenly change her face and leave without saying a word.

The same is true for Zhang Ben, his joyful smile froze in an instant, "Sister-in-law, what is she?"

"It's none of your business, only Xiao Wu talks more." Li Man hurriedly dragged Xiao Wu into the water.

Xiao Wu raised his eyebrows and stared at Li Man dissatisfiedly, "Let's go, we still have to buy meat, we're late, we'll let people buy all the good ones."

"Okay." Seeing Li Xiangcao walking away, Li Man hurriedly followed, she was a little confused about what was wrong with this little girl, so she had to ask.

After Li Hua waited for her to leave, seeing Zhang Ben in a daze, he comforted him, "Brother Zhang, what Man'er said is right, my sister is not because of you, don't take it to heart, remember to come to my house and have dinner together after work." .”

"Oh, good." Zhang Ben nodded in agreement, but his expression was obviously not as good as before. He was a little numb, sleepy, and even frightened. The appearance of Li Li Xiangcao was really scary just now. Is it because he doesn't like him? So, don't you like Xiao Wu's teasing?

"Okay, Brother Zhang, my sister-in-law is gone, don't look at it, go to work, if there is anything you don't understand, just come to my house to ask her in person at night." Xiao Wu didn't care much about this, The two brothers seemed to pat Zhang Ben's arm, and then, following the fourth brother Li Hua, quickly chased after the two women in front.

Up ahead, Li Man caught up with Li Xiangcao, and hurriedly said, "Sister, don't be angry with Xiao Wu, his child is like that, and he likes to irritate people when he talks now. Today is still good, and you usually know how he is. mad at me."

"I'm fine, I'm not Xiao Wu." Li Xiangcao hurriedly explained, fearing that Li Man might wrongly blame Xiao Wu.

"It's fine if you don't blame him, hehe, sister-in-law, to be honest, brother Zhang's family..."

"Man'er, let's hurry up, we have to go back to cook at noon." Before she could finish speaking, Li Xiangcao hurriedly interrupted her.

Li Man was stunned, seeing that Li Xiangcao had already walked ahead quickly, and completely forgot about her, she was even more surprised, did the sister-in-law, who was always careful and considerate, not notice that she didn't keep up at all?

still? Li Man suddenly realized something. Just now, she seemed to mention Zhang Ben, so she interrupted her. Could it be that Li Xiangcao didn't want to mention Zhang Ben? But it was fine at first.

"Man'er." Li Huaxiao Wu followed up, "Why don't you go with sister-in-law?"

"She's still arguing." Li Man was a little sad, "Li Hua, sister-in-law really doesn't like Brother Zhang? But I clearly think she—" likes Zhang Ben very much.

Before Li Hua could answer, Xiao Wu laughed out loud, showing a look of foolishness, "Oh, you are sometimes stupid."

Li Man was really pissed off by him, and couldn't help but blame him, "It's all you, if it wasn't for your nonsense, sister-in-law wouldn't be angry."

"Forget it if you're stupid." Xiao Wu seemed to be staring at her helplessly, and Li Man almost wanted to kick him because of his small eyes, "Xiao Wu, if you dare to call me stupid, I'll ask your third brother to come back and beat you up." .”

Xiao Wu laughed amusedly, then looked at Li Hua, "If you don't believe me, ask Fourth Brother."

"I originally asked your fourth brother." Li Man said angrily, but this kid likes to interrupt.

Seeing that the two of them were in a hurry, Li Hua took his time, raised his hand and stroked Li Man's hair, and said with a smile, "Why are you so impatient?"

"Why are you not in a hurry? Look at my sister..." Li Man raised her eyes and saw that Li Xiangcao had already reached the entrance of the village. watching them.

"It's okay." Li Hua snorted, looked at her confused eyes, obviously didn't understand, then lowered his head, leaned into her ear, and whispered, "My sister is angry because she cares."

"Ah?" Li Man was even more surprised, and she heard Li Hua's nice voice explain in her ear, "My child. When you like someone, you naturally want to give all the good things to the other person, but, my child... "

"Oh." Before he finished speaking, Li Man suddenly realized, "I understand."

Oh, why is she so stupid? Even Li Hua, a big man, could understand something, but she was confused. Thinking about it again, it seemed that Xiao Wu had mentioned the matter of the child just now, and the aunt's expression suddenly changed.

That's right, Li Xiangcao couldn't have children, and because of this, she left the Shen family desperately. Now, there must be this problem with Zhang Ben.

Damn it, how could she forget this crucial question all this time?

"Heh, it's not too stupid." Xiao Wu chuckled beside him.

Li Man glanced at him, then asked Li Hua, "Then what should I do?"

In this regard, Li Hua expressed powerlessness, "We can't help these things. If they really love each other, they don't need to care about these things. If they care about it, then even if we try our best to get them together now, there will be a second one in the future." It's a matter of Shen Runsheng."

"..." Li Man was startled, and said again and again, "That's not allowed." Li Xiangcao has already been hit by Shen Runsheng once, and she can't be hit twice by Zhang Ben. If Zhang Ben will become the second Shen Runsheng, it's better not to.

Seeing her like this, Li Hua laughed instead, "Okay, why are you afraid of Cheng doing this? The second brother has already told him about my sister-in-law."

"Uh?" Li Yan? How come I never heard him say it to me.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang doesn't mind at all whether my sister-in-law can have a child, even if she really can't, at worst, she will adopt one in the future, no matter what." Li Hua said.

"That's it." Li Man's heart settled down a little bit, and at the same time, she also felt that Zhang Ben could have such a decision to prove that she had a unique vision, and she still saw the right person. Not a bad man."

"It's bad, can I give it to my aunt?" Xiao Wu said.

"As long as you understand?" Li Man remembered that even Xiao Wu could see the entanglement in Li Xiangcao's heart, but she didn't.

Obviously, at the beginning, she was his sister and his teacher. The first word he recognized and the first book he read were all taught by her.

Now, she felt like she had taught her apprentice to starve her master to death.

"That's, hehe, I also heard people say that after being pregnant for three years and being stupid, you, if you don't understand anything in the future, just ask me." Xiao Wu has a very thick skin, and she only thinks what she said is a compliment to herself. Feeling apprehensive, he started to tease Li Man more and more.

"You?" Li Man really reached out and patted him angrily, brat, are you reluctant to beat him for bullying her?

But Xiao Wu was slapped by her, and his expression was even more joyful. The third brother often said that beating means scolding or love, hehe, what does it mean when the daughter-in-law hits him?

His eyes were really hateful, and he still stared at her with that kind of eyes after beating him, Li Man couldn't bear it and leaned against Li Hua, glaring at him, "Li Hua, help me teach him a lesson."

"Oh, what Xiao Wu said was just joking, you are still very smart." Although, recently, he also felt that Li Man was more childish, in fact, sometimes there is a kind of silly cuteness, but in his eyes, whoever Nothing can compare.

"Hmm." Li Man felt that Li Hua's words were pleasing to the ear, so she smiled with satisfaction, not noticing at all that there was a word "return" in his compliment, as long as she tasted it carefully, she could know the meaning.

In front, Li Xiangcao was still waiting silently. Li Man was afraid that she would be in a hurry, so she quickly grabbed Li Hua's sleeve and ran towards that side. Li Hua was so frightened that she quickly grabbed her, "Slow down, you can do it like this now." run?"

Li Man suddenly thought that there were two more in her stomach, and she was also startled, and hurriedly slowed down her pace.

"I can't do this in the future, what if..." Li Hua thought, did the child sleep well in her stomach? What if she ran too fast and the child fell off? But it was inauspicious to say those words, so he quickly swallowed the remaining words back into his stomach.

Xiao Wu is by the side, very disdainful of fourth brother's behavior, isn't it just the two children, why are you so nervous? When he has children in the future, he must let them have fun, starting in the mother's womb.


At the entrance of the village, Li Man let go of Li Hua, and took the initiative to take Li Xiangcao's arm, "Sister, are you in a hurry?"

"It's okay, what are you talking about there?" Li Xiangcao instinctively felt that the content of their chat was related to her. She didn't want to ask, but couldn't help it.

She knew that she lost her composure just now, and suddenly changed her expression, and left without saying a word, what would they think? What would Zhang Ben think?

"What can we talk about? It's just a matter of discussing what to eat at night. Sister, let's make buns at night, I want to eat." Li Man said.

Li Xiangcao smiled slightly, "Okay, I'll pack more, you can eat enough."

"That's good." Li Man successfully diverted Li Xiangcao's attention. She felt that it would be better for Zhang Ben to tell her about the child himself. The relationship between Ben and Li Xiangcao also needs more communication and adjustment. If they do more of these external forces, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.


Together, they went to Chencun to buy meat. When they were picking meat at the meat stall, they happened to meet Mudan who was away from relatives.

Today, she is wearing a bright red dress, dressed like a newlywed, beautiful and charming, and her tall belly is full of pregnancy and charm.

She was still sitting in the sedan chair that day, but today there was only a little maid following her.

Originally, Li Man recognized her little sedan chair, but she didn't bother to say hello to the peony sitting in it, so she just picked the meat for the boss to weigh.

But Mudan recognized her voice, lifted the sedan chair curtain, saw that it was Li Man's family, bent her lips and smiled, signaled the bearer to stop the sedan chair, stretched out her hand to support the little maid, and walked out gracefully.

"Hey, sister-in-law Man'er, are we really destined?" Mudan stared at Li Man's slender back and smiled softly.

Li Man's hair was full of black lines, didn't she sit in the sedan chair? Why don't you go? She turned around, looked at Mudan, and smiled slightly, "Oh, Mudan—sister? Or, should I call you Madam?"

The sound of Madam made Mudan change her face slightly, everyone knew that she married into a wealthy family, but few people knew that she was not married to a serious wife, but a concubine.

It is because the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention, Mudan has always cared about the status of a concubine in her heart, but whenever she hears people mention wives and concubines, she feels like a poisonous thorn has been pierced into her heart.

"What's wrong?" Li Man was keenly aware of that strange change in her.

"Heh, let's call her sister. That sounds kind." Mudan said, supporting the little maid, and walked towards the meat stall. Seeing that Li Man was still holding a pork leg bone, she couldn't help but frowned. "It's greasy, why did you take it yourself?"

"I think this bone is pretty good." Li Man said casually, turning around and rubbing the greasy oil.

Peony showed a slight look of contempt. After all, she was in a poor mountain valley and had never seen the world. She took out a handkerchief from her bosom, and covered her nose, "I can't stand this smell, I'm so tired."

"Then sister, you should stay away quickly, this side is full of meat." Li Man smiled and put the piece of leg bone into the basket, and then picked the pork liver next to her, and asked Li Xiangcao, "Sister, can I eat meat?" If you want to eat fried liver, let’s buy some too, can’t we make it at night?”

"Okay, but it's up to you to do it. I always don't like it when I do it." Li Xiangcao said.

Li Man smiled and said, "This is easy to make. When you make it at night, I will teach you by the side. As long as the fire and seasoning are tasty, it will be delicious."

"Well, you teach me, I want to learn too, by the way, I also learn how to make pickled fish, which is very delicious." Li Xiangcao also became very interested in food.

"Okay, sister, let's learn from each other in the future. I will teach you how to cook, and you will teach me how to make steamed buns and dumplings,"

"Don't you?"

"However, I think your cooking tastes better. I like the taste of your cooking."

"Oh, there is a little trick when mixing stuffing. My sister-in-law taught me this. It just so happens that I will teach you how to make buns at night."

"Yeah." It was the taste made by her mother-in-law, and Li Man was very pleasantly surprised. If she can make a taste like her mother-in-law in the future, Li Mo and the others must be delighted.

The two aunts and nephews were standing by the side of the meat stand, chatting enthusiastically, and left a special peony to the side. Peony was very annoyed, but she had a smile on her face.

"Sister-in-law, I want to have a private conversation with you, is that okay?"

"Huh?" Li Man was taken aback, "Alone, just you and me?"

"Yes." Mudan said, supporting the little girl, she went to another place under a big tree that was quieter, where few people passed by.

Li Man looked at Li Hua and the others.

"What can't be said in front of people, don't go." Xiao Wu said.

Li Hua also meant the same thing, "If she's not a big deal, let's buy the meat and go home."

Li Man thought about it too, but on the other end, Mudan waved to her and shouted, "I really have something to say."

"Okay, I'll come as soon as I go." Although she didn't like talking to the current Peony, Li Man still passed.

"What are you talking about?" Li Man looked up at her, and had to say that time can change a person too much. If she hadn't really been in contact with Peony, she would have wondered whether this is the other.

"You go over there and wait for me." Mudan sent her maid away first, and when she was far away, she sneered and looked at Li Man, "It seems that you are doing well."

"Well, you're not bad either." Look at her, she looks a lot plumper, wearing a gold hairpin and silk.

"What if I say I'm not doing well." Mudan twisted the veil in her hands, her eyes were cold.

Li Man frowned, "I didn't notice that."

"Yes, of course you can't see that you are so good, so naturally you don't care how bad others are." Peony's voice trembled, revealing infinite resentment.

Li Man stared at her speechlessly and innocently, so what if she told herself these words? Her ending today was not caused by her, Li Man.

"Didn't you say anything to me?" Seeing her silence, Peony seemed angry.

"Well, what do you want me to say?" Li Man really felt that she had nothing to say. First, they were not familiar with each other. Second, she liked Li Yan before, and he was her man. Third, she was already married. , everything is over, she doesn't want to mention it again.

Peony stared at Li Man's lower abdomen with sharp eyes, "I heard that you are pregnant too?"

Originally, she thought that not having a child would bring Li Man into a catastrophe, but she never expected that the first thing that caused her pain when she returned home was that Li Man had twins at the same time.

Is this just trying to piss her off? This woman married the man she liked and was pregnant with the man she liked. She snatched away everything that belonged to her peony, everything——

"That's right." Sensing her piercing eyes, Li Man felt a little more vigilant.

Mudan sneered, "Isn't it difficult to conceive? Now, he should hold you in his palm even more for fear of melting."

He was referring to Li Yan, and Li Man knew it, but, unexpectedly, it had been so long, she was also married and had someone else's child, and she was still thinking about Li Yan?

"Yeah, he's my man, who won't I praise?" Li Man also sneered, "But sister, you should cherish your blessings now, this child—"

Before she finished speaking, a sharp light suddenly flashed in Peony's eyes, "What if I trade my child for yours?"

"What?" Li Man was stunned, but before she could react, Peony jumped at her, grabbed Li Man's arm tightly, and wanted to throw her down.

"Take your child to die!"

Behind Li Man is a small steep slope. They are all pregnant people. If they fall down, something will happen. She never thought that Mudan would do such a frenzied thing that would hurt both sides. She stretched out her hand He suddenly grabbed the hanging branch beside him, only letting Peony brush past him, and when her belly was about to touch the ground, he grabbed Peony's sleeve in good time.

On the other side, when Li Hua and the others saw this scene, they had already rushed over, so before Mudan could do something wrong for the second time, Xiao Wu and her own maid had already dragged her aside.

"Auntie, are you okay?" The little maid was also frightened. The eldest and young master have been married for many years and have never had any children. Now, this auntie finally became pregnant. If she dies here, she will have to pay for her life Can't go up.

Pa——, Peony raised her hand and slapped the little maid, "You little hoof?"

The maid was wronged, her eyes were full of tears, but she didn't dare to speak.

Li Man and the others were stunned, but now the peony has become...

"Hmph." Mudan looked at Li Man coldly, "Don't be complacent, you are just luckier than me."

Li Man shook her head, "It has nothing to do with luck. After all, you knew him before I did. You were childhood sweethearts and grew up together. In terms of opportunities, you have more chances than me. However, for so many years, he didn't let you approach him." , you should give up, now, you want to take your own life and your child's life to murder me and my child. I can only say that you are really stupid and outrageous. "

"What did you say?" Peony was startled angrily.

"I'm telling the truth. Don't get angry. After all, you still have a child in your belly." Li Man said so, but her tone was sharp.

"Peony, letting go of something you can't get is sometimes a kind of great love. It's actually very boring to lock yourself in this so-called hatred. He and I have never owed you. You are willing to do it, and you are willing to do it." It is up to you to destroy your own happiness and be willing to sacrifice your own child. But if you dare to touch my child, I dare say, you cannot afford the price."

"How dare you treat me?" Peony stared at her contemptuously.

"I didn't dare to do anything? It's you who pushed the grave for yourself." Just now, the maid called "auntie", and Li Man understood everything. That's probably why Mudan said that she had a bad life.

In such an era, aunts are concubines, and the status of concubines is extremely low. In a wealthy family, sometimes they are not even as good as a decent maid.

Now, she is pregnant, seeing the servant girl staring at her belly hard just now, I am afraid that she is more worried about the child in her belly than she is.

In ancient times, mothers were more expensive than children, so Li Man dared to conclude that without children, Peony's life would be even more miserable.

Mudan was also slightly taken aback, and suddenly realized something from Li Man's words that she didn't point out directly, she hurriedly stroked her stomach with her hand, because the child was kicking hard in her stomach during the commotion just now, she was nervous , "Hong'er, help me into the sedan chair, go home quickly."

"Yes." The little maid hurriedly supported Mudan and hurried towards the little sedan chair.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Mudan took a few deep breaths, and kept stroking her belly with both hands, trying to comfort the child's emotions and comfort her own emotions.

At this moment, thinking about it, she is also afraid.

Since returning to her mother's house, she heard her mother mention Li Man's matter, saying that she was pregnant with twins, and the Li family almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Besides, when she passed by just now and saw Li Huaxiaowu and Li Xiangcao surrounded by Li Man, she felt even more aggrieved.

Why should Li Man get so much happiness if she wants to enter that fire pit?

She was also pregnant with a child, and after she was diagnosed as a boy by the doctor, her husband's family gave her an extra nanny and a maid, but Yueyin didn't rise at all. She said she wanted to go back to her mother's house, so the dead man let her She came back alone with a big belly, and didn't say a word to accompany her. It was the madam who showed her generosity and sent a small sedan chair to her.

But even so, in Shennvgou, she turned from a sparrow into a phoenix, and she came back in a beautiful way. While enjoying the envious eyes of her natal family and many relatives and friends, she was satisfied for a moment, and felt that this was quite good. Well, when she has a son in the future, her status in the mansion will naturally increase.

Moreover, even if she is an aunt, she also likes to drink spicy food, and even in the hut, she has to be served by someone, isn't it?

Can Li Man enjoy these? Still eating pig offal? Humph......

However, the warm conversation between Li Man and Li Xiangcao was so kind and natural, and the eyes of Li Huaxiaowu always surrounding Li Man, even if he didn't say a word, he could still see the warmth in his eyes. The friendship also made her think of Li Yan, he also loves this woman so deeply, right?

At that moment, the devil in Mudan's heart came out. She only had one thought, which was to destroy Li Man, even if she died with her.

But at this moment, when she woke up, she felt scared. Even if Li Man had no children, those men would not despise her, and maybe they would pity her even more.

But as for her, if she lost her child, she might lose even a bit of status in the mansion in the future, and that would feel like life would be worse than death.

So, she has to be good, she will be a wife in the future, she is more expensive than Li Man's life, how can this be so?

Mudan secretly rejoiced that she was dragged back by Li Man at the last moment, but she didn't feel grateful to Li Man at all, she just thought it was their mother and child's fate, and they would surely enjoy greater wealth in the future.


After a false alarm, Li Hua hugged Li Man, "How is it, are you okay?"

She was really scared to death just now, at that moment, he felt that the blood in his whole body was congealed, and his heart throbbed violently, the pain was tight.

"It's okay." Li Man shook her head, her eyes fixed on the sedan chair that was drifting away.

"This woman? Damn it." Xiao Wu clenched his fists.

Li Man said calmly, "It's not worth it. If you die twice, we have to pay. Your life is much more valuable than her gold."

"What?" Xiao Wu stared at her in surprise.

Li Man glanced at him angrily, "Is what I said so difficult to understand? I said your life is more valuable than her gold." At least, it was so in her heart.

She doesn't like Mudan, but after just now, she is convinced that Mudan dare not use herself and her children any more. Moreover, this person does not belong to the Goddess Valley, so it is meaningless to deal with her. Besides, she is also a Mother, she was fine with Peony, but she really couldn't do anything with the child in her womb.

The child is innocent, I hope Mudan can understand.


Going back to the butcher shop to get the meat, on the way back, Li Hua and Xiao Wu walked beside her side by side, in a completely protective posture, which made Li Man stretch her neck even if she wanted to talk to Li Xiangcao , tilting his head.

Li Xiangcao laughed all the way.

When she came back, she still passed by Zhang Ben's village, Li Xiangcao forgot at first, but at the entrance of the village, Zhang Ben's figure swayed back and forth, making her silent all of a sudden.

"Brother Zhang?" Xiao Wu greeted him, "Are you waiting for us?" He glanced behind Li Xiangcao.

Zhang Ben was embarrassed, and this time he didn't dare to go along with Xiao Wu's joke, he just said, "I, I just went to Sanbo's house to get something."

"Oh? Where is your third uncle's house?" Xiao Wu asked.

"That, over there." Zhang Ben pointed in one direction, and Xiao Wu laughed, "His house is over there, what are you doing standing here?"

"Ah, me?" Zhang Ben didn't know how to answer for a while, "Didn't I wait for you here on purpose?"

"We know." In fact, he was standing here waiting for my sister-in-law, right? Want to see my sister-in-law more? Xiao Wu thinks so.

"Then, I'm leaving?" Zhang Ben took a quick glance at Li Xiangcao, and ran away. In fact, since Li Xiangcao changed his face and ran away, Zhang Ben couldn't let it go, and he was always distracted when he was doing things. Later, Just wait at the entrance of the village, wanting to see how Li Xiangcao is doing?

Later, when I saw that her expression was normal, and that she seemed to be having a good time chatting with them before, I was relieved a lot, as long as she didn't get angry anymore.

As soon as he ran, he stunned the others, including Li Xiangcao. Seeing Zhang Ben's silly appearance, Pu Chi couldn't help laughing.


This day ended early, and Zhang Ben arrived at Li's house in the evening. Li Yan was also at home, and asked him to chat for a while, and then, Zhang Ben was a little lost.

When eating, she stared straight at Li Xiangcao, which made her not finish her meal, so she hastily put down the bowl and chopsticks, and went back to her room first.

Li Yan sighed speechlessly, Zhang Ben is such an idiot.

Later, it was Li Man who stuffed Zhang Ben with two meat buns, "My sister-in-law didn't eat well at night, so you send this."

"Hey." Zhang Ben ran away with a meat bun in one hand, Li Man's eyes twitched, the bun she took was in a bowl, but instead of the bowl, he took the bun directly from the bowl of.

She really wanted to know if Li Xiangcao could still eat the steamed stuffed bun that he grabbed directly with both hands?

However, she doesn't care about this anymore, she only cares about how Zhang Ben will confess his love to Li Xiangcao, just now Li Yan secretly told her that Zhang Ben will confess everything to Li Xiangcao tonight.

Confession, she really wanted to hear it, but Li Yan didn't allow her to eavesdrop, and after she finished washing, he carried her upstairs directly.

"Why don't you let me hear it? I want to hear what Brother Zhang said. If what he said is bad and offends my sister, we can make up for it tomorrow." Li Man felt very sorry.

"It's his fault if he gets annoyed. You can't handle the woman you like, so you're a man?" Li Yan took off his clothes and got under the bed while talking, and hugged Li Man in his arms. "Today, Peony is looking for you." gone?"

"Oh." Li Man responded softly, Li Hua would definitely tell him about such a big event today, she was not surprised.

Li Yan let out a long breath, his eyes were sharp.

"Forget it, am I not well? Let's just ignore her from now on." Seeing his frightening expression, Li Man hurriedly coaxed.

"But if you don't teach her a lesson, she won't know how powerful it is." Li Yan said in a deep voice.

"What do you want to teach her? Forget it, she is also a pregnant woman anyway, don't think about it, look at you, you have such a gloomy face, so scary." Li Man stretched out her small hand, gently stroking his cheek, trying to ease his emotions .

Li Yan suddenly laughed, "No matter how scary it is, can it scare you?" Didn't she still dare to touch his face like this?

"I'm scared, otherwise, I will touch you? And the baby, listen, it's jumping very well." Li Man straightened her waist towards him, and put her belly against him.

Li Yan's eyes suddenly warmed up, he slid down, his cheek was pressed against Li Man's stomach, he really listened seriously, and said in surprise, "Man'er, it's true, the little guys are really noisy .”

"That's because I ate too much at night and I'm digesting it." Li Man smiled, running her fingers into his hair, and stroked it one by one.

Li Yan quietly lifted her clothes, revealing her smooth and clean Baixi's lower abdomen, suddenly, her throat tightened, and her eyes stared straight at him like fire.

Feeling a bit of coolness, Li Man lowered her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Man'er." Li Yan's voice was hoarse, with a hint of burning.

Li Man was startled, quickly hugged his head, and pushed him away, "Don't mess around."

"Has it been three months?" Li Yan lay on her chest and looked up at her.

Facing his lustful eyes, Li Man's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't even speak, "It seems, three months and nine days." Strange, her brain short-circuited, how could she remember the date so clearly?

Li Yan squinted his eyes and smiled, circling her smooth belly with his fingers, and bit her chest lightly with his teeth through the clothes, then raised his eyes and said, "Xu Bo said, after three months, you can... …”

"What can?" Li Man was surprised, "Why did Uncle Xu tell you this?" The old man obviously didn't say that at the time, didn't he tell them not to touch her?

"Oh, I asked." Li Yan smiled lightly, his fingers had already slipped in from the corner of his clothes.

Li Man trembled, and quickly pressed his hand, "When did you ask? You're lying, Xu Bo wouldn't say that."

"Man'er, I'll be gentle, okay?" Li Yan didn't dare to move his fingers, just leaned on her body lightly, rubbed her face with his lips, and licked her face like a pug dog. looking at her.

Li Man was dizzy, but there was only one sentence in her mouth, "No, you will bear it if you say so."

How come it's only been a few months and it doesn't count? She really remembers it.

"I can't help it, it's so uncomfortable." Li Yan rolled over to her side and rubbed her body against her.

Seeing him like that, Li Man suddenly became sober, laughed, and put her hands on his chest, "No, just no, if you dare to play tricks, I won't let you be a child's father."

"Oh, if you don't let me, they are also my sons." Li Yan wanted to be tough, so he simply held her hands, but he was afraid that she would hurt him if she struggled, so he endured it and coaxed, " Be good, just for a while, I promise I won't hurt you and the child."

"But, I'm afraid." Li Man also knew that the fetus would be stable in three months, so she could have a loving husband and wife, but this was her first child, and she was very afraid.

"Don't be afraid, I'll discuss it with my sons and let them go to bed first." Hearing her tone loosen, Li Yan slid off her body again and pressed against her stomach, muttering something softly. With a soft dripping voice, she said, "Okay, they are all asleep, daughter-in-law, now, let me feel comfortable, okay? Please."

Li Man, "..." Gritting her teeth, she looked at the man who was aggressive, but she couldn't be cruel in her heart.

Outside the window, the moonlight in spring is like water, agitating the room.

Different from the warm and charming upstairs room, downstairs, Zhang Ben didn't even enter Li Xiangcao's room, and was locked out of the room in a daze, with the bun deformed in his hands.


Ling'er has some health issues. She has been in the hospital all day long, and she just rushed to finish the manuscript at night. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with today's review. Let's read it tomorrow, dear friends.

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