Fortunate Wife

Chapter 229 The ending.

Zhang Ben stood at the door in a daze. He wanted to reach out and knock on the door several times, but he didn't dare, for fear of appearing too rascal. But he had the courage to summon up the courage to explain everything to Li Xiangcao. I walked away, I don't know if I have the courage to come next time, so I felt a little unwilling, just like that, I stood for half an hour, and finally heard the sound of the lamp blowing in the room, and a gleam of light came from the window. disappear.

He knew that Li Xiangcao must be sleeping, and it would be even worse to knock on the door to disturb him at this time, he thought about it, tangled up, and finally, dizzy, leaned against the door and sat down slowly.

Hearing no movement outside, Li Xiangcao thought that Zhang Ben was gone, and breathed a sigh of relief, but facing the boundless night, her heart became more and more empty. When she thought of her life, her heart inevitably felt sad, so that this day was in a trance. I didn't sleep well either.

Until the next morning, the genius Ma Maliang, she couldn't sleep anymore, so she got up early and wanted to make breakfast, but she didn't want to open the door, a dark mass fell to her feet, and she was shocked. call out.

"Ah." Zhang Ben was also agitated, waking up from his drowsiness. When he saw Li Xiangcao's shocked expression, he quickly got up, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

"You, why are you here?" Li Xiangcao stared at him in astonishment, her heart still pounding.

Zhang Ben supported the door frame, a little afraid to look her in the eyes, "I, I don't know." He just wanted to sit here last night, but he didn't expect that he fell asleep in a daze at the door*.

"Then," Li Xiangcao probably guessed that he was sleeping in front of her door* last night, and hurriedly urged him to avoid misunderstanding, "Hurry up, I'm going to make breakfast."

With that said, bypass him and go to the main room.

Zhang Ben suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, "Vanilla."

"What are you doing?" Li Xiangcao was startled, and instinctively threw it away.

Zhang Ben quickly stretched out his other hand to hold her tightly, and said anxiously, "Xiangcao, don't go, listen to me."

"I don't listen." This pair of doors is Li Mo's room, and I don't know if they are awake. If you hear them talking here, how can you misunderstand them.

Li Xiangcao didn't dare to speak too loudly, and her voice was always soft, so for Zhang Ben, it had no deterrent effect at all.

Zhang Ben smiled suddenly, "If you don't listen, I won't let go."

"You?" Li Xiangcao was startled, and struggled again, but she couldn't escape, and said angrily, "Let go."

"Listen to me, just a few words." Zhang Ben coaxed helplessly, he held her tightly just enough, it would neither hurt her nor let her break away easily, moreover, the way he spoke The tone was obviously begging, and Li Xiangcao couldn't help but soften her heart, "You, what do you want to say? Just say it, I still have to cook."

"Vanilla, marry me." Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Ben went straight to the point.

Li Xiangcao was stunned, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It's not nonsense, marry me, I'm serious." Zhang Ben suddenly held her pair of small hands in his palms, not waiting for her to refuse, not letting her escape, and said solemnly, "I know I'm still very poor , but don’t worry, I won’t be like this forever, I swear, I will work hard, and I will use my whole life to make you happy.”

"Stop it." These were already Chi Guoguo's love words, Li Xiangcao blushed and struggled to leave again.

But Zhang Ben, who had been waiting for a while, finally opened his mouth. How could he let go of this rare opportunity? He only held onto her hand and hurriedly confessed, "Don't go, listen to me, I know, You have me in your heart too, don't you? You're just worried. I know what your scruples are? It's a child, right? But I don't care—"

"I care." When mentioning the child, Li Xiangcao suddenly became excited, and stared at Zhang Ben with red eyes. It was because she had no child that she and Shen Runsheng got into trouble today, and Zhang Ben is still fresh. Naturally, everything is easy to say, but, man, who doesn't want to have offspring, maybe he will marry her and treat her sincerely, it doesn't matter whether she has children, because he can marry another woman to bear him The child is just like Shen Runsheng, but she doesn't want that kind of life. She doesn't want to experience the pain of working with other women for a second time.

"Vanilla." Seeing her sad expression, Zhang Ben's heart twitched, and he realized that the fact of not having a child hurt her far more than he imagined.

Suddenly, he squeezed her tightly, "If you want a child, we can adopt one."

adopt a child? Li Xiangcao froze for a moment, and then heard Zhang Ben say in her ear, "It's easy to say anything about children, I just hope you don't want me because of children. I am a loner. I have never asked if I have children. I've thought about it. If you think you can't have children and you're afraid of hurting me, that's why you don't want to marry me, then let me tell you, not only are you stupid, but it's also unfair to me. "

"Are you stupid?" Li Xiangcao listened to his words seriously, and was a little dizzy for a while. When he said something, she would reply unconsciously. Hearing him say that she was stupid, she couldn't help but think of his stupidity. .

Although his family is poor, he is young and in good health. In fact, it is not difficult to marry a relative, but not only is he older than him, but he is no longer a virgin, and he can't even have children. What's the use of going back?

Isn't he a fool?

"Oh, I'm stupid." Zhang Ben was pleasantly surprised that Li Xiangcao didn't struggle in his arms. For a moment, his heart softened.

Li Xiangcao couldn't help saying angrily when he heard him still laughing, "It's just stupid."

"So, you should take pity on me and want me, right? With you, I won't be alone in the future." Zhang Ben begged pitifully.

Li Xiangcao's heart skipped a beat, and she snuggled into his arms, "Zhang Ben, calm down."

"I'm very calm." Zhang Ben didn't let her break free, fearing that she would be like a turtle again, so he hurriedly said, "Listen, I, Zhang Ben, swear to God today, I will not marry you, Li Xiangcao, in this life."

"Don't." Before he could finish his ruthless words, Li Xiangcao hurriedly covered his mouth with her hands, but the phrase 'Heaven strikes with lightning' still came out from between her fingers.

Seeing her helpless and stunned expression, Zhang Ben smiled, "You can either marry me, and we will live together in the future. Or, you can just watch me grow old alone. I think that one day, I will be so old that I can't move. You see I will definitely feel guilty for being so pitiful at that time."

"You?" What did he say? I used to think he was quite honest, but he said these tricky words?

Zhang Ben lowered his eyes and stared at her closely, "Say, Vanilla, marry me."

Silence, a dead silence, Zhang Ben and others' hearts sank little by little, and Li Xiangcao was even more tangled in her heart. She didn't want to be so selfish and hurt him, but, with his sincerity and sincerity, she really wanted to Live up to it? If children are not a barrier between them, well, what can stop...  

"Oh, sister, just agree." Suddenly, the door of the side room was opened suddenly, and Xiao Wu was holding up his trousers, begging Li Xiangcao anxiously.

Behind him, Li Mo slapped him on the back of the head angrily, "What are you yelling about?"

"Ouch." Xiao Wu snorted in pain, but still staring at the dazed Li Xiangcao with burning eyes, and said anxiously, "Sister, if you are embarrassed to say, just nod, hurry up, I will I've been holding it in for a long time, and I can't hold it in anymore."

"You?" Li Xiangcao stared at the depressed Xiaowu in astonishment.

"Urgent urination." Xiao Wu held on to the door frame, obviously holding back to the extreme, "I wanted to go to the latrine just now, but my elder brother was afraid that I would disturb you, so I was not allowed to go out. I have been holding back for half an hour. You should hurry up."

"Ah?" Zhang Ben and Li Xiangcao looked at Li Mo in astonishment at the same time.

Li Mo was also a little embarrassed. In fact, when he heard Li Xiangcao screaming, he and Xiao Wu woke up and hurried to get up, but when they saw Zhang Ben at the door, they immediately knew what was going on, so they grabbed him and wanted to go out. Xiao Wu, the two hid behind the door and listened secretly.

He never knew that Zhang Ben, who has always been honest and honest, would also say such love words. He expected that the sister-in-law must be moved, and they only went out after Li Xiangcao responded.

But Xiao Wu, a child who is not up to expectations, can't hold back his urine at critical moments.

But now that this kind of time has come, Li Mo, as the head of the family, has to come forward if he doesn't want to, "Sister-in-law, please express your opinion."

"Ah?" Li Xiangcao was surprised again, did Li Mo ask her to express her opinion? What's the meaning?

Seeing that she was at a loss, Li Mo added, "In my opinion, Zhang himself is not bad."

Is this doing yourself a favor? Zhang Ben smiled at him gratefully, Li Mo accepted it, but said, "We are just such a little sister, she has a good temper, but don't think that you will bully her."

"Don't dare." Zhang Ben hastily promised, "In the future, only she will bully me, and I must never dare to bully her."

"It's better to be like this, otherwise, I won't follow." Li Mo warned with a cold face, with such a majestic aura, he didn't look like a nephew, but more like a father-in-law.

Li Xiangcao also felt a little awkward listening, "Li Mo..."

"Okay, sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, go into the room and talk slowly with my uncle, I'll go to the hut first." Xiao Wu said, hurriedly opened the door of the main room, and ran out.

"Vanilla." Xiao Wu's "little uncle" sounded very useful to Zhang Ben, and a smile immediately spread on his face, which couldn't be wiped off.

Li Xiangcao was even more dizzy, she looked blankly at Zhang Ben and then at Li Mo, thinking, could it be that she was married just based on their few words.

"Li Mo?"

"Sister-in-law, we will discuss the specific matters of getting married, so you don't have to worry about it." Li Mo comforted her.

"No." Before she said whether to marry or not, they had already discussed about getting married? Will it be a little early.

Hearing what Li Mo said, Zhang Ben stopped laughing and became serious, "Li Mo, getting married is a big deal for me and Vanilla. I don't want to lose anything that other people have."

Even if he is poor, he will try his best to give Li Xiangcao a beautiful wedding. He knows that this is very important to her.

Li Xiangcao is a second-marriage. In a place like the countryside, it's pretty good to be able to get married. And when she remarries, it's usually as low-key as possible. Some women even pack up two pieces of clothes hastily and spend their time at the man's house. It's time to wake up.

But Zhang didn't want to be like this. Li Xiangcao would be his wife, the only wife in his life. He didn't want her to be looked down upon after she married. He wanted everyone to know how much he valued this woman.

"Yeah." Li Mo nodded. It would be better for Zhang Ben to think this way, so he doesn't need to mention it himself.


The Li family is very efficient in handling affairs, and Zhang Ben hopes that this matter will be settled as soon as possible.

So, while Li Xiangcao was making breakfast, Li Mo had already summoned his brothers, as well as Tian Ning'an, to sit in the main room and discuss Li Xiangcao's and Zhang Ben's marriage.

Later, Li Xiangyu looked through the almanac and said that one day around the Dragon Boat Festival was a good day, and it was set on that day.

Everyone thought it was good. After all, it would take some time to complete the construction of the Zhang family's house, and some preparations were needed to get married. It was already too late for the Dragon Boat Festival.

However, everyone was very excited, especially Zhang Ben. After breakfast, he said goodbye to Li Xiangcao in a hurry and went back to work. Just like what Li Yan sent Li Man to.

And after breakfast, Li Xiangcao stayed in her room and didn't dare to go out. She was ashamed. She didn't expect that she and she would get married so soon after less than half a year. She didn't seem to be ready, but everyone's The anticipation and care are there, and there is no need for her to prepare anything.

Later, Li Man went to her room and talked with her, which relieved her a lot of nervousness. In the following days, apart from preparing some things for the children, the two women prepared Li Xiangcao's dowry .

Li Man said, this is the first time to marry a sister-in-law, this is an elder, the dowry should not be shabby.

Li Xiangcao was very grateful for this. She used to feel that she was unlucky, but now, she felt that she was the luckiest person in the world.

She lost her parents since she was a child, but she has brothers, sisters-in-law and sisters who love her so much. Now, even her nephews and nieces care about her so much. She is so happy that she can’t find her way to the north. Every day, Zhang Ben will come over and tell her that the house has been built. How much, how much is still to be finished, the furniture has to ask her what style she likes, and he has to prepare it early.

Li Xiangcao felt that she didn't need to think about the future, but now, she was living in a honeypot.

However, compared to the whole family's celebrations, only Xiao Wu, after the first month, followed his second and fourth brothers to the academy outside the mountain.

That day, Li Man also wanted to send him off, but she was pregnant and it was not appropriate to travel a long distance, so she had to send him down the mountain and watched Xiao Wu leave.

When Xiao Wu was about to leave, she looked at her with watery eyes, and she felt very sad.

This was Xiao Wu's first time away from home, the first time away from her side, and he didn't know if he would adapt or not.

This time, Li Man didn't sleep well. Naturally, Xiao Wu's older brothers didn't sleep well either. This was also the first time Xiao Wu left their side and was not under their wings. It was impossible not to worry. .

For the next few days, the family didn't slow down, and they always felt that if there was one person missing in the family, there would be a lot of emptiness.

Therefore, less than ten days after Xiaowu left home, Li Mo was the first one who couldn't hold back. He had just had breakfast that day, and he said that he had something to do outside the mountain and that he would be back later.

Later, Li Hua said that he also wanted to go outside the mountain to buy some books and so on, and wanted to go together.

Later, Li Yan and Li Shu also had their own reasons, so Li Man begged everyone to bring her along.

In the end, the whole family, including Li Xiangcao, all set off.

In fact, the so-called work is an excuse for everyone, and the real reason is to want to see Xiao Wu. Therefore, as soon as they arrived in the town, everyone had a tacit understanding and went straight to the academy.

The academy is quite big, like a modern boarding school, located in the suburbs. When the Li family arrived, it happened to be lunch break, and the entire academy was very quiet.

Because it was not good to disturb the rest of the other students, the uncle who was the doorkeeper went to Xiao Wu's bedroom to call him out. Half a quarter of an hour later, the family met at the gate of the academy.

It's only been ten days since we saw each other, Li Man feels that Xiao Wu is like a different person, wearing a light blue robe, wearing a lun scarf, tall and tall, with a face like a crown of jade, just like an elegant and beautiful young man .

Even talking, I don't know if this kid did it on purpose, or if he was educated by his masters in such a short period of time, he is not as presumptuous or irritating as when he was at home. He speaks softly and slowly, which makes people feel very comfortable .

Throughout the day, this time, everyone had the same feeling that it was the right thing to send this child to school.

After chatting for a while, Li Man wanted to see Xiao Wu's place to study, eat and live, but because there were only male students there, it was really inconvenient for her to go. Later, only Li Mo and Li Hua went, and the rest People just took a random tour around the academy.

After returning home this time, Li Mo and the others felt relieved about Xiao Wu. Since the first ten days, it has gradually reached half a month, and the last month, and the child has never returned home once.

It was not until the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, when Li Xiangcao got married, that Xiao Wu came back.

When he came back, Li Man almost didn't recognize him, because after seeing him for the first time, Li Mo and others didn't take him with him for fear of her being tired, so, counting, since the last time, two We haven't seen each other for almost four months.

And after four months, Xiao Wu seems to have grown a lot taller, almost catching up with Li Hua, and Li Man feels that he still has a tendency to grow taller, maybe in the future he will be the tallest in the family, Even taller than Li Shu.

Li Man became a little depressed when she thought about it. Now, she has become the shortest one in the family. Even Xiao Wu standing beside her can look down on her.

Yes, looking down, this feeling makes her very uncomfortable, but the child still likes to look at her in this way, as if on purpose, to prove that he has grown up.

Li Man sneered at this, and if he could prove himself in such a naive way, it meant that he was still a child.

"Are you coming soon?" Xiao Wu asked, looking slowly down from her round and pretty face to her slightly swollen abdomen.

"Huh?" Li Man took a while to understand the meaning in his eyes, a little embarrassed, but also a little sweet, and said with a smile, "Well, there are about three months before you can see your nephews gone."

"What nephew?" Xiao Wu's expression changed, and he became gloomy, "It's a son."

"Ah?" Li Man was shocked by his words. She had never seen such a young child as a father. What's more, the child's father was not him at all. She didn't expect him to call her son so naturally. Some blushed for him.

Fortunately, Li Xiangcao had a lot of things to prepare for her marriage, and she didn't have time to talk nonsense with this child, and she was too lazy to entangle with him about these titles.


Li Xiangcao's marriage was scheduled for three days before the Dragon Boat Festival. Li Xiangyu checked the almanac and said that this day is an excellent day, suitable for marriage.

And the Zhang family is also ready. The house was built two months ago, and the furniture inside is also made by Zhang Ben himself bit by bit according to Li Man's.

After the house was ready, Li Man and Li Xiangcao went to clean it once. Later, Li Man paid for a new bedding*single pillow towel and sent it over. After all, when getting married, these things still need to be new. And Zhang Ben has exhausted everything for this house, she knows.

As for the dowry of the Li family, it was indeed very rich, and Li Xiangcao’s wedding ceremony was also very grand. The sedan chair carried by four people was rare in Shennvgou, and the dowry was personally picked by the Li family brothers. There were six loads in total. There are a lot of things that a girl should have when marrying a girl, and there are more. Anyone can see how much the Li family cares about this aunt.

Apart from being envious, no one dared to despise this woman who came back from Heli.


After Li Xiangcao's marriage was done, the Li family also made a big deal out of it, but Li Man felt quite disappointed.

These days, she has gotten used to the company of this sister-in-law. They are really about the same age, have similar encounters, have similar personalities, and speak speculatively. Ever since Li Xiangcao got married, Li Man is glad that she has found her own happiness On the other hand, she was about to give birth, but she couldn't adapt to not having a woman around her.

Fortunately, Li Xiangyu's little girl, Tian Ningying, is not bad. This child is usually carefree, innocent and clean, and has a completely different personality from her mother. She comes to accompany Li Man whenever she has nothing to do, and she talks very cutely. , It really relieved her a lot of stress and tension.


Finally, at the end of the hot summer, Li Man gave birth to two children of the Li family.

The older one was a girl, and when she came out, she cried loudly, Li Mo and others listened outside the door, thinking that she was a kid.

But when the second kid was born, he kept his eyes open and didn't make a sound. The frightened Wen Po raised the little guy's leg and slapped him hard on the buttocks. He just grunted a few times and immediately It's all right again, just staring at the world curiously with wide open eyes.

The moment Granny Wen opened the door, the five men rushed in and headed straight for Li Man on the bed.

Li Man was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to speak, she just half-opened her eyes, looking at the men around her head, and the children Wen Po and Li Xiangcao each brought to show her.

Both children are healthy and beautiful...

Enough is enough. At this moment, she felt satisfied like never before. Finally, under the gentle eyes of the men, she gently closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

In the future, it will be even happier!


It's over, it couldn't be simpler, and Ling'er is very sorry for this.

Originally, I planned to finish the article at the end of last month, but unexpectedly there will be a sudden change. For those who call the author a liar in the message area, Linger is also very helpless, really helpless.

But people are alive, who can guarantee that they will not get sick for a lifetime? This time it was a big blow to Ling'er himself. On the day of the issue, there was a big update of 15,000, and I didn't feel any discomfort after writing it. On the morning of the 21st, I took my daughter out to play for a while, but when I was having breakfast, Suddenly passed out, and took medicine and physiotherapy every day for the next ten days, but the effect was not very obvious, and my physical condition was up and down.

I am very helpless, I can't load the task of codewords at all now, but the article has come to this point, I don't want to be unfinished, so I will send the ending first, I hope everyone can understand.

As for some details that have not been explained clearly, I will fill in the extra episode when my health is good.

Finally, I would like to say sorry again, and thank you all who have supported and tolerated Linger all the time!!!!

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