Fortunate Wife

Extra episode 1

There is a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes, like a fog.

Li Man tried her best to open her eyes, but she couldn't see anything. Her body was swaying, as if she had come to a strange place.

The bright lights are very dazzling, and the strong potion smell is even more pungent.

This is a hospital?

Modern hospital.

Li Man was astonished, her eyes widened, and she finally saw clearly the slender figure on the hospital bed.

A thick gauze was tied on the woman's forehead, her entire face was as white as paper, without a trace of life.

But even though the woman was lying there lifelessly, Li Man still recognized at a glance that she was the modern self.

But how?

She obviously died in a car accident.

And this self, even if her breathing is so weak that people don't feel it, she is still alive.

The door was pushed open suddenly, and a tall and handsome man walked in.

Li Man frowned.

Ling Sihan, the man she had known for fifteen years and married for ten years.

Unexpected to see you again.

It's just that I thought I would feel heartache, sadness, and even resentful accusations...

When the matter came to an end, Li Man looked at him calmly, as if facing a stranger.

Ling Sihan took off his coat, hung it on the hanger at the door, turned around, walked to the hospital bed, and just quietly stared at the emaciated woman on the bed.

Because he was facing her sideways, Li Man couldn't see his eyes clearly, so she didn't know what kind of mood he was facing the unconscious self at the moment.

But does that matter?

After a while, a young nurse opened the door and came in. After greeting him politely, she began to change the dressing for Li Man on the hospital bed.

When he was about to wipe her body, Ling Sihan stopped him, took the basin himself, and let the nurse go out.

The nurse seemed unwilling, but seeing Ling Sihan insisted, she had to go out.

But the next scene made Li Man's eyes widen in disbelief.

Ling Sihan, who had always had a severe obsession with cleanliness, actually wiped her body, including her private parts, himself.

As a ghost, Li Man knew that he couldn't see. However, seeing his hands stretched into the bed, her face was still a little hot, and her eye sockets were also hot.

Perhaps, the relationship between her and him is not completely as indifferent as she imagined.

Maybe, that day, she should listen to his explanation.


No, no maybe, she now...

With a sudden jolt, Li Man remembered that she had just given birth to two lovely children, and she hadn't had time to look at them yet, so why did she become a ghost again?

Could it be that she died again because of giving birth to a child?

no, do not want! ! !

Li Man screamed in horror, hoping that someone could help her.

But in this ward, apart from Ling Sihan, he was unconscious on the bed.

what to do

Just when she was anxious to hit the wall, the woman on the hospital bed moved her long eyelashes slightly.

This admiration was keenly captured by Ling Sihan, and his handsome face, which was always as cold as ice, suddenly revealed a look of surprise and bewilderment, and he quickly got up and went out to call for a doctor.

Li Man was also dumbfounded, watching the woman slowly open her eyes.

Those bright and pure eyes were staring at him for a moment.

"You?" Li Man was astonished. Those eyes belonged to her, but this kind of eyes did not belong to her.

The woman on the bed seemed to be shocked the moment she saw her, and her lips moved, as if she wanted to ask something.

But Ling Sihan and a group of doctors and nurses who followed immediately disrupted their communication.

Li Man's mind was in a mess, she didn't know how she came to modern times? In modern times, I see myself, but that self has become someone else.


woo woo...

Li Man cried.

Crying very sad.

her men, her children


However, crying and crying, there seemed to be a call from afar in my ears.


It was indeed calling me, and the sound was more real than the sound.

Li Man listened attentively and was sure that it was Li Yan's voice, and her heart was instantly filled with ecstasy.

However, her eyes returned to a state of whiteness, and she couldn't see him clearly.

Li Yan, where are you? come out faster.

Man'er was very scared.

She shouted loudly, but there was no response, not even the original call to her.

She scolded anxiously: "Li Yan, you scoundrel, when is it, you still play tricks on me? Don't hide, take me home quickly."


In another time and space, in the early autumn afternoon, the sun is lazy and charming.

But the entire Li family was surrounded by a thick haze that could not be resolved.

It's been five days, five full days, since Li Man gave birth, Li Man has fallen into a deep coma.

This caused the men of the Li family, who were originally pleasantly surprised by the birth of the child, to instantly fall into pain and despair.

"Li Yan." Li Xiangcao said hello

After eating two children, he brought over a bowl of food that had been reheated three times.

"Put it there, I'll eat it later." Li Yan raised his bloodshot eyes and glanced at her lightly, his voice hoarse with tiredness.

"It's going to be cold again in a while." Li Xiangcao coaxed softly, trying to hold back, but seeing this handsome and clean man in the past, now haggard like this, and the increasingly thin and pale woman in his arms, her nose A sour, the words that were spoken were choked up again.

"Li Yan, you eat first, and I'll give Man'er some water."

"Bring water." Li Yan ordered in a hoarse voice, holding Li Man tightly with both hands, staring at her pale face without blinking.

That expression... makes people unbearable and afraid to look at it again.

Li Xiangcao's nose was sore, tears welled up in her eyes, she quickly covered her mouth, turned and ran away.

Back in the kitchen, she took several deep breaths before suppressing the bitterness in her heart.

"Still unwilling to eat?" After coaxing the two children to sleep, Li Xiangyu went to the kitchen. When she saw Li Xiangcao's description, she guessed it. Her face was trembling with anger, but her eye circles were also red.

"Why did our Li family keep these useless things? They are not dead yet, and they all lost their souls one by one."

As she said that, she was about to go outside, intending to teach Li Yan a lesson.

Li Xiangcao hurriedly grabbed her, "Sister, let them go."

"Follow them?" Li Xiangyu stared at her with red eyes, "If this continues, the family will be broken up again. Can you bear to see those two little things without mother and father?"

"But..." Li Xiangcao bit her lip in pain. She really didn't want to force them anymore. She had seen Li Yan hold back his food several times and finally vomited again.

Li Xiangyu also knew what she didn't say. As soon as the tears fell, she fell down on the stool beside her and beat her chest vigorously.

"What sin did I do, just once, do you want me to suffer again?"

Ever since Li Man fell into a coma, Uncle Xu came to see her and said that she had suffered from some kind of dementia. If it was good, she might wake up soon. If it was bad, she might not be able to wake up for the rest of her life. There is a possibility of disappearing at any time.

In this way, the men of the Li family went crazy one by one.

Li Mo didn't know where he learned that there was a kind of fairy grass on the Goddess Mountain, which had the effect of bringing the dead back to life, so he took Li Shu into the mountain overnight, and there has been no news for five days.

Li Yan held Li Man all the time, despite anyone's persuasion, but refused to let go.

What he does every day is to feed her water and wipe her body. When the noon sun shines into the yard, he will hug her and sit in a sheltered and sunny place to accompany her. , talking over and over again.

What's even more outrageous is that Li Hua and Xiao Wu, two scholars, never believed in the theory of ghosts and gods in the past. Scriptures from the temple.

Now, the strong smell of ink coming from that room can be smelled from outside the door.

Li Xiangyu was afraid that the two of them would be stupefied, so she knocked on the door several times, but no one opened it. Later, it was Zhang Ben who forcibly opened the door and entered the house.

Only then did she realize that the two of them were even more insane than she had imagined.

There is indeed such a legend in Shennvgou, as long as those who are sincere can copy the scriptures in the Shennv temple a thousand times and pass them on to thousands of people, they can make a wish to the goddess.

But legends are legends, who really did it, even if they think it is true, who really did it?

The scriptures are read thousands of times and passed on to thousands of people?

In the entire Goddess Valley, there are less than a thousand people, men, women and children.

"Sister, you've been busy for a long time, and you still haven't had a drop of water. You should eat some too. I'll bring some hot water." Li Xiangcao wiped her eyes and said.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, Aunt Xu came in with a basket of medicine that Uncle Xu had prepared.

"No." Li Xiangcao came over and took the basket in her hand, "I'll make the medicine later."

Seeing the description of the pair of sisters, Aunt Xu felt sore in her heart, and said, "Okay, I'll go and see Man'er first."

"Aunt Xu, bring this water to me." Li Xiangcao brought her a bowl of warm water.

Aunt Xu nodded, came out with water, walked to the north corner of the courtyard, and saw Li Yan still maintaining his usual posture, sitting on a rocking chair with Li Man in his arms.

Her small body was nestled in his arms, her head rested on his chest, her eyes were tightly closed, and her thick eyelashes gently covered her cheeks, casting a hazy shadow.

The lips were still moist and slightly puffed up.

It looks like a sleeping child, where is it...

Thinking about what Uncle Xu said before leaving the house today, his medicines can only last her for ten days and a half months, if she can't wake up, even Immortal Da Luo can't save her.

Aunt Xu felt aching in her heart, what a beautiful girl, why?

Just when she wanted to call Li Yan, she saw that he bowed his head slightly, and his dry lips touched her forehead lightly.

The steps she just took hurriedly shrank back, leaning against the wall, looking at this sad man, kissing her eyebrows, her lips over and over again, and pleading and complaining with tears over and over again.

"Man'er, come back, I won't bully you again."

"Man'er, I was wrong. I shouldn't have let you have children. I won't have children in the future, okay?"

"Man'er, come back, I miss you so much."

"Damn girl, did you hear what I said? You must have heard it, right?"

"In the past, no matter how much you slept, if I touched you lightly, you would definitely wake up, stare at me, and bite me angrily once. Until now, I still have your tooth marks on my shoulder."

"Girl, get up, get up and scratch me, bite me..."

"Aren't you awake? Do you think you can hide? You know my tricks, but you still want to cry, don't you? You..."

"If you don't wake up, it will be useless for you to cry and beg me in the future."


"Man'er, let me beg you, okay?"


Well, who's making noise? What on earth? Make it clear.

Is it Li Yan?

"Li Yan, is that you?" You called her just now, where did you go?

In the haze, Li Man drifted about, as if he heard Li Yan's chattering, and also seemed to feel a wet object kissing him over and over again.

This made her blush a little, isn't she a ghost? Why does it feel so clear?

Moreover, she could clearly tell that this was Li Yan's kiss.

Only this guy, when he kisses her, he always shows tricks. He also likes to kiss her while whispering something that makes people blush and heartbeat. Abandon......

"Li Yan." She missed him.

Want him to take her home, but——

No matter what time, this guy is still bullying her, he just appeared just now, and now he ran away again, leaving her alone in fear.

Li Yan, you scoundrel.

Wait until I go back and tell Big Brother to let him clean you up.

Li Mo, thinking of that handsome and honest face, Li Man felt more and more sad.

I don't know what happened to myself there.

Did they know they were missing?

There are also Li Shu, Li Hua, and Xiao Wu.

She misses them so much.

Uh, Li Man sniffed, but felt the wet and soft object licking her lips lightly, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Li Yan, you are bad."

If you don't take her away, you are still bullying her, to see if she doesn't bite him to death?

Suddenly, he opened his mouth, and bit down hard on the soft tongue with his white teeth.

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