Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 2 Return

Because of anger, Li Man put all her strength into it.

However, in reality, Li Yan only felt the tip of his tongue being touched lightly.

Just this one was enough to make him ecstatic, the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze, he hurriedly withdrew, staring at her with wide eyes.

Even if it was subtle, Li Yan caught it, and the pair of long eyelashes trembled.

"Man'er, wake up, did you hear me? Man'er, I'm Li Yan."

Yes, of course she heard Ao.

Li Man opened her mouth, wanting to say loudly that she heard it, but the sound she made was a kitten-like humming.

"Man'er." Before Li Yan burst into tears, Aunt Xu rushed over excitedly, grabbed Li Man's hand, and held it tightly.

"Man'er girl, I'm your Aunt Xu, you should wake up quickly, men are fine, and you don't want children anymore?"

Hearing this, Li Yan couldn't help but look at her, what is a man?

Also, she ran over with a pale face in such a hurry, yelling loudly not to frighten his family Man'er.

Instinctively, he hugged Li Man a little tighter, "Aunt Xu, go and see the child, I'm here."

"Her lips moved, moved." Aunt Xu ignored him, only staring at Li Man in surprise.

Sure enough, Li Man's moist lips were moving slightly, as if she wanted to bite something.

Li Yan suddenly remembered that he kissed her deeply just now, which made her move a little bit, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Unexpectedly ignoring Aunt Xu's presence, he lowered his head, opened his mouth to enclose her lips, and kissed her vigorously again.

"Um." Aunt Xu was stunned, even if she had been here, her old face would turn red when she first saw this scene.

Sure enough, the younger generation is formidable, a hundred times stronger than her old man back then.

She wanted to turn around and leave, let the young couple toss about, maybe they could really wake up the girl.

But as soon as he got up, he heard the voice of a woman screaming.

Aunt Xu's eyes widened in surprise.

Li Yan was even more excited about the fact that he woke up Li Man with a kiss, so he worked harder.

This was a pain for Li Man, who was already so anxious, but now she was so dazed by the kiss that she couldn't even breathe.

She whimpered in pain, and stretched out her hand to push him away, but she couldn't.

I can only curse in my heart, Li Yan, scoundrel, when I come back, I will bite you to death, bite...

"Li Yan, Man'er is moving." Seeing Li Yan's kiss was so devoted, Aunt Xu couldn't help stretching out her hand to pull him.

Startled, Li Yan raised his head quickly, and saw Li Man's thick eyelashes trembling slightly, his eyelids slightly opened, his lips moved slightly, and made a small sound.

He hurriedly put his ear on it, "Man'er, are you talking?"

"Bite, I'll kill you." Li Man was still immersed in annoyed emotions, and she didn't know what was in front of her eyes, so she opened her mouth and bit.

But Li Yan heard her words clearly, and was overjoyed, "Man'er, you're awake, you're really awake."

Knowing to bite her, it's great, his man'er is finally back.

Aunt Xu was so happy that she hurried to the kitchen and shouted loudly, "Man'er is awake."

In the kitchen, the sisters of the Li family were still sad, and they were a little silly to be yelled at by her.

Aunt Xu took one of them with each hand and dragged them out to have a look.

As soon as she went out, Li Xiangcao ran towards the corner of the house without being dragged by her.

Sure enough, looking at the little woman in Li Yan's arms, she opened her eyes and stared angrily.

"Man..." She was about to shout, when Li Yan freed up a hand and waved it at her secretly.

Li Xiangcao's progress stopped abruptly, and she stretched out her hands to stop Aunt Xu and Li Xiangyu who were following behind.

"I'm bad." Li Yan readily accepted Li Man's scolding of him as a badass as soon as he opened his eyes, and agreed with him tenderly and affectionately.

Li Man was still puzzled, when she thought that she was dying in a hurry, but he disappeared, her nose became sore again, and the circles of her eyes turned red.

"You only know you are bad now. I called you so many times, but you ignored me and bullied me—"

"Bullying?" Li Yan was suspicious.

Li Man said that she showed her mouth, her face flushed, she grabbed his hand and wanted to bite him again, but she felt dizzy as soon as she moved.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan's heart trembled in shock.

Li Man closed her eyes, and when the dizziness passed, Fang leaned into his arms and said weakly, "Hungry."


"I'm hungry, so hungry." I didn't feel it when I woke up, but after mentioning hunger, Li Man only felt that her stomach was empty, which made her feel uncomfortable.

She wants to eat.

She opened her beautiful big eyes and stared at him with weakness.

But he didn't know that the word "hungry" completely saved him.

As if his body had been injected with blood again, Li Yan was completely relieved, knowing that those who cried out for hunger would be fine.

Without waiting for him to speak, Li Xiangcao quickly agreed, "I'll go get ready."

"I'll go too." Aunt Xu couldn't bear to disturb the young couple, so she pulled Li Xiangyu tactfully and left together.

Li Xiangyu wanted to go up to ask a few questions, but thought that there were two fools upstairs who didn't know, so she left Aunt Xu, ran upstairs in a hurry, and knocked on the door of Li Hua's room.

"Li Hua, Xiao Wu,

Man'er is awake, come out quickly. "

In the room, the oil lamp was still lit, and there were two thick stacks of scriptures on the corner of the desk.

And those two people who were immersed in writing scriptures were still writing with their pens, reaching a state of ecstasy, completely ignoring the shouts from outside.

Seeing that knocking on the door didn't work, Li Xiangyu slapped on the window anxiously, her voice a little louder, "Li Hua, Xiao Wu, Man'er woke up. This time it's real."

However, no matter what she said, the people inside acted as if they didn't hear her.

Even, the two people in the room didn't even raise their heads, and they didn't exchange a glance with each other.

Li Xiangyu was extremely depressed, but fortunately, when Li Man woke up, her nephews would be saved.

So, she ran downstairs in a hurry, found Li Man, and despite Li Yan's obstruction, she yelled full of pleading.

"Man'er, please do me a favor, hurry up and save Li Hua and Xiao Wu."

"What's wrong with them?" Li Man felt better after only drinking two sips of water, but she still didn't have much strength.

However, Li Yan said she was in a coma for five days.

She thought that was probably the reason.

She wanted to go to see the child right away, but Li Yan said that she just woke up, so she shouldn't get too excited, after eating, take her time to see the child.

She had no choice but to agree, to be honest, she had no strength in her body.

But when Li Xiangyu asked her to save Li Hua and Xiao Wu, her pitiful tone really shocked her.

"What happened to them?" Li Man asked anxiously.

Li Xiangyu hurriedly said, "They have locked themselves in the room to copy the scriptures. It has been several days. They have not eaten or drunk, and have never come out. No matter how I call, no one agrees. I am afraid that something will happen to them inside. "

Li Man looked at Li Yan eagerly, "Take me to have a look."

"Yeah." Li Yan was also worried.

In the past few days, because of Liman's matter, he has been anxious, and he has no intention of paying attention to other brothers' affairs, but he knows others.

He is like this, and the other brothers will not be better than him.

Hearing what Li Xiangyu said, he quickly picked up Li Man and went upstairs.

Li Xiangyu hurriedly followed behind.

Upstairs, Li Xiangyu slammed the door with his fist, "Li Hua, Xiaowu, Man'er is here."

"Fourth brother, little five." Li Yan also shouted hoarsely.

But there was still no movement in the room.

Li Man became anxious, "Li Yan, if you let me down, wouldn't you know how to open the door?"

In the past, whenever she fastened the door bolt from the inside, he could easily come in in the middle of the night.

She believed in this door, it couldn't stop him at all.

However, what she didn't know was that even though her voice was weak and slight, it was like a magic spell that shocked the two people in the room when it hit directly.

Almost subconsciously, he threw away the pen in his hand, and Li Hua turned and rushed towards the door. Due to his excitement, he pulled the door bolt with his hand and succeeded several times.

As soon as the door was opened, Li Man's fair and beautiful face came into view.

Li Hua's eyes became hot, and she rushed over, and hugged Li Man in Li Yan's arms.

And at the door, Xiao Wu who rushed over stood there in a daze, staring at Li Man for a moment, hesitating for a while, stepped forward, and in the gap between the second brother and the fourth brother, he gently grabbed Li Man with one hand. Li Man's arm.

Li Man was stunned.

If she just opened her eyes and saw Li Yan's haggard bloodshot eyes, she still thought he was such an overdone...

Although later, she knew that it was because of taking care of herself for the past five days.

But now, seeing Li Hua and Xiao Wu, two people who used to be as clear as clouds in the sky, turned out to be sloppy like beggars outside, I couldn't help but feel sour.

"You guys, why are you so stupid?"

Copy the scriptures, don't you eat, drink, and sleep?

Look at the two of them, there is ink on their faces and clothes, sunken cheeks, and red and swollen eyes.

No need to guess, she can imagine how they lived these days.

"Man'er, are you really awake?" Burying his face on her shoulder, breathing in the smell of her body, Li Hua suddenly felt that this was the best smell in the world, and he might have been obsessed with it all his life. I can't bear it anymore.

"Well, I made you worry." Li Man's nose was also sour. She never thought that she had been unconscious for the past few days, and these brothers became like this.

However, the figures of the other two flashed across his mind, and Li Man suddenly asked excitedly.

"Where's Big Brother and Li Shu?"

Li Shu is impulsive, and Li Mo, even though he is usually silent, if he does things impulsively, it is amazing enough.

Everyone remembered those two.

Li Xiangyu's eyes turned red, "I've been in the mountain for several days, and I haven't come down."

"Ah?" Li Man's heart sank, and she was about to ask what was going on, when she heard Li Xiangcao's surprised voice from downstairs.

"Li Mo, Li Shu, you are finally back. Man'er is awake, awake."

"Brother, my daughter-in-law is awake, and your dream really came true." Li Shu put down his business excitedly, and ran directly upstairs.

Li Mo was stunned, looking at Li Xiangcao, his lips trembling slightly, but he didn't say a word.

Li Xiangcao stood at the door of the kitchen and said with a smile, "It's true, I just woke up not long ago, go and see me soon."

"Yeah." Li Mo clenched his hands involuntarily, turned around, and strode towards the main room. He didn't know if he was in a hurry or his legs were cramped. When he went up the stairs, he almost fell several times.

Upstairs, Li Man, who was already surrounded by three men, had another one beside him.

It's just that Li Shu couldn't squeeze into this circle, relying on his height, standing behind Xiao Wu, he even circled him into his arms.

He was terribly wronged, these days, in the mountains, he couldn't eat or sleep, and wanted to come back to see his wife, but the eldest brother insisted that he couldn't go back until he found the divine grass.

He had to bear it, and he was going crazy.

"Daughter-in-law, I miss you."

Unlike the others, Li Shu was the type to speak whenever he had something to say, and he was afraid that Li Man would not understand, so he reached out and gestured at his heart.

"Here, it hurts like a knife cut every day. Woohoo, daughter-in-law, you don't know, you scared us that day. And that old man, why did you say that you had some kind of dementia disease? , Said that I would never come back for the rest of my life. Daughter-in-law, if you don’t come back, what will I do? Where can I find you? "

His voice was also hoarse, maybe because he was too excited, what he said was a little vague, but Li Man felt that every word was deeply burned in his heart.

She reached out and gently stroked Li Shu's arm, her eyes slowly swept across everyone's faces, and slowly fell on Li Mo at the top of the stairs.

My heart is even more astringent.

Was she really in a coma for five days? Why do they feel like they haven't seen each other for five years?

Vicissitudes and haggardness, especially Li Mo's bearded face, this is the first time she has seen him.

His eyes were swollen, and his eye circles couldn't help turning red, "What are you all doing?"

In such a short time, each of them seemed to have come back from hell.

Fortunately she came back, if not, what would they do?

Li Man didn't dare to think about it.

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